14 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2024
    1. What follows is a list of forums that range from at least interesting to good. I will attempt to contextualize the ones I know well. This post is by no means supposed to be complete and will be updated whenever I find more good forums.

      Digital public service - thank you!!

  2. Sep 2024
  3. May 2024
    1. with higher levels of social presence in discussion postshad statistically significantly higher ratings on written assessmentmeasures. Both of the studies demonstrate that increased socialpresence gives students a stronger sense of community and is ef-fective for improving student learning

      or maybe they are just more engaged with the course, they are putting more into the course.

    2. This suggests that students do not view onlinediscussion forums as equivalent to in-class interactions.

      discussion forums

  4. Jan 2023
    1. 个人学习可能取决于他人行为的主张突出了将学习环境视为一个涉及多个互动参与者的系统的重要性
  5. May 2021
  6. Sep 2019
    1. moderating discussion forums

      I don't know if I would consider this a routine task considering the amount of facilitation a good discussion often requires. Perhaps moderating a forum related to routine support questions where the questions might be "when is my term paper due", or "how do I access the course syllabus" could be routine posts in a discussion forum. But when you get into forums where learner discourse is key to the learning process, the moderating is not routine, or that moderating is even the right word to use to frame those discussions as these types of discussion forums often require a facilitator, not a moderator.

  7. Aug 2018
    1. in the forum, we talk about what we decide to talk about, but in the blog, each student can talk about whatever he or she individually wants to talk about.

      This is really worth thinking about. Which virtual spaces are "my space" and which are "our space?" How do they relate and affect group dialogue and individual learning?

      I wish I had a better sense how a multiauthor "class blog" fits into this framework.

    2. The forum was the voice of the group.
  8. Jan 2018
    1. While a traditional discussion forum is separated from the objects being discussed, a more powerful discourse environment is able to incorporate various web objects into discourse to maintain its contexts.

      Same could be said for page bottom comments in online newspapers/magazines.

    2. self-organization of discourse participants around ideas

      This authentic discourse is definitely better achieved via annotation in which students self-select passages to annotate and annotations to reply to.

  9. Sep 2017
    1. Do digital communities foster homogeneity between individuals that would not normally see each other as having commonality? Are they able to form bonds that they value for some amount of reciprocity?

      Could you detect this in a discussion forum? How could you define homogeneity in a way that could be measured via discussion?

  10. Apr 2016