91 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
  2. May 2024
  3. Feb 2024
    1. we face a backward push worldwide to authoritarianism, inequality, violence, and unsustainability.

      for - worldwide backward push - unified regressive agenda

  4. Aug 2023
  5. Dec 2022
  6. Aug 2022
  7. Jul 2022
  8. May 2022
  9. Apr 2022
    1. Dovecot Apple Push Notification Service

      c /* tag1 XAPPLEPUSHSERVICE "aps-version" "1" "aps-account-id" "E8CD34AD-98D3-4489-A6BB-86B1D082FECE" "aps-device-token" "a66216ad1683d48b9933cdcc3b98a833ee1a968143f41ea494187da54715da66" "aps-subtopic" "com.apple.mobilemail" */

  10. Nov 2021
    1. 推 allenatptt: 幹到她絕頂升天 11/15 10:31

      {"id":"allenatptt","content":"幹到她絕頂升天","ip":"","time":"11/15 10:31"}

  11. Aug 2021
    1. 推 friends29: 女人就乖乖去洗碗 做三明治 賣淫 08/26 20:28

      {"id":"friends29","content":"女人就乖乖去洗碗 做三明治 賣淫","ip":"","time":"08/26 20:28"}

    1. → aure0914: 台女不意外 08/26 16:31

      {"id":"aure0914","content":"台女不意外","ip":"","time":"08/26 16:31"}

    1. 推 WLcppr: 女生跟我提男女平等我都回她suck my dick 08/11 12:28

      {"id":"WLcppr","content":"女生跟我提男女平等我都回她suck my dick","ip":"","time":"08/11 12:28"}

