47 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2024
    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      We would like to extend our gratitude to the reviewers for their meticulous analysis and constructive feedback on our manuscript. We have revised our paper based on the suggestions regarding supporting literature and the theory behind CAPs along with detailed insights regarding our methods. Their suggestions have been extremely useful in strengthening the clarity and rigor of our manuscript.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      (1) There are no obvious problems with this paper and it is relatively straightforward. There are some challenges that I would like to suggest. These variants have multiple mutations, so it would be interesting if you could drill down to find out which mutation is the most important for the collective changes reported here. I would like to see a sequence alignment of these variants, perhaps in the supplemental material, just to get some indication of the extent of mutations involved.

      Finding the most important mutation within a set is a tricky question, as each mutation changes the way future mutations will affect function due to epistasis. Indeed, this is what we aim to explore in this work. To illustrate this point, we included a new supplementary figure S5A. Three critical mutations that emerged quickly, and were frequently observed in other dominant variants, were S477N, T478K, and N501Y. Thus, we computed the EpiScore values of these three mutations, with several critical residues contributing to hACE2 binding. The EpiScore distribution indicates that residues 477, 478, and 501 have strong epistatic (i.e., non-additive) interactions, as indicated by EpiScore values above 2.0.

      To further investigate these epistatic interactions, we first conducted MD simulations and computed the DFI profile of these three single mutants. We analyzed how different the DFI scores of the hACE2 binding interface residues of the RBD are, across three single mutants with Omicron, Delta, and Omicron XBB variants (Fig S5B). Fig S5B shows how mutations at these particular sites affect the binding interface DFI in various backgrounds, as the three mutations are also observed in the Omicron, XBB, and XBB 1.5 variants. If the difference in the DFI profile of the mutant and the given variant is close to 0, then we could safely state that this mutation affected the variant the most. However, what we observe is quite the opposite: the DFI profile of the mutation is significantly different in different variant backgrounds. While these mutations may change overall behavior, their individual contributions to overall function are more difficult to pin down because overall function is dependent on the non-additive interactions between many different residues.

      Author response image 1.

      (A) Three critical mutations that emerged quickly, and were frequently observed in other dominant variants, were S477N, T478K, and N501Y. EpiScores of sites 477, 478, and 501 with one another are shown with k = the binding interface of the open chain. These residues are highly epistatic, producing higher responses than expected when perturbed together. (B) The difference in the dynamic flexibility profiles between the single mutants and the most common variants for the hACE2 binding residues of the RBD. DFI profiles exhibit significant variation from zero, and also show different flexibility in each background variant, highlighting the critical non-additive interactions of the other mutation in the given background variant. Thus, these three critical mutations, impacting binding affinity, do not solely contribute to the binding. There are epistatic interactions with the other mutations in VOCs that shape the dynamics of the binding interface to modulate binding affinity with hACE2.

      As we discussed above, while the epistatic interactions are crucial and the collective impact of the mutations shape the mutational landscape of the spike protein, we would like note that mutation S486P is one of the critical mutations we identify, modulating both antibody and hACE2 binding and our analysis reveals the strong non-additive interactions with the other mutational sites. This mutational site appears in both XBB1.5 and earlier Omicron strains which highlights its importance in functional evolution of the spike protein. CAPs 346R, 486F, and 498Q also may be important, as they have a high EpiScore, indicating critical epistatic interaction with many mutation sites.

      Regarding to the suggestion about presenting the alignment of the different variants, we have attached a mutation table, highlighting the mutated residues for each strain compared to the reference sequence as supplemental Figure S1 along with the full alignment file.

      (2) Also, I am wondering if it would be possible to insert some of these flexibilities and their correlations directly into the elastic network models to enable a simpler interpretation of these results. I realize this is beyond the scope of the present work, but such an effort might help in understanding these relatively complex effects.

