57 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2024
    1. George MacDonald (10 December 1824 – 18 September 1905) was a Scottish author, poet and Christian Congregational minister. He became a pioneering figure in the field of modern fantasy literature and the mentor of fellow-writer Lewis Carroll. In addition to his fairy tales, MacDonald wrote several works of Christian theology, including several collections of sermons.
  2. Sep 2023
    1. "I had to stand up and create the sub-category for my work because others could not get it right. Creating a space is better than trying to fit into a space that was never made for you. I don't do erasure. #Africanfuturism #Africanjujuism " says author Nnedi Okorafor. Here 5 authors who coined their own subgenres https://bookriot.com/authors-who-coined-their-own-sub-genres/ e.g. hopepunk, silkpunk, barrio noir, quozy mystery and Okorafor's two.

      Creating a space has harmonics with [[It’s More Logical to Host an Event Than Attend One – Interdependent Thoughts 20210309093335]] and esp Rorty's [[Is het nieuwe uit te leggen in taal van het oude 20031104104340]], labeling your own thing / making a space / creating new language as an act of agency

  3. Sep 2022
    1. It is one of the most popular

      Medieval fantasy has completely warped people's minds on what occurred and what did not.

  4. Aug 2022
    1. Approach to Rounds 3-6

      But this is fertile ground for WRs, and I still want to throw more punches at that position. My colleague Matthew Freedman wrote something that struck a chord with me in his article about his perfect 2022 draft:

      “This area in the draft is sometimes referred to as the ‘Running Back Dead Zone.’ I prefer to think of it as the ‘Wide Receiver Power Alley.’ ”

  5. Jul 2022
  6. Jun 2021
    1. Luisa: My favorite genre was fantasy, of course, because at that point, it was an alternate reality where magic and anything was possible. Harry Potter. I grew up with Harry Potter. Grew up with Tolkien, grew up with Eragon, grew up with the series for the Lady Knight, grew up with the Chronicler. Grew up with all these fantasy books. I grew up with them. I still read them over and over and over again because every time you read a book, you find something that you missed and I love that. So yes, reading was my thing [Chuckles]. I love reading.

      Time in the US, Pastimes, Reading, Favorite genres, Favorite books

    2. Luisa: My favorite genre was fantasy, of course, because at that point, it was an alternate reality where magic and anything was possible. Harry Potter. I grew up with Harry Potter. Grew up with Tolkien, grew up with Eragon, grew up with the series for the Lady Knight, grew up with the Chronicler. Grew up with all these fantasy books. I grew up with them. I still read them over and over and over again because every time you read a book, you find something that you missed and I love that. So yes, reading was my thing [Chuckles]. I love reading.

      Time in the US, Pastimes, Reading, Favorite Books

  7. Jan 2021
    1. https://outline.com/tan7Ej

      Why Do People love Kungfustory?

      It’s well-established among the original novel/translating community that Kungfustory.com is the best.

      Kungfustory.com is just a place where Kungfustory can be hosted. It’s very user-friendly for readers, with a superb app that functions very well and reliably on phones. It’s easy to compile a list of reads, to know when those reads have been recently updated, and to follow along your favorite story.

      Select any genre you like: romance, stories with reborn heroes, magical realism, eastern fantasy the world of wuxia, horror stories, romantic love novels, fanfiction, sci-fi.

      New chapters added daily, Never be bored with new addictive plots and new worlds.


    1. Why Do People love Kungfustory?

      It’s well-established among the original novel/translating community that Kungfustory.com is the best.

      Kungfustory.com is just a place where Kungfustory can be hosted. It’s very user-friendly for readers, with a superb app that functions very well and reliably on phones. It’s easy to compile a list of reads, to know when those reads have been recently updated, and to follow along your favorite story.

      Select any genre you like: romance, stories with reborn heroes, magical realism, eastern fantasy the world of wuxia, horror stories, romantic love novels, fanfiction, sci-fi.

      New chapters added daily, Never be bored with new addictive plots and new worlds.


  8. Apr 2020
  9. Sep 2019
  10. Oct 2017
    1. In all my dreams before my helpless sight He plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning.

      It is interesting that the speaker gives us a graphic image of the sound of death using the language "guttering," "choking," and "drowning," yet it is in contrast to a dream-like state. This creates slight confusion as to whether we are now in the speaker's dream or his reality. This could be a futile attempt in showing how easy it is to have the lines of reality and fantasy cross; making the soldier a prisoner to war and "The old Lie: Dulce et decorum est Pro patria mori."

