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  8. Jul 2021
    1. Cats don't understand smiles, but they have an equivalent: Slow blinking. Slow blinking means: We are cool, we are friends. Beyond that you can just physically pet them, use gentle voice.

      Equivalent of smiling in cats language = slow blinking

  9. Aug 2020
    1. Cats are strange and the scientific community at least agrees on this fact. A 2014 study wondered what the physical nature of cats was, asking the very important question: are cats solid or fluid?

      I thought cats were also found in solid, liquid and gas forms.

    1. Towarzystwo mruczącego kota na kolanach jest niezastąpionym lekarstwem na depresję. Kot odwraca uwagę od problemu, dotrzymuje towarzystwa, okazuje uczucia bez względu na stan psychiczny właściciela i pokazuje, że jest on niezastąpiony. Ponadto pomaga człowiekowi w wyrobieniu odpowiedzialnej postawy i rytualnych odruchów, jak regularne karmienie. Co więcej, spokój kotów udziela się także choremu właścicielowi.

      Cats help with depression

    2. Obserwowali oni 40 dzieci z autyzmem. Okazało się, że te, które miały w domach zwierzęta, w tym koty, były spokojniejsze i łatwiej się komunikowały z otoczeniem, niż dzieci bez domowych pupili. Owa otwartość u dzieci ma związek ze wzrostem poziomu oksytocyny (hormonu szczęścia), która wydziela się podczas głaskania futra. Pieszczoty wzmacniają też uczucia zaufania i miłości.

      Cats help kids with autism to communicate

    3. wystarczy 20 minut oglądania śmiesznych filmów z kotami, by dostatecznie spadł poziom kortyzolu we krwi (hormonu stresu) i poprawiła się pamięć krótkotrwała u osób starszych. Ponadto śmiech wspomaga pracę serca i układu immunologicznego.

      Cats are funny (healthy) to watch ;)

    4. O zbawiennym wpływie mruczenia na poziom ciśnienia we krwi i nastrój pisało już wielu naukowców. Co więcej, koty potrafią modulować częstotliwość dźwięków od 20 do 140 Hz, a niektóre rejestry działają na ludzki organizm skuteczniej niż niejedna terapia.

      Cats get rid of your stress

    5. Naukowcy zajmujący się chorobami naczyniowymi na Uniwersytecie w Minosocie dowiedli, że właściciele kotów przejawiają mniejsze skłonności do zawałów. Przez 10 lat obserwowali ok. 4,5 tys. osób, spośród których 3/5 było właścicielami futrzaka. Okazało się, że u miłośników kotów ryzyko ataku serca było o 30 proc. niższe niż u ludzi, którzy nie posiadali żadnego zwierzęcia futerkowego.

      Cats save your heart

  10. Mar 2019
    1. classroom assessment techniques These are quick ways to complete formative assessment during a class session. The results can help the instructor determine what he or she should address. it can unearth learner misconceptions. These were designed for college classrooms but can be used in other adult learning contexts. rating 4/5

  11. Feb 2019
  12. Jan 2019
    1. Researchers studying the cognitive abilities of animals have identified a general factor in cognitive data from many mammal species

      Also, cats:

      Warren, J. M. (1961). Individual differences in discrimination learning by cats. The Journal of Genetic Psychology, 98, 89-93. doi:10.1080/00221325.1961.10534356

  13. Jun 2018
    1. This is due to a natural human reaction to “Google” someone before we meet them for the first time. Before we show up to teach a class, take a class, interview for a job, go on a date…we’ve been reviewed online. Other people use the trail of breadcrumbs that we’ve left behind to make judgements about us. The question/challenge is that this trail of breadcrumbs is usually incomplete, and locked up in various silos. You may have bits of your identity in Facebook or Twitter, while you have other parts locked up in Instagram, Snapchat, or LinkedIn. What do these incomplete pieces say about you? Furthermore, are they getting the entire picture of you when they uncover certain details? Can they look back to see what else you’re interested in? Can they see how you think all of these interests fit together…or they seeing the tail end of a feverish bout of sharing cat pics?

      I can't help but think that doing this is a form of cultural anthropology being practiced contemporaneously.

      Which is more likely: someone a 100 years from now delving into my life via my personal website that aggregated everything or scholars attempting to piece it all back together from hundreds of other sites? Even with advanced AI techniques, I think the former is far more likely.

      Of course I also think about what @Undine is posting about cats on Twitter or perhaps following #marginaliamonday and cats, and they're at least taking things to a whole new level of scholarship.

      [also on boffosocko.com]

  14. Apr 2017
    1. this photo of a cat

      HTTP Status Cats is one of the most brilliant things the internet has done, IMHO.

  15. Mar 2017
  16. Jan 2017
    1. Have you ever thought about how that cat picture actually gets from a server in Oregon to your PC in London? We’re not simply talking about the wonders of TCP/IP or pervasive Wi-Fi hotspots, though those are vitally important as well. No, we’re talking about the big infrastructure: the huge submarine cables, the vast landing sites and data centres with their massively redundant power systems, and the elephantine, labyrinthine last-mile networks that actually hook billions of us to the Internet.

      So, I take it we invested billions in the infrastructure, only to transfer cat photos from Oregon to London. Damn, I am really happy to be apart of the 21st Century!

      BTW, did it occur to anyone we might be under the domination of Cat Overlords, since we are using such powerful infrastructure just to deal with photos of... cats? (pun intended)

  17. Oct 2015
    1. ONE thing was certain, that the white kitten had had nothing to do with it — it was the black kitten’s fault entirely. For the white kitten had been having its face washed by the old cat, for the last quarter of an hour (and bearing it pretty well, considering); so you see that it couldn’t have had any hand in the mischief.

      Images of cats on the Internet was inevitable, even in the 19th century.

    1. Chimpanzees aren’t the slightest bit unique in this respect. Other great apes, such as the bonobo and the mountain gorilla, also reconcile. And it gets more interesting still, for reconciliation isn’t even limited to primates. Goats, sheep, dolphins, and hyenas all tend to reconcile after conflicts (rubbing horns, flippers, and fur are common elements of these species’ conciliatory gestures). Of the half-dozen or so non-primates that have been studied, only domestic cats have failed to demonstrate a conciliatory tendency. (If you own a cat, this probably comes as no surprise).
  18. Dec 2014
    1. plaintive “meowww” can indicate worry, annoyance, or objection to something. This version will often have a throatier quality to it, almost as if she is saying, “oh, come on.”
    2. the frequency of meowing is an indicator of a cat’s frame of mind; rapid-fire meows mean hey, pay attention to me, I’m talking here!
    3. cats in domesticity tend to think of themselves as our eternal offspring, they maintain this endearing vocalization throughout their adult lives.