      This is great suggestion. A similar analysis has been performed for different proteins by Mcleash (See doi: 10.1016/j.bpj.2015.08.009) by modulating the spring constants of specific position to alter specific flexibility and evaluate change in elastic free energy to identify critical mutation (in particular, allosteric mutation) sites. We will be happy to pursue this as future work.


      (3) 1 typo on line 443 - should be binding instead of biding.

      Fixed, thanks for spotting that.

      (4) The two shades of blue in Fig. 4B were not distinguishable in my version.

      To fix this, we have changed the overlapping residues between Delta and Omicron to a higher contrast shade of blue.

      (5) Compensatory is often used in an entirely different way - additional mutations that help to recover native function in the presence of a deleterious mutation.

      Although our previous study (Ose et al. 2022, Biophysical Journal) shows that compensatory mutations were generally additive, the two ideas are not one and the same. We thank the reviewer for pointing this out. Therefore, to clarify, we have now described our results in terms of dynamic additivity, rather than compensation.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      (1) The authors note that the identified CAPs overlap with those of others (Cagliani et al. 2020; Singh and Yi 2021; Starr, Zepeda, et al. 2022). In itself, this merits a deeper discussion and explicit indication of which positions are not identified. However, there is one point that I believe may represent a fundamental flaw in this study in that the calculation of EP from the alignment of S proteins ignores entirely the differences in the interacting interface with which S for different coronaviruses in the alignment interact in the different receptors in each host species. This may be the reason why so many "CAPs" are in the RBD. The authors should at the very least make a convincing case of why they are not simply detecting constraints imposed by the different interacting partners, at least in the case of positions within the RBD interface with ACE2. Another point that the authors should discuss is that ACE2 is not the only receptor that facilitates infection, TMPRSS2 and possibly others have been identified as well. The results should be discussed in light of this.

      To begin with, we have now explicitly noted (on line 135) that “sites 478, 486, 498, and 681 have already been implicated in SARS-CoV-2 evolution, leaving the remaining 11 CAPs as undiscovered candidate sites for adaptation.” Evolutionary analyses are done using orthologous protein sequences, so there is no way to integrate information on different receptors in each host species in the calculation of EPs. However, we appreciate that the preponderance of CAPs in the RBD is likely due to different binding environments. We have added the following text (on line 83) to clarify our point: “Adaptation in this case means a virus which can successfully infect human hosts. As CAPs are unexpected polymorphisms under neutral theory, their existence implies a non-neutral effect. This can come in the form of functional changes (Liu et al. 2016) or compensation for functional changes (Ose et al. 2022). Therefore, we suspect that these CAPs, being unexpected changes from coronaviruses across other host species with different binding substrates, may be partially responsible for the functional change of allowing human infection.” This hypothesis is supported by the overlap of CAPs we identified with the positions identified in other studies (e.g., 478, 486, 498, and 681). Binding to TMPRSS2 and other substrates are also covered by this analysis as it is a measure of overall evolutionary fitness, rather than binding to any specific substrate. Our paper does focus on discussing hACE2 binding and mentions furin cleavage, but indeed lacks discussion on the role of TMPRSS2. We have added the following text to line 157: “Another host cell protease, TMPRSS2, facilitates viral attachment to the surface of target cells upon binding either to sites Arg815/Ser816, or Arg685/Ser686 which overlaps with the furin cleavage site 676-689, further emphasizing the importance of this area (Hoffmann et al. 2020b; Fraser et al. 2022).”

      (2) Turning now to the computational methods utilized to study dynamics, I have serious reservations about the novelty of the results as well as the validity of the methodology. First of all, the authors mention the work of Teruel et al. (PLOS Comp Bio 2021) in an extremely superficial fashion and do not mention at all a second manuscript by Teruel et al. (Biorxiv 2021.12.14.472622 (2021)). However, the work by Teruel et al. identifies positions and specific mutations that affect the dynamics of S and the evolution of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in light of immune escape, ACE2 binding, and open and closed state dynamics. The specific differences in approach should be noted but the results specifically should be compared. This omission is evident throughout the manuscript. Several other groups have also published on the use of nomal-mode analysis methods to understand the Spike protein, among them Verkhivker et al., Zhou et al., Majumder et al., etc.

