1,314 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2023
    1. Consuming web streams

      ```js import { arrayBuffer, blob, buffer, json, text, } from 'node:stream/consumers';

      const data1 = await arrayBuffer(getReadableStreamSomehow());

      const data2 = await blob(getReadableStreamSomehow());

      const data3 = await buffer(getReadableStreamSomehow());

      const data4 = await json(getReadableStreamSomehow());

      const data5 = await text(getReadableStreamSomehow()); ```

    2. Adapting to the Node.js Streams API

      ```js /* * For instance, given a ReadableStream object, the stream.Readable.fromWeb() method * will create an return a Node.js stream.Readable object that can be used to consume * the ReadableStream's data: / import { Readable } from 'node:stream';

      const readable = new ReadableStream(getSomeSource());

      const nodeReadable = Readable.fromWeb(readable);

      nodeReadable.on('data', console.log); ```

      ```js /* * The adaptation can also work the other way -- starting with a Node.js * stream.Readable and acquiring a web streams ReadableStream: / import { Readable } from 'node:stream';

      const readable = new Readable({ read(size) { reader.push(Buffer.from('hello')); } });

      const readableStream = Readable.toWeb(readable);

      await readableStream.read();


    1. Async iteration of a stream using for await...ofThis example shows how you can process the fetch() response using a for await...of loop to iterate through the arriving chunks.

      ```js const response = await fetch("https://www.example.org"); let total = 0;

      // Iterate response.body (a ReadableStream) asynchronously for await (const chunk of response.body) { // Do something with each chunk // Here we just accumulate the size of the response. total += chunk.length; }

      // Do something with the total console.log(total); ```

    1. The body read-only property of the Response interface is a ReadableStream of the body contents.
    1. js match (res) { if (isEmpty(res)) { … } when ({ pages, data }) if (pages > 1) { … } when ({ pages, data }) if (pages === 1) { … } else { … } }

      js match (arithmeticStr) { when (/(?<left>\d+) \+ (?<right>\d+)/) as ({ groups: { left, right } }) { process(left, right); } when (/(?<left>\d+) \+ (?<right>\d+)/) { process(left, right); } // maybe? else { ... } }

      ```js class Name { static Symbol.matcher { const pieces = matchable.split(' '); if (pieces.length === 2) { return { matched: true, value: pieces }; } } }

      match ('Tab Atkins-Bittner') { when (^Name with [first, last]) if (last.includes('-')) { … } when (^Name with [first, last]) { … } else { ... } } ```

      js const res = await fetch(jsonService) match (res) { when ({ status: 200, headers: { 'Content-Length': s } }) { console.log(`size is ${s}`); } when ({ status: 404 }) { console.log('JSON not found'); } when ({ status }) if (status >= 400) { throw new RequestError(res); } };

      ```js function todoApp(state = initialState, action) { return match (action) { when ({ type: 'set-visibility-filter', payload: visFilter }) { ({ ...state, visFilter }); } when ({ type: 'add-todo', payload: text }) { ({ ...state, todos: [...state.todos, { text, completed: false }] }); } when ({ type: 'toggle-todo', payload: index }) { const newTodos = state.todos.map((todo, i) => { return i !== index ? todo : { ...todo, completed: !todo.completed }; });

          todos: newTodos,
      else { state } // ignore unknown actions

      } } ```

      jsx <Fetch url={API_URL}> {props => match (props) { when ({ loading }) { <Loading />; } when ({ error }) { <Error error={error} />; } when ({ data }) { <Page data={data} />; } }} </Fetch>

  2. Feb 2023
    1. ```js import type { EntryContext } from "@remix-run/cloudflare"; import { RemixServer } from "@remix-run/react"; import isbot from "isbot"; import { renderToReadableStream } from "react-dom/server";

      const ABORT_DELAY = 5000;

      const handleRequest = async ( request: Request, responseStatusCode: number, responseHeaders: Headers, remixContext: EntryContext ) => { let didError = false;

      const stream = await renderToReadableStream( <RemixServer context={remixContext} url={request.url} abortDelay={ABORT_DELAY} />, { onError: (error: unknown) => { didError = true; console.error(error);

          // You can also log crash/error report
        signal: AbortSignal.timeout(ABORT_DELAY),


      if (isbot(request.headers.get("user-agent"))) { await stream.allReady; }

      responseHeaders.set("Content-Type", "text/html"); return new Response(stream, { headers: responseHeaders, status: didError ? 500 : responseStatusCode, }); };

      export default handleRequest; ```

    1. js const wss = new WebSocketStream(url); const { readable } = await wss.connection; const reader = readable.getReader(); while (true) { const { value, done } = await reader.read(); if (done) break; await process(value); } done();

      js const wss = new WebSocketStream(url); const { writable } = await wss.connection; const writer = writable.getWriter(); for await (const message of messages) { await writer.write(message); }

      js const controller = new AbortController(); const wss = new WebSocketStream(url, { signal: controller.signal }); setTimeout(() => controller.abort(), 1000);

