27 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
    1. there 00:40:08 are many hundreds of thousands now and their uh their rights are being threatened of course not that any of them are inviting the Kremlin to come in and save them but we kind of know how this 00:40:19 works

      for - geopolitics - Russian play book for political takeover

      geopolitics - Russian playbook for political takeover of ex- Soviet satellite countries - claim that Russian citizens are being threatened - send Putin loyalists into the local government - have fake referendum and rigged elections - install Putin loyalists to take over the country

  2. Jul 2023
    1. As socialist realism was imposed on Soviet writers, one form of permissible resistance, of finding an inner freedom, was to read translations of foreign writers. No private library was complete without Hemingway, Faulkner, London, Fitzgerald, Steinbeck, Salinger—all officially permitted as “progressive writers” exposing the “ulcers of the capitalist world.”
  3. Mar 2023
  4. Dec 2022
    1. n the political aftermath of the tragedy at Chernobyl, the failure to inform its citizens served to expose the hubris of the Soviet State

      It's the hubris of the #West to neglect that the capitalist Japan 25 years later would cripple transparency and honesty much further than Soviets had done. Eventually we learned everything about the accident 2 years later, whil it took 8 years for Fukoshima to admit they had been consciously hiding the fact that cores had melted.

  5. Nov 2022
    1. το 1945, σε δημοσκόπηση που πραγματοποιήθηκε στη Γαλλία, το 57% των ερωτηθέντων πίστευε πως η Σοβιετική Ένωση είχε τον πιο καθοριστικό ρόλο στην νίκη του ναζισμού, ποσοστό που μειώθηκε το 1994 στο 25% και στο 23% το 2015, ενώ αντίστοιχα αυξήθηκε σημαντικά το ποσοστό των ΗΠΑ – από 20% το 1945 σε 54% το 2015 (Πηγή: δημοσκοπήσεις IFOP 1945, 1994, 2004, 2015).

      Stillpeople do not know what Putin wrote about WWII.

  6. Apr 2022
    1. Oh, they are welcome to my work. As a matter offact, the Editions Victor are bringing out my Jnvitation to aBeheading in a reprint of the original Russian of 1935, and a NewYork publisher (Phaedra) is printing my Russian translation ofLolita. 1 am sure the Soviet Government will be happy to admitofficially a novel that seems to contain a prophecy of Hitler’sregime, and a novel that condemns bitterly the American systemof motels.

      condemns bitterly the American system of motels


  7. Jan 2022
    1. Παρόμοια ΔΙΑΣΚΕΠ μπορούν να οδηγήσουν στον γνήσιο εκδημοκρατισμό του τοπίου των ΜΜΕ, επαναπροσδιορίζοντας τον τρόπο σύστασης του Εθνικού Συμβουλίου Ραδιοτηλεόρασης, με σύσταση του Συμβουλίου και ανάδειξη των μελών που θα αποσυνδεθεί από τη Βουλή και θα περάσει στη δικαιοδοσία των ΔΙΑΣΚΕΠ. Κοινωνικοποιώντας την ΕΡΤ, η οποία για να αποκτήσει πραγματικά δημόσιο χαρακτήρα, θα πρέπει να διοικείται από Διοικητικό Συμβούλιο, το οποίο θα εκλέγεται από το ΔΙΑΣΚΕΠ-ΜΜΕ και θα λογοδοτεί αποκλειστικά σε αυτό, χωρίς την κυβερνητική ποδηγέτηση. Περαιτέρω, θα χρειαστεί μία αναθεώρηση της σύμβασης με την Digea -Ψηφιακό Πάροχο Α.Ε. που αποτελεί μια ελληνική πατέντα συνδυασμού παρόχου δικτύου και παρόχου περιεχομένου.

      Σοβιετικής (με την κυριολεκτική εννοια) εμπνευσης το μοντελο του Μερα25 για την απαγκίστρωση των ΜΜΕ από τους Μεγάλους ιδιοκτήτες της χώρας, μπαβο!

  8. Oct 2021
  9. May 2021
    1. As Sirianni documents, in the first months of the revolution hundreds of firms were taken over spontaneously from below by groups of workers forming factory committees. But as he also documents, the Bolshevik leadership sought very strenuously to hold back and reverse this wave of spontaneous expropriations

      Interesting book of Carmen Siriani about the factory soviets.

    2. But the central claim here – that the old state was ‘smashed’ in 1917 and a new one based (however fleetingly) on soviet institutions set up in its place – is a myth.

      I kind of agree (it is a myth). The soviet experiment was mostly about the abolishment of private ownership of the means of production and the new human type not feed on selfishness.

    3. now renamed ‘commissariats’)

      What an irony, anti-communist EU is copying soviet terminology!

    4. Indeed, as T. H. Rigby demonstrates in his study of the formation of the ‘Soviet’ system of government in Russia

      Must be interesting study to read about soviet Russia.

