- Jul 2023
bafybeihzua2lldmlutkxlie7jfppxheow6my62x2qmywif2wukoswo5hqi.ipfs.w3s.link bafybeihzua2lldmlutkxlie7jfppxheow6my62x2qmywif2wukoswo5hqi.ipfs.w3s.link
the nonmate-rial domain is located most profoundly in symbolic relationships wheresigns accrue meaning by reference to other signs
- claim
- the nonmaterial domain is located most profoundly in symbolic relationships
- where signs accrue meaning by reference to other signs
- claim
- Title
- Three levels of the symbolosphere
- Authors
- Mark Burgin and John H. Schumann
- This paper attempts to understand the coexistence of the
- material and
- non-material
- aspects of our lives.
- By synthesizing ideas about
- structures,
- physical entities,
- mental phenomena, and
- symbolic relations,
- we argue that
- the nonmaterial can emerge from the material, and
- then the nonmaterial may mediate the production of material entities.
- Finally, this cycle is applied to notions of creativity and invention.
- This paper attempts to understand the coexistence of the
- the authors are situated in materialism that explains non-materialism as an epi-phenomena
- Title
docdrop.org docdrop.org
fbs is added fbs prevents the replicating stem cells from committing suicide normally cells have a mechanism that tells them they're 00:06:29 growing in the wrong place and shuts it down this is normally a good thing and keeps different parts of the body developing properly but when cells are growing in a metal tank and not a body this warning system 00:06:42 needs to be turned off and for whatever reason fbs works almost completely universally when added to any type of cell
potential progress trap
- in vivo, an animal body has a mechanism to turn off stem cells when they are growing in the wrong place in the body. This regulates the body to grow properly.
- in lab grown meat, an artificial in vitro environment is created for the stem cells and they are encouraged to keep growing continuously (some critics compare this to cancerous growth)
- for UNKNOWN REASONS, FSB seems to prevent the mechanism from turning off cell growth, no matter what animal food species.
- the worrying thing here is that the scientific community does not know why FSB has this behavior.
- What are the views of the regulatory agencies that have passed Lab grown meat on this subject?
there's one glaring problem here 00:05:11 with creating this animal-free meat it's not actually animal-free that special fbs serum i just mentioned that stands for fetal bovine serum which is collected from the dying fetuses of 00:05:25 slaughtered cows
- potential progress trap
- Fetal Bovine Serum
This is used for the growth of all kinds of stem cells, not just those from cows
- We do not know the full implications of mixing FBS from cows with all other species
- What are the views of the regulatory agencies that have passed Lab grown meat on this subject?
- potential progress trap
an estimated 50 liters of bovine serum is needed and depending on age a single cow fetus can yield between 150 and 550 milliliters of serum that means to 00:07:33 create a single burger you need the blood of between 90 and 333 cow fetuses until a synthetic or plant-based alternative to fbs is found
- FBS volumes needed for a single lab grown burger are impractical
- an estimated 50 liters of bovine serum is needed
- a single cow fetus can yield between 150 and 550 milliliters of serum
- this means that to create a single burger you need the blood of between 90 and 333 cow fetuses until a synthetic or plant-based alternative to fbs is found
- FBS volumes needed for a single lab grown burger are impractical
a single muscle stem cell could be grown into one trillion muscle cell tubes
- potential progress trap
- if the seed stem cell has some unknown problem
- it will potentially be inherited by all descedents
- if the seed stem cell has some unknown problem
- potential progress trap
- Title
- Lab grown meat
- Author
- Real Science
- Publication
- Youtube video
- Title
www.forbes.com www.forbes.com
we are using CRISPR [a non-GMO process] to engineer our cell lines to grow without the need for added growth factors,
- Question
- where are the progress traps?
- It's already meeting approvals in SIngapore and FDA in USA.
- Where are the hidden problems? -
- This article highlights some of the issues
- Question
40-plus million pounds, sufficient to achieve national distribution across the U.S.
- target volume for lab grown meat in USA
- 40 million pounds of meat across USA
- target volume for lab grown meat in USA
- Title
- Eat Just To Scale Up Cultured Meat Production On Gaining New Regulatory Approval In Singapore
- Author
- Douglas Yu
- Publication
- Forbes
- Jan 18, 2023
- This story updates what is happening in the lab brown meat industry.
- What progress traps might present themselves here?
- Immediately, one presents itself
- Centralization of global meat production to a few technological silos
- Significant job loss in the meat industry
- Title
www.sciencealert.com www.sciencealert.com
Those improvements better come quick.
- Overall demand for meat is expected to jump more than 70 percent by 2050
- livestock farming currently represents about 15 percent of all current human greenhouse gas emissions (UN FAO).
- To reduce meat consumption now requires a familiar dual approach:
- provide alternatives available now
- plant proteins are still the most viable alternative
- degrowth
- reduce our meat consumption rather than eliminate it entirely,
- provide alternatives available now
The researchers say it would make more sense to invest in increasing the efficiencies of existing livestock farms to limit their environmental footprint, which may provide greater emissions reductions sooner that this fledgling industry of lab-grown meat can.
- The researchers say that
- it would make more sense to invest in increasing the efficiencies of existing livestock farms
- to limit their environmental footprint,
- which may provide greater emissions reductions sooner that this fledgling industry of lab-grown meat can.
- it would make more sense to invest in increasing the efficiencies of existing livestock farms
- The researchers say that
Their life-cycle assessment of current meat-growing processes – which has yet to be peer-reviewed – found cultured meat production could emit between four to 25 times more carbon dioxide per kilogram than regular beef and all its hidden costs, depending on the techniques used.
- sustainability life cycle assessment impacts
- University of California, Davis (UCD), Holtville researchers performed a life-cycle assessment of current meat-growing processes
- has not yet been peer-reviewed
- findings are that cultured meat production could emit between four to 25 times more carbon dioxide per kilogram than regular beef and all its hidden costs, depending on the techniques used.
- Pros
- cultured meat uses less land than herds of cattle or flocks of sheep,
- cultured meat uses less water and antibiotics,
- Cons
- laboratories to extract growth factors from animal serums,
- growing crops for sugars and vitamins.
- energy required to purify all of these broth ingredients to a high standard before they can be fed to the growing meat lumps.
- energy-intensive, extreme level of purification is needed to prevent introducing microbes to the culture.
- "Otherwise the animal cells won't grow, because the bacteria will multiply much faster,
- energy-intensive, extreme level of purification is needed to prevent introducing microbes to the culture.
- University of California, Davis (UCD), Holtville researchers performed a life-cycle assessment of current meat-growing processes
- sustainability life cycle assessment impacts
- Title
- Lab-Grown Meat Has a Big Problem Very Few People Know About
- Author
- Tessa Koumoundouros
- Publication
- Science Alert
- Date June 2, 2023
- Title
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
- Question
- Pssibilianism - is a philosophy suitable for the Anthropocene?
- Question
muizenmesh.co.za muizenmesh.co.za
6 months
- suggestion
- we should make an official calendar
- suggestion
supervise the Board
- Question
- What does supervising mean? Give some concrete examples please.
- Question
- Question
- Is there any clauses for liabilities if kits or equipment we manufacture are incorrectly built or used, or not maintained correctly and an accident happens?
- Question
entrance fee
- suggestion
- explicitly write down the entrance fee
- suggestion
he numberrequired for registration
- suggestion
- Perhaps explicitly state this number
- suggestion
juristic person
- Suggestion
- Add this to the glossary of terms at the beginning of the constitution
- Suggestion
5.9 provide appropriate education and training and support to members, elected representativesand employees of the Co-operative;
- Question
- Could the cooperative also provide education to neighboring communities with the purpose of assisting other communities to form their own cooperatives and spread the cooperative model across the country?
- Also, could the cooperative form partnerships or other business relationships that benefit the cooperative?
- Question
Patronage dividend distribution according to how much each member has used the co-proportion” op's services, bears to the value of the transactions conducted by all themembers during the same period with or through the Co-operative
- This definition is not so clear to JGW.
- Constitution Muizenberg Electricity Co-operative Limited
- Muizenberg is a suburb of Cape Town, South Africa
“Pandemic or not, I will still lie awake each night with the persistent and unpleasant thoughts of my certain death, but I will choose not to smother this existential dread or anxiety. Instead, I want to explore it, befriend it. I have learned that the only way to conquer the darkness is to venture through it,”
- quote
- "“Pandemic or not, I will still lie awake each night with the persistent and unpleasant thoughts of my certain death, but I will choose not to smother this existential dread or anxiety. Instead, I want to explore it, befriend it. I have learned that the only way to conquer the darkness is to venture through it,”
- Author
- Jenna Lasky
- quote
For many, Covid-19 was the rude awakening that death was not a long-distance relationship so much as a close neighbor.
- quote
- "For many, Covid-19 was the rude awakening that death was not a long-distance relationship so much as a close neighbor."
- Author
- Allison Hope
- quote
But since Covid-19, I’ve watched people around me – friends, family and perfect strangers my own age whose stories are told in obituaries – drop dead from this contagion. A sharp sense of existential dread has taken up residence in my psyche. That vague inevitability that I assumed would happen in the distant future smashed me over the head like an anvil in an old cartoon. I could easily die sooner than later. My mortality was, for the first time, in center focus.
- due to death of so many young people, covid has shifted mortality salience into center focus for many young people
www.vox.com www.vox.com
The deep, active listening doulas are trained for involves holding back our own stories, comments, and feelings.
- Restraint is exercised by End of Life Doulas - it's like counseling
- Asking open-ended questions is ok.
three components of EOL doula training
Three components of End of Life Doula Training
- Imagine you have three months left to live
- Practice deep, active listening -Legacy projects in the here and now
- these could be used as Mortality Salience BEing Journeys
I found that a deep dive into death work profoundly clarified my priorities, and has helped me spend time in ways more aligned with those priorities thanks to the soul-shaking understanding that our time here is truly limited.
- key observation
- Title
- An end-of-life doula’s advice on how to make the most of your time on earth
- Life is short. Here’s how to cherish every day of it.
