86 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2024
    1. And when you’re part of a large, multi-generational Italian-American family with roots in the same city for hundreds of years, you start to collect not just your own things but all of the things from all of the relatives who’ve passed over the years. Because, you know, “antiques.”

      I love how this sentence was structured. It's very descriptive and comical in describing this idea that "everything has value."

  2. Jan 2024
  3. Dec 2022
  4. Jul 2022
  5. Feb 2022
    1. Wikipedia says that “information, in its most restricted technical sense, is a sequence of symbols that can be interpreted as a message.” The characters of the text you’re reading form words — the message. The words represent concepts — the meaning. And now that we have a shared understanding of what we really mean when I use the word concept, we can begin to explore how they might be better leveraged in the architecture of your knowledge base. That is to say, how they might be named and then formally classified and organized, because of their meaning, or informally, to create new meaning, and strategically (such as to influence your own behavior).In my next post, we’re going to go further with this, so if you’re interested, I hope you’ll follow me and stay tuned.[1] Rand, Ayn. Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology: Expanded Second Edition, Chapter 7 — The story of the crows was said by Ayn Rand to have been originally told by a university classroom professor of psychology.

      Information-Message-Word-Concept-Knowledge-Mind architecture

    1. கரு சிறுகதையிலும், சிவம் சிறுகதையிலும் ஒரு யுகமுடிவென்பது அதீத வளர்ச்சியினால் வரும் என்ற ஒரு கருத்தும், விஷ்ணுபுரம் என்னும் புனைவு நகரத்தின் அழிவும்,வெண்முரசின் இறுதிப் போரும் கூட அத்தகைய முடிவுகள் தான். பின்னும் நம் இந்திய வரலாற்றில் மிகப் பெரும் சாம்ராஜ்ஜியங்கள் அழிந்ததும் இத்தகைய அதீத சமமின்மையால் தான். குறளினிது உரையில் நீங்கள் சொல்வது போல “அழுதாற்றித் தொழுத கண்ணீரால்” அழிந்த சோவியத்தையும் இந்தப் பட்டியலில் பொருத்தலாம்.

      Theory of Everything - Wind Pressure

    2. அறிவியலில் WIND -ஐப் பற்றிச் சொல்லும்போது “THE MOVEMENT OF AIR FROM HIGH PRESSURE TO LOW PRESSURE AREA IS CALLED WIND” என்கிறார்கள். தமிழில் AIR என்பதைக் காற்று எனவும், WIND என்பதை வீசும் காற்று எனவும் கூறுகிறார்கள். காற்று வீசினால் தான் நம்மால் அதை உணர முடியும். அப்படி அது வீசுவதற்கு அதிக அழுத்தத்திலிருந்து குறைந்த அழுத்தத்தை நோக்கிச் செல்ல வேண்டும். ஒரு வகையான அழுத்த/ வெப்ப மாறுபாடுகளால் மட்டுமே காற்று வீசுகிறது. இந்த வீசும் காற்றே பூமியைச் சுற்றி ஒரு அழுத்த பெல்ட்டை உருவாக்கி அதை ஓர் உயிருள்ள கோளமாக மாற்றுகிறது. இங்கிருந்து ஒரு சிந்தனையை அடைந்தேன். இந்த உலகம் ஒரு சமமின்மையால் தான் உயிர்ப்புடன் இருக்கிறதோ என்ற எண்ணம் வந்தது.

      diffbetn air and wind in tamil

      • ...there is a concept in evolution called [[Balancing selection]]
    1. In addition to local intelligence and favourable terrain, Pulakeshin had access to the tanks of the ancient world. Elephants. These deadly creatures possessed the mass and sheer shock value needed to break almost any immobile enemy formation sent against them.

      Elephants are armour tanks in Ancient Indian Battle

      • [[=!R How Elephants in Ancient Indian Battle are fierce giants]]

        To the hypnotic beating of battle drums, the elephants were followed by bands of elite hereditary warriors wearing loincloths and minimal armour, also drunk on alcohol. Darpasata - comes in next lines of this article - Banabhatta in Harshacharita (Harsha's deeds)

  6. Jan 2022
    1. Obsidian is also powerful for what it does not prevent you from doing. It gives you leave to use your data with your choice of other tools.
    2. Obsidian was written with Typescript using the Electron framework.

      Obsidian prog lang architecture

    1. SIPs are a mode of investment. You don’t invest in an SIP
    2. consider the benefit that SIPs are the solution to investing at the wrong time. Yes, SIPs help reduce the risk of investing at highs when stocks are peaking, as SIPs allow investing at different NAVs and market levels. But, this often gets twisted into the belief that SIPs prevent losses or that they ensure high returns.