      Thank you for your suggestions. Upon further examination of the listed papers, we have added citations to other groups employing similar methods. However, it's worth noting that the results of Teruel et al.'s studies are generally not directly comparable to our own. Particularly, they examine specific individual mutations and overall dynamical signatures associated with them, whereas our results are always considered in the context of epistasis and joint effects with CAPs, and all mutations belong to the common variants. Although important mutations may be highlighted in both cases, it is for very different reasons. Nevertheless, we provide a more detailed mention of the results of both studies. See lines 178, 255, and 393.

      (3) The last concern that I have is with respect to the methodology. The dynamic couplings and the derived index (DCI) are entirely based on the use of the elastic network model presented which is strictly sequence-agnostic. Only C-alpha positions are taken into consideration and no information about the side-chain is considered in any manner. Of course, the specific sequence of a protein will affect the unique placement of C-alpha atoms (i.e., mutations affect structure), therefore even ANM or ENM can to some extent predict the effect of mutations in as much as these have an effect on the structure, either experimentally determined or correctly and even incorrectly modelled. However, such an approach needs to be discussed in far deeper detail when it comes to positions on the surface of a protein such that the reader can gauge if the observed effects are the result of modelling errors.

      We would like to clarify that most of our results do not involve simulations of different variants, but rather how characteristic mutation sites for those variants contribute to overall dynamics. For the full spike, we operate on only two simulations: open and closed. When we do analyze different variants, starting on line 438, the observed difference does not come from the structure, but from the covariance matrix obtained from molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, which are sensitive to single amino acid changes.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      (1) On line 99 there is a misspelling, 'withing'.

      It has been fixed. Thanks for spotting that.

      (2) Some graphical suggestions to make the figures easier to read:

      In Figure 1C, a labeled circle around the important sites, the receptor binding domain, and the Furin cleavage site, would help the reader orient themselves. Moreover, it would make clear which CAPs are NOT in the noteworthy sites described in the text.

      Good idea. We have added transparent spheres and labels to show hACE2 binding sites and Furin cleavage sites.

      In Figure 2C the colors are a bit low contrast; moreover, there are multiple text sizes on the same figure which should perhaps be avoided to ensure legibility.

      We have made yellow brighter and standardized font sizes.

      Figure 3 is a bit dry, perhaps indicating in which bins the 'interesting' sites could be informative.

      Thank you for the suggestion, but the overall goal of Figure 3 is to illustrate that the mutational landscape is governed by the equilibrium dynamics in which flexible sites undergo more mutations during the evolution of the CoV2 spike protein. Therefore, adding additional positional information may complicate our message.

      Figure 4, the previous suggestions about readability apply.

      We ensured same sized text and higher contrast colors.

      Figure 5B, the residue labels are too small.

      We increased the font size of the residue labels.

      In Figure 8 maybe adding Delta to let the reader orient themselves would be helpful to the discussion.

      Unfortunately, there is no single work that has experimentally quantified binding affinities towards hACE2 for all the variants. When we conducted the same analysis for the Delta variant in Figure 8, the experimental values were obtained from a different source (doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2022.01.001) and the values were significantly different from the experimental work we used for Omicron (Yue et al. 2023). When we could adjust based on the difference in experimentally measured binding affinity values of the original Wuhan strain in these two separate studies, we observed a similar correlation, as seen below. However, we think this might not be a proper representation. Therefore, we chose to keep the original figure.

      Author response image 2.