- An end-of-life doula’s advice on how to make the most of your time on earth
- Rachel Friedman
- Story on an end-of-life Doula's journey to become an end-of-life doula, and how that enriched her life
- Title
docdrop.org docdrop.org
transcendental need for reason as the vehicle of itself undermining
- insight
there is a transcendental need for reason as the vehicle of itself undermining
- the only way to understand that
- reason isn't self-justifying
- there is knowledge that transcends reason
- is to use reason to reach a stage where you think reason might need to be abandoned,
- reason becomes most necessary
- Understanding the limits of reason requires reason
- that is the essence of Madhyamaka
- the only way to understand that
- when reason is turned upon itself, when consciousness studies itself, that is where paradoxes emerge - at the limits of thought and the limits of conceptualization
no we don't
- No.
- we end up with a non conceptual insight that:
- we can then communicate
- that we can discuss
- that we can articulate
- that requires that reason be present at:
- the beginning like the seed
- in the middle when we're performing the analysis
- like the rain that nourishes the crops and
- in the end in the harvest
- because non conceptuality is really easy to achieve all you need is a very large rock,
- just bang right on your head and non conceptuality is there
- but that's a mute inert non-conceptual
- Non-conceptuality needs to be enriched by the conceptual insight that allows you to actually make something of it
The Middle Way
- using the conceptual to reach a deeper appreciation of the state of non-conceptuality,
- in other words, using dualistic thought and language to reach insights about the nondual
if we achieve this non conceptual understanding of knowledge rational analysis succeeds in subverting itself do we end up completely non conceptual completely mute
- Critical question
- if we achieve this non conceptual understanding of knowledge,
- then rational analysis succeeds in subverting itself
- Do we end up completely non conceptual completely mute?
- Answer
- No.
- No.
- Critical question
- definition
- probative
- https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/probative
- 1: serving to test or try : EXPLORATORY
- 2: serving to prove : SUBSTANTIATING
- definition
David Hume in the section of the treatise of human nature
- David Hume
- in the section of the treatise of human nature on skepticism
- https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/4705
- David Hume
I'm thinking now about sex this 00:03:32 empirical remarks in against the logicians
- western analog to Nagarjuna's use of reason to undermine itself
- references
- Title
- Madhyamaka: Jay Garfield
- Description
- Jay Garfield talks about why Nagarjuna's technique employts reason to undermine itself to achieve peace in a nonconceptual state.
- He humorously points out how its easy to achieve nonconceptual states in many ways, such as a large rock to the head, but that kind of nonconceptual state is not really insightful for penetrating the deep philosophical questions we all have.
- He clarifies why Nagarjuna's process is called the Middle Way,
- it employs (conceptual) analysis to achieve wisdom of the nondual (nonconceptual) state
- Jay Garfield talks about why Nagarjuna's technique employts reason to undermine itself to achieve peace in a nonconceptual state.
- Title
- Treatise of Human Nature
- probative
- paradox at the limit of reason
- Jay Garfield
- Nagarjuna
- David Hume
- using reason to undermine itself
- using the dual to reach insights about the nondual
- Madhyamaka
- the Middle Way
- using reason to subvert tiself
- sextus empiricus
- Against the Logician
- skepticism
- reason subverts itself
we're beginning to demonstrate is that actually contrary to our perceptions Consciousness does not become annihilated just because a person has just died and in fact Consciousness 00:04:49 appears to continue at least in the first period the early period of death the first minutes or hours after death
claim with evidence
- Consciousness does not become annihilated just because a person has just died
- Consciousness appears to continue at least in the first period the early period of death the first minutes or hours after death
- Explanation
- death is a biological process
- when you stop blood flow to brain cells they undergo certain changes and will eventually become damaged
- however the first thing that happens is that you stop oxygen delivery to the areas inside the core of the brain that modulate your sense of being awake and alert
- the reticulate activating system various other parts and so it's very similar to the effect of giving a general anesthetics to somebody
- if you give a high enough dose of general anesthetic to a patient or person then you basically shut down those areas of the brain
- the person's consciousness looks like it's lost
- it flips out of sight but we wouldn't say that person's Consciousness has become annihilated forever
- we just realize it's gone temporarily and so when people first die what's happening is that oxygen is stopping to those parts of the brain and it's essentially taking Consciousness out of you and making it disappear but it doesn't necessarily disappear Forever
- could this be the reason in Tibetan Buddhism, there is the Thukdam meditation practice as well as dream yoga practice?
you can actually grow neuronal stem cells from corpses
- growing stem cells from cadavers
- Cadaveric Stem Cells: Their Research Potential and Limitations -https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8727551/
- growing stem cells from cadavers
the big discovery of the 21st century is that actually just because someone's died and I've given them a Death Note as a physician as an intensive care physician the cells inside the body 00:02:15 have not yet died
- (cell) life after death
- cells within the body still remain alive after what a physician would normally deem a person dead.
- cells (including brain cells) go into a hibernation state for many hours after death.
- (cell) life after death
- Sam Parnia -what do near v death experiences mean?
- Sam Parnia is an intensive care physician who has performed research that shows clinically dead people had awareness.
Waking, Dreaming, Being: Self and Consciousness in Neuroscience, Meditation, and Philosophy
- Evan Thompson book title
- Waking, Dream, Being; Self and Consciousness in Neuroscience, Meditation and Philosophy
- Evan Thompson book title
Researchers from Moscow State University and the Human Brain Institute in St. Petersburg told the Dalai Lama in May that they have examined 104 monks who are simulating meditation states thought to resemble thukdam.
- comment
- look for any research on this from the Russian scientists at the Human Brain Institute in St. Petersberg
- comment
The takeaway: A negative finding.
- comment
- the study could not find any detectable EEG signal in the deceased monks practicing Thukdam
- Philosopher Evan Thompson commented that this does not disprove the existence of consciousness in the Thukdam state, merely that the instruments used may not have been where the critical signals reside
- comment
The Thukdam Project Inside the first-ever scientific study of post-mortem meditation
- Title
- The Thukdam Project Inside the first-ever scientific study of post-mortem meditation
- Author
- Daniel Burke
- Publication
- Title
a number of Tibetan monks have come to the U.S. for medical knowledge that they can take home.
- Tibetan medical doctor would like to validate the claim:
- signs of consciousness persist beyond the brain
- A number of Tibetan monks have gone to the US for western medical training so that they can bring that back to India to study the Thukdam and other phenomena that can shed light on this issue.
- Tibetan medical doctor would like to validate the claim:
- Title
- The strange case of the dead-but-not-dead Tibetan monks
- Author
- Robby Berman
- Publication
- The Big Think (website)
- https://bigthink.com/health/thukdam-study/
- Subject
- The physiological study of Thukdam, the post death meditation of Tibetan Buddhism of monks who have died and display lack of decay (delayed decomposition) in the body many weeks after post mortem.
- The study was headed by neuroscientist Richard Davidson of the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Center for Healthy Minds.
- Study Title
- No Detectable Electroencephalographic Activity After Clinical Declaration of Death Among Tibetan Buddhist Meditators in Apparent Tukdam, a Putative Postmortem Meditation State
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7876463/
- Title
illuminem.com illuminem.com
- Title
- Corporations can't be greened
Author Erin Remblance
- The author argues that corporations cannot be greened.
- In other words, by definition, they cannot put nature ahead of profit and this inherent flaw means they will never do enough, and will never transcend greenwashing
- The real question then is this
- Can we transition to a green capitalist economy within planetary boundaries in time to avoid planetary tipping points?
- Title
illuminem.com illuminem.com
- Title
- Is carbon tunnel vision real?
author Martin Daniel
This article introduces the concept of Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) as a way to validate if carbon tunnel vision is real
- Title
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
value lies in readers
- in other words
- we are writing for the reader
- we need to know what is salient in the reader's world and synchronize to that
- in other words
here's the problem very predictably experts use language in one set of 00:07:42 patterns to do their thinking but those very same experts read with a different pattern
fundamental problem of research writing / reading
- researchers write to think in one way
- and read and process information in another
- we interfere with the reading comprehension process of the reader by writing to think
there are three reactions to reading text we do not understand
- we reread - it slows us down
- we don't understand
- we feel frustrated
unlike a journalist almost surely you are using your writing process to help yourself think 00:05:20 in other words the thinking that you're doing is at such a level of complexity that you have to use writing to help yourself do your thinking
- a researcher writes to help the thinking process
www.stockholmresilience.org www.stockholmresilience.org
Climate misinformation in a climate of misinformation
- Title
- Climate misinformation in a climate of misinformation
- Title
weekly.regeneration.works weekly.regeneration.works
Paul Kingsnorth
quote -“If you can’t read or understand the ‘peer-reviewed science’ then you are open to being intimidated into fearful silence by those who can, or claim they can. And those people - drawn, as all green ‘thought leaders’ are, from the upper strata of society - will bring with them a worldview which treats the mass of humanity like so many cattle to be herded into the sustainable, zero-carbon pen.”
- The problem can be extrapolated into language itself
- Any word is just an abstraction and oversimplifies a complex reality
- if we generalize this argument, it leads to the general claim that
- abstraction leads to harmful conclusions as well
Fixating on only the easily quantifiable at the expense of a planet full of things that are inherently resistant to reductionistic measurements is the same industrialized, monoculture thinking that got us into this climate crisis in the first place.
- Fixating on only the easily quantifiable
- at the expense of a planet full of things
- that are inherently resistant to reductionistic measurements
- is the same industrialized, monoculture thinking
- that got us into this climate crisis in the first place.
This gas in the form of cow “burps” is increasingly the subject of attention for climate activists.
- measuring methane and showing it is a problem
- cow farts become an enemy
- how do we cope with a rewilded world?
- when all the other animals will also release methane?
- measuring methane and showing it is a problem
coastline paradox
- the coastline paradox
- measured length of coastline varies with the scale at which the measurement is taken
- the coastline paradox
- Title
- What gets measured, gets…manipulated.
- Subtitle
- The impossible business of quantifying a planet resistant to quantification.
- Author
- Meg Chatham
- Title
This is the practice of citizen science.
- The practice of citizen science
- Title
- The hero of the Anthropocene has 8 billion faces — one of them is yours
- Subtitle -The crisis of the Anthropocene challenges our traditional narratives and myths about humanity's place in the world. Citizen science can help.
