- Jul 2024
www.caspa.ai www.caspa.ai
- Jun 2024
by 2027 rather than a chatbot you're going to have something that looks more like an agent and more like a coworker
for - AI evolution - prediction - 2027 - AI agent will replace AI chatbot
- May 2024
www.thelancet.com www.thelancet.com
Degrowth Declaration
for - critique - Degrowth - suggestion - replace degrowth with - rebalance critique - Degrowth Declaration - There has been a number of critiques of the terminology of "degrowth" as the prefix "de" is associated with "taking away". - The words "grow" and its derivatives such as "growing", "growth" all usually have good connotations such as "growing up", "growing children", "growing food", "growing knowledge"
suggestion - replace degrowth with rebalance - Perhaps a better word to use to describe the transition we must undertake is "rebalance". - This word suggests that our world is out-of-balance with too much excess in some araea and too much defficiency in others
- Dec 2023
sonec.org sonec.org
for: recommendation - replace SDG with downscaled earth system boundaries / doughnut economics
- recommend syncing local actions to global impacts via downscaled earth system boundaries instead of just SDGs due to the urgent nature of the climate crisis
- Sep 2022
mirrors.edge.kernel.org mirrors.edge.kernel.org
If you want to replace many blobs, trees or commits that are part of a string of commits, you may just want to create a replacement string of commits and then only replace the commit at the tip of the target string of commits with the commit at the tip of the replacement string of commits.
git.wiki.kernel.org git.wiki.kernel.org
As of Git 1.6.5, the more flexible git replace has been added, which allows you to replace any object with any other object, and tracks the associations via refs which can be pushed and pulled between repos.
- Jul 2022
appops.org appops.orgAppOps4
Easy to build microServices that perform.
Reduced dev and maintenance time
Better code / product ownership through small and nimble teams that own your services and apps
reduced code size
Easy and type safe configurations
How to use ? - replace with How to's ?
Eclipse or any other Java / maven IDE
What is AppOps ?
About AppOps
- Apr 2022
Yeshiva teaching in the modern period famously relied on memorization of the most important texts, but a few medieval Hebrew manu-scripts from the twelfth or thirteenth centuries include examples of alphabetical lists of words with the biblical phrases in which they occurred, but without pre-cise locations in the Bible—presumably because the learned would know them.
Prior to concordances of the Christian Bible there are examples of Hebrew manuscripts in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries that have lists of words and sentences or phrases in which they occurred. They didn't include exact locations with the presumption being that most scholars would know the texts well enough to quickly find them based on the phrases used.
Early concordances were later made unnecessary as tools as digital search could dramatically decrease the load. However these tools might miss the value found in the serendipity of searching through broad word lists.
Has anyone made a concordance search and display tool to automatically generate concordances of any particular texts? Do professional indexers use these? What might be the implications of overlapping concordances of seminal texts within the corpus linguistics space?
Fun tools like the Bible Munger now exist to play around with find and replace functionality. https://biblemunger.micahrl.com/munge
Online tools also have multi-translation versions that will show translational differences between the seemingly ever-growing number of English translations of the Bible.
- Aug 2021
jacobfilipp.com jacobfilipp.com
or email me at “j@thisdomain”
- Jul 2021
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
Ebooks don’t have those limitations, both because of how readily new editions can be created and how simple it is to push “updates” to existing editions after the fact. Consider the experience of Philip Howard, who sat down to read a printed edition of War and Peace in 2010. Halfway through reading the brick-size tome, he purchased a 99-cent electronic edition for his Nook e-reader:As I was reading, I came across this sentence: “It was as if a light had been Nookd in a carved and painted lantern …” Thinking this was simply a glitch in the software, I ignored the intrusive word and continued reading. Some pages later I encountered the rogue word again. With my third encounter I decided to retrieve my hard cover book and find the original (well, the translated) text. For the sentence above I discovered this genuine translation: “It was as if a light had been kindled in a carved and painted lantern …”A search of this Nook version of the book confirmed it: Every instance of the word kindle had been replaced by nook, in perhaps an attempt to alter a previously made Kindle version of the book for Nook use. Here are some screenshots I took at the time:It is only a matter of time before the retroactive malleability of these forms of publishing becomes a new area of pressure and regulation for content censorship. If a book contains a passage that someone believes to be defamatory, the aggrieved person can sue over it—and receive monetary damages if they’re right. Rarely is the book’s existence itself called into question, if only because of the difficulty of putting the cat back into the bag after publishing.
This story of find and replace has chilling future potential. What if a dictatorial government doesn't like your content. It can be all to easy to remove the digital versions and replace them whole hog for "approved" ones.
Where does democracy live in such a world? Consider similar instances when the Trump administration forced the disappearance of government websites and data.
- May 2021
github.com github.com
[Old commit references] Provide a way for users to use old commit IDs with the new repository (in particular via mapping from old to new hashes with refs/replace/ references).
- Jan 2021
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
After command, then we need to first reset the command withAfter= and then add our commands.
- Dec 2020
- Oct 2020
tidyr.tidyverse.org tidyr.tidyverse.org
dplyr::coalesce() to replaces NAs with values from other vectors.
- Sep 2020
tao.lifeitself.us tao.lifeitself.us
at least once a month prior to or just after a communal meal (the first communal meal of the month).
REPLACE WITH: on a regular basis (once a month/bi-monthly), or when the situation necessitates it.
We have a cleaning rota, and
REPLACE WITH: The hubresidents agree on a suitable cleaning rota, apply it, and improve it if it doesn't work well. An example could be that