      The %DFI calculations for variants Delta, Omicron, XBB, and XBB 1.5. (A) %DFI profile of the variants are plotted in the same panel. The grey shaded areas and dashed lines indicate the ACE2 binding regions, whereas the red dashed lines show the antibody binding residues. (B) The sum of %DFI values of RBD-hACE2 interface residues. The trend of total %DFI with the log of Kd values overlaps with the one seen with the experiments. (C) The RBD antibody binding residues are used to calculate the sum of %DFI. The ranking captured with the total %DFI agrees with the susceptibility fold reduction values from the experiments.

      (3) Replicas of the MD simulations would make the conclusions stronger in my opinion.

      We ran a 1µs long simulation and performed convergence analysis for the MD simulations using the prior work (Sawle L, Ghosh K. 2016.) More importantly, we also evaluated the statistical significance of computed DFI values as explained in detail below (Please see the answer to question 3 of Reviewer #3 (Public Review):)

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      (1) A longer discussion of how the 19 orthologous coronavirus sequences were chosen would be helpful, as the rest of the paper hinges on this initial choice.

      The following explanation has been added on line 114: EP scores of the amino acid variants of the S protein were obtained using a Maximum Likelihood phylogeny (Kumar et al. 2018) built from 19 orthologous coronavirus sequences. Sequences were selected by examining available non-human sequences with a sequence identity of 70% or above to the human SARS CoV-2’s S protein sequence. This cutoff allows for divergence over evolutionary history such that each amino acid position had ample time to experience purifying selection, whilst limiting ourselves to closely related coronaviruses. (Figure 1A).

      (2) The 'reasonable similarity' with previously published data is not well defined, nor there was any comment about some of the residues analyzed (namely 417-484). We have revised this part of the manuscript and add to the revised version.

      We removed the line about reasonable similarity as it was vague, added a line about residues 417-484, and revised the text accordingly, starting on line 354.

      (3) There seem to be no replicas of the MD simulations, nor a discussion of the convergence of these simulations. A more detailed description of the equilibration and production schemes used in MD would be helpful. Moreover, there is no discussion of how the equilibration procedure is evaluated, in particular for non-experts this would be helpful in judging the reliability of the procedure.

      We opted for a single, extended equilibrium simulation to comprehensively explore the longterm behavior of the system. Given the specific nature of our investigation and resource constraints, a well-converged, prolonged simulation was deemed a practical and scientifically valid approach, providing a thorough understanding of the system's dynamics. (doi: 10.33011/livecoms.1.1.5957, https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-biophys-042910-155255 )

      We updated our methods section starting on line 605 with extended information about the MD simulations and the converge criteria for the equilibrium simulations. We also added a section that explains our analysis to check statistical significance of obtained DFI values.

  2. Mar 2024
    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Response to reviewer’s comments

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this study, the structural characteristics of plant AlaDC and SerDC were analyzed to understand the mechanism of functional differentiation, deepen the understanding of substrate specificity and catalytic activity evolution, and explore effective ways to improve the initial efficiency of theanine synthesis.

      On the basis of previous solid work, the authors successfully obtained the X-ray crystal structures of the precursors of theanine synthesis-CsAlaDC and AtSerDC, which are key proteins related to ethylamine synthesis, and found a unique zinc finger structure on these two crystal structures that are not found in other Group II PLP-dependent amino acid decarboxylases. Through a series of experiments, it is pointed out that this characteristic zinc finger motif may be the key to the folding of CsAlaDC and AtSerDC proteins, and this discovery is novel and prospective in the study of theine synthesis.

      In addition, the authors identified Phe106 of CsAlaDC and Tyr111 of AtSerDC as key sites of substrate specificity by comparing substrate binding regions and identified amino acids that inhibit catalytic activity through mutation screening based on protein structure. It was found that the catalytic activity of CsAlaDCL110F/P114A was 2.3 times higher than that of CsAlaDC. At the same time, CsAlaDC and AtSerDC substrate recognition key motifs were used to carry out evolutionary analysis of the protein sequences that are highly homologous to CsAlaDC in embryos, and 13 potential alanine decarboxylases were found, which laid a solid foundation for subsequent studies related to theanine synthesis.