    2. 噓 rex9999: 台女不買車不背房貸又不生育 活著享受 08/11 09:07

      {"id":"rex9999","content":"台女不買車不背房貸又不生育 活著享受","ip":"","time":"08/11 09:07"}

    3. → OrzOGC: 自助餐啊 08/11 09:06

      {"id":"OrzOGC","content":"自助餐啊","ip":"","time":"08/11 09:06"}

    4. 推 frommr: 倫+4女森 08/11 09:06

      {"id":"frommr","content":"倫+4女森","ip":"","time":"08/11 09:06"}

    1. → lineage610: 雞雞太短射不進去 08/12 17:13

      {"id":"lineage610","content":"雞雞太短射不進去","ip":"","time":"08/12 17:13"}

    2. 噓 OPPAISuki: 台女很樂意幫歐巴生小孩220.137.135.190 08/12 17:07

      {"id":"OPPAISuki","content":"台女很樂意幫歐巴生小孩","ip":"","time":"08/12 17:07"}

    3. 推 leoqqqoel: 台女跟韓女都很機掰吧 08/12 17:04

      {"id":"leoqqqoel","content":"台女跟韓女都很機掰吧","ip":"","time":"08/12 17:04"}

    4. 推 silver2012: 台灣是台女過太爽 不想生 08/12 22:00

      {"id":"silver2012","content":"台灣是台女過太爽 不想生","ip":"","time":"08/12 22:00"}

    1. 噓 blessbless: 台女 08/10 16:40

      {"id":"blessbless","content":"台女","ip":"","time":"08/10 16:40"}

    2. 噓 ted01234567: 台女 08/10 15:51

      {"id":"ted01234567","content":"台女","ip":"","time":"08/10 15:51"}

    1. 噓 Jerryh0312: 這種母豬思想跟賤畜沒什麼差別,丟臉 08/10 20:02

      {"id":"Jerryh0312","content":"這種母豬思想跟賤畜沒什麼差別,丟臉","ip":"","time":"08/10 20:02"}

    1. 推 Matz: 韓女就是肉便器啊 08/10 21:33

      {"id":"Matz","content":"韓女就是肉便器啊","ip":"","time":"08/10 21:33"}

    1. 推 yesman1214: 母豬啊,懷疑是拉拉圈的 08/10 22:31

      {"id":"yesman1214","content":"母豬啊,懷疑是拉拉圈的","ip":"","time":"08/10 22:31"}

    1. → poi96300: 能督就給他督下去 記得戴套就好 08/11 09:55

      {"id":"poi96300","content":"能督就給他督下去 記得戴套就好","ip":"","time":"08/11 09:55"}

    2. 推 laiyuhao: 女人都很賤218.187.102.124 08/11 09:29

      {"id":"laiyuhao","content":"女人都很賤","ip":"","time":"08/11 09:29"}

    1. 噓 ted01234567: 台女219.68.69.70 08/11 13:20

      {"id":"ted01234567","content":"台女","ip":"","time":"08/11 13:20"}

    1. → kevin1221: 有$人肉便器111.248.156.175 08/12 01:10

      {"id":"kevin1221","content":"有$人肉便器","ip":"","time":"08/12 01:10"}

    1. 推 kilm665: 金X武就貼上來了 08/12 09:25

      {"id":"kilm665","content":"金X武就貼上來了","ip":"","time":"08/12 09:25"}

    1. 推 Hecc: 女權自助餐 08/12 20:08

      {"id":"Hecc","content":"女權自助餐","ip":"","time":"08/12 20:08"}

    2. → flame1983: 妓吧 08/12 10:27

      {"id":"flame1983","content":"妓吧","ip":"","time":"08/12 10:27"}

    3. 推 flame1983: 以後女性不生育又不服役的都充軍當軍 08/12 10:27

      {"id":"flame1983","content":"以後女性不生育又不服役的都充軍當軍","ip":"","time":"08/12 10:27"}

    4. 推 hakuoro: 自助餐不是叫假的 08/12 10:20

      {"id":"hakuoro","content":"自助餐不是叫假的","ip":"","time":"08/12 10:20"}

    5. → silver2012: 佔人便宜的垃圾女性-新時代台女203.204.97.156 08/12 10:22

      {"id":"silver2012","content":"佔人便宜的垃圾女性-新時代台女","ip":"","time":"08/12 10:22"}