    1. ```js const supportsRequestStreams = (() => { let duplexAccessed = false;

      const hasContentType = new Request('', { body: new ReadableStream(), method: 'POST', get duplex() { duplexAccessed = true; return 'half'; }, }).headers.has('Content-Type');

      return duplexAccessed && !hasContentType; })();

      if (supportsRequestStreams) { // … } else { // … } ```

    1. ```js /* * Fetch and process the stream / async function process() { // Retrieve NDJSON from the server const response = await fetch('http://localhost:3000/request');

      const results = response.body // From bytes to text: .pipeThrough(new TextDecoderStream()) // Buffer until newlines: .pipeThrough(splitStream('\n')) // Parse chunks as JSON: .pipeThrough(parseJSON());

      // Loop through the results and write to the DOM writeToDOM(results.getReader()); }

      /* * Read through the results and write to the DOM * @param {object} reader / function writeToDOM(reader) { reader.read().then(({ value, done }) => { if (done) { console.log("The stream was already closed!");

      } else {
        // Build up the values
        let result = document.createElement('div');
        result.innerHTML =
          `<div>ID: ${value.id} - Phone: ${value.phone} - Result: $
        // Prepend to the target
        targetDiv.insertBefore(result, targetDiv.firstChild);
        // Recursively call

      }, e => console.error("The stream became errored and cannot be read from!", e) ); } ```

    1. Node.js

      js import { renderToPipeableStream } from "react-dom/server.node"; import React from "react"; import http from "http"; const App = () => ( <html> <body> <h1>Hello World</h1> <p>This is an example.</p> </body> </html> ); var didError = false; http .createServer(function (req, res) { const stream = renderToPipeableStream(<App />, { onShellReady() { res.statusCode = didError ? 500 : 200; res.setHeader("Content-type", "text/html"); res.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-transform"); stream.pipe(res); }, onShellError(error) { res.statusCode = 500; res.send( '<!doctype html><p>Loading...</p><script src="clientrender.js"></script>', ); }, onAllReady() { }, onError(err) { didError = true; console.error(err); }, }); }) .listen(3000);


      ```js import { renderToReadableStream } from "https://esm.run/react-dom/server"; import * as React from "https://esm.run/react";

      const App = () => ( <html> <body>

      Hello World

      This is an example.

      </body> </html> );

      const headers = { headers: { "Content-Type": "text/html", "Cache-Control": "no-transform", }, };

      Deno.serve( async (req) => { return new Response(await renderToReadableStream(<App />), headers); }, { port: 3000 }, ); ```


      ```js import { renderToReadableStream } from "react-dom/server"; const headers = { headers: { "Content-Type": "text/html", }, };

      const App = () => ( <html> <body>

      Hello World

      This is an example.

      </body> </html> );

      Bun.serve({ port: 3000, async fetch(req) { return new Response(await renderToReadableStream(<App />), headers); }, }); ```

    1. If you search on the internet about, performances of proxy, some people say that it's a tool for development and should not be used in production
  3. Jan 2023
  4. Dec 2022
    1. React JS is a JavaScript library used to create extensible and adaptable user interfaces. Our React development company team of the best React.js / React developers, software engineers, and programmers in India provides custom React development services that handle data updates and synchronization without page reloading, as well as integration with existing applications or systems.

    2. React JS development services, an extensible and adaptable JavaScript library for creating user interfaces. Our team of the best React.js / React developers, software engineers, and programmers in India provides custom React js development services.

    1. Node.js is a platform for easily creating fast and scalable network applications that is built on Chrome's JavaScript runtime. Node.js is a JavaScript runtime that is designed to build scalable network applications... Because there are no locks, Node.js users are not concerned about deadlocking the process. Because almost no function in Node.js performs I/O directly, the process never blocks unless the I/O is performed using synchronous methods from the Node.js standard library. Scalable systems are very reasonable to develop in Node frameworks because nothing blocks them.

    2. Node.js is the best web development framework to use if you want to keep your developers motivated and your customers satisfied with the performance of your web app. To be on the safe side, hire the right Node js development company or an expert Node.js developer with a proven track record and experience.

    1. Modern browsers will reset Window.name to an empty string if a tab loads a page from a different domain, and restore the name if the original page is reloaded (e.g. by selecting the "back" button).