- Aug 2021
www.modelteaching.com www.modelteaching.com
www.understood.org www.understood.org
- Jun 2021
writeonwithmissg.com writeonwithmissg.com
Syllabus and tone of class
www.cultofpedagogy.com www.cultofpedagogy.com
Getting to know students
www.teachthought.com www.teachthought.com
Getting to know students
- Feb 2020
- Sep 2019
brandonsanderson.com brandonsanderson.com
brandonsanderson.com brandonsanderson.com
writing.stackexchange.com writing.stackexchange.com
www.barnesandnoble.com www.barnesandnoble.com
On naming fantasy characters
- Feb 2018
muse-jhu-edu.ezproxy2.library.colostate.edu muse-jhu-edu.ezproxy2.library.colostate.edupdf1
eds.b.ebscohost.com.ezproxy2.library.colostate.edu eds.b.ebscohost.com.ezproxy2.library.colostate.edu
- Nov 2017
www.complex.com www.complex.com
2010s: Bespoke/Craft
2010s: Bespoke/Craft
Key themes: Handmade, refurbished, industrial, raw
With the rise of Etsy and the interest in craftsmanship, the trends of today are centered on the handmade and the authentic. Revitalizing, renewing, and reusing vintage pieces is the new norm. An eclectic décor, as long as everything is well-made and authentic, is in fashion
2000s: Green/Sustainable
2000s: Green/Sustainable
Key themes: Reduced carbon emissions, recycled wood, paper, steel/natural colors, up-cycling
At the turn of the Millennium, consumers became more environmentally conscious and sought out designers that minimized the negative environmental impact. Sustainable architecture and automotive design became part of the norm, using a conscious approach to energy and conservation.
1990s: Minimalism
1990s: Minimalism
Key themes: Beige, overstuffed furniture, tech-centric/durable
The overload, ornamentation, and audaciousness of the ’80s forced the ’90s consumer to retreat into a more minimalistic and basic style: interiors and objects were toned down, minimal, and soothing.
1980s: Memphis/Postmodernism
1980s: Memphis/Postmodernism
Key themes: Graphic primary triad patterns, grids, triangles, squiggles/metal, gold, enamel
Postmodernism began as an international style in the 1950s but didn’t become a full-blown movement until the late-1970s. The style was a reaction to the saturation of Modernism in design—it was said to be heralded by the return of “wit, ornament, and reference” to architecture. The identifying concepts of the trend are where styles collide, colors and materials follow no set guidelines, and form is created for its own sake, not for function. The era’s opulence, over-indulgence, and overpriced designs are apparent in architecture, automotive design, and product design.
Memphis was a very particular sect of Postmodernism. The crux of the trend was to melt styles, shapes, colors, and materials in a way that was unencumbered by design rules.
1970s: Back-to-Nature/Hippie
1970s: Back-to-Nature/Hippie
Key themes: Craft revival, terracotta, wood/orange, gold, avocado green
The ’70s were a time of rejection and rebirth for the socially conscious. The over-materialism and consumerism of decades prior positioned the era as a time to get back to nature and to embrace the environment. The social ideals of the day manifested themselves in terms of design through a crafts revival and a heightened use of natural colors and materials.
1960s: Atomic Age/Space Age
1960s: Atomic Age/Space Age
Key themes: Shag rugs, Lucite, tie-dye, paisley
Sixties style was a mix of organic and futuristic design, more commonly known as Atomic Age or Space Age design. The themes of atomic science and the space races of the ’60s influenced all areas of design, from architecture to graphic design. Futuristic influences suggested an optimistic trajectory for society and the everyday consumer. New-age materials and production techniques were used to create furniture and solidified America as a powerhouse innovator of the time.
1950s: Functionalism/Modernism
1950s: Functionalism/Modernism
Key themes: Ceramics, pastel pink, teal, yellow, blue, Scandinavian Design, new appliances
Functionalism was born from the principle that objects should be designed based on their purposes. In the 1950s, with the rise of mass-produced objects, consumers were purchasing more than ever. With the influence of megastar designers like Norman Bel Geddes and Raymond Lowey, these mass-produced items were designed in the Functional style: streamlined and clean, promoting their efficiency.
1940s: Organic
1940s: Organic
Key themes: Chrome, Formica, vinyl
Organic design is inspired by organic, flowing natural forms, undulating lines, and dynamic curves. The style was made popular by Modernist designers in the 1940s, including the Eames' molded plywood chair. With the increased popularity of mass-produced items, various industries were designing items with planned obsolescence in mind.