    6. → silver2012: 老人一堆老台女 老不死也不生育 08/12 10:18

      {"id":"silver2012","content":"老人一堆老台女 老不死也不生育","ip":"","time":"08/12 10:18"}

    7. → silver2012: 台灣台女人口過剩了 去當兵消耗一下203.204.97.156 08/12 10:17

      {"id":"silver2012","content":"台灣台女人口過剩了 去當兵消耗一下","ip":"","time":"08/12 10:17"}

    8. 推 tyrande: 女森還是乖乖學化妝 變漂亮就好114.24.74.195 08/12 10:16

      {"id":"tyrande","content":"女森還是乖乖學化妝 變漂亮就好","ip":"","time":"08/12 10:16"}

    9. → silver2012: 月經跑完三千 痛死就痛死 乾我屁事203.204.97.156 08/12 10:15

      {"id":"silver2012","content":"月經跑完三千 痛死就痛死 乾我屁事","ip":"","time":"08/12 10:15"}

    10. → CharlesCL: 人家4女森180.217.200.161 08/12 10:13

      {"id":"CharlesCL","content":"人家4女森","ip":"","time":"08/12 10:13"}

    11. 推 MUSTANG33: 自助餐27.240.217.168 08/12 10:12

      {"id":"MUSTANG33","content":"自助餐","ip":"","time":"08/12 10:12"}

    12. → Lenney33: 人家4女森111.241.22.43 08/12 10:12

      {"id":"Lenney33","content":"人家4女森","ip":"","time":"08/12 10:12"}

    13. → frommr: 倫+4F女森ㄟ219.70.201.52 08/12 10:12

      {"id":"frommr","content":"倫+4F女森ㄟ","ip":"","time":"08/12 10:12"}

    14. → nutrino: 人家是女生ㄟ122.121.12.192 08/12 10:11

      {"id":"nutrino","content":"人家是女生ㄟ","ip":"","time":"08/12 10:11"}

    1. → hizo: 靠 08/25 18:52

      {"id":"hizo","content":"靠","ip":"","time":"08/25 18:52"}

    2. 推 loser1: 我們班沒有這種生物 08/25 18:55

      {"id":"loser1","content":"我們班沒有這種生物","ip":"","time":"08/25 18:55"}

    3. 推 lolic: 巨乳蘿莉是邪教 我堅決抵制的 08/25 18:50

      {"id":"lolic","content":"巨乳蘿莉是邪教 我堅決抵制的","ip":"","time":"08/25 18:50"}

    4. → kcclasaki: 木瓜O、芒果O O=台女的尾字 08/25 18:50

      {"id":"kcclasaki","content":"木瓜O、芒果O O=台女的尾字","ip":"","time":"08/25 18:50"}

    1. → sana113821: 如果這價錢包含兩客 就會叫做陶板屋兩 08/19 01:13

      {"id":"sana113821","content":"如果這價錢包含兩客 就會叫做陶板屋兩","ip":"","time":"08/19 01:13"}

    2. → chenmingchih: 比較划算! 08/19 07:06

      {"id":"chenmingchih","content":"比較划算!","ip":"","time":"08/19 07:06"}

    3. 推 partydix: 推TFT 08/18 21:24

      {"id":"partydix","content":"推TFT","ip":"","time":"08/18 21:24"}

    4. → loveapple33: 推,比兒福好多了 08/18 22:16

      {"id":"loveapple33","content":"推,比兒福好多了","ip":"","time":"08/18 22:16"}

    1. → ll6a: 拜託要帶風向找個現任高級官員 08/26 06:07

      {"id":"ll6a","content":"拜託要帶風向找個現任高級官員","ip":"","time":"08/26 06:07"}

    2. → ev331: 我也覺得要打快打廢話這麼多 08/26 05:49

      {"id":"ev331","content":"我也覺得要打快打廢話這麼多","ip":"","time":"08/26 05:49"}

    3. 推 Workforme: 沒效啦 老共從頭到尾都覺得是內戰啊 08/26 05:46

      {"id":"Workforme","content":"沒效啦 老共從頭到尾都覺得是內戰啊","ip":"","time":"08/26 05:46"}

    4. → linkme: 開戰台灣獨立,然後呢?美爸要來嗎? 08/26 05:58

      {"id":"linkme","content":"開戰台灣獨立,然後呢?美爸要來嗎?","ip":"","time":"08/26 05:58"}

