- Sep 2024
Gemignani, Michael C. Elementary Topology. 2nd ed. Addison-Wesley Series in Mathematics. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1971.
- Aug 2024
www.swissre.com www.swissre.com
for - planetary emergency - economic cost of nature - from an insurance perspective - natural capital valuation - from insurance industry perspective - biodiversity - natural capital valuation - from insurance industry perspective - Swiss RE - Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (BES) metric - from insurance industry perspective
- planetary emergency - economic cost of nature - from an insurance perspective
- Swiss RE - Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (BES) metric - from insurance industry perspective
- natural capital valuation - from insurance industry perspective
- biodiversity - natural capital valuation - from insurance industry perspective
you can measure data but you cannot measure having an idea you cannot measure Innovation you cannot measure knowledge there's no metric there is no quantifiable scale for knowledge or having an idea you cannot say one meter of knowledge one kilogram of idea
for - comparison - data vs ideas - no metric for ideas
- Feb 2024
www.metric-conversions.org www.metric-conversions.org
Metric conversion charts and calculators for metric conversions
- Dec 2023
Blurring the barline: metric displacement in the piano solos of herbie hancock Waters, Keith 1996
- Sep 2023
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Die Biden-Administration hat alle amerikanischen Bundesbehörden angewiesen, bei allen Projekten die Kosten, die durch die globale Erhitzung verursacht werden, mit zu budgetieren. Damit wird eine bisher schon von der Umweltbehörde EPA verwendete Metrik der "social costs of carbon" auf die gesamte Regierungstätigkeit ausgeweitet.Mit einem Budget von ungefähr 600 Milliarden Dollar im Jahr ist die amerikanische Bundesregierung der größte Verbraucher von Gütern und Dienstleistungenn in der Welt. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/21/climate/biden-climate-change-economic-cost.html
- Jun 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
The presence of chromaticism is integral to the structure of bebop melodies. Some of thechromatic additions, such as the metrically accented C≥5s in mm. 2, 6, 26, and 30, makesubtle references to the blues
metric displacement
Chapter 26 provides an analysis of Lennie Tristano’s “Line Up.” Based on this analysis,specific elements of his style of improvisation are codified
no note: break up tristano style into atomic jazz style elements
- metric-displacement
- metric-displacement-piece
- playing-outside
- rhythmic-displacement
- blues-characteristics
- source:terefenko
- articulation
- neighbour-figures
- melody-compound/polyphonic
- motivic-parallelism
- metric-accentuation-of-chromaticism
- phrase-displacement
- jse-mel-tristano-style-?
- chromaticism
- sidesteppings
- tristano-style
- bebop-chromaticism
- melodic-interpolation
- accentuation
- line-up
docdrop.org docdrop.orgUntitled1
These jazz and fusion influences were especially instrumental in generating theclimax waves in my symphony. All of them are achieved by means of setting a metric groove withthe help of syncopation and cross-rhythms.
jazz style-elements in nikolsky's organ symphony
- Feb 2023
www.davidsbatista.net www.davidsbatista.net
Note you can find the complete code for this blog post on this repository:
Another implementation here
- Aug 2022
rt.live rt.live
Rt COVID-19. (n.d.). Retrieved January 10, 2022, from https://rt.live/
- Sep 2021
blogs.dickinson.edu blogs.dickinson.edu
Final lines of every stanza is a trimeter, which seems relatively shorter than the preceding lines of penta- and tetrameter. This differentiation creates an unusual and unexpected rhythms and draws readers attention to this final line, which contains the major (sole) motive of author for writing this poem, love.
Metric pattern of The Canonization is:
- Pentameter
- Tetrameter
- Pentameter
- Pentameter
- Tetrameter
- Tetrameter
- Pentameter
- Tetrameter
- Trimeter
However, this pattern is not strictly kept throughout the poem. Since this poem is written in a conversational style between the speaker and his unknown (unseen) provoker, a certain degree of flexibility is accepted to make the poem sound like a natural conversation. For the same reason, there isn't a universal stress pattern in this poem. (Though one might read it in a iambic (da/DUM) rhythm, it would sound very unnatural in some line)
baileylineroad.com baileylineroad.com
Cut a dado groove with a 3/4” diameter router bit and you’ll almost certainly have a too-loose joint when you try to plug some 3/4” plywood in place. Under the guise of metrification, sheet material thicknesses have all shrank enough to cause problems with joinery if you rely on the old, Imperial thickness designations. And besides, material thickness varies enough from sheet to sheet that it can make a difference when it comes to prominent joinery. This is even true in the USA that still uses Imperial more or less exclusively. Sheet goods remain thinner than their name specifies.
- Apr 2021
twitter.com twitter.com
(20) ReconfigBehSci on Twitter: ‘RT @seabbs: A nice insight piece from @RTI_Intl about lessons learnt estimating Rt for #covid19. Https://t.co/1jWzGuU61z Helpful to read…’ / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved 21 April 2021, from https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1384410143937466368
- Mar 2021
asia.nikkei.com asia.nikkei.com
The Indonesian government should study and follow the DORA recommendation. By moving away from pushing academics to chase journal-based scores and creating a meaningful way to evaluate research, Indonesia will have a better chance of genuinely building and strengthening its research sector and take an active part in advancing science and providing solutions.
ini bukan masalah sulit atau mudah tapi masalah mau atau tidak mau. tentunya perlu ada upaya kreatif untuk dapat menggunakan metrik dengan bertanggungjawab (responsible metric).