      Benefit of SIPs

      • Q makes sure that you don’t overspend and skimp on saving.

      • It doesn’t give you the excuse to put off investing for the next month.

      • For the salaried especially, with income coming in every month, SIPs are the best way to ensure that investments happen.

      • SIPs allow you to slowly and surely build up wealth.
    1. Highlights (yellow): great for noting down any phrases that are especially clever or beautiful. We also use them for sentences that capture the crux of an argument. You can then use these highlights as fertiliser if you choose to make HQ&A Notes later.

      Temporal tagging Jump note

    1. ending conversations is a classic “coordination problem” that humans are unable to solve because doing so requires information that they normally keep from each other. As a result, most conversations appear to end when no one wants them to.
    1. Growth in India’s exports worldwide has also pushed up the need for many crucial intermediate inputs
    2. integrated circuits were up by 147%, laptops and personal computers by 77%, and oxygen therapy apparatus by more than fourfold.
  7. Apr 2020
    1. Over the past 40 years, two people have stood out for their fixation on what Forbes estimates their net worth to be: Prince Alwaleed bin Talal and President Donald J. Trump. This year, Kanye West joins that vainglorious trinity. Over the past few months, he has steadily taken his complaints up the Forbes editorial ladder (“you’re snubbing me and avoiding the truth at all cost”) while publicly waxing for the validation. “When people say it’s crass to call yourself a billionaire, I might legally change my name to Christian Genius Billionaire Kanye West for a year until y’all understand exactly what it is,” West explained in November. “It will be on the license plate.”
  8. Jun 2019
    1. There was nothing interest-ing on —it was around 3 a.m. when this was happening, meaning my choices were either (a) softcore porn on whatever cable station it was that was playing softcore porn at that moment, or (b) The Big Bang Theory, which sounds like softcore porn but most assuredly is not1— and so I turned on The Office on Netflix.



  9. May 2019
  10. Apr 2019
  11. gutenberg.net.au gutenberg.net.au
    1. and ran with energy through all the usual phrases employed in praise of their sublimity and descriptive of the undescribable emotions they excite in the mind of sensibility

      The narrator seems to underscore Sir Edward’s ridiculousness by recounting his description of the sea. The diction and tone used in this paragraph represents satire and criticism towards the romantic era and over-fixation of nature during Jane Austen’s time. She states that his phrases are “usual”, a diction that represents the mediocrity of his language. Austen states that his descriptions are  “undescribable”, which he then proceeds to list with great flourishment.

    2. I heard again from Fanny Noyce, saying that she had heard from Miss Capper, who by a letter from Mrs. Darling understood that Mrs. Griffiths had expressed herself in a letter to Mrs. Darling

      Diana loves to name drop and explains her connection through a long chain of names and letters. Definitely room for false information.

    3. The West Indians," she continued, "whom I look upon as the most desirable of the two, as the best of the good, prove to be a Mrs. Griffiths and her family

      Austen criticizes the value system of rich people. They believe West Indians are more desirable than a college that prepares students for a clerical profession. This is both racist and ignorant at the same time.

    4. Let me feel your ankle. That's right; all right and clean

      ANKLES come up 8 times in Sanditon - why? A few articles note that ankles were only considered scandalous in the Victorian era, not Regency era, because ankle boots only became in vogue during the Victorian era. Perhaps the overfixation of ankles is not due to it being scandalous, but just poking fun at how OCD the characters of the novel were for Mr. Parker’s (minorly injured) sprained ankle.

    5. My appetite is very much mended, I assure you, lately. I have been taking some bitters of my own decocting, which have done wonders. Susan never eats, I grant you

      In a world where a “much mended” appetite is equal to “never eating”, I think they have read too many dieting pamphlets for their own good. It is especially funny that this comes from Mr. Parker, because usually women are associated with “silly” little eating habits.

    6. Sir Edward's great object in life was to be seductive

      Sir Edward is a weird guy who tries hard to seduce women. Austen hypes up the sentence by increasing the reader’s expectations with “great object in life”, prepping the reader for a mind-blowing objective, to be let down by the one word “seductive”. Disappointed but not surprised?

    7. sentimental novels

      The ironic tone suggests that Sir Edward is a not very self aware hypocrite.

    8. You will never hear me advocating those puerile emanations which detail nothing but discordant principles incapable of amalgamation, or those vapid tissues of ordinary occurrences, from which no useful deductions can be drawn.