    5. 推 kll95: 中共:你以為獨立我就不敢打嗎:D 08/26 05:44

      {"id":"kll95","content":"中共:你以為獨立我就不敢打嗎:D","ip":"","time":"08/26 05:44"}

    6. → hunterh01: 現在這樣大家都有位置坐有錢賺,誰想搞 08/26 06:01

      {"id":"hunterh01","content":"現在這樣大家都有位置坐有錢賺,誰想搞","ip":"","time":"08/26 06:01"}

    7. 推 setsunabs: 等確定武漢是中共散布,即可10國聯軍殲 08/26 05:43

      {"id":"setsunabs","content":"等確定武漢是中共散布,即可10國聯軍殲","ip":"","time":"08/26 05:43"}

    8. 推 setsunabs: 等確定武漢是中共散布,即可10國聯軍殲 08/26 05:43

      {"id":"setsunabs","content":"等確定武漢是中共散布,即可10國聯軍殲","ip":"","time":"08/26 05:43"}

    1. → abc5555990: 彩英 刺青師 純好友的機率? 08/25 12:31

      {"id":"abc5555990","content":" 彩英 刺青師 純好友的機率?","ip":"","time":"08/25 12:31"}

    2. → abc5555990: 結果說是蓋棉被純聊天www 08/25 12:29

      {"id":"abc5555990","content":" 結果說是蓋棉被純聊天www","ip":"","time":"08/25 12:29"}

    3. → abc5555990: MINA之前也跟同公司師兄同床 08/25 12:29

      {"id":"abc5555990","content":" MINA之前也跟同公司師兄同床","ip":"","time":"08/25 12:29"}

    4. 推 abc5555990: 西撤 和 將丹尼爾 同時性無能的機率? 08/25 12:28

      {"id":"abc5555990","content":" 西撤 和 將丹尼爾 同時性無能的機率?","ip":"","time":"08/25 12:28"}

    5. → newlances: 弄壞了吧 08/25 12:27

      {"id":"newlances","content":"弄壞了吧","ip":"","time":"08/25 12:27"}

    6. 推 newlances: 表面上沒有男友。私底下早被高官那些 08/25 12:27

      {"id":"newlances","content":"表面上沒有男友。私底下早被高官那些","ip":"","time":"08/25 12:27"}

    7. 推 bbnewuser: 應該都被潛規則了 08/25 12:25

      {"id":"bbnewuser","content":"應該都被潛規則了","ip":"","time":"08/25 12:25"}

    1. 推 maximu: 找機會肛男的阿 08/23 17:46

      {"id":"maximu","content":"找機會肛男的阿","ip":"","time":"08/23 17:46"}

    2. 推 maximu: 找機會肛男的阿 08/23 17:46

      {"id":"maximu","content":"找機會肛男的阿","ip":"","time":"08/23 17:46"}

    1. → yun0615ch: APP馬上當機欸大家瘋狂搶哦 08/25 14:15

      {"id":"yun0615ch","content":"APP馬上當機欸大家瘋狂搶哦","ip":"","time":"08/25 14:15"}

    2. → medama: 限量30萬組 08/25 14:07

      {"id":"medama","content":"限量30萬組","ip":"","time":"08/25 14:07"}

    3. 推 mithralin: 買一送一的概念114.136.112.116 08/25 14:10

      {"id":"mithralin","content":"買一送一的概念","ip":"","time":"08/25 14:10"}

    4. 推 gfiba: 9/30前要兌換 08/25 14:10

      {"id":"gfiba","content":"9/30前要兌換","ip":"","time":" 08/25 14:10\n"}

    5. 推 larailing: 剛好我小七的喝完了 改喝 08/25 15:26

      {"id":"larailing","content":"剛好我小七的喝完了 改喝","ip":"","time":" 08/25 15:26\n"}

    6. → medama: 限量30萬組 08/25 14:07

      [User-ID] medama [Content] : 限量30萬組 [IP&Time] 08/25 14:07

  12. Sep 2020
  13. Jan 2020
  14. Nov 2018
  15. Oct 2018
  16. Sep 2018
  17. Jun 2016
    1. Title: The Reluctant Memoirist | New Republic

      Keywords: south korea, north korea, korean origin, investigative journalism, gathering information, push back, adoptive home, returned home