twitter.com twitter.com
OC. (2021, January 22). Leadership. One of the most important and non-trivial steps taken by @JoeBiden is the decision to prioritize the protection of those at the highest risk. In Israel, our analysis shows that municipalities at low SES have the lowest rates of vaccination of at-risk populations.1/4 https://t.co/1aiqymQlMQ [Tweet]. @MDCaspi. https://twitter.com/MDCaspi/status/1352590064900038662
- lower socio-economic status
- infections
- policy makers
- data
- reduction
- elders
- healthcare
- leadership
- metric
- COVID-19
- pandemic
- Israel
- vulnerable
- rates
- accurate
- policy experts
- vaccination
- high risk
- education
- lang:en
- data scientists
- municipalities
- vaccine
- is:tweet
- transparency
- virus cases
- Jun 2020
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Antonakis, J., Bastardoz, N., & Jacquart, P. (2020). In praise of the impact factor [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/h4p9e
www.thelancet.com www.thelancet.com
Ioannidis, J. P. A., Greenland, S., Hlatky, M. A., Khoury, M. J., Macleod, M. R., Moher, D., Schulz, K. F., & Tibshirani, R. (2014). Increasing value and reducing waste in research design, conduct, and analysis. The Lancet, 383(9912), 166–175. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(13)62227-8
- Jun 2018
www.escienceediting.org www.escienceediting.org
Citation frequency may reflect a journal’s value, authority, and use.
Sepertinya ini berkebalikan dengan bagian lain dari artikel ini yang menyebutkan bahwa jumlah sitasi sangat rawan dan mudah untuk "dimainkan". Sitasi adalah hanya masalah seseorang, menuliskan artikelnya (baik milik orang lain atau miliknya sendiri) ke dalam Daftar Pustaka. Bagaimana mekanisme penghitungan metrik seperti ini dapat digunakan untuk menilai kualitas karya atau kepakaran seseorang secara langsung?
Citation performance of Indonesian scholarly journals indexed in Scopus from Scopus and Google Scholar
Salam dan terima kasih untuk Tim Penulis.
Secara umum artikel ini patut dihargai, karena penulis telah meluangkan waktu dan tenaga untuk menuangkan hasil penjaringan informasi sitasi dari Google Scholar (GS) dan Scopus yang telah diagregasi SINTA.
Artikel ini bersifat deskriptif, yang mana artikel jenis ini sering terlupakan, padahal fakta-fakta menarik akan muncul setelah data dan grafik terpampang rapih dalam bentuk artikel. Semoga artikel ini dapat menggugah banyak pendapat yang bersifat argumentatif yang kemudian dapat melahirkan artikel-artikel baru.
Perkenankan saya meninggalkan beberapa catatan untuk artikel ibu dan bapak ini.
- Jul 2017
storage.googleapis.com storage.googleapis.com
Metric for "social validation" that perhaps can be used to measure whether a standard has been "adopted by the community>
- Jan 2014
www.yale.edu www.yale.edu
This suggests that peer production will thrive where projects have three characteristi cs
If thriving is a metric (is it measurable? too subjective?) of success then the 3 characteristics it must have are:
- modularity: divisible into components
- granularity: fine-grained modularity
- integrability: low-cost integration of contributions
I don't dispute that these characteristics are needed, but they are too general to be helpful, so I propose that we look at these three characteristics through the lens of the type of contributor we are seeking to motivate.
How do these characteristics inform what we should focus on to remove barriers to collaboration for each of these contributor-types?
Below I've made up a rough list of lenses. Maybe you have links or references that have already made these classifications better than I have... if so, share them!
Roughly here are the classifications of the types of relationships to open source projects that I commonly see:
core developers: either hired by a company, foundation, or some entity to work on the project. These people care most about integrability.
ecosystem contributors: someone either self-motivated or who receives a reward via some mechanism outside the institution that funds the core developers (e.g. reputation, portfolio for future job prospects, tools and platforms that support a consulting business, etc). These people care most about modularity.
feature-driven contributors: The project is useful out-of-the-box for these people and rather than build their own tool from scratch they see that it is possible for the tool to work they way they want by merely contributing code or at least a feature-request based on their idea. These people care most about granularity.
The above lenses fit the characteristics outlined in the article, but below are other contributor-types that don't directly care about these characteristics.
the funder: a company, foundation, crowd, or some other funding body that directly funds the core developers to work on the project for hire.
consumer contributors: This class of people might not even be aware that they are contributors, but simply using the project returns direct benefits through logs and other instrumented uses of the tool to generate data that can be used to improve the project.
knowledge-driven contributors: These contributors are most likely closest to the ecosystem contributors, maybe even a sub-species of those, that contribute to documentation and learning the system; they may be less-skilled at coding, but still serve a valuable part of the community even if they are not committing to the core code base.
failure-driven contributors: A primary source of bug reports and may also be any one of the other lenses.
What other lenses might be useful to look through? What characteristics are we missing? How can we reduce barriers to contribution for each of these contributor types?
I feel that there are plenty of motivations... but what barriers exist and what motivations are sufficient for enough people to be willing to surmount those barriers? I think it may be easier to focus on the barriers to make contributing less painful for the already-convinced, than to think about the motivators for those needing to be convinced-- I think the consumer contributors are some of the very best suited to convince the unconvinced; our job should be to remove the barriers for people at each stage of community we are trying to build.
A note to the awesome folks at Hypothes.is who are reading our consumer contributions... given the current state of the hypothes.is project, what class of contributors are you most in need of?