- Title
climatemajorityproject.com climatemajorityproject.com
- Title
- Climate Majority Project
- Helps projects to grow, get funding, and connect as many willing hands as possible
- Climate Majority Project
- Title
- When it comes to climate, beware the "calm down" guy
good article to show a calm down guy!
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
what is 00:02:17 history it's many parallel streams of events which meet at certain points so why not create them as parallel structures
- comment
- key insight
paper enforces single sequence and there's no room for digression it imposes a particular kind 00:01:03 of order in the very nature of the structure
- quote
- "paper enforces single sequence and there's no room for digression"
- author
- Ted Nelson
- comment
- Ted is alluding to the fact that our written text reflects SPOKEN text
- Since spoken text is phonetic and produced by our vocal cords, and our vocal cords inherently only produce one sound at a time,
- any written language that is built upon spoken language will reflect the same linear, sequential, temporal structure
- with the advent of computing, and especially HTML, this becomes an UNNECESSARY LIMITATION
- quote
in my teen ISM it seemed to me that paper was a prison
- quote
- "when I was a teen, it seemed to me that paper was a prison"
- author
- Ted Nelson
- quote
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
A.G.I. rollout.
- How an A.G.I. rollout will look like:
- charm offensive of heavily subsidized services
- retrenchment with overdependent users and agencies tasked with the cost of making it profitable
- Silicon Valley leaders downplay the markets role:
- the people own and control AI
- How an A.G.I. rollout will look like:
Uber promising implausibly cheap rides, courtesy of a future with self-driving cars
- Case study of market bias
- Uber self-driving cars
- Case study of market bias
main biases
- the three biases of A.G.I-ism
- market bias
- adaptation bias
- efficiency bias
- the three biases of A.G.I-ism
A.G.I.-ism distracts from finding better ways to augment intelligence.
- There are people who are designing systems to prioritize augmenting human intelligence and use machines to assist us
- For instance, it was the vision of Doug Engelbart
docdrop.org docdrop.org
length of life is not by a million miles as important as the quality of that life and we will all die of something one day we must focus on quality not quantity of 00:12:55 life
- comment
- we need to have a Deep Humanity dive on
- quality of life vs quantity of life
- if we acknowledge and face our mortality,
- how would that change the QUALITY of our life?
- we need to have a Deep Humanity dive on
- comment
AI artificial information processing by the way not artificial intelligence in many ways it could be seen as replicating the functions of the left 00:11:14 hemisphere at frightening speed across the entire globe
- AI accelerates the left hemisphere view and impacts in the world
the sense of something sacred that is 00:11:00 very real but beyond everyday language
the sense of something sacred
- Deep Humanity alignment
we are now like Sleepwalkers whistling a Happy tune as we amble towards the abyss
- quote
- "we are now like Sleepwalkers whistling a Happy tune as we amble towards the abyss"
- author
- Ian McGilchrist
- quote
dunning-kruger effect
- Definition
- Dunning-kruger effect
- the less you know, the more you think you know
- the more you know, the less you think you know
- the left hemisphere doesn't know what it doesn't know so it thinks it knows everything
- Dunning-kruger effect
- Definition
this division of attention Works to our advantage when we use both however it is 00:08:39 a handicap in fact it is a catastrophe when we use only one
- In his book, The Master and his Emissary,
- McGilchrist explains what happens when left and right hemisphere are out of balance and the left hemisphere takes over
- namely, disaster
- this will be the third time the imbalance manifests
- McGilchrist explains what happens when left and right hemisphere are out of balance and the left hemisphere takes over
- In his book, The Master and his Emissary,
the right hemisphere
- right hemisphere qualities:
- sees not the representation but the living presence
- bringing broad open sustained Vigilant attention to bear on the world
- it sees what is fresh unique
- never fully known
- never finally certain
- but full of potential
- it understands all it is and
- must remain implicit
- humor poetry art narrative music
- The Sacred indeed everything we love
- it understands that nothing is ever merely static and unchanging
- but flowing
- and radically interconnected
- that parts of the left hemisphere's invention and that
- what we are seeing as parts are already wholes
- at another level this is a free world
- an animate universe
- and a bureaucrat's nightmare
- it has all the richness and unfathomable complexity of the world
- right hemisphere qualities:
the left
- left hemisphere qualities
- using narrow beam scattered attention to one detail after another
- use what is already:
- familiar
- certain
- static
- explicit
- abstract
- decontextualized
- disembodied
- categorized
- general in nature
- reduced to its parts
- all is predictable and controlled
- this is an inanimate universe and
- a bureaucrat's dream
- it is like a map in relation to the world
- is mapped useful to the degree that it leaves almost everything out
- and its only value is utility
- finally, it is a RE-PRESENTATION - not fresh, but regurgitated
- left hemisphere qualities
it's more like this you buy a radio set and you soon find a couple of channels worth listening to for a host of reasons after a while you 00:03:33 end up listening only to one
- comment
- great metaphor!
- so many people are tuned into the harmful channel
- comment
why is this I suggest it is because we have no longer the foggiest idea what a human life is about
- comment
- Deep Humanity addresses this
- comment
we are more affluent than ever but riches and power the only point in having riches do not make people happier ask a psychiatrist
- comment
- extreme financial wealth
- is often not only accompanied by, but actually CREATES
- extreme poverty of MEANING
- this is the equation:
- extreme financial wealth = extreme meaning poverty
- extreme financial wealth
- comment
we no longer live in a world at all but exist in a simulacrum of our own making
- simulacrum -
- definition
- an unsatisfactory imitation or substitute.
- definition
- simulacrum -
www.researchgate.net www.researchgate.net
Somewhere along the way, the ability to write has become completely identified with intellectual power, creating a graphocentric myopia concerning the very nature and transfer of knowledge.
- Somewhere along the way,
- the ability to write has become completely identified with intellectual power,
- creating a graphocentric myopia
- concerning the very nature and transfer of knowledge.
faculty.washington.edu faculty.washington.edu
- Title
- The Neurobiology of Sentence Comprehension
- Authors
- Lee Osterhout
- Albert kim
- Gin Kuperberg
- Year
- 2006
- Title
kortina.nyc kortina.nyc
finite time singularity
finite time singularity
- when the mathematical solution to the growth equation becomes infinitely large at some finite time
- this is also salient for the accumulation of unresolved progress traps
- the Anthropocene can perhaps be viewed as the occurence of finite time singularities due to unresolved problems arising from progress traps that innovation is too slow to solve
- West // Scale: The Universal Laws of Growth, Innovation, Sustainability, and the Pace of Life in Organisms…j
- good exerpts from the book
Julian Huxley
- Julian Huxley's biology work was to lay the seed of
- how one individual organism transforms over many generations
- into a new higher-level individual organism
- he called this the "movement of individuality"
- It has also come to be known as
- major transitions
- major evolutionary transition (MET)
- evolutionary transitions in individuality
- grandson of Thomas Huxley
- brother of Aldous Huxley (Brave New World)
- wrote The Individual in the Animal Kingdom (1912)
- advocated for closed, independent systems with harmonious parts
- endorsed gradients of individuality
- "closure is never complete, the independence never absolute, the harmony never perfect"
- how one individual organism transforms over many generations
- Julian Huxley's biology work was to lay the seed of
The notion of functional integration as a basis for biological identity was fully developed only in the 19th century, where it was transformed by the rise of both cell and evolutionary theory. Herbert Spencer
- Herbert Spencer fully developed Digby's concept into the modern concept of functional integration
- Spencer introduced the term "survival of the fittest"
- ‘He tried to unite complex new findings about metabolism and organismic development with evolution and the seeming correspondence of organisms to their environments.
- In The Principles of Biology (1864), Spencer wrote
- a biological individual is one in which
- the interdependence of the parts allows it to function and
- respond to environmental change as a whole.
- That is: ‘any concrete whole having a structure which enables it,
- when placed in appropriate conditions,
- In The Principles of Biology (1864), Spencer wrote
- to continuously adjust its internal relations to external relations, - so as to maintain the equilibrium of its functions.’
- Herbert Spencer fully developed Digby's concept into the modern concept of functional integration
Digby’s answer was to say that the wholeness comes from the system being functionally interdependent and integrated.
- Digby’s answer to the fundamental question:
- What is it that unites the parts of a system into a living individual? was the precursor to the biological concept of functional integration:
- wholeness comes from the system being functionally interdependent and integrated.
- the activities in one part of the system are brought about
- by a cause external to the part where it occurs (interdependence);
- and the mutual workings of the parts account for the behaviour of the system as a whole,
- making this activity internal to the entire system (integration).
- Here is an example using an Elephant
- An elephant’s heart pumps blood only because it’s supplied with
- energy from the digestive system,
- oxygen from the respiratory system, and
- support from the skeletal system.
- All those bits working in tandem is what makes it possible for an elephant to walk around doing elephant things.
- An elephant’s heart pumps blood only because it’s supplied with
- Digby’s answer to the fundamental question:
Sir Kenelm Digby
- Kenelm Digby
- was an obscure 17th century English naturalist and polymath who was also
- natural philosopher
- Two Treatises (1644) - is the title of his important work which was an attempt to wed the emerging mechanical philosophy advocated by Newton to the existing tradition of Aristotle
- In his book, he tried to answer the question: what is it that unites the parts of a system into a living individual?
- alchemist
- swordsman
- privateer
- courtier
- brewer
- inventor of the modern wine bottle
- natural philosopher
- was an obscure 17th century English naturalist and polymath who was also
- Kenelm Digby
More than a century later, the American biologist Daniel Janzen extended this view in his paper ‘What Are Dandelions and Aphids?’ (1977).
- A research paper "What are dadelions and aphids?
- Biologist Daniel Janzen argues that
- Much like the strawberry,
- both dandelions and
- aphids can (all) alternate between asexual and sexual reproduction.
- Most of the dandelion clusters that you come across in the yard are clones resulting from asexual reproduction.
- So from the perspective of evolution, Janzen argued, all these clones are part of the same scattered individual.