1900s: Arts & Crafts
1900s: Arts & Crafts
Key themes: Staying connected to nature, anti-mass-production, craftsmanship
The Arts & Crafts movement touched multiple areas of design, including architecture, product design, and decorative and fine arts. The main concept behind the movement was the notion of authenticity and to work without any division of labor rather than work without any sort of machinery. The style utilized simple forms melded with medieval, romantic, or folk styles of decoration. In a cultural light, the movement advocated economic and social reform through its anti-industrial over-tones.
1910s: Art Nouveau
1910s: Art Nouveau
Key themes: Fluid shapes, organic subject matter, ornate flourishes, rich colors
Although not as long-lasting as the Arts & Crafts moment, Art Nouveau was heavily influenced by the craftsmanship style, as well as Romanticism and Symbolism. The origin of the name Art Nouveau comes from an interior design gallery in Paris—Maison de l’Art Nouveau—that was an outlet for decorative creations by American Louis Comfort Tiffany, creator of the iconic Tiffany lamps. American architect Louis Henry Sullivan was also a proprietor of Art Nouveau; he frequently used plantlike Art Nouveau ironwork to decorate his buildings.
1920s: Art Deco
1920s: Art Deco
Key themes: Tubular steel, geometric patterns, mirrored surfaces
Art Deco first appeared in France after World War I. The movement made its way to the United States during the 1920s and influenced everything from fashion to architecture. In the U.S., the style made its way coast-to-coast from Miami Beach to Los Angeles. Some of today’s most iconic buildings were created in the Art Deco style, including Rockefeller Center in New York City.
1930s: International Style
1930s: International Style
Key themes: Geometry, light, anti-ornamentation, openness, glass and steel
International Style honors simple, honest, and clear design. In the United States, many architects, like Louis Sullivan, Frank Lloyd Wright, and Irving Gill, practiced this design. Their buildings embodied many of the requirements of the movement: rectilinear forms, light, taut plane surfaces, anti-ornamentation, open interior spaces, cantilever construction. Usually, the International Style buildings and designs would include glass, steel, and reinforced concrete. The trend can also be seen in the anti-ornamentation and aerodynamic styling of the cars during the era.
- Oct 2017
mcadams.posc.mu.edu mcadams.posc.mu.edu
Military Industrial Complex:
- Eisenhower has seen the consequences of this intersection of military power and his own "new look" policy
Presidential speeches can be measured by how long we talk about them. Still one of the most referenced presidential speeches ever given.
IRAN — Mohammed Mossafegh (1951–1954)
- First military Coup during CIA golden age
- US tells Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi (1941–1979) that they will take over the country unless he overthrows Mossafegh.
- For 20+ years we supported a dictator who murdered his own people
- Any nation state has the option to buy out foreign companies
Guatemala — Jacobo Arbenz Guzman (1951–1954)
- Democratically elected leader, called for Progressive Reform (second President to do so)
- Nationalizing land (US decided it looked like Communism)
- Guzman runs into problems with the United Fruit Company, who had been cheating on their taxes, undervaluing their land prices. Government seeks to purchase land to nationalize it, and wants to buy it for the price that the UFC valued their land for.
- UFC and US Government set up a military Coup. Using radio broadcast propaganda, pretending that an army is ravaging the countryside. Guzman believes the propaganda and flees. We set up a dictator.
courses.lumenlearning.com courses.lumenlearning.com
www.wordsinspace.net www.wordsinspace.net
Scalar helpful hints
- Sep 2017
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
- Talking about these lands as depopulated — size comparisons downplay population
- Uplifting Disney music. Contrasting the old with the "modern" new 3. Rural natives — "Cling to their primitive ways" within the "confines of their small world"
- Audience: Americans, middle-class men 5. Primary consumers of videos like this: middle-class, business-men in the United States. Looking to invest in businesses in Central America. Sex tourism is also huge.
- Gender — Showing a lot of women, exotic. Don't see men represented because your audience is male.
www.politico.com www.politico.com
: Trump's 2017 U.N. speech trans
Advocates for strong nation states as a way to elevate the human conditions. Argues that the UN post-WWII has been continually rigged against America. Smaller nations have broken the international system.
- Uses the word "sovereignty" 22 times — Voyant textual analysis.
- Nationalist document.
Advocates for strong nation states as a way to elevate the human conditions. Argues that the UN post-WWII has been continually rigged against America. Smaller nations have broken the international system.
