- Dec 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
we can't talk about social change unless we have a conversation about philanthropy, which is the upstream driver of who's doing what. Who's getting paid for social change work? How are they funded? Who's working for that organization, the efficacy of that organization, etc., etc..
for - adjacency - philanthropy is the upstream driver of - social change - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023
- Oct 2024
www.derstandard.at www.derstandard.at
Viele CO2-Kompensationsgeschäfte mit chinesischen Firmen, die Bestätigungen für angebliche „upstream emission reduction“ anbieten, sind vermutlich betrügerisch. Durch die Anrechnung solcher angeblicher Reduktionen haben österreichische Firmen wie die OMV, Shell Austria und MOL Austria versucht, den vorgeschriebenen Anteil von 13% erneuerbare Energie in ihren Produkten zu erreichen. Die Staatsanwaltschaft hat eine entsprechende Anzeige des österreichischen Klimaschutzministeriums bisher nicht weiter verfolgt, die beweislage ist aber deutlich. https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000239520/millionen-betrugsverdacht-rund-um-co2-ausgleichsgeschaefte-mit-china-weitet-sich-aus
- Sep 2024
It's a fork of Memery gem. Original Memery uses prepend Module.new with memoized methods, not touching original ones. This approach has advantages, but also has problems, see discussion here: tycooon#1
- Jun 2024
github.com github.com
(If you are a representative of an upstream for which there exists an image and you would like to get involved, please see the Maintainership section below!)
we strive to heed upstream's recommendations on how they intend for their software to be consumed.
- Dec 2023
gitlab.com gitlab.com
Enable ActiveRecord unsigned integers to use 8 bytes instead of 4. This fixes the ActiveModel::RangeError problem where AR models with perfectly fine 8 bytes primary keys are taken for ActiveModel::Type::Integer with a default limit of 4 bytes.
- Nov 2022
github.com github.com
Version bumps and security fixes should be attended to in a timely manner.
If you do not represent upstream and upstream becomes interested in maintaining the image, steps should be taken to ensure a smooth transition of image maintainership over to upstream.
- May 2022
Downstream: In IT, "downstream" refers to the transmission of data to an end user or toward an end user from a central server or point of origin. This is in contrast to upstream transmissions, which move from the end user to the central repository. The terms "uploads" and "downloads" are often used to refer to upstream and downstream ...
- Mar 2022
github.com github.com
Rails 7 supports Postgres enums natively (more info)
- Sep 2021
spin.atomicobject.com spin.atomicobject.com
This is no different from other popular libraries or frameworks making huge architectural changes (think React 16.8 with hooks or Python 3). The longer you wait to make the switch, the more painful it will be for your project when you finally do. And in the meantime, you’ll be missing out on valuable improvements to a fundamental part of the workflow of every single project you work on.
- Mar 2021
askubuntu.com askubuntu.com
Now, if you also want deskopen to pass through any command-line parameters, you can instead use this slightly-modified version: #!/bin/sh desktop_file=$1 shift `grep '^Exec' "${desktop_file}" | sed 's/^Exec=//' | sed 's/%.//'` "$@" &
unix.stackexchange.com unix.stackexchange.com
A solution is almost indicated in the question: hinder xdg-open from choosing exo-open. A brute-force approach is to copy /usr/bin/xdg-open to /usr/local/bin (/usr/local/bin is earlier in PATH unless PATH has been modified) and to patch it to use open_generic instead of exo_open (unlike the XFCE4-specific exo-open, open_generic does honor xdg mime types)
www.chevtek.io www.chevtek.io
For one, anyone using this module would automatically benefit from any future performance improvements without having to do anything themselves.
- Feb 2021
github.com github.com
Keeping bootstrap-sass in sync with upstream changes from Bootstrap used to be an error prone and time consuming manual process. With Bootstrap 3 we have introduced a converter that automates this.
github.com github.com
Fork rails, add github.com/georgebrock/rails as a remote, merge this branch into rails/4.0.2 (the tag), and then use your fork of Rails: gem 'rails', github: 'yourusername/rails'
- Jan 2021
forums.theregister.com forums.theregister.com
Hey, Mint, team! Switch your upstream to Devuan. Because every week, I'm thinking about switching directly there myself...
- Dec 2020
www.npmjs.com www.npmjs.com
No more waiting around for pull requests to be merged and published. No more forking repos just to fix that one tiny thing preventing your app from working.
This could be both good and bad.
potential downside: If people only fix things locally, then they may be less inclined/likely to actually/also submit a merge request, and therefore it may be less likely that this actually (ever) gets fixed upstream. Which is kind of ironic, considering the stated goal "No more waiting around for pull requests to be merged and published." But if this obviates the need to create a pull request (does it), then this could backfire / work against that goal.
Requiring someone to fork a repo and push up a fix commit -- although a little extra work compared to just fixing locally -- is actually a good thing overall, for the community/ecosystem.
Ah, good, I see they touched on some of these points in the sections:
- Benefits of patching over forking
- When to fork instead
- Nov 2020
github.com github.com
You can also see this repo: default-passive-events.
github.com github.com
This is not an MDC Web component. It is an addition that SMUI provides.
- Jul 2020
github.com github.com
Problem is, everyone's busy, so it can be days or even weeks before even a small PR is merged. So I'm stashing my stuff here as I write it. I'll still try to keep the PRs in motion, to gradually get some of this merged.
- Apr 2020
www.benjaminfleischer.com www.benjaminfleischer.com
In particular, I, quite accidentally, became a maintainer of ActsAsTaggableOn, a Rails tagging engine, after bumping a long-stale, minor, pull-request I had written.
in order to track the always-improving upstream project, we continuously rebase our patches on top of the upstream master
Our hope is that once a formal specification for these extensions is settled, this patchset can be used as a base to upstream the changes in the original project.
What does "can be used as a base to upstream the changes in the original project" mean here?
wordpress.org wordpress.org
Automattic uses WordPress to power WordPress.com, and it contributes back code and time to the WordPress project. It is a symbiotic relationship. It isn’t accurate to say that WordPress is Automattic’s product, or that WordPress came from Automattic. Indeed, the opposite is true — Automattic came from WordPress, and Automattic (through WordPress.com) exists as part of the vast WordPress community and ecosystem.
That's probably a common misconception. I'm glad they clarified that because I might have assumed that as well:
It isn’t accurate to say that WordPress is Automattic’s product, or that WordPress came from Automattic. Indeed, the opposite is true — Automattic came from WordPress, and Automattic (through WordPress.com) exists as part of the vast WordPress community and ecosystem.
- Sep 2019
github.com github.com
This version of Field is a thin wrapper over the official Field component, and the only Field API that this library uses/overrides is the field-level validate prop, so even if you are using this library's Field component, you will still get improvements as features are added to the React Final Form library in the future.
- Aug 2019
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
I've forked the project and made a substantial extension. I think is ready to merge back. But (appropriately) its the project owner who gets to make that call not me. And it's now been several weeks without reply.
- Feb 2017
wiki.ubuntu.com wiki.ubuntu.com
select proprietary or out-of-tree modules (ex. vitualbox, nvidia, fglrx, bcmwl, etc.)
If anyone is wondering what other modules they refer to, or how to discover any on your own system, this StackExchange thread on how to identify out-of-tree modules might help.
- Nov 2015
www.coglib.com www.coglib.com
effectively contribute and participate in upstream projects
If anything is missing with regards to open source within companies (of all sizes), it's this situation.
Teaching "companies" (or rather the entire management stack/chain) how to "effectively contribute and participate in upstream projects" could change the game for those companies, the projects they interface with, and certainly for the developers (inside and outside of the companies).