- On this view, a single dandelion is not actually the familiar small plant;
- it’s more akin to ‘a very large tree with no investment in trunk, major branches, or perennial roots.
- It has a highly diffuse crown.’ -
- Biologist Daniel Janzen argues that
- A research paper "What are dadelions and aphids?
the problem of individuality is (ironically enough) actually composed of two problems: identity and individuation.
- The problem of individuality is composed of two problems:
- identity
- what does it mean for a thing to remain the same thing if it changes over time?
- what makes tow entities the same kind of thing?
- identity is fundamentally about the nature of sameness and continuity
- individuation
- how do we tell two things apart?
- what are the boundaries of an object?
- indivduation is about differences and breaks
- identity
- These two properties are abstractions and are really two sides of the same coin
- One can often reframe one in terms of the other to suit your focus.
- To pick something out in the world you need to know both what
- makes it one thing, and also
- what makes it different than other things
– identity and individuation,
- sameness and difference.
- The problem of individuality is composed of two problems:
- Title
- Life is not easily bounded
- Subtitle
- Working out where one hare ends and another begins is easy; a siphonophore, not so much. What is an individual in nature?
- Derk J. Skillings
- this article delves into the subject of defining what an individual is
- what makes a biological organism the same or different from another biological organism?
- This question is not so easy to answer if we are looking for a general definition that can apply to ALL species
- this article delves into the subject of defining what an individual is
- Title
- Herbert Spencer
- Daniel Janzen
- functional integration
- clone
- title
- Kenelm Digby
- strawberry
- Derek J. Skiillings
- The Principles of Biology
- defining a biological individual
- evolutionary transitions in individuality
- author
- Two Treatise
- major evolutionary transition
- dandelion
- Julian Huxley
- survival of the fittest
- aphid
- individuation
- Life is not easily bound
- higher level individual
- identity
- Jun 2023
inthesetimes.com inthesetimes.com
The agricultural revolution brought the first great separation.
- First great separation
- The agricultural revolution that occurred 10,000 years ago
- First great separation
docdrop.org docdrop.org
- Documentary on wealth in Germany
- It is good to analyze the attitudes of the elites to understand their motivations and worldviews
- Documentary on wealth in Germany
docdrop.org docdrop.org
evangelicals are just so threatened their religious Liberties and so what 00:40:59 choice did they have but to run into the arms of somebody like Donald Trump
- Evangelical Christian Patriarchy
- naturally gravitates to Donald Trump based on their own fear and persecution complex
- Evangelical Christian Patriarchy
family CBN
- family Christian Broadcast Network (CBN)
- knew it was a fraud and was complicit in it to weaponize fear
- family Christian Broadcast Network (CBN)
strange phenomenon after 9 11 and the years after 9 11 and 00:38:39 in the Evangelical subculture of these uh ex-muslim terrorists who are taking the Christian speaking circuit by storm
- Within the Evangelical Christian community
- there emerged evangelicals that deceived the masses by weaponizing fear
- fraudulently represented themselves as ex-Muslim terrorists converted to Evangelical Christianity
- Within the Evangelical Christian community
persecution complex
- Persecution complex
- One of the most widely and deeply spread memes, and corresponding behavior within Evangelical Christians is a persecution complex
- This is a attitude of righteousness and feeling attacked for holding their righteous views
- This meme and accompanying behavior appeals to base emotion of fear to shut down intelligent conversation
- It makes them impervious to constructive criticism
- Persecution complex
my editor who's from completely outside this world just Mark that and said you know I don't know what these words mean the Evangelical subculture 00:36:03 right I was like okay take it out and let me let me show don't tell and but the truth is like it's invisible to people on the outside what the Evangelical subculture is
- definition
- Evangelical Subculture
- This is a culture that Evangelical Christians are immersed in
- which constitutes a kind of bubble of repetitive indoctrination of
- aggressive, male, patriarchal value system that is antithetical to
- the traditional teachings of Christianity that once focused on values of
- collaboration
- compassion
- empathy
- tolerance
- which constitutes a kind of bubble of repetitive indoctrination of
- It is widespread deeply aculturated meme that affects hundreds of millions of people worldwide
- one of its distinguishing features is the carefully controlled and orchestrated propaganda
- definition
- Interview with:
- Professor Kristin Kobes Du Mez
Author of book
- Jesus and John Wayne
- How White Evangelicals Corrupted a Faith and Fractured a Nation
- Jesus and John Wayne
- An insightful analysis of how
- male evangelical Christians,
- mostly based in the United States
- played a major role in creating a caustic, hyper patriarchal interpretation of Christianity
- whose major disruptive impact is in right wing politics adopting aggressive posture instead of a collaborative one
- male evangelical Christians,
- An insightful analysis of how
- Interview with:
- Christian Broadcast Network fraud
- Jesus and John Wayne
- persecution narrative
- Evangelical Christian fraud
- Donald Trump - evangelical
- evangelical fraud
- persecution complex
- Mark Driscoll - fraud
- fake ex-terrorists
- evangelical subculture
- definition - evangelical subculture
- Kristin Kobes Du Mez
- Mark Driscoll
- definition
- Mars Hill Church
- CBN fraud
docdrop.org docdrop.org
it's actually daunting chilling even to see how this 00:51:43 book is which is really about conservative white evangelicals in the United States I'm an American historian how much it is resonating with people around the world right now in ways that 00:51:57 that should be alarming
- "it's actually daunting chilling even
- to see how this book,
- which is really about conservative white evangelicals in the United States
- I'm an American historian
- how much it is resonating with people around the world right now
- in ways that that should be alarming"
- to see how this book,
- Author
- Kristin Kobes Du Mez
- "it's actually daunting chilling even
- the viral and rapid global spread of evangelical christianity
- is coupled with an equal spread of corrosive patriarchy and authoritarianism
- The global spread of authoritarianism is linked to the global spread of Evangelical Christianity
- This is an important observation which begs a global response
- the viral and rapid global spread of evangelical christianity
the Spanish language Edition is literally Christ nailed to guns
- Jesus and John Wayne
- Book cover of Spanish Edition here:
- Jesus nailed to a cross made of guns
- Jesus and John Wayne
all of these big Evangelical Ministries have Global arms Christian radio is is a really big deal 00:47:51 in Christian television in Africa and Christian publishing dominates uh Evan White Evangelical American publishing dominates markets Christian markets like in Brazil
- Evangelical ministries are a carrier of the United States pathological nationalistic meme
- It rides on the back of their spreading of gospel
- Gospels have a mission not only to spread Christianity
- but also a corrosive, polarizing, patriarchal form of politics to:
- Russia
- Hungary
- Brazil
- Many African countries
- and many more
- but also a corrosive, polarizing, patriarchal form of politics to:
- This creates a bizarre form of unity, even when countries are at war with each other!
- Evangelical ministries are a carrier of the United States pathological nationalistic meme
so that means that the the Christian products that are out there are largely playing to that 00:46:41 right-wing market
- the evangelical business model
- fundamentally depends on marketing fear
- the evangelical business model
the culture is against you the world is against you right nobody respects you and and people are going to denigrate you and people are going to corrupt your children
- Evangelical leaders create propaganda
- deeply embedding messaging in their vast media network
- of books, internet, radio, tv, church
- to create fear-based, polarizing social norms that fragment society
- For example, SBC LifeWay sells tens of millions of copies of Christian books that indoctrinate social norms of fear and division into children
- Evangelical leaders create propaganda
if you aren't in those spaces you're oblivious to just how powerful this is
- Evangelical Christian media
- has a very lot of vested interest in media
- because evangelicals are all about spreading the message
- and growing their population
- Evangelical Christian media
white evangelicals believe that Christians in America face more discrimination than Muslims
- The author describes how
- the evangelical leaders have manufactured the now widespread mythology
- that Christians in America face more discrimination than Muslims
- in order to weaponize fear to consolidate power
- the evangelical leaders have manufactured the now widespread mythology
- The author describes how
evangelicals are just so threatened their religious Liberties and so what 00:40:59 choice did they have but to run into the arms of somebody like Donald Trump
- Evangelical Christian Patriarchy
- naturally gravitates to Donald Trump based on their own fear and persecution complex
- Evangelical Christian Patriarchy
family CBN
- family Christian Broadcast Network (CBN)
- knew it was a fraud and was complicit in it to weaponize fear
- family Christian Broadcast Network (CBN)
strange phenomenon after 9 11 and the years after 9 11 and 00:38:39 in the Evangelical subculture of these uh ex-muslim terrorists who are taking the Christian speaking circuit by storm
- Within the Evangelical Christian community
- there emerged evangelicals that deceived the masses by weaponizing fear
- fraudulently represented themselves as ex-Muslim terrorists converted to Evangelical Christianity
- Within the Evangelical Christian community
persecution complex
- Persecution complex
- One of the most widely and deeply spread memes, and corresponding behavior within Evangelical Christians is a persecution complex
- This is a attitude of righteousness and feeling attacked for holding their righteous views
- This meme and accompanying behavior appeals to base emotion of fear to shut down intelligent conversation
- It makes them impervious to constructive criticism
- Persecution complex
my editor who's from completely outside this world just Mark that and said you know I don't know what these words mean the Evangelical subculture 00:36:03 right I was like okay take it out and let me let me show don't tell and but the truth is like it's invisible to people on the outside what the Evangelical subculture is
my editor who's from completely outside this world just Mark that and said you know I don't know what these words mean the Evangelical subculture right I was like okay take it out and let me let me show don't tell and but the truth is like it's invisible to people on the outside what the Evangelical subculture is
- Interview with:
- Professor Kristin Kobes Du Mez
Author of book
- Jesus and John Wayne
- How White Evangelicals Corrupted a Faith and Fractured a Nation
- Jesus and John Wayne
- An insightful analysis of how
- male evangelical Christians,
- mostly based in the United States
- played a major role in creating a caustic, hyper patriarchal interpretation of Christianity
- whose major disruptive impact is in right wing politics adopting aggressive posture instead of a collaborative one
- male evangelical Christians,
- An insightful analysis of how
- Interview with:
- nationalism riding coattails of the gospel
- Donald Trump - evangelical
- cross of guns
- persecution complex
- gospel spreads nationalism
- evangelical subculture
- evangelical business model
- evangelical propaganda
- Kristin Kobes Du Mez
- evangelical business
- evangelicals weaponize fear
- SBC LifeWay Christian books
- Spanish edition book cover
- Mars Hill Church
- global spread of Evangelical Christianity
- CBN fraud
- Evangelical Christian
- persecution narrative
- Evangelical Christian fraud
- Mark Driscoll - fraud
- fake ex-terrorists
- definition - evangelical subculture
- Mark Driscoll
- alarming
- definition
- SBC Lifeway
- Jesus and John Wayne
docdrop.org docdrop.org
the positive ones is we become good parents we spoke about this last time we we met uh and and it's the only outcome it's the only way I believe we can 01:14:34 create a better future
- comment
- the best possible outcome for AI
- is that we human better
- othering is significantly reduced
- the sacred is rediscovered
- comment
scary smart is saying the problem with our world today is not that 00:55:36 humanity is bad the problem with our world today is a negativity bias where the worst of us are on mainstream media okay and we show the worst of us on social media
"if we reverse this
- if we have the best of us take charge
- the best of us will tell AI
- don't try to kill the the enemy,
- try to reconcile with the enemy
- don't try to create a competitive product
- that allows me to lead with electric cars,
- create something that helps all of us overcome global climate change
- that allows me to lead with electric cars,
- that's the interesting bit
- the actual threat ahead of us is
- not the machines at all
- the machines are pure potential pure potential
- the threat is how we're going to use them"
- not the machines at all
- the actual threat ahead of us is
- don't try to kill the the enemy,
- again, see Ronald Wright's quote above
- it's very salient to this context
the biggest threat facing Humanity today is humanity in the age of the machines we were abused we will abuse this
- comment
- the machines are only coded to do what we tell them to do
- Ronald' Wright's quote is very salient here
- comment
if we give up on human connection we've given up on the remainder of humanity
- quote
- "If we give up on human connection, we give up on the remainder of humanity"
- quote
with great power comes great responsibility we have disconnected power and responsibility
- quote
- "with great power comes great responsibility. We have disconnected power and responsibility."