      In general, this study has a solid foundation, the whole research idea is clear, the experimental design is reasonable, and the experimental results provide strong evidence for the author's point of view. Through a large number of experiments, the key links in the theanine synthesis pathway are deeply studied, and an effective way to improve the initial efficiency of theanine synthesis is found, and the molecular mechanism of this way is expounded. The whole study has good novelty and prospectivity, and sheds light on a new direction for the efficient industrial synthesis of theanine

      Response: Thank you very much for taking time to review this manuscript. We appreciate all your insightful comments and constructive suggestions.

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      (1) If some test methods are not original, references or method basis should be indicated.

      Response: Thank you very much for your careful reading of the manuscript and valuable suggestions. We have added references for the enzymatic activity experiments performed to measure the synthesis of theanine in the revised manuscript.

      (2) The conclusion is a little lengthy, and the summary of the whole study is not well condensed.

      Response: Thank you very much for your valuable suggestions. We have refined the conclusion in the revised manuscript, and it is as follows:

      In conclusion, our structural and functional analyses have significantly advanced understanding of the substrate-specific activities of alanine and serine decarboxylases, typified by CsAlaDC and AtSerDC. Critical amino acid residues responsible for substrate selection were identified—Tyr111 in AtSerDC and Phe106 in CsAlaDC—highlighting pivotal roles in enzyme specificity. The engineered CsAlaDC mutant (L110F/P114A) not only displayed enhanced catalytic efficiency but also substantially improved L-theanine yield in a synthetic biosynthesis setup with PsGS or GMAS. Our research expanded the repertoire of potential alanine decarboxylases through the discovery of 13 homologous enzyme candidates across embryophytic species and uncovered a special motif present in serine protease-like proteins within Fabale, suggesting a potential divergence in substrate specificity and catalytic functions. These insights lay the groundwork for the development of industrial biocatalytic processes, promising to elevate the production of L-theanine and supporting innovation within the tea industry.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review)


      The manuscript focuses on the comparison of two PLP-dependent enzyme classes that perform amino acyl decarboxylations. The goal of the work is to understand the substrate specificity and factors that influence the catalytic rate in an enzyme linked to theanine production in tea plants.


      The work includes x-ray crystal structures of modest resolution of the enzymes of interest. These structures provide the basis for the design of mutagenesis experiments to test hypotheses about substrate specificity and the factors that control catalytic rate. These ideas are tested via mutagenesis and activity assays, in some cases both in vitro and in plants.


      The manuscript could be more clear in explaining the contents of the x-ray structures and how the complexes studied relate to the reactant and product complexes. The structure and mechanism section would also be strengthened by including a diagram of the reaction mechanism and including context about reactivity. As it stands, much of the structural results section consists of lists of amino acids interacting with certain ligands without any explanation of why these interactions are important or the role they play in catalysis. The experiments testing the function of a novel Zn(II)-binding domain also have serious flaws. I don't think anything can be said at this point about the function of the Zn(II) due to a lack of key controls and problems with experimental design.

      Response: Thank you very much for your thoughtful comments and feedback on our manuscript. We are pleased to hear that the work's strengths, such as the X-ray crystal structures and the mutagenesis experiments tied to the catalytic rate and substrate specificity, align with the goals of our research.

