- Apr 2017
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
This voluntary (yet forced) alienation makes for psychological conflict, a kind of dual identity
Dual identity seems to be a common theme in race and postcolonial studies. DuBois has double consciousness, the condition of African Americans viewing themselves as American but being viewed by white America as black and as a problem. Frantz Fanon's The Wretched of the Earth describes the split subjectivity of the colonized. Nervous Conditions is a novel by Zimbabwean writer Tsitsi Dangarembga which extends Fanon's split subjectivity to describe how her two protagonists are split between their desire for a Western education, independence and feminism and their Rhodesian culture.
- Jan 2017
www.gutenberg.org www.gutenberg.org
My partner and I interpreted this word differently--she as a daydream state, me as that state between waking and sleeping, where dreams occur. The question might be, how much control over the shifting sequence of images is implied by the term "doze"? To what degree is this conscious? More importantly, why does this particular state of emotion bring up these particular images?
- May 2016
christmind.info christmind.info
You have been told that each cell of your body has a consciousness and an intelligence of itsown; that were it not for this consciousness it could not do the work it so intelligently does.Each cell is surrounded by millions of other cells, each intelligently doing its own work and eachevidently controlled by the united consciousness of all these cells, forming a group intelligence,which directs and controls this work; this group intelligence apparently being the intelligence ofthe organ which the cells comprising it form. Likewise, there are other group intelligences inother organs, each containing other millions of cells, and all these organs make up your physicalbody.Now, you know You are the Intelligence that directs the work of the organs of your body,whether this directing is done consciously or unconsciously; and that each cell of each organ isreally a focal center of this directing Intelligence; and that when this Intelligence is withdrawnthe cells fall apart, your physical body dies and exists no more as a living organism.Who is this You who directs and controls the activities of your organs, and consequently of eachcell composing them?You cannot say it is your human or personal self who does this, for you of yourself consciouslycan control the action of scarcely a single organ of your body.It must then be this Impersonal I AM of you, which is You, and yet is not you.Listen!You, the I AM of you, are to Me what the cell consciousness of your body is to your I AMConsciousness.You are a cell, as it were, of My Body, and your consciousness (as one of My Cells) is to Mewhat the consciousness of one of the cells of your body is to You
"the I AM of you, are to Me what the cell consciousness of your body is to your I AM Consciousness.You are a cell, as it were, of My Body, and your consciousness (as one of My Cells) is to Me what the consciousness of one of the cells of your body is to You".
- Dec 2015
christmind.info christmind.info
Paul, the energy field which is activated by the activity of Consciousness—by that I mean the presence of specific ideas and concepts—is constituted of the Universal Substance with which you had a conversation the other day. The impetus which gives Substance rise to give form where form has not been is the activity of Consciousness. As you remember from your conversation the other day, if the activity of consciousness arises out of a three-dimensional frame of reference, which for the most part is constituted of beliefs and reactions, the Universal Substance cannot respond. It is required by its Nature to respond only to that which is in harmony with your Being. It is for this reason that Substance must be activated from the standpoint of your experience of Being as Conscious Being. In other words, the activation of that energy field called Substance, in order to be fulfilled, must originate while you are experiencing your Being as Conscious Being, Fourth-dimensional Awareness, Awareness from that Place. For the sake of convenience, you can call that Place the Center of your Being. Mind you, that is not truly where the Center of your Being is, but the concept has meaning for you at this point, and I shall allow it. This should clarify a point for you. Whatever is set into motion from the standpoint of Fourth-dimensional Conscious Being must move into manifestation. Whatever originates from a three-dimensional frame of reference does not cause anything to move into manifestation, nor does it hinder anything moving into manifestation. Cause does not lie positively or negatively within the three-dimensional, or finite, frame of reference. This is a great point to understand and keep in mind. I would like you, on your own time, to consider the ramifications of that point.
christmind.info christmind.info
RAJ: This would mean that the conscious experience of Being is not existent someplace in an objective, three-dimensional universe. It means that the Universe of Mind is peopled with infinite ideas which are perfectly tangible to Consciousness. Therefore, they are not bodiless in the sense of having no visible, tangible outline, form, or colour. It means that everything is identified and identifiable, minus the finite sensation of space and time, minus the sense of separation between subject and object, which is unavoidable in the three-dimensional frame of reference. It is also minus the sense of the beholder being located somewhere in that which is beheld. Man is as incorporated as God, and yet “all is infinite Mind and Its infinite manifestation.” Mind is never minus Its manifestation.
Conscious experience of Being is not found in the objective 3d universe.
Reality is found in the Universe of Mind that is peopled with infinite ideas that are perfectly tangible to Consciousness. There is no sensation of space and time or sense of separation between subject and object.
- Nov 2015
christmind.info christmind.info
You see, the Christ-consciousness is that consciousness of things which embraces the Totality of Being as It Actually Is, consciously. It is that which sees and experiences the Reality of all appearances, because It does not have Its attention focused on them—but rather on that Awareness which is Mind being Aware of Itself. Mind sees from the inside, as it were.
Christ Consciousness embraces to totality of Being.