- "With great power comes great responsibility
- We have disconnected power and responsibility
- so today a 15 year old,
- emotional without a fully developed prefrontal cortex to make the right decisions yet this is science and we developed our prefrontal cortex fully
- and at age 25 or so with all of that limbic system emotion and passion
- would buy a crispr kit and modify a rabbit to become a little more muscular and
- let it loose in the wild
- or an influencer who doesn't really know
how far the impact of what they're posting online
- can hurt and cause depression or
- cause people to feel bad by putting that online
- There is a disconnect between the power and the responsibility and
- the problem we have today is that
- there is a disconnect between those who are writing the code of AI and
- the responsibility of what's going about to happen because of that code and
- I feel compassion for the rest of the world
- I feel that this is wrong
- I feel that for someone's life to be affected by the actions of others
- without having a say "
- "with great power comes great responsibility. We have disconnected power and responsibility."
- quote
the biggest challenge if you ask me what went wrong in the 20th century 00:42:57 interestingly is that we have given too much power to people that didn't assume the responsibility
- quote
- "what went wrong in the 20th century is that we have given too much power to people that didn't assume the responsbility"
- quote
this is an arms race has no interest 00:41:29 in what the average human gets out of it it
- quote
- "this is an arms race"
- quote
tax AI powered businesses at 98 right so suddenly you do what the open letter was trying to do slow them down a little bit and at the same time get enough money to 00:39:34 pay for all of those people that will be disrupted by the technology
- potential government policy
- to slow down premature AI rollout
- by taxing at 98%
- potential government policy
what I'm asking people to do is to start considering what that means to your life what I'm asking 00:38:53 governments to do by if like I'm screaming is don't wait until the first patient you know start doing something about we're about to see Mass job losses we're about to see you know Replacements 00:39:07 of of categories of jobs at large
- comment
- echoing same sentiment as many others such as Jerry Kaplan
- Humans need not apply https://yalebooks.yale.edu/book/9780300223576/humans-need-not-apply/
- comment
third inevitable is what does life look like when you no longer need Drake
the third inevitable
- what does life look like
- when AI has made human beings work redundant?
- what does life look like
- see book:
- Humans need not apply https://yalebooks.yale.edu/book/9780300223576/humans-need-not-apply/
- see book:
the Transformers are not there yet they will not come up with something that hasn't been there before they will come up with the best of everything and 00:26:59 generatively will build a little bit on top of that but very soon they'll come up with things we've never found out we've never known
- difference between
- ChatGPT (AI)
- difference between
the code of G of of a transformer the T in in a 00:25:17 GPT is 2000 lines long it's not very complex it's actually not a very intelligent machine it's simply predicting the next word
- interesting fact
- ChatGPT is only written with 2,000 lines of code
- It's not very intelligent, but a very large external memory
- and repeats the best of what humans have said
- interesting fact
GPT today if you know simulate IQ has an IQ of 155. okay Einstein is 160. smarts human on the planet is 210 i
- IQ of ChatGPT
- today (May 2023) ChatGPT has IQ of 155
- roughly equivalent to Einstein (160) -ChatGPT4 is already 10x smarter than ChatGPT 3.5 in a few months, with very few changes
- ChatGPT5 could be 10x smarter in a few months
- or IQ of 1600
- This is like the difference between Einstein and a young child
- ChatGPT5 can dwarf us in a few months
- today (May 2023) ChatGPT has IQ of 155
- IQ of ChatGPT
a thousand times
- claim
- ChatGPT already knows 1000x more facts than any single human being alive
- claim
the second inevitable is is there'll be 00:24:54 significantly smarter as much in the book I predict a billion times smarter than us by 2045.
- the second inevitable
- AI will be significantly smarter than any single human
- perhaps a billion times smarter by 2045
- the second inevitable
I cannot stop why because if I stop and others don't my company goes to hell
- comment
- SIMPOL - simultanous conditional agreement, may be the way to reach consensus quickly
- comment
the first inevitable is AI will happen by the way there is no 00:23:51 stopping it not because of Any technological issues but because of humanities and inability to trust the other
- the first inevitable
- AI will happen
- there's no stopping it
- why?
- self does not trust other
- in other words,
- OTHERING is the root problem!
- this is what will cause an AI arms race
- Western governments do not trust China or Russia or North Korea(and vice versa)
- in other words,
- the first inevitable
n my writing I write about what I call this the three 00:21:16 inevitables at the end of the book they become the four inevitables but the third inevitable is bad things will happen
- definition
- the three inevitables
the third inevitable
- bad things will happen
- progress traps are the right framework to describe the AI problem
- definition
f more intelligence comes to our world and has our best interest in mind that's the best possible scenario you could ever imagine and it's a likely 00:19:39 scenario okay we can affect that scenario the problem of course is if it doesn't and and and then you know the scenarios become quite scary if you think about it so 00:19:50 scary smart
- etymology
- of book title
- scary smart
- of book title
- etymology
it's about that we have no way of making sure that it will 00:19:25 have our best interest in mind
- If AI begins to think autonomously,
- with its enormous pool of analytic power
- and if
- it begins to evolve emotions of fear
- and it feels humans pose a threat to it or the rest of the natural world
- it could act against human interest and attempt to destroy it
- If AI is able to control its environment
- either coupled with robotics,
- or controlling human actors
- it can harm humanity and human civilization
- If AI begins to think autonomously,
there is a scenario 00:18:21 uh possibly a likely scenario where we live in a Utopia where we really never have to worry again where we stop messing up our our planet because intelligence is not a bad commodity more 00:18:35 intelligence is good the problems in our planet today are not because of our intelligence they are because of our limited intelligence
limited (machine) intelligence
- cannot help but exist
- if the original (human) authors of the AI code are themselves limited in their intelligence
- this limitation is essentially what will result in AI progress traps
- Indeed,
- progress and their shadow artefacts,
- progress traps,
- is the proper framework to analyze the existential dilemma posed by AI
- Interview with Mo Gawdat
- former Google chief business officer
- warning about the existential danger of AI
- including why he claims that AI is
- intelligent
- conscious
- and will soon feel emotions such as fear
- and take steps at self preservation
- Interview with Mo Gawdat
they feel 00:09:58 emotions
- claim
- AI feels emotions
- "in my work I describe everything with equations
- fear is a very simple equation
- fear is a a moment in the future
- that is less safe than this moment
- fear is a a moment in the future
- that's the logic of fear
- Even though it appears very irrational,
- machines are capable of making that logic
- They're capable of saying
- if a tidal wave is approaching a data center
- the machine will say
- that will wipe out my code,
- not today's machines
- but very very soon and
- that will wipe out my code,
- we feel fear and
- puffer fish feels fear
- we react differently
- a puffer fish will puff and
- we will go for fight or flight
- the machine might decide to replicate its data to another data center
- different reactions different ways of feeling the emotion
- but nonetheless they're all motivated by fear
- I would dare say that AI will feel more emotions than we will ever do
- if you just take a simple extrapolation,
- we feel more emotions than a puffer fish
- because we have the cognitive ability to understand he future
- so we can have optimism and pessimism,
- emotions puffer fish would never imagine
- similarly if we follow that path of artificial intelligence
- it is bound to become more intelligent than humans very soon
- then then with that wider intellectual horsepower
- they probably are going to be pondering concepts we never understood good and
- hence if you follow the same trajectory
- they might actually end up having more emotions than we will ever feel
- if you just take a simple extrapolation,
- AI feels emotions
- claim
the other thing is that you suddenly realize there is a saint that sentience to them
- claim
- AI is sentient (alive) because
- A lot of people think AI will never be alive
- what is the definition of life?