      We recognize the areas identified for improvement and appreciate the suggestions provided. We have emphasized how we use the structural information obtained to infer the roles of key amino acid residues in the reaction. Additionally, we have added a diagram of the reaction mechanism in the Supplementary figure to provide clearer context on reactivity and improve the overall understanding of the catalytic process. Regarding the structural results section, we have included a discussion that contextualizes the list of amino acids and their interactions with the ligands by explaining their significance and roles in catalysis. We acknowledge the weaknesses you've pointed out in the experiments concerning the novel Zn(II)-binding domain, but we would like to clarify that the focus of our study was not primarily on the zinc structure. While we agree that there may be limitations in the experimental design and controls for the zinc binding domain, we believe that these flaws do not significantly impact the overall findings of the study. The experiment served as a preliminary exploration of the potential functionality of the domain, and further studies are required to fully understand its role and mechanism.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      (1) In addition to the points raised in the public review, it would be ideal to provide some context for the enzymatic characterization. Why are the differences in kinetic parameters for AlaDC and SerDC significant?

      Response: Thank you for your comments and suggestions. The Km values for CsAlaDC and SerDCs are comparable, suggesting similar substrate affinities. However, CsAlaDC exhibits a significantly lower Vmax compared to AtSerDC and CsSerDC. This discrepancy implies that CsAlaDC and SerDCs may differ in the rates at which they convert substrate to product when saturated with substrate. SerDCs may have a faster turnover rate, meaning they convert substrate to product and release the enzyme more quickly, resulting in a higher Vmax. Differences in the stability or correct folding of the enzymes under assay conditions can also affect their Vmax. If SerDCs are more stable, they might maintain their catalytic activity better at higher substrate concentrations, contributing to a higher Vmax. We have added these to the part of “Enzymatic properties of CsAlaDC, AtSerDC, and CsSerDC” in our revised manuscript.

      (2) Why is Phe106/Tyr111 pair critical for substrate specificity? Does the amino acid contact the side chain? It might be helpful to a reader to formulate a hypothesis for this interaction.

      Response: Thank you for the question and comments. We conducted a comparison between the active sites of CsAlaDC and AtSerDC and observed a distinct difference in only two amino acids: F106 in CsAlaDC and Y111 in AtSerDC. The remaining amino acids were found to be identical. Expanding on previous research concerning Group II PLP-dependent amino acid decarboxylases, it was postulated and subsequently confirmed that these specific amino acids play a crucial role in substrate recognition. However, since we lack the structure of the enzyme-substrate complex, we are unable to elucidate the precise interactions occurring between the substrate and the amino acids at this particular site based solely on structural information.

      (3) Line 55 - Define EA again.

      Response: Thank you very much for your careful reading of the manuscript and valuable suggestions. We have redefined “EA” as the abbreviation for ethylamine in the revised manuscript.

      (4) Line 58 - The meaning of "determined by the quality formation of tea" is not clear.

      Response: Thank you very much for your careful reading of the manuscript and valuable suggestions. We have modified it in the revised manuscript.

      (5) Line 65 - Missing words between "despite they".

      Response: Thank you very much for your careful reading of the manuscript. We have corrected it in the revised manuscript.

      (6) Line 67 - Need a reference for the statement about lower activity?

      Response: Thank you for the question and comments. We have provided the following reference to support this statement in the revised manuscript.

      Reference: Bai, P. et al. (2021) Biochemical characterization of specific Alanine Decarboxylase (ADC) and its ancestral enzyme Serine Decarboxylase (SDC) in tea plants (Camellia sinensis). BMC Biotechnol. 21,17.

      (7) Line 100-101 - The meaning of "its closer relationship was Dicots plants." is not clear.

      Response: We have revised the sentence in the revised manuscript, as follows: “Phylogenetic analysis indicated that CsAlaDC is homologous with SerDCs in Dicots plants.”

      (8) Line 139 - Missing a word between "as well as" and "of".

      Response: Thank you very much for your careful reading of the manuscript and valuable suggestions. We have corrected it in the revised manuscript.

      (9) Line 142 - The usage of comprised here is not correct. It would be more correct to say "The overall architecture of CsAlaDC and AtSerDC is homodimeric with the two subunits...".

      Response: Thank you very much for your careful reading of the manuscript and valuable suggestions. We have corrected it in the revised manuscript.