      In layman terms: Sir Edward thinks novels are silly and useless. Again this is ironic because Austen places his statements about novels within a novel. Most likely her readers are fans of novels who will read Sir Edward’s critique and disagree with him, making him a more undesirable character. In addition, the flowery meaningless language strongly weakens his argument. Novel > Sir Edward

    9. asses' milk

      The absurdity of “asses’ milk” as a love potion says it all. Austen constantly references medical remedies of the day for three purposes. One, to make fun of rich people for labeling themselves as an “invalid” when they only have minor body problems as “invalid”. Two, making fun of their ignorance for believing in these supposed “remedies”. And three, to make fun of the producers who create these “remedies”.

    10. She is thoroughly mean

      A major shift here similar to Charlotte’s change in opinion of Edward. Before, Charlotte was excited to talk to Lady Denham and found her agreeable. Now, she clearly states her opinion that she finds her “thoroughly mean.”

    11. Yes, my dear, and it is not the only kind thing I have done by him

      Lady Denham boasts about her kind act of giving Sir Edward her dead second husband’s gold watch. She makes it known to Charlotte that she is a kind woman who does kind things. However, Charlotte sees right through her showy personality.

    12. nor can any woman be a fair judge of what a man may be propelled to say, write or do by the sovereign impulses of illimitable ardour

      Sir Edward says women can’t understand what a man says because they are too driven by their emotions, even though Charlotte “could not but think him a man of feeling”. He digs himself deeper in a hole with Charlotte by disrespecting women.

    13. Delicious! Delicious!

      Clearly Sir Edward is VERY passionate about poetry. He shows his expressive and passionate language with describing the poetry as “delicious”. This type of expression and passion unfortunately for him, turns Charlotte off.

    14. Yes, my dear. My young folks

      Lady Denham jokes about her age and her young friends/family who are in love. She makes fun of their immature and loving feelings.

    15. She began to think him downright silly

      In the quick course of a conversation, Charlotte shifts her opinion of Edward from “Sir Edward was much her superior in air and manner” to this thought. The bluntness of the statement and the abrupt shift in opinion shows how shallow Edward’s personality truly is.

    16. rote

      Rote: mechanical or habitual repetition of something to be learned

    17. rather commonplace perhaps, but doing very well from the lips of a handsome Sir Edward

      The juxtaposition between the diction “commonplace” and the ironic praise given to Sir Edward criticizes the human tendency to lower their standards for people who look beautiful on the surface, a very shallow judgement of character that is usually held by women towards handsome men.

    18. Among other points of moralising reflection which the sight of this tête-à-tête produced, Charlotte could not but think of the extreme difficulty which secret lovers must have in finding a proper spot for their stolen interviews. Here perhaps they had thought themselves so perfectly secure from observation; the whole field open before them, a steep bank and pales never crossed by the foot of man at their back, and a great thickness of air to aid them as well! Yet here she had seen them. They were really ill-used.

      While Charlotte notes a very important difficulty her generation faces when finding a match, namely how to spend time together, her remarks also mock how complicated this courtship is and the ramifications that ensue.

    19. It was impossible not to feel him hardly used: to be obliged to stand back in his own house and see the best place by the fire constantly occupied by Sir Harry Denham.

      The narrator is discussing the portraits as if they were humans and consequently making fun of their respective subjects’ importance to begin with.

    20. Lady Denham can give, if she is properly attacked

      The narrator is being ironic. She mocks the strange contradiction between giving out of kindness and being forced to do so.

    21. But since you are so very neighbourly, I believe Miss Clara and I must stay

      This part is interesting because Lady Denham previously insisted that they must not stay. But as the evening went on she kept on talking, and enjoyed being the center of the conversation. Also, this shows her ways of inviting herself to consume others’ tea things after “The tea things were brought in.”

    22. And I verily believe if my poor dear Sir Harry had never seen one neither, he would have been alive now

      Lady Denham doubts the use of having a doctor or a surgeon in the area. The fact that she blames her husband’s death on doctors apparently shows her ignorance; and the way she delivers it shows her being too full of herself.

    23. most barbarous conduct

      The use of “barbarous” well captures Lady Denham’s character: being civil in a normal sense appears to others as being barbarous and uncivil.

    24. unreasonably influenced by them

      Charlotte cannot care less about her own role in the social circle; rather, she is the one sitting high up in the theater watching everything going on as if it’s a funny play.

    25. She has accordingly had three teeth drawn

      The contrast between physical weakness and verbal dexterity is amusing.

    26. I rubbed his ankle with my own hand for six hours without intermission

      The use of “ankle” is inappropriate as 1) the scene itself is absurd and 2) ankle has sexual connotations, as well as the action of “rubbing.”

    27. the sea air would probably be the death of me.

      Diana Parker has an elaborate style of communicating. Readers better off not to take her words literally.