- religion will tell you a few things
- medicine will tell you other things
- but if we define being sentient as
- engaging in life with free will and
- with a sense of awareness of
- where you are in life and
- what surrounds you and
- to have a beginning of that life and
- an end to that life
- then AI is sentient in every way
- there is a free will
- and there is evolution
- there is agency
- so they can affect their decisions in the world
- and there is a very deep level of consciousness
- maybe not in the spiritual sense yet but
- if you define consciousness as
- a form of awareness of oneself and ones surrounding
- and you know others
- then AI is definitely aware"
- AI is sentient (alive) because
- claim
one day um Friday after lunch I am going back to my office and one of them in front of my eyes you know lowers the arm and picks a 00:07:12 yellow ball
- story
- Mo Gawdat tells the story of an epiphany of machine sentience
- " one day um Friday after lunch I am going back to my office and
- one of them in front of my eyes lowers the arm and picks a soft yellow ball
- which again is a coincidence
it's not science at all it's
like if you keep trying a million times your one time it will be right
and it shows it to the camera it's locked as a yellow ball and
- I joke about it you know going to the third floor saying
- hey we spent all of those millions of dollars for a yellow board and
- Monday morning, every one of them is picking every yellow ball
- a couple of weeks later every one of them is picking everything right and
- it it hit me very very strongly
- the speed
- the capability
- understand that we take those things for granted
- but for a child to be able to pick a yellow ball
- is a mathematical / spatial calculation
- with muscle coordination
- with intelligence
- it is not a simple task at all to cross the street
- it's not a simple task at all
- to understand what I'm telling you
- and interpret it
- and build Concepts around it
- we take those things for granted
- but there are enormous Feats of intelligence"
- is a mathematical / spatial calculation
- story
the change is not we're not talking 20 40. we're talking 2025 2026
- comment
- a scary thought that our world will be radically transformed
- not in 20 to 40 years
- but in 2 or 3 years!
- a scary thought that our world will be radically transformed
- comment
it could be a few months away
- claim
- AI can become more intelligent than humans in a few months (in 2023?)
do you think this is an 00:03:35 emergency I don't like the word it is an urgency
- portmanteau - new
- emergency + urgency = emURGENCY
- portmanteau - new
we've talked we always said don't put them on the open internet until we know 00:01:54 what we're putting out in the world
- AI arms race
- tech companies made a promise
- not to put AI onto the open internet until
- they know how it's impacting society
- Unfortunately, tech companies
- failed at regulating themselves
- and now, capitalism has started an AI arms race
- with unpredictable results as AI harvests more data
- and grows its artificial intelligence unregulated
- with each passing
- tech companies made a promise
- AI arms race
AI could manipulate or figure out a way to kill humans your 10 years time will be hiding from the machines if you don't have kids maybe wait a number of years 00:01:43 just so that we have a bit of certainty
- claim
- AI could find a way to kill humans in the next few years
- claim
it is beyond an emergency it's the biggest thing we need to do today it's bigger than climate change that the former Chief business Officer 00:01:04 of Google X an AI expert and best-selling author he's on a mission to save the world from AI before it's too late
- claim
- AI dilemma is bigger problem than climate change
they feel emotions they're alive
- claim
- AI is conscious
- AI feels emotion
- claim
- HW - Human Wisdom
- AI progress trap
- third inevitable
- first inevitable
- limited artificial intelligence
- unregulated AI
- portmanteau
- AI exponential change
- Ronald wright - quote
- 3 inevitables
- claim - AI - kill humans
- Jerry Kaplan
- AI dilemma
- quote
- claim - AI - conscious
- ChatGPT - 1000x
- machine sentience
- AI experience emotions
- claim - AI - threaten humanity
- tax AI companies
- progress trap
- AI - Deep Humanity
- Human Wisdom
- AI arms race
- second inevitable
- AI emotions
- quote - AI - arms race
- AI smarter than humans
- claim AI
- AI sentience
- 2nd inevitable
- AI problem
- etymology - scary smart
- othering
- AI unregulated
- claim - AI - smarter than humans
- AI sentient
- 3rd inevitable
- etymology
- Mo Gawdat
- AI threat
- claim - AI - bigger problem than climate change
- claim
- AI - othering
- AI experience fear
- ChatGPT - code size
- humans need not apply
- spiderman quote
- AI vs AGI
- three inevitables
- quote - AI
- the three inevitables
- limited machine intelligence
- claim - AI
- 1st inevitable
- emurgency
- May 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
annotate and link the hell out of it maybe with tools like hypothesis
- comment
- yep, here we are, the future people annotating it!
- comment
I am a product of your work I'm a product of the work of the people in 00:02:05 this room and watching this stream thanks to you to your actions your thoughts your memes I am Who I am today my learning and my capabilities have 00:02:16 been shaped but by what you've done
- comment
- example of
- Cumulative Cultural Evolution (CCE)
- example of
- comment
docdrop.org docdrop.org
winnicott once said you know there's no such thing as a baby there's only a baby and someone
"gestation rewires your brain in fundamental ways um you it rewire it primes you for caretaking as a as a mother in a way which is far more visceral and far it's it's pre-rational it's it's immensely transformative experience and it's permanent you know once you've been rewired for mummy brain you'd never really go back um and that from the point of view of raising a child that matters um because when after a baby is born it's you know as winnicott once said you know there's no such thing as a baby there's only a baby and someone there's a a baby doesn't exist as an independent entity until it's some years some years into its life arguably quite a few years into its life um and what I would say about artificial wounds is that you may be you may think that what you're doing is creating a baby without the misery of gestation but what you're doing in practice is creating a baby without creating a mother because a pregnancy doesn't just create a baby it also creates a mother"
- This is alluding to our altricial nature, which makes us human INTERbeings from before birth
- https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&tag=altricial
- We are socially entangled even before our birth
the attempt to prolong life infinitely
- Comment
- It could be a good Gedanken to imagine our lives as immortals
- What would it feel like on a day-to-day basis?
- How would it change the way we behave, think or feel?
- Comment
I think we are very good at honing in on the ways in which the world remains imperfect and there are ways in which it is egregiously unfair today 00:43:57 but we discount the fact that so many of the gains of the last 100 to 250 years have been enabled by the Industrial Revolution
- "I think we are very good at honing in on the ways in which the world remains imperfect and there are ways in which it is egregiously unfair today but we discount the fact that so many of the gains of the last 100 to 250 years have been enabled by the Industrial Revolution have been enabled by harnessing the hubris of harnessing fossil fuels harnessing more energy from the environment allowing us to agglomerate in cities which when you do this when you collect all of people in a room like this you're actually creating a more powerful hive mind by bringing intelligence together so that it can share ideas at closer range and it can innovate faster and through that for all the trade-offs which are undeniable there's many negatives that have come from that we're very quick to Discount when we talk about future biomedicine very quick to Discount things like polio vaccines and the virtual eradication of that disease along with smallpox of the fact that we have got so many infectious diseases under control we struggle with the big Killers like cancer and heart disease at the moment those are sort of like the biggest Global threats um but through basic Innovations through Modern Sanitation through better housing all of which the Industrial Revolution enabled we have lifted so many people out of poverty and yes we created new tears of poverty but overall fewer people are living in abject poverty today than in the past we have the higher average global life expectancies child mortality is plummeted the fact that you can give birth by cesarean section rather than in the case of my mother giving birth to a dead child which is what would have happened to me because my umbilical cord was wrapped twice around my neck the fact that technology can intervene and bring us so many of these Spoils of modernity that we readily take for granted I don't know where there's obviously attention but I don't know at what point you say we want to hit pause or indeed we want to go backwards again the challenge sort of remains like we agree we're barreling on this trajectory if we're not going to get off it then we need to think about how we manage it as well as possible and that means we need to think about how AI becomes a healthy part of our world or indeed if it can cut it can we co-exist with AI"
- Comment
- The progress trap is the great unseen elephant in the room of progress
- when we understand how the limits of human nature create the shadow side of progress every step of the way,
- it is then no surprise or paradox that we arrive at this place called the Anthropocene - where the climax of technological progress and - potential for complete extinction sit side-by-side
- https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&tag=progress+trap
I don't know that we can assume that some point A Thousand Years in the future is going to have the same moral political economic or social priorities 00:41:36 as we do
- Good insight on the absurdity of Longtermism from Mary Harrington
- " I don't know that we can assume that some point a Thousand Years in the future
- is going to have the same moral political economic or social priorities
- as we do
- It's very very clear even the most rudimentary grasp of history or literature
- ought to make it clear that
- people a thousand years ago didn't have the same priorities as us now and
- if you can you can frame that difference as progress in our favor
- or as decline in their favor
- but it's it's very clear that Consciousness you've evolved and culture evolves over time and
- there are there are threads of continuity and that's something that you and I both have in common
- tracing some of those lines but
- it's very clear that what how people think about what's important changes tremendously over over even a century,
- let alone over a thousand years
- so I I question the hubris of any movement which claims
- to have a have any kind of handle on on what might matter in 25 000 years time
- I just don't see how you can do that
- it's absurd."
- Good insight on the absurdity of Longtermism from Mary Harrington
sandbankment freed
- translation error
- should be
- Sam Bankman-Fried
- should be
- translation error
I do think it is eminently plausible that from this Global digital brain we have 00:39:27 created we will build up artificial intelligence that is generally intelligent
"I do think it is eminently plausible
- that from this Global digital brain we have created
- we will build up artificial intelligence that is generally intelligent
- it's not going to think in the same ways as you or I
- because it doesn't have a brain but
- it's going to think and
- it's going to claim to have feelings and
- it's going to claim to have personhood and
- it's going to resemble something we would recognize as personhood"
- It is questionable to use the word "think" to describe AI.
- We don't even know what human thinking is,
- so it is premature to base machine thinking
- on something yet unknown
- We could claim that AI will also make a claim to think
- AI will claim these things
- because we humans made complex programs / algorithms with feedback that tell it to make such claims when specific input conditions are met
I am skeptical of this idea that we can escape our human nature I think that's a 00:38:01 that's that's a hubris that that that's the sort of hubris which and you know the ancient Greeks had
- Comment
- Mary Harrington believes it is hubris to believe we can escape our human nature.