    2. The old Lie: Dulce et decorum est Pro patria mori.

      We come back to this Latin phrase, “Dulce et decorum est Pro patria mori” yet again. After being exposed to the imagery of the cruelties produced by chemical warfare, the soldiers are forever altered like the state of being “drunk” or in "An ecstasy" with now having to constantly live in the aftermath of war. The allusion of this phrase creates a shattering of one owns belief and alters the idea of what it means to be patriotic; just as the gas alters the mental capacity of the individual fighting for their country.

      To quote W.B. Yeats), a poet during the 1920's post-war Europe, "Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;" Our perception of war is forever changed through the lens and perspective of those used as human sacrifice.

    3. Drunk with fatigue

      War is not only difficult on the physical aspect of an individual; it is just as difficult on the emotional and mental capacity of a human. It is factual that WWI culminated an astronomical amount of casualties, destruction, and disablement. This reference to being “drunk” may help guide us into the notion that soldiers are not able to differentiate between fantasy and reality under the duress of mentioned “fatigue.” We can understand that the state of "drunk" alters your reality and can have dangerous repercussions; in this sense, the loss of one's mind or life. In the prior lines we have loss of physical functionalities of the human body with words such as “limped on,” “lame,” and “blind,” which coincides with the premature aging or physical deterioration of the soldiers.

    4. Dulce et Decorum Est

      This title was written in Latin and originally comes from the Roman poet Horace ode (III.2.13) which translates to “sweet and fitting it is to die for one’s country.” Horace’s ode paints patriotism and nationalism in a positive light as opposed to Owen’s bitter and stark realization of the cost of patriotism; paid for at the expense of the physical and mental deterioration of the soldier’s body during the First World War. As Harold Bloom suggest, Owen’s aim was “to attack the concept that sacrifice is sacred; he hoped to destroy the glamorized decency of war.” It is important to keep the title in mind in regards to what it means in the connotation of sweet verses sickly.

  11. May 2016
  12. edu307class.networkedlearningcollaborative.com edu307class.networkedlearningcollaborative.com
    1. However, the fantasy in traditional literature serves as a vehicle for young people’s growing awareness and a way to communicate some of life’s deepest truths

      Although older students may think that fairy tales are too babyish for them to read, as they mature into adulthood these stories can help them to work through the new and confusing situations that they may be faced with.

    2. Contrasting, comparing, and making text-to-text connections with various versions

      Requiring students to make connections between the texts that they read will help them to develop a deeper understanding of the stories that they read because they will have to think critically about the language used, the way in which messages are presented, and other factors of stories that are often over looked.

    3. n both sets of books, an explanation of the difference between fairy tale and legend should be offered, perhaps highlighting a fairy tale’s lyrical imaginative style over a legend’s historical basis.

      It is important to explain the difference between genres to students so that they fully understand the unique characteristics of all of the different types of literature. I feel like I was never fully taught what makes a a fairy tale different than a legend until after I was already in high school. Students should learn these differences at a young age so that when they pick a book to read they know what genre it belongs to.

    4. but a venue for encouraging critical thinking and inter-pretive thought.

      It is imperative that students are given the opportunity to use their critical thinking skills as frequently as possible so that it becomes second nature to them. This is a skill that they are going to need to master in order to succeed in academics and ultimately in life. What better way to help them practice this than by comparing different versions of the fairy tales that they know and love?

    5. Fairy tales and their motifs of transformation, magical objects and powers, trickery, and wishes help children identify with their sense of poetic justice and provide a straightforward understanding of right and wrong.

      I have never thought of fairy tales as providing this for students, but it is so true. All fairy tales have very simple lessons that children can understand and apply to their own lives.

    6. Proficient tween fantasy readers of both genders have a choice between two intricately told novel versions of the classic Beauty and the Beast tale.

      Choice is so important for tweens who really enjoy freedom! Giving them the opportunity to engage in their own learning and deside for themeselves which version they want to read could make them want to engage much more.

    7. Diane Stanley adds a fresh dimension to the fairy tale with her feminist picture book version, Rumpelstiltskin’s Daughter(Morrow, 1997)

      This is so interesting to me! I never thought that someone could bring in a feminist view to a usually younger audience text! this could be a great discussion on writers craft and how authors can use stories to represent their beliefs.

    8. Two excellent versions of the Jack and the Beanstalk traditional story to begin with are Steven Kellogg’s 1991 rendition

      Looking at the same tales from different perspectives or cultures could also prove to be very interesting. Having children look at the cultural similarities and differences on pieces is a great way to bring in some multicultural learning as well. I like that this text offers multiple version ideas.