    28. I could soon put the necessary irons in the fire.

      This is at once imagery and a metaphor, describing how eager Diana is on her task of bringing families over to Sanditon. It’s partly funny because she is herself claimed to be physically weak, yet her spirits are high and tough enough to accomplish her self-assigned tasks passionately.

    29. from one of my sisters. They never fail me. Women are the only correspondents to be depended on

      Mr. Parker whines and complains about his brother not responding to him promptly -- which shows that he gets anxious and nervous easily, and his declarations about women just based on how fast Diana responds to letter is again, over-generalizing.

    30. health-breathing hill

      The diction here suggests again Mr. Parker’s being overly obsessed with medical issues, in that even the normal natural elements in the town is anthropomorphized to represent health.

    31. by Charlotte with the calmness of amused curiosity, and by Mr. Parker with the eager eye which hoped to see scarcely any empty houses

      The contrast between Charlotte’s and Mr. Parker’s attitudes towards these houses are somewhat farcical for the audience. While Charlotte, upon her first visit, is not associating the houses with any external values, Mr. Parker has come to deem the plain houses a gold mine.

    32. Our ancestors, you know, always built in a hole

      Again, Mr. Parker talks a lot, but always makes unnecessary or irrelevant generalizations. Most of his utterances are completely unrelated to each other and the current topic at hand, yet he says them in an absolutely confident and unapologetic manner -- meanwhile it is Charlotte and Mrs. Parker who has to endure his nonsense.

    33. Who can endure a cabbage bed in October

      Mr. Parker mocks his previous house in a nit-picky and superfluous way, by focusing on the decaying vegetation in early fall. Mr. Parker is rather petty and judgmental of very trivial things. He dislikes something just by associating a very small downside with the whole entity; while Mrs. Parker laments that the children used to run around in the family garden, Mr. Parker criticizes its vegetation conditions.

    34. For, passing by the actual daughters of the house, she had chosen Clara

      The narrator says choosing the poor Clara reveals Lady Denham’s good side. However, one questions Lady Denham’s intentions because she knows that the cousins offered hospitality in hopes of receiving something in return. Lady Denham is comically petty in snubbing the family by ignoring the actual daughters.

    35. the politic and lucky cousins, who seemed always to have a spy on her

      The narrator suggests that the cousins are keeping an eye out on the rich old lady.

    36. as prudently as possible to defy the reputed expensiveness of such a home, and at the end of three days calling for her bill that she might judge of her state. Its amount was such as determined her on staying not another hour in the house, and she was preparing in all the anger and perturbation of her belief

      Although she probably could easily foot the bill, Lady Denham’s extreme reactions to people/establishments who take her money is quite outrageous. However, it seems short-sighted of her not to pick a cheaper place to stay in general.

    37. Though now and then, a littleness will appear. She cannot look forward quite as I would have her and takes alarm at a trifling present expense without considering what returns it will make her in a year or two.

      Lady Denham is risk averse, but Mr. Parker does not seem to recognize her miserly character.

    38. and they were older in habits than in age

      This is the elegant Austen way of calling people “grandmas/grandpas” even if they are not of senior citizen status.

    39. she remained equally useless.

      The narrator is trying to say nicely that even though Mrs. Parker is a kind woman, her lack of initiative makes her a poor match for Mr. Parker. In short, the Parkers are a silly couple.

    40. All that he understood of himself, he readily told, for he was very open-hearted; and where he might be himself in the dark, his conversation was still giving information, to such of the Heywoods as could observe.

      The narrator spells out for the reader that silly Mr. Parker is a good person, but he is simply not very self aware.

    41. What in the name of common sense is to recommend Brinshore?

      Mr. Parker believes that the best way to sell his resort is by trashing competing resorts.

    42. Not a shilling do I receive from the Denham estate. Sir Edward has no payments to make me. He don't stand uppermost, believe me. It is I that help him."

      It is funny (and slightly concerning) that Lady Denham is boasting about the fact that her relatives are poor. She is sharing information that she thinks is impressive but probably won’t be to others.

    43. But had we not better try to get you—" "Our coast too full!" repeated Mr. Parker.

      Mr. Heywood’s practicality is getting in the way of Mr. Parker’s fervent sales pitch, but Mr. Parker will not be stopped!

    44. My name is Parker, Mr. Parker of Sanditon;

      After having an extended interaction, Mr. Parker finally reveals his identity in a grand manner, complete with a sales pitch on his resort!

    45. consulting his wife in the few words of "Well, my dear, I believe it will be better for us

      Mr. Parker’s version of consulting his wife is simply informing her what he has already decided.