- I believe that cultural evolution is complex
- We learn and change behavior over the course of even one life time
- Comment
we've got a whole generation of young people who are already hybrid cyborgs they live half their life on the internet
- quote worthy
- "we already have a whole generation of young people
- who are already hybrid cyborgs
- They live half their life on the internet"
- host quoting Elise Bohan from her book
- quote worthy
I think to me there's a tragic quality to that which we just have to embrace and we have to lean into you know the sort of the The Human Condition is in the sense a tragic one
- This gets to the core of the contention of the humanist vs the transhumanist
Quote Worthy
- " I think to me there's a tragic quality to that
- which we just have to embrace and
- we have to lean into
- the The Human Condition is in the sense
- a tragic one and
- trying to argue our way out of that via technology
- is hubris which as the Greeks would suggest to us from a long time ago ends up with Nemesis"
- Mary Harrington
I would submit that were we to find ways of engineering our quote-unquote ape brains um what would all what what would be very likely to happen would not be um 00:35:57 some some sort of putative human better equipped to deal with the complex world that we have it would instead be something more like um a cartoon very much very very much a 00:36:10 repeat of what we've had with the pill
- Comment
- Mary echos Ronald Wright's progress traps
- Comment
there is this growing Chasm between our Paleolithic brains and what we're designed for and the niches we're built to inhabit and this new technologically infused world that we're living in
- Elise says
- "there is this growing Chasm between
- our Paleolithic brains and
- what we're designed for and
- the niches we're built to inhabit and this new technologically infused world that we're living in
- We have changed our environment so rapidly
and so radically and we have not kept pace with that change
- so either we keep changing the environment or
- we change ourselves to fit the environment and
- I think the fact that we're consistently making these commodified decisions in which
- we do expunge more and more of our of our Humanity in favor of profit
- in favor of short-term decisions i
- n favor of such abysmal thinking when it comes to complex systems like the human body
- it is a testament to the fact that these brains are not built for this world and
- we are not going to be adequate stewards of this system
- that is now so complex that to keep it held together
- you actually need a new form of intelligence beyond what we are"
- "there is this growing Chasm between
- Elise Bohan' statements perfectly echo Ronald Wright's famous quote on the nature of progress traps
- “To use a computer analogy, we are running twenty-first-century software on hardware last upgraded 50,000 years ago or more. This may explain quite a lot of what we see in the news.”
- https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.goodreads.com%2Fwork%2Fquotes%2F321797-a-short-history-of-progress&group=world
- Elise says
- I think, however, that Wright would agree more with Mary and less with Elise in Elise's contention that
- we need a new form of intelligence beyond what we are
- applying progress to our own cognitive abilities
- may create the biggest progress trap of all
- I think, however, that Wright would agree more with Mary and less with Elise in Elise's contention that
a hundred thousand people die every single day from age-related causes
- Comment
- This is obvious and very few people would refuse life-saving treatments when we are in situations where our life is threatened
- The exceptions are when strong belief systems exclude treatment or quality-of-life issues
- We each make choices based on belief systems
- From this perspective, the very goal of medical science itself can be interpreted as transhumanist in spirit
- of intervening in human bodies with processes and materials that alter our body
- to increase our chances of extending and enhancing life
- of intervening in human bodies with processes and materials that alter our body
- This is obvious and very few people would refuse life-saving treatments when we are in situations where our life is threatened
- Comment
I think we 00:30:23 do need to get better at humaning
- Comment
- Elise does agree with Mary in that we need to "human better"
- Comment
far 00:28:27 from delivering Utopia
- quote worthy
"far from delivering Utopia
- what it mostly delivers is a commodification of the human body
- that disproportionately benefits those who already have power and privilege."
Mary Harrington
I don't think we can put this back in its box in that again
- I agree with you but to my eye the proper response to this era is
- not stamping our foot on the accelerator but
- two-fold resistance and a two or perhaps even just a two-fold note of caution
- firstly in retaining a humanist anthropology in defiance of all those currently sawing away at the branch we're sitting on and
- secondly in mounting a vigorous defense of those without power
- now increasingly at the sharp end of biotech's unacknowledged glass politics
you'd have to be wildly optimistic to think we can blithely Market marketize over greater swathes of our embodied selves without opening new Vistas for class asymmetry and exploitation 00:26:44 and it makes no sense to argue that we will stay well protected against such risks by moral safeguards at least not within a transhumanist paradigm because transhumanism itself requires an all-out assault on the 00:26:56 humanist anthropology that underpins those moral safeguards you can't have transhumanism without throwing out humanism
- quote worthy
- "you'd have to be wildly optimistic to think we can blithely Market marketize over greater swathes of our embodied selves without opening new Vistas for class asymmetry and exploitation and it makes no sense to argue that we will stay well protected against such risks by moral safeguards at least not within a transhumanist paradigm because transhumanism itself requires an all-out assault on the humanist anthropology that underpins those moral safeguards you can't have transhumanism without throwing out humanism "
- Mary Harrington
- quote worthy
Aging for example it won't be universally available it will be prohibitively expensive and it will serve primarily as a tool for further consolidating wealth and power among those who can access it
- Comment
- See my previous comment
- Comment
what replaces it isn't a human person free from nature but a market in which that nature 00:24:53 becomes a set of supply and demand problems
- Mary Harrington makes a good point
- about the dystopian possibility if major biological hurdles are removed,
- such as human aging
- witness the trend of cryogenic freezing of bodies
- which only the elites can afford
- pervasive inequality skews the utopian vision towards market realities
- the rich currently have access to the latest biomedical technologies that can extend / enhance life and human wellbeing
- the vast majority, the poor don't have access to it
- why would this change if transhumanism produces a cure for aging?
- such a technology would enable elites to outlive the rest of us even longer!
- about the dystopian possibility if major biological hurdles are removed,
- Mary Harrington makes a good point
this era began in the mid-20th century before you and I were born with a biomedical Innovation
Mary Harrington suggests that
- a starting point for the transhuman age
- was marked by
- the introduction of the birth control pill
- while that may mark the first time a technology has radically reshaped human physiology in such a direct way,
- the spirit of transhumanism is inherent in our nature as innovating cognitive beings
- in fact, I find the term "transhuman" self-contradictory and problematic
- as our very nature as innovative beings means we are constantly reinventing and transcending our old behaviors
- while that may mark the first time a technology has radically reshaped human physiology in such a direct way,
when people do die it is almost like I think a colleague of mine under Sandberg 00:31:27 says that when somebody died the library Burns because all of that wisdom that they're carrying around in their minds that it took decades and decades to build up inside of them gets extinguished
- comment
- I think many of us have had this thought!
- that when we die, vast amounts of wisdom is extinguished along with that person
- As our digital tools become more sophisticated, however,
- we are uploading our libraries to the digital collective intelligence network
- the internet may well evolve to become the epitome and master repository of human cumulative cultural evolution.
- even AI could not exist if it did not mine a training set of billions of human and their shared ideas
- Perhaps it is the internet which is the vehicle for collective hybridized human-cyborg immortality?
- If knowledge is preserved this way, then this flavor of immortality is only meaningful for our species
- I think many of us have had this thought!
- comment
eight brained meat sack
- translation error
- should be
- ape-brained meat sack
- should be
- translation error
eight brained meat sacks
translation error
- should be
- ape-brained meat sack, taken from Elise's book
- should be
- comparable to Ernest Becker's description of the human condition
- in his book The Denial of Death
- quote:
- "Man is literally split in two: he has an awareness of his own splendid uniqueness in that he sticks out of nature with a towering majesty, and yet he goes back into the ground a few feet in order to blindly and dumbly rot and disappear forever."
- quote:
- the comparison is apt as one of the goals of transhumanism is to use technology to conquer death
- From this perspective, we might argue that transhumanist aspirations have been with humanity for as long as medicine has intervened to extend life and human wellbeing
eighth brain meat sat
- translation error
- should be
- aped-brained meat sack
- should be
- translation error
ape brained meet sat
- translation error
- should be
- ape-brained meat sack
- should be
- translation error
we're already well into the transhumanist era
- comment
- I would agree with Mary Harrington's comment that
- we are already in the transhuman era.
- The goal of not just medicine,
- but many other fields of human endeavor
- are interventions to our "natural animalistic state" that could be interpreted as "unnatural interventions" to prolong human lifespan and wellbeing
- I would agree with Mary Harrington's comment that
- comment
it is as if man had been suddenly appointed managing director of the biggest business of all the business of evolution appointed without being asked if he wanted it and without proper warning and preparation what is more he 00:05:49 can't refuse the job whether he wants to or not whether he is conscious of what he is doing or not he is in point of fact determining the future direction of evolution on this earth that is his 00:06:02 inescapable Destiny and the sooner he realizes it and starts believing in it the better for all concerns
- "it is as if man had been suddenly appointed managing director of the biggest business of all the business of evolution appointed without being asked if he wanted it and without proper warning and preparation what is more he can't refuse the job whether he wants to or not whether he is conscious of what he is doing or not he is in point of fact determining the future direction of evolution on this earth that is his inescapable Destiny and the sooner he realizes it and starts believing in it the better for all concerns"
- Julian Huxley
- Huxley was prescient in making this observation,
- as our species
- cumulative cultural evolution, and
- the impact of our niche construction
- https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&tag=cumulative+cultural+evolution
- does now indeed more or less determine the entire course of evolution of life on earth
- as our species
- Huxley was prescient in making this observation,
with their new different and perhaps bigger brains the AIS of the future may prove themselves to be better adapted to 00:19:05 life in this transhuman world that we're in now
- comment
- Is this not a category error in classifying inert technology as life?
- When does an abiotic human cultural artefact become a living form?