    9. Reading aloud of one or two picture book or illustrated ver-sions of the traditional fairy tale.

      All of these lessons can be tailored very well to the CCSS which really shows the quality of these unit. I like that it shows the various topics that can be discussed in depth with the tweens.

    10. Experiencing the concept of character analysis and the abil-ity to make connections between the various texts are other positive parallel possibilities through discussion.

      I like that this article provides some specific learning outcomes that can be learned through this fantasy book discussion. Making connections between texts and character analysis stated above is crucial in any learning process. I agree with this layout.

    11. As children enter the tween and early teen years, their imaginative consciousness is overcome by their need to socialize, strive for independence, and cope in a real-istic world.

      It is so important for teachers to help students not loose their imagination and creativity. I have seen this decline first hand especially as tweens start to become teenagers. It is important that the teacher leaves room for fantasy in lesson design and curriculum development!

    12. “the child becomes an intensely moral creature, quite interested in figuring out the reasons of this world,”

      Because children think "black and white" these myths allow literature to really be explored and make sense to students! I agree that students are very moral so looking at this literature from different perspectives such as that of the student is helpful.

  13. edu307class.networkedlearningcollaborative.com edu307class.networkedlearningcollaborative.com
    1. always allow alternatives for students who are not comfortable with the text choices.

      I completely agree with this statement. I feel as if teachers do not have alternatives for students who are not comfortable with the text choices and that is not right or fare to that student. Students should all receive a great education, and something simple as giving them a different text would change the world for them. Also, I think if more teachers would have alternatives, then more students would enjoy the learning.

    2. The Harry Potter series, perhaps the most demonized work of fantasy to date, is a story of good’s triumph over evil, perseverance in diffi cult times, and the importance of loyalty and friendship

      A lot of people love Harry Potter and the stories that have been made, however there are other people, like me, who find it hard to understand. Also, some people may just not be interesting in fantasy's such as Harry Potter.

    3. many fantasy and science fi ction works provide rich opportunities for students to safely use their own moral thought

      I do believe that fantasy and science fiction books do provide for students to come up with their own moral thought, however, from other students it may be hard to come up with a moral.

    4. I have found that often those issues that we fi nd the most diffi cult to discuss—issues that are perhaps a little too close to home—

      I think that this is an interesting thought added to this article. From experience, reading about something similar to what you are going through, can be a little scary. Some students are able to read it and not link to it, but other students may have a hard time reading that material depending on whats going on in their lives.

  14. Apr 2016
  15. edu307class.networkedlearningcollaborative.com edu307class.networkedlearningcollaborative.com
    1. iss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs (2011

      The movie for this book is coming out soon! This could be interesting to incorporate in a classroom! (Also, its great book!)

    2. always allow alternatives for students who are not comfortable with the text choices

      Above all the other modifications suggested, this is the most important. Just last semester, in my comics class, we read a book with a clear depiction of violence with gore and all. The image made me very uncomfortable, and when I vocalized this to my professor, his response was, "Good. It is supposed to elicit some reaction from its readers". Although I understood his point, I did not enjoy the following two classes we spent examining the page. I felt very uncomfortable and did not want to participate.

    3. Perhaps that is one of the greatest roots of the misunderstandings around fantasy works: out of context, a book that creates space for examining a social issue may appear to overtly celebrate one point of view at a glance. Great science fi ction or fantasy, however, calls the reader to think critically for him or herself about the issue at hand.

      It is interesting that a genre that is so complex in its understanding gives such opportunities for children. As I said before, it presents a topic and then opens up the space to talk about it in context of the book which leads to a more open discussion.

    4. The Harry Potter series, perhaps the most demonized work of fantasy to date, is a story of good’s triumph over evil, perseverance in diffi cult times, and the importance of loyalty and friendship.

      I laughed when I read this because I had mentioned it in my annotation a paragraph ago. Although I personally do not see the harm in Harry Potter and was in fact encouraged to read the books as a child, it is important for myself as a future educator, to see that fantasy can be viewed differently by so many people.

    5. Some people have a clear religious objection to fantasy and science fi ction as genres

      cough Harry Potter cough

    6. My students’ stories surface of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, and questioning (GLBTQ) youth at their own high schools wanting to go to prom only to fi nd that the rules have suddenly changed (“No friends allowed”) when a student wants to bring a same-sex date. A scene about peer violence in the text calls another student to recount the way a senior boy was beaten after school because he was gay. Another student notices a strong connection to the Jim Crow era and the fear of the “living impaired” in the text’s Oakvale High.

      It would be interesting for students to read literature that they can connect to real life on this level because they see that these types of situations occur in other places and brings about an open forum for them to discuss.