- Uses the word "sovereignty" 22 times — Voyant textual analysis.
- Nationalist document.
www.english.illinois.edu www.english.illinois.edu
Calling people out using the constructionist ideals — The American government is not living up to their high ideals.
Poetry as a way to express frustration when there is no way to go up against actual US military power. A weapon of the weak; a powerful message.
ken-follett.com ken-follett.com
This book is not about religion, although I talk about religion. It's about religious tolerance and the fight for human rights; the first battlefront in public discourse about human rights.
Freedom of religion was the first base upon which other understandings of freedom have been built upon.
Research and background
"Not knowing is an obstacle to my imagination" RE: his dedication to narratives that could have taken place within the political climate of the day.
This is the story of 16th century Europe, and the political earthquake that was protestantism. The overarching historical narrative unfolds around the lives of fictional characters who might have lived in this historic period.
Follett's literary reenactment explores the intricacies of the Protestant Reformation through a cast of strategically diverse characters, whose stories span across multiple continents, nations, and cities. Each character is an important harbinger of larger historical trends. Within the masterfully established geo-political reality, each of their decisions serve to gradually reveal their distinct personalities and temperaments, belief systems and ideologies, and cultural identities.
The real enemies, then as now, are not the rival religions. The true battle pitches those who believe in tolerance and compromise against the tyrants who would impose their ideas on everyone else—no matter what the cost.
Reminiscent of our current geo-political climate. The extended cycles of history.
Elizabeth clings precariously to her throne and her principles, protected by a small, dedicated group of resourceful spies and courageous secret agents.
Think: Daenerys Targaryen
- History of political thought
- Catholicism
- Ken Follett
- Creativity
- Daenerys Targaryen
- religious freedom
- Tudors
- England in the 1500s
- Mary Tudor
- Historic Retelling
- Annales School
- history
- Virgin Queen
- Tudor England
- historical fiction
- Religious tolerance
- Mary Queen of Scots
- Game of Thrones
- European History
- Human rights
- Historic Fiction
- Queen Elizabeth I
- Writing history
- History of religion
- History
- Identity
- Longue durée
- Religious reformation
- Protestantism
- British History
- British Monarchy
www.nps.gov www.nps.govCHAPTER1
Park-specific documents
Resources for researching NPS Historic furniture
www.presidency.ucsb.edu www.presidency.ucsb.edu
Wilson has a lofty vision of a world made up of nations practicing self-determination and independence, heralding an age where peace loving nations against imperialism seek to reshape the entire world. Attempting to craft each around this new, and apparently superior, formula where citizens have rights and freedom.
www.firstworldwar.com www.firstworldwar.com
This document informs the way Americans have seen themselves since the beginning of the twentieth century.
Interventions are presented as idealistically noble and undeniably moralistic. Instead of recognizing the complexities and consequences of intervention, we continue to propagate intervention as an ideological imperative
We take on the domestic issues of other nations without being invited to take part. We identify as the prevailer of freedom and democracy when these are just ideals that we aspire to, sometimes missing the mark just as terribly as the nations we seek to guide and coerce.
IV. Adequate guarantees given and taken that national armaments will be reduced to the lowest point consistent with domestic safety.
IV. Preemptively deescalating the potential for military threat
III. The removal, so far as possible, of all economic barriers and the establishment of an equality of trade conditions among all the nations consenting to the peace and associating themselves for its maintenance.
III. Free trade will be the privilege of peaceful and cooperative nations
II. Absolute freedom of navigation upon the seas, outside territorial waters, alike in peace and in war, except as the seas may be closed in whole or in part by international action for the enforcement of international covenants.
II. The oceans are in the public domain
I. Open covenants of peace, openly arrived at, after which there shall be no private international understandings of any kind but diplomacy shall proceed always frankly and in the public view.
I. Transparency
history.state.gov history.state.gov
Although the Monroe Doctrine of 1823 was essentially passive (it asked that Europeans not increase their influence or recolonize any part of the Western Hemisphere), by the 20th century a more confident United States was willing to take on the role of regional policeman.
While the Monroe Doctrine has been around since 1823, it was unenforceable. Now America can back up their assertions.
cubacounterpoints.com cubacounterpoints.com
the joke also speaks to another kind of pride, one most Cubans take in simply surviving the day-to-day obstacles to change that the Communist state and US isolationist policies have historically conspired to create.
They are a people perpetually in flux; their reality defined by an oppressive dictator and his antagonistic relationship with the United States.
hypothes.is hypothes.is