56 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2022
    1. Mission Statement

      interested also in care, abundance, feminism, multidimensional criticality, warmth

    2. engaging new forms

      old and new

    3. young women

      its population of women, trans men, and non-binary students

  2. Aug 2020
  3. Jul 2020
    1. People judge the black person who achieved these goals as being a “good” black person, someone who did something right.

      performed whiteness

  4. Oct 2018
    1. competitive, game-like

      assumes competition is part of gaming

    2. Like ourselves

      Just interesting whom the perceived audience is. Is the "ourselves" the writers, the perceived audience of fellow educators, or...?

    3. Like ourselves

      Students! They're just like us!

    4. each person will try to reshape the given work so that it is understood or seen in a new way

      is this act an annotation? an interpretation? or i guess a deformance that also illuminates an aspect of the text?

    5. self-identity of a particular text or cultural work

      anthropomorphic texts!

    6. all interpretation is misinterpretation

      consider for final project

    7. alternative narrative possibilities

      Like many of us wish/think 21st century America has

    1. Artifact Type: Syllabus Source URL: http://engl165lg.wordpress.com/ Creator: Amanda Phillips (University of California-Davis)


    2. personally expressive and politically powerful

      like zines!

    3. Source URL: http://www.auntiepixelante.com/twine/

      note to self

    4. http://www.zachwhalen.net/posts/how-to-make-a-twitter-bot-with-google-spreadsheets-version-04

      useful for automating tweets?

    5. Liss LaFleur

      Lady-sounding name. See also Fleur Delacour.

    6. Written while Owens was a digital archivist at the Library of Congress, this tutorial introduces the idea of glitching—intentionally corrupting a digital artifact—as a kind of playful deformance. Such intrusive digital interventions can serve a forensics purpose by exposing underlying metadata, but they can also defamiliarize the digital media in question. Owens walks through the glitching of music and image files. This process could be easily expanded to include other media types, including audiobooks, PDFs, and EPUBs, all very much of interest in a literature classroom.

      definitely deformative

    7. anyone who has played Euchre

      who in this class has played euchre?

    8. learning is not so much the opposite of play as it is zombie play, a jerky, lurching automatic response devoid of vision, passion, and awareness

      seems like an overstatement to me

    9. Learning in higher education is governed by rules though, however arbitrary and make-believe those rules may be.

      LOL make-believe rules of higher education.

    10. the thinking goes,

      simplistic, straw person

    11. play is defined by six key elements: play is voluntary, separate from other aspects of life, uncertain, unproductive, governed by rules, and simultaneously more or less dependent upon make-believe (9-10). When any one of these elements is violated, play is no longer play. It is work.

      Note to self: think about in the context of zines. They are voluntary and uncertain. They are not separate, productive, governed by rules, dependent on make believe. But the spirit of this definition feels right.

  5. allred720fa18.commons.gc.cuny.edu allred720fa18.commons.gc.cuny.edu
    1. Benito Cereno
    2. Before

      Start of the third Putnam's Monthly installment.

    3. The

      This is where the second Putnam's installation begins.

    4. spectacle of fidelity

      Upon revisiting the text, it seems that there are clues that Delano should or somewhere inside himself did pick up on what was going on. Or perhaps the idea of a liberated slave ship was too ludicrous to take seriously. Delia Steverson shines the lens of the Haitian revolution on the novella,

      Immediately recognizing the ship as a slave vessel, Delano reads the unfettered slaves as simply having a trusting master who allows them relative free range on the ship. Delano meets the captain of the San Dominick, Don Benito Cereno, who is in constant companionship with a slave named Babo. Captain Delano cannot make sense of the many strange occurrences aboard the ship, including why the slaves seem to have so much freedom, why Benito Cereno seems to possess the “involuntary victim of mental disorder,” and why Benito Cereno’s crew was so small (Melville 44). It is not until he is attacked by the mutineers that Delano realizes Benito Cereno was not a gracious slave master, but rather a helpless hostage being held captive aboard his own ship.

      It's like a turn on The Emperor Has No Clothes. It should be completely obvious that Babo has all the clothes, and yet white colonial ignorance cannot imagine or see the possibility.

      Steverson, Delia. “‘Everything Gray’: Polygenism and Racial Perception in Herman Melville’s ‘Benito Cereno.’” The Journal of American Culture; Malden, vol. 40, no. 2, June 2017, pp. 169–77.

    5. lethargic, somnambulistic character

      This description got me curious about Melville's relationship to gothic literature, so I did a search in my (other) library's federated search and found that < melville benito cereno gothic > yielded 583 results.

      Citing Sara Mills, Justin D. Edwards draws attention to the us vs. them narrative in Benito Cereno.

      "For Melville, I suggest, the coupling of the two forms was possible because they were both filtered through a racialized lens. For instance, the structures of difference that are central to nineteenthcentury travel narratives— the narrative necessity of providing a gap between 'us' and 'them'— can also be found at the heart of Benito Cereno (Sara Mills 23)." Edwards, Justin D.. Gothic Passages : Racial Ambiguity and the American Gothic, University of Iowa Press, 2005. ProQuest Ebook Central, http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/columbia/detail.action?docID=837041. Created from columbia on 2018-10-06 15:39:04.

      He goes on to discuss violence, ignorance, and revolt in the power dynamic between Babo and Delano. That's not strictly gothic, but the elements are not far removed.