    7. adolescents who might be otherwise reluctant to discuss historical and contemporary discrimination fi nd themselves able to more comfortably look at this issue and draw parallels between the text and their own world when reading

      The first book that comes to mind when reading this sentence is Uglies by Scott Westerfeld. Although I have not read this, as it is not something that appeals to me, I do have a basic understanding of the premise. This is that when people turn 16, they have a surgery to "turn them pretty". I feel as though this would be such an interesting way to approach differences and get kids talking without creating an awkward situation.

    8. As a highly feminized profession, however, many elementary teachers were taught as young people to avoid fantasy and science fi ction

      This is such an interesting point that they are making. We see modern culture is trying to break away from these gender specific ideas and concepts, but it is true that women are generally steered away from fantasy and science fiction. Even in Beauty and the Beast, Belle is an avid reader, but the book that seems to be her favorite is a romance novel.

    9. Since we fi rst read the words E.B. White penned, “Where’s Papa going with that ax?” most of us understood the power of a great fantasy story. Instead of the terrible fate our small pink hero might have faced, he becomes recognized instead as “some pig” in the words of his dear friend Charlotte. Perhaps as a child you visited the Hundred Acre Wood and learned something about being a loyal friend from “a bear of little brain” named Pooh? Or maybe you have delighted with a child in your own life in Max’s “wild rumpus” that begins “where the wild things are.”

      I am already intrigued by this concept of fantasy literature. I never really put much thought into children's books' genre, but after reading this paragraph, and realizing that some of my childhood favorites are considered fantasy literature, I am struggling to come up with a book I read as a child that doesn't fall under the fantasy genre.

    10. For elementary or early middle grade readers: • Jacob Wonderbar for President of the Universe by Nathan Bransford (2012, 2nd in series)• The Mostly True Story of Jack by Kelly Barnhill (2011)• A Tale of Two Castles by Gail Carson Levine (2011)• Tuesdays at the Castle by Jessica Day George (2011)• Wildwood by Colin Meloy (2011

      I really like that this article gives suggestions of good fantasy novels to introduce to students. Some teachers may not feel fully comfortable with the fantasy genre but having suggestions like this can help get teachers to introduce this topic more to their students.

    11. Great science fi ction or fantasy, however, calls the reader to think critically for him or herself about the issue at hand.

      The fantasy genre is a great way to get students thinking critically which is something that is enforced and encouraged in mostly all schools today. The ability to think critically is very important and having students analyze a different genre of text than they're used to can be a great way for them to do so.

    12. adolescents who might be otherwise reluctant to discuss historical and contemporary discrimination fi nd themselves able to more comfortably look at this issue and draw parallels between the text and their own world when readin

      I think this is great a point because this would be a great way or students to open up about certain issues that may be difficult for them to discuss. This is just another outlet that can be provided to students to open up and discuss these things in a less harsh environment.

    13. Whatever our fi rst encounters with fantasy and its sister genre, science fi ction, many of us seem to lose sight of its power along the way in school, fi rst as readers, and, later, as teachers

      I feel as though this is true because many teachers are intimidated by these genres mostly because they were never really used all that much in their own education growing up. It is hard to expect people to be able to teach a topic that they aren't very familiar with.

    14. Many fantasy and science fi ction books make their way to the top of award lists

      This is true! I think there is a reason for this, because fantasy and science fiction books help readers make great connections to their own lives while reading.

    15. many fantasy and science fi ction works provide rich opportunities for students to safely use their own moral though

      This is a really interesting thought. I really like that fantasy books can provoke students to use their morals when thinking of what they just read.

    16. adolescents who might be otherwise reluctant to discuss historical and contemporary discrimination fi nd themselves able to more comfortably look at this issue and draw parallels between the text and their own world when reading

      This is a great point showing that kids might rather talk about a book they can relate to in fantasy. I think children can make great connections between their own fantasies and those they read about.

  16. Jan 2016
  17. Sep 2015
    1. But in a digital world, how do we connect ourselves and our children to what were once oral traditions? Hollywood has accomplished some of these tasks. The recent screen version of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings brought us a classic story that is based on the epic tradition. Yet how many of us have stopped and talked with our children about the deeper meanings of this tale? As the sophistication of video gaming grows, can the power of this entertainment form be used to educate children about the pitfalls of following a herd mentality? Could these games help children develop their own internal compass in morally ambiguous situations? Or perhaps even help them think about their own ability to act heroically? And as we plow ahead in the digital era, how can the fundamental teachings of a code of honor remain relevant to human interactions?