    46. down in the weald

      This is a play on words with "Weald" (described above) and "weald," which is the Old English word for forest.

    47. I am sorry to have the appearance of contradicting you, but from the extent of the parish or some other cause you may not be aware of the fact.

      Mr. Parker is so sure of himself even though he is not from the area!

    48. There, I fancy, lies my cure—" pointing to the neat-looking end of a cottage, which was seen romantically situated among wood on a high eminence at some little distance—"Does not that promise to be the very place?"

      Mr. Parker’s silly character immediately reveals itself as he passes a romantic judgement that a random cottage without any context must house a surgeon.

    49. And even Mr. Arthur Parker, though little disposed for supernumerary exertion, always quitted the Terrace in his way to his brother's by this corner house, for the sake of a glimpse of the Miss Beauforts, though it was half a quarter of a mile round about and added two steps to the ascent of the hill.

      This is a clear example of the narrator’s penchant for sarcasm; she invites mockery of Arthur’s ridiculousness by noting his exertion in taking two additional steps.

    50. There, with the hire of a harp for one and the purchase of some drawing paper for the other, and all the finery they could already command, they meant to be very economical, very elegant and very secluded; with the hope, on Miss Beaufort's side, of praise and celebrity from all who walked within the sound of her instrument

      Again, the narrator is using juxtaposition to make the Miss Beauforts appear ridiculous; they bought finery to be economical, they want celebrity in their seclusion

    51. They had tolerable complections, showy figures, an upright decided carriage and an assured look; they were very accomplished and very ignorant

      The narrator is using the character flaws of the Miss Beauforts to make a disconcerting but amusing dichotomy; they are accomplished (laudable), but ignorant (a detriment).

    52. Of these three, and indeed of all, Miss Lambe was beyond comparison the most important and precious, as she paid in proportion to her fortune.

      This seems like a sarcastic remark from the narrator, drily noting that the care of a young girl should be proportional to her fortune.

    53. "I hope you will eat some of this toast," said he. "I reckon myself a very good toaster.

      This is a blatant display of ridiculousness; Claiming that he is a “good toaster” seems like the epitome of a weird brag.

    54. I am very subject to perspiration, and there cannot be a surer sign of nervousness."

      Arthur seems to be one those characters that the narrator barely needs to mock, since he does such a good job of it himself; readers either have to cringe when he describes his sweating habits, or laugh.

    55. As far as I can understand what nervous complaints are, I have a great idea of the efficacy of air and exercise for them—daily, regular exercise—and I should recommend rather more of it to you than I suspect you are in the habit of taking.

      This seems like pointed sarcasm from Charlotte; she essentially tells Arthur that he doesn’t look like he exercises.

    56. The more wine I drink in moderation the better I am.

      Arthur’s word choice makes him comically ridiculous; the idea of drinking more and moderation seem obviously incongruent.

    1. Is there a way for students to disable Netop Vision software? That's cute, but no.
    1. LOL - Laughing Out Loud

      This is, according to linguist Ben Zimmer, the first known citation for LOL. Quoted from Gretchen McCulloch's "Because Internet" here.

  12. Sep 2018
    1. The Text (if only by its frequent 'unreadability) decants the work (the work permitting) from its consumption and gathers it up as play, activity, production, practice.
  13. Mar 2018
    1. When we remove the spin words and replace them with more objective language, these sentences become something like: Google has fired the employee who authored a memo about diversity Not as emotionally charged, right?
  14. Mar 2017
    1. Bears den in a variety of places.  If you suspect something is a den, look for a bed of leaves, although not all bears make beds if they den after snow has fallen.  To be sure a bear used a leafy bed, look for a depression 2-4 feet in diameter.  Dampen your hand on the forest floor and rub it around on the leaves to see if any dark hair sticks to it.


  15. Feb 2017
  16. Jan 2017
    1. There's nowhere he can go. LOL."

      we should feel sorry for bowe he was being held captive.

    1. Have you ever thought about how that cat picture actually gets from a server in Oregon to your PC in London? We’re not simply talking about the wonders of TCP/IP or pervasive Wi-Fi hotspots, though those are vitally important as well. No, we’re talking about the big infrastructure: the huge submarine cables, the vast landing sites and data centres with their massively redundant power systems, and the elephantine, labyrinthine last-mile networks that actually hook billions of us to the Internet.

      So, I take it we invested billions in the infrastructure, only to transfer cat photos from Oregon to London. Damn, I am really happy to be apart of the 21st Century!

      BTW, did it occur to anyone we might be under the domination of Cat Overlords, since we are using such powerful infrastructure just to deal with photos of... cats? (pun intended)

  17. Jun 2015