    5. A later statement by Lenin from 1923 is quite instructive in this respect (and completely at odds with his earlier declaration): Our state apparatus, with the exception of the People’s Commissariat for Foreign Affairs, represents in the highest degree a hangover of the old one, subjected to only the slightest extent to any serious change.

      Lenin, right before he died was frank enough to state the fact that State was not abolished.

  10. Mar 2021
    1. To that end, the branding strategy I chose for our project was based on propaganda-themed art in a Constructivist / Futurist style highly reminiscent of Soviet propaganda posters.

      I love this esthetic myself.

  11. Feb 2021
    1. Kάποτε θα αρχίσουν να καταλαβαίνουν και οι κάτοικοι των ανατολικών χωρών ότι η πτώση του κομμουνισμού δεν «ασπρίζει» τον καπιταλισμό, ούτε τα προβλήματά του, ούτε τη μιζέρια που υπάρχει στις καπιταλιστικές χώρες,
    2. οι άνθρωποι θα εξακολουθούν να χρησιμοποιούν διάφορα επιχειρήματα, τα οποία ακούμε διαρκώς εδώ και μερικά χρόνια, ότι αν επιχειρήσει κανείς να αλλάξει αυτή τη φιλελεύθερη καπιταλιστική δημοκρατία, θα καταλήξει στο Γκουλάγκ, στη Σιβηρία κ.λπ.

      Castoriadis against the Gulags taboo used by Conservatives to claim TINA.

  12. Jun 2020
    1. I remember in the Master and Margarita, she makes him a hat that says "Master" on it. it seemed like a very strange thing to do, but maybe it was common practice to wear "master" badges and hats?

      Connection between Book's symbols and Soviet symbols of the era.

  13. Aug 2018
  14. May 2017
    1. proletarianise

      Proletarianization is the social process by which people move from being either the employer or self-employment to being employed as a wage laborer by an employer.

      Marx, Karl, and David McLellan. Karl Marx: selected writings. Oxford University Press, USA, 2000.

    2. offenses.

      These offenses included suspicion of treason intent on the part of couriers if they behaved with insufficient respect to the Tsar, to common crimes such as robbery or forgery. Some of the exiles were put to work on the land as state peasants, or employed as craftsmen in towns, but the majority were drafted into the ranks of the Cossacks.

      Forsyth, James. A history of the peoples of Siberia: Russia's north Asian colony, 1581-1990. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1992.

    3. economic planning regions

      The Soviet Union’s economy was one that was planned by leaders in the Party. The Gosplan was the agency that was responsible for the central economic planning in the Soviet Union. It was established in 1921 and did not have a large role at first. However, after the October Revolution and Russian Civil War, a large period of economic collapse occurred and a planned economy was necessary to stimulate the economy, increase productivity, and distribute necessary commodities. The Gosplan’s main task was to create and administer a series of 5-year plans that governed the economy of the USSR. The committee was disbanded in 1991 at the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

      Faulhaber, Gerald R., and David J. Farber. "Spectrum management: Property rights, markets, and the commons." Rethinking rights and regulations: institutional responses to new communication technologies (2003): 193-206.

  15. Apr 2017
    1. They have been taught the ways of a newly dead society,

      Education served as a hallmark policy of the Soviet region, who wished to most impact the lives of the northern peoples through the implementation of an education which would garner an understanding and appreciation for the socialist system under which they lived. Upon the dissolution of the Soviet Union, this appreciation would no longer serve a function, and created a sense of disillusionment among the Nenets.

      For more information on the details of Soviet initiatives during the intermediary period of rule (1937-1957), read chapter six of the below text:

      Terence Armstrong, The Russians in the Arctic: Aspects of Soviet Exploration and Exploitation of the Far North, 1937-1957 (Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press Publishers, 1972).

  16. Dec 2016
    1. Taliban, an Islamic fundamentalist group, seized control, later providing Osama bin Laden with a training base from which to launch terrorist operations worldwide.
    1. DRA's request, the Soviet Union brought forces into the country to aid the government from 1979.

      DRA requested help from Soviets.

    1. the Americans and Osama bin Laden had fought on the same side against the Soviets in Afghanistan — as if the Americans had somehow created the Bin Laden monster by providing arms and cash to the Arabs. The complex at Tora Bora where Qaeda members hid had been created with the help of the C.I.A. as a base for the Afghans fighting the Soviets.

      Americans almost sourced the terrorism with resources for the Afghans when they were fighting against Soviets. By giving resources to an 'ally' to fight against an enemy (the Soviets), the US funded another enemy.

  17. Aug 2016
    1. But second, a sense of what could have been. What if Stalin hadn’t murdered most of the competent people? What if entire fields of science hadn’t been banned for silly reasons? What if Kantorovich had been able to make the Soviet leadership base its economic planning around linear programming? How might history have turned out differently?

      I asked my brother, who writes about Soviet economics, whether he ever had this sense of sadness at what could have been. He responded that in his experience everyone who studies the period shares this feeling.

    2. First, amazement that the Soviet economy got as far as it did, given how incredibly screwed up it was.

      I feel this.