      Summary: After six months, I returned home with 400 pages of notes and began writing.<br>Something caught my eye: Below the title—Without You, There Is No Us: My Time With the Sons of North Korea’s Elite—were the words, “A Memoir.”<br>I immediately emailed my editor.<br>I later learned that memoirs in general sell better than investigative journalism.<br>I tried to push back.<br>“You only wish,” my agent laughed.<br>As the only journalist to live undercover in North Korea, I had risked imprisonment to tell a story of international importance by the only means possible.<br>The content of my work was what really mattered, I told myself.<br>The evangelical organization wanted to protect its close ties to the North Korean regime and the country’s future leaders.<br>The code of ethics of the Society of Professional Journalists states that reporters should “avoid undercover or other surreptitious methods of gathering information unless traditional, open methods will not yield information vital to the public.” It is hard to imagine any subject more vital to the public, or more impervious to open methods, than the secretive, nuclear North Korea; its violations against humanity, the United Nations has declared, “reveal a State that does not have any parallel in the contemporary world.” My greatest concern had been for my students, and I had followed well-established journalistic practices to ensure that they would not be harmed.<br>They called me “deeply dishonest” for going undercover.<br>My inbox began to be bombarded with messages from strangers: “Shame on you for putting good people in harm’s way for your gain.” One morning, I woke up to a Twitter message that read, simply: “Go fuck yourself.”<br>The ethics of her choice cast doubt on her reliability (another de facto peril of memoir), and her fear of discovery appears to have colored her impressions and descriptions with paranoia and distrust.”<br>My book was being dismissed for the very element that typically wins acclaim for narrative accounts of investigative journalism.<br>The backlash extended well beyond the media.<br>Why did people with no real experience of North Korea feel such a passionate need to dismiss my firsthand reporting and defend one of the world’s most murderous dictatorships?<br>Orientalism reigns.<br>What struck me was not whether the review was positive, but the selection of the reviewer, a former TV columnist of Korean origin, whose only past book-length nonfiction was on South Korean popular culture.<br>As an Asian female, I find that people rarely assume I’m an investigative journalist; even after I tell them, they often forget.<br>Such gender discrimination can manifest either positively or negatively.<br>“If I had written a highly detailed book about being embedded with a troop,” she said, “the magnitude of the actual legwork would have been recognized.” Yet she also believes that great literary journalism combines the heart and the brain.<br>I would like to report that I took the reaction to my book in stride, that I weathered all the accusations and dismissals with patience, that I understood their causes and effects.<br>In immigrant ghettos, I learned that in my adoptive home, my skin was considered yellow, the color of the forsythia that had bloomed around my childhood home back in South Korea.<br>This is why I risked going into North Korea undercover: because I could not be consoled while the injustice of 25 million voiceless people trapped in a modern-day gulag remains part of our society.<br>Here I am telling my story to you, the reader, essentially to beg for acknowledgment: I am an investigative journalist, please take me seriously.<br>

    1. Materialsammlung zum DFG-Projekt: Future Publications in den Humanities

      Begleitseite zum DFG-Projekt "Future Publications in den Humanities" - Laufzeit bis Mai 2016

  18. Oct 2015
    1. They succeed in doing so largely because the states underwhich they operate are the “soft-states,” in that despite their oftenauthoritarian disposition and political omnipresence, they lack the nec-essary capacity, the hegemony and technological efficacy, to impose full

      control over society."

      It's the people that push the boundaries who find out just how strong/weak they really are. It is more about the atmosphere of a disciplinary society aided by the people's fear that's being enacted throughout societies instead of actual and legitimate control.

  19. Dec 2014
    1. next generation of read-write Web applications.

      Some notes on the potential of social annotation can be found in the Fu-PusH-Weblog (in German): Hypothes.is und das Potential von Social Annotation. (Dec 03,2014)

  20. Nov 2014
    1. Apropos gemeinsames Nachdenken: Wir glauben, dass verhärtete Fronten generell keine gute Idee sind und dass die gegensätzlichen Pole von technikfeindlichen Ebook-Verächtern auf der einen und den sämtliche Verlagsmauern niederreißenden Digitaljüngern auf der anderen Seite zugespitzt und konstruiert sind. Verlage und Papierbücher (vor allem die sorgsam gestalteten und hergestellten) wird es glücklicherweise noch sehr, sehr lange geben, genau wie spannende Digitalveröffentlichungen.

      Im Blog des Projektes Fu-PusH nimmt Ben Kaden auf diese Passage Bezug und reflektiert die angesprochene Polarisierung hinsichtlich der Publikationspraxis in den Geisteswissenschaften: Warum der allgemeine E-Book-Markt für Fu-PusH relevant ist.