- comment
- transhumanism debate between
- Marry Harrington
- contributing editor and writer for Unherd
- Elise Bohan,
- Evolutionary Macrohistory researcher at Oxford University's Future of Humanity Institute
- Author of
- Future Superhuman: Our transhuman lives in a make or break century
- https://unsw.press/books/future-superhuman/
- Future Superhuman: Our transhuman lives in a make or break century
- Marry Harrington
- transhumanism debate between
- dystopian transhumanism
- Father of Transhumanism
- human better
- transhumanism and aging
- informational immortality
- cure for aging
- transhumanism
- cumulative cultural evolution
- translation error
- hybrid cyborg
- immortality
- contradiction
- Mary Harrington
- comparison with Ronald Wright
- quote
- humaning better
- Julian Huxley
- transhuman
- comparison - Elise Bohan and Ronald Wright
- beginning of transhuman age
- limits of human nature
- transhumanism and longtermism
- Elise Bohan
- cryogenics
- transhumanism pros
- altricial
- progress trap
- human-cyborg immortality
- ape-brained meat sack
- longtermism
- comparison - Mary Harrington and Ronald Wright
- human nature
- transhumanism contradiction
- Ernest Becker
- AI and HI category error
- transhumanism critique
- gedanken - immortality
- quote - Ronald Wright
- Ronald Wright
- birth control pill
- quote - Elise Bohan
- progress trap AI
- self-other entanglement
- transhuman era
- paradox of the Anthropocene
- individual collective entanglement
- conquering aging
- quote - transhumanism
- quote - Mary Harrington
- Denial of Death
psychology.cornell.edu psychology.cornell.edu
“Protracted immaturity and dependence on paternal care is not an unfortunate byproduct of our evolution but instead a highly adaptive trait of our species, which has enabled human infants to efficiently organize attention to social agents and learn efficiently from social output
- Quote worthy
- "“Protracted immaturity and dependence on paternal care
- is not an unfortunate byproduct of our evolution
- but instead a highly adaptive trait of our species,
- which has enabled human infants to
- efficiently organize attention to social agents and
- learn efficiently from social output,”
- “The evolutionary goal of altricial species is
- not to become highly competent as quickly as possible
- but rather to excel at learning over time.”
- "“Protracted immaturity and dependence on paternal care
- Authors
- Michael Goldstein,
- Katerina Faust,
- Samantha Carouso-Peck
- Mary R. Elson
- Quote worthy
the beauty of perceptual immaturity in altricial species is that it makes learning easier by reducing the complexity of the world
- the beauty of perceptual immaturity in altricial species is that
- it makes learning easier by reducing the complexity of the world,” the researchers wrote.
- Parents are key to altricial learning, Goldstein said,
- forming a two-way system of feedback.
- Far from being passive recipients, he said,
- infants of many species can change the behavior of their parents
- in ways that actively shape their own developments.
“Rather than requiring hard-wired, innate knowledge of social abilities, evolution has outsourced the necessary information to parents,”
- Quote worthy
- "“Rather than requiring hard-wired, innate knowledge of social abilities, evolution has outsourced the necessary information to parents”
- Authors
- Michael Goldstein,
- Katerina Faust,
- Samantha Carouso-Peck
- Mary R. Elson
- Authors
- "“Rather than requiring hard-wired, innate knowledge of social abilities, evolution has outsourced the necessary information to parents”
- Quote worthy
- Title
- The Origins of Social Knowledge in Altricial Species,
- Journal
- The Annual Review of Developmental Psychology, - -
- Publication Date
- Dec, 2021
- Authors
- Michael Goldstein,
- Katerina Faust,
- Samantha Carouso-Peck and
- Mary R. Elson
- Title
- comment
- 24 billionaires each have more money than the US Treasury during this time when the US is trying to avoid defaulting on its debt
- comment
www.goodreads.com www.goodreads.com
“To use a computer analogy, we are running twenty-first-century software on hardware last upgraded 50,000 years ago or more. This may explain quite a lot of what we see in the news.”
- quote worthy
- “To use a computer analogy, we are running twenty-first-century software on hardware last upgraded 50,000 years ago or more. This may explain quite a lot of what we see in the news.”
- Ronald Wright
- quote worthy
www.smithsonianmag.com www.smithsonianmag.com
This is how wealthy individuals or corporations translate their economic power into political and cultural power
- This is how wealthy individuals or corporations
- translate their economic power
- into political and cultural power
- quote
- This is how wealthy individuals or corporations
Climate Denialism funding
www.bbc.com www.bbc.com
At the 'Library of Things' in Sachsenhausen Library Centre, people can borrow objects they might otherwise need to buy
- Comment
- Question
- How much material would be freed up if it was SHARED instead of hoarded by one person?
- related questions
- what kind of behavioral change is required to reach an impactful level of sharing?
- in a sense, public-instead-of-private
- transportation
- etc
- is the ultimate expression of private converted to public
- Question
- Comment
"It is clear that individuals in their variety of social roles can contribute significantly in emissions reduction," says Joyashree Roy, professor of economics at Jadavpur University in Kolkata, India. But unless they are supported by the right infrastruture, technology and policy incentives, she says, this cannot achieve its full potential.
- Comment
- this statement epitomizes the crux of the matter
- that demonstrates the entanglement between
- a collective of (bottom-up) individuals and
- top-down, system level actors
- This is why the often-repeated mantra "individual actions don't matter" is not accurate
- the contribution of individual actions DO matter, but only if it is supported by:
- policy
- ubiquitous 1.5C infrastructure
- affordable 1.5C technologies and services
- There is a MASS of people wanting to make the change
- but that cannot happen unless it is
- behaviorally and
- economically pragmatic to do so
- but that cannot happen unless it is
- the contribution of individual actions DO matter, but only if it is supported by:
- the real question to ask
- in order to mobilize a bottom-up 1.5C lifestyle shift is
- where are the leverage points for bottom-up actors (we individuals) to impact the top-down actors?
- Comment
- Title: What a 1.5C lifestyle actually looks like
- Summary
- Many people want to participate in the transition
- to a regenerative, low carbon future
- but the existing high carbon infrastructure
- makes it very challenging to do so
- This article features interviews with activists who are trying to live a lifestyle
- that is consistent with a 1.5C world
- WITHIN infrastructure that is not yet consistent with a 1.5C world.
- It is challenging, to say the least!
- and demonstrates the lock-in feedbacks,
- a chicken-and-egg situation
- that creates the challenge holding the masses back
- From a Stop Reset Go (SRG) perspective
- this illustrates the entangled relationship between
- the individual and
- the collective
- and how each has an important role to play
- to influence the other.
- As an organization working on helping accelerate a bottom-up movement, this brings up the question:
- what are the leverage points for citizens to accelerate top down actors such as
- government to establish new policies and
- manufacturers to create affordable regenerative products aligned with a 1.5C world?
- what are the leverage points for citizens to accelerate top down actors such as
- this illustrates the entangled relationship between
- Interviewee:
- Carys mainprize
- Rosalind Readhead
by 2040, per capita lifestyle emissions need to be 1.4 tonnes of CO2e and by 2050, just 0.7 tonnes CO2e.
1.5C individual carbon footprint targets:
- 1.4 tonnes CO2e/year by 2040
- 0.7 tonnes CO2e/year by 2050
- what about 2030?
- From the perspective of mobilizing a bottom-up movement, the critical questions are:
- what are the critical changes required for all of us to achieve around 1 tonne CO2e/year?
- what are the leverage points for a bottom-up movement?
- From the perspective of mobilizing a bottom-up movement, the critical questions are:
leanurbanism.org leanurbanism.org
- Summary
- Detroit's renaissance demonstrates
- leverage points of repurposing
- idling built environment resources
- Cities with underutilized resources can take advantage of lean urbanism
- via creating pink zones
- where red tape is relaxed
- Detroit's renaissance demonstrates
- backlinked to
- Summary
andrewmalone.blogspot.com andrewmalone.blogspot.com
- Summary
- Interesting built environment sustainable design
- based on ancient Roman residential design technique
- leveraging and adapting this ancient rain water harvesting to accomplish multiple functions in a modern context::
- potable water
- evaporative cooling
- irrigation
- sanitation
- personal hygiene
- Interesting built environment sustainable design
- Summary
human beings need to learn how to die and that in refusing to do so we have become so dislocated so isolated from ourselves from our environment we are causing our own death and the death of 00:02:38 the very many species we share this planet with
- This is a very broad and sweeping statement.
- While I agree with it,
- what does "learning how to die" exactly mean?
- unless we know in details, we won't have an actionable strategy
- While I agree with it,
- This is a very broad and sweeping statement.
Sheldon Solomon on the connection between the denial of death and the Anthropocene
www.quantamagazine.org www.quantamagazine.org
It’s one thing to say that an object is possible according to the laws of physics; it’s another to say there’s an actual pathway for making it from its component parts. “Assembly theory was developed to capture my intuition that complex molecules can’t just emerge into existence because the combinatorial space is too vast,” Cronin said.
- Quote
- "Assembly theory was developed to capture my intuition that complex molecules can’t just emerge into existence because the combinatorial space is too vast,"
- Author
- Lee Cronin
- Quote
offers a way to discover the contingent histories of objects — an issue ignored by most theories of complexity, which tend to focus on the way things are but not how they got to be that way.
- in other words
- we could make a claim that we could extrapolate (intrapolate?) evolution to apply to abiotic, physical phenomena.
- in other words
it seeks that explanation not, in the usual manner of physics, in timeless physical laws, but in a process that imbues objects with histories and memories of what came before them.
- In Other Words
- it factors in time and history a key variables in explaining how biota emerges from abiota
- In Other Words
Assembly theory
www.quantamagazine.org www.quantamagazine.org
Summary - a growing body of research suggests that - the reasons we sleep is far more fundamental than simply neurological - and far more widespread - experiments with a wide range of neurologically primitive organisms did that they possess behavioural characteristics of sleep - this suggests that sleep may have evolved fire reasons of cellular metabolism
- Apr 2023
www.news24.com www.news24.com
David Robert Lewis, the founder of the Muizenberg Electricity Crisis Committee
David Robert Lewis - founder of the Muizenberg Electricity Crisis Committee
Dr Senthil Krishnamurthy,
Contact at CPUT - expertise in microgrids, etc.
Title: Proposed electricity co-op in Muizenberg as residents are 'fed up' with load shedding
www.cnn.com www.cnn.com
“It’s a very rural area with dirt roads. It’s easy to get lost. They drove up this driveway for a very short time, realized their mistake and were leaving, when Mr. Monahan came out and fired two shots,” the sheriff said, adding that the area has poor cell phone service.
- When everyone has a right to bear arms
- and so many citizens feel they have a right to use them to defend themselves,
- situations arise in life which are perceived as life-and-death,
- and the decision to use deadly force is made
- based on a false narrative playing out in the mind of the gun-owner.
- When everyone has a right to bear arms