    6. splenetic disrelish

      The juicy phrase "splenetic disrelish" also appears in

      an 1815 sermon Family Lectures: Or, a Copious Collection of Sermons on Faith and Practice, Etc. F. C. and J. Rivington, 1815.

      a poetry chapbook “NOTHWITHSTANDING Shoring, FLUMMOX by Emily Abendroth.” Issuu, https://issuu.com/dawnpendergast/docs/abendroth-issuu. Accessed 6 Oct. 2018.

      a page of baffling nefarity Astrophysics Research Creatine Express Loading Product Results Reviews. http://votacymu.awardspace.com/astrophysics-research.html. Accessed 6 Oct. 2018.

      A political blog from South Africa Mazibuko: W(h)Ither the Truth? | Thought Leader. https://thoughtleader.co.za/tracyhumby/2014/05/19/mazibuko-whither-the-truth/. Accessed 6 Oct. 2018.

    7. By his side stood a black of small stature, in whose rude face, as occasionally, like a shepherd’s dog, he mutely turned it up into the Spaniard’s, sorrow and affection were equally blended.

      Delano's reading of the "small black" man's "equal" "sorrow and affection" is suspect as Delano himself in the next paragraph blunders over with sympathy and the desire to help.

    8. malign evil

      Why this redundancy? What would a benign evil look like? From the Oxford Engligh Dictionary, as far back as 1350, [malign] (http://www.oed.com.ezproxy.cul.columbia.edu/view/Entry/112922?rskey=3OVGlB&result=1#eid) means "Of a thing: evil in nature and effects; baleful, gravely injurious. Of sin: †heinous (obsolete)."

      Sorry to use a Columbia proxy, rather than CUNY. I don't know which is my network username/pw. :(

    9. Chili

      I was curious about Melville's spelling of Chili (vs. Chile), so I endeavored to find out if that was a 19th century spelling. Finding articles about the country vs. the pepper proved difficult, until I remembered my Boolean logic. < (chile AND chili) NOT pepper*) >. That didn't help much either, at least not in Oxford Reference. The OED was a fail, too. I tried to trick Google into Booleaning for me: < (chile | chili) -pepper >, but it wasn't having it, so I ended up back where I started: Wikipedia, where the first subheading is Etymology. I find their description plausible and reliably cited:

      There are various theories about the origin of the word Chile. According to 17th-century Spanish chronicler Diego de Rosales,[15] the Incas called the valley of the Aconcagua "Chili" by corruption of the name of a Picunche tribal chief ("cacique") called Tili, who ruled the area at the time of the Incan conquest in the 15th century.[16][17] Another theory points to the similarity of the valley of the Aconcagua with that of the Casma Valley in Peru, where there was a town and valley named Chili.[17]

      15 "Chile.com.La Incógnita Sobre el Origen de la Palabra Chile". Chile.com. 15 June 2000. Archived from the original on 15 April 2009. Retrieved 17 December 2009 16 Encyclopædia Britannica. "Picunche (people) – Britannica Online Encyclopedia". Britannica.com. Retrieved 17 December 2009. 17 Encina, Francisco A., and Leopoldo Castedo (1961). Resumen de la Historia de Chile. 4th ed. Santiago. I. Zig-Zag. p. 44

      Today's version of the Wikipedia entry https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Chile&oldid=862682987

    1. self-publication

      What does he mean by "self-publication." Is "vanity press" implied? Amateur? Ego-driven?

  6. Sep 2018
    1. genuinely new

      Not totally new, right? I'm thinking of library book marginalia, and maybe used book mark-up, as well, per this screen capture of a Columbia Buy Sell Memes offering.

    2. build community, empower students to speak, and underscore the inherently collective nature of creativity and interpretation

      I'll be interested to see how true this is. Or will it just be the same in-class loudmouths (myself included), who are aggressive annotators. Maybe even more aggressive because we're not as conscious of taking up other students' space and time.

    3. The participatory ethos of social annotation aligns it with the promise of radical democracy

      Is that a bit of an overstatement?

    4. Stephen Duncombe

      zine guy!

    1. failings of the person here presenting them
    2. coming of democracy reversed the word of command

      Whose democracy?

    3. The Text (if only by its frequent 'unreadability) decants the work (the work permitting) from its consumption and gathers it up as play, activity, production, practice.
    4. no demagogy is intended here


    5. The work is caught up in a process of filiation.
    6. The Text is not a co-existence of meanings but a passage, an overcrossing

      This text sure is.

    7. paradoxical
    8. classification (which is furthermore one of its 'social functions)

      Okay, yes, back in my jolts of fashion professional/academic wheelhouse. Classification IS a social function and a construct.

    9. (good) Literature


    10. Roland Barthes

      Practically like hypothes.is this very scholarly website invites us to weigh in on Barthes FAQ http://www.vipfaq.com/Roland%20Barthes.html

    11. It would be futile to try to separate out materially works from texts.

      Ooh--I've got this sentence! Read Why Zines Matter: Materiality and the Creation of Embodied Community https://barnardzines.livejournal.com/46042.html If you don't have access to the FT hmu.

    12. The Text is not to be thought of as an object that can be computed.
    13. in the interests of a new object and a new language neither of which has a place in the field of the sciences that were to be brought peacefully together, this unease in classification being precisely the point from which it is possible to diagnose a certain mutation.

      The word "classification" jolted my fashion. Seems like this sentence should be in my wheelhouse because classification is decidedly a determination of my jam, but dear dog, I can't. Can I get a translation of the translation please?

    14. interdisciplinarity

      LOL didn't DH invent interdisciplinarity? Or maybe that's multidisciplinarity.

    15. (the term 'connection' is used here in a deliberately neutral way: one does not decide a determination, be it multiple and dialectical)
    16. The change

      LOL menopause.

    17. Trans. by Stephen Heath, 1977

      I'm finding the text dense. I wonder if that's the original or the translation. Or both!