Mind sees from the inside.
christmind.info christmind.info
your focus of attention remains at the point of your Consciousness. This is why you are finding yourself successful.
When we focus on our Self, our true beingness, it will flow.
christmind.info christmind.info
You must remember that none of what you see, hear, taste, smell, or feel is going on external to the conscious experience of it, even though that is the way it appears. All of it is Consciousness. All of it is Mind’s Self-experience.
This is getting esoteric and I don't understand it. I see a tree but the tree doesn't exist outside of my experience of it???
I can apply my logical thinking to this idea but that doesn't help me to grok it. I need to have the experience to really get it.
- Oct 2015
christmind.info christmind.info
RAJ: This Light energy, which is constituted of the Christ-consciousness—God’s view of Himself—is what constitutes your consciousness and your experience, Totally and Completely. you must understand that there is nothing else going on—no other Presence but this Light. It is the Light of Living Love.
Christ Consciousness is God's view of Himself, is what constitutes Light.
Light constitutes your consciousness and experience totally and completely.
There is nothing else going on - no other Presence but this Light, the Light of Living Love.
This is a description of Christ and of Heaven.
Now, I want to correct a misconception on your part. Your ability to reason and think is not the equivalent of the three-dimensional frame of reference. Your thought processes and reasoning processes are not to be ignored. We would not be communicating at this very moment if you did not have the means to translate the meanings I am communicating into words and phrases. It is only by virtue of the fact that you have imagination, reason, perspicacity—all of the various capacities and functions of Consciousness—that you are able to correctly translate that which unfolds to you. This is true whether it is coming from me, or from that Place wherein you directly experience the Reality of Being.
There is nothing 'wrong' about us.....
This Light energy, which is constituted of the Christ-consciousness—God’s view of Himself—is what constitutes your consciousness and your experience, Totally and Completely. you must understand that there is nothing else going on—no other Presence but this Light. It is the Light of Living Love.
christmind.info christmind.info
We are going to cover a number of things which will all deal with the appearing of the Christ in your consciousness as your Consciousness of Being. This will be essential in order for you to function cohesively as the All One that you are.
christmind.info christmind.info
Paul, all of this is constituting the activity of Consciousness which acts according to Law upon the Nature of the Universal Substance of your Being. The correct vision, felt from the standpoint of Reality, must come forth according to Law as that which appears tangibly, three-dimensionally, as the infinitude of your Being. Remember that once this Law is set into motion. It cannot be stopped from manifesting by any fearful or limited thoughts in which you might indulge from the standpoint of a finite, three-dimensional point of view. Such a point of view cannot be placed at the point of Conscious Being, which is the only Place any action can be set into motion. As you know, when you are in that Place, it is totally impossible to experience fear, doubt, or any sense of limitation. This is a scientific Law that I am talking about. You can prove it day after day after day, without fail, because it is Law functioning according to the scientific, principled Nature of Being. Once you have set a thing into motion by being consciously aware of the Fact from the standpoint of Fourth-dimensional Conscious Being, your only responsibility is to continue forward, being from that point—exactly as you have been doing—without any care or concern as to how or when it will appear. You must realize that Being functions according to Its own infinite, eternal Harmonies. If that which has been set into motion has not appeared, it is because appearing at that point would not be in harmony with Its unfolding Being. You can trust you do not need it at the moment you are considering the fact that it hasn’t yet appeared. I want you to consider this deeply. I want you to consider it while you are in that Place when we are not talking to each other. I want you to let it unfold its infinite meanings to you before we talk about it again.
The backwards C-shaped portion around which the brass wire is precisely wound represents Consciousness. The brass wire represents the field through which Consciousness functions. This function is of a vibrational nature, causing the field represented by the brass coiling to harmonize vibrationally and appear to take on the structure of the conscious activity with which it is harmonizing.
- Mar 2015
learning2whistle.com learning2whistle.com
And as I grew in age, I began to discover that the old teachers who spoke of the need to, “Forgive seventy times seven,” knew something quite profound that had even become lost within the tradition, the Jewish and Essene traditions, of my day. For, you see, to forgive means “to choose to release another from the perceptions that you’ve been projecting upon them.” It is, therefore, an act of forgiving one’s self of one’s projections. And as we begin to forgive, even unto seventy times seven times, each time you forgive you take yourself deeper into the purity of your own consciousness. You begin to see how profoundly you have been coloring, and therefore affecting, all of your relationships, through the simple act of not being aware of the power of projection.
Definition of Forgiveness
Therefore, beloved friend, when you judge, you have moved out of alignment with what is true. You have decreed that the innocent are not innocent. And if you would judge another as being without innocence, you have already declared that this is true about you. Therefore, to practice forgiveness actually cultivates the quality of consciousness in which, finally, you come to forgive yourself. And it is, indeed, the forgiven who remember their God.
- Nov 2013
caseyboyle.net caseyboyle.net
And woe to that fatal curiosity which might one day have the power to peer out and down through a crack in the chamber of consciousness
The "Crack in the Cosmic Egg", Joseph Chilton Pearce