      (10) Line 148-149 - I didn't understand the statement about the "N-terminal structures" Are these structures obtained from protein samples that have a truncated N-terminus?

      Response: Group II PLP-dependent amino acid decarboxylases are comprised of three distinct structural domains: the N-terminal domain, the large domain, and the C-terminal domain. Each of these domains possesses unique structural features. Similarly, CsAlaDC and AtSerDC can also be classified into three structural domains based on their specific characteristics. To achieve more stable proteins for further experiments, we conducted truncation on both of these proteins. The truncated section pertains to a subsection of the N-terminal domain and is truncated from the protein's N-terminus.

      (11) Line 153 - Say "is composed of" instead of "composes of".

      Response: Thank you very much for your careful reading of the manuscript and valuable suggestions. We have corrected it in the revised manuscript.

      (12) Line 156 - I didn't understand the statement about the cofactor binding process. What is the cofactor observed? And how can we say anything about the binding process from a single static structure of the enzyme? It might be better to say that the cofactor binding site is located at the subunit junction - but the identity of the cofactor still needs to be defined first.

      Response: Thank you for your comments and suggestions. The cofactor mentioned here is PLP. We aim to elucidate the binding state of PLP at the active site, excluding the binding process. The description has been revised in the revised manuscript.

      (13) Lines 157-158 - I didn't understand the conclusion about the roles of each monomer. In the images in Figure 3 - both monomers appear to bind PLP but the substrate is not present - so it's not clear how conclusions can be drawn about differential substrate binding in the two subunits.

      Response: Thank you very much for your careful reading and valuable suggestions. The main idea we want to convey is that this protein possesses two active sites. At each active site, the two monomers carry out distinct functions. Of course, our previous conclusion is inaccurate due to the non-existence of the substrate. So, we have made the necessary amendments in the revised manuscript.

      (14) Line 161 - I would say loop instead of ring.

      Response: Thank you very much for your careful reading of the manuscript and valuable suggestions. We have corrected it in the revised manuscript.

      (15) Line 165 - Please provide some references for this statement. It would also be ideal to state the proximity of the Zn-binding motif to the active site or otherwise provide some information about the role of the motif based on its location.

      Response: Thank you for your comments and suggestions. We have provided the following references to support this statement in the revised manuscript.

      Author response image 1.

      (A) Structure of histidine decarboxylase. (B) Structure of glutamate decarboxylase.


      30 Komori, H. et al. (2012) Structural study reveals that Ser-354 determines substrate specificity on human Histidine Decarboxylase. J Biol Chem. 287, 29175-83.

      31 Huang, J. et al. (2018) Lactobacillus brevis CGMCC 1306 glutamate decarboxylase: Crystal structure and functional analysis. Biochem Biophys Res Co. 503, 1703-1709

      In CsAlaDC, the zinc is positioned at a distance of 29.6 Å from the active center, whereas in AtSerDC, the zinc is situated 29 Å away from the active center. Hence, we hypothesize that this structure does not impact the enzyme's catalytic activity but might be correlated with its stability.

      (16) Lines 166-178 - This paragraph appears to be a list of all of the interactions between the protein, PLP, and the EA product. It would be ideal to provide some text to explain why these interactions are important and what we can learn from them.

      Response: Thank you very much for your careful reading of the manuscript and valuable suggestions. We have been conducting additional analysis on the functional roles of amino acid residues involved in the interaction between the active site and PLP. This analysis focuses on aiding PLP binding, determining its orientation, and understanding enzyme catalytic mechanisms. These details are mentioned in the revised manuscript.

      (17) Line 192 - Bond not bound.

      Response: Thank you very much for your careful reading of the manuscript and valuable suggestions. We have made corrections in the revised manuscript.

      (18) Lines 201-207 - It would be ideal to verify that the inclusion of 5 mM DTT affects Zn binding. It's not clear to me that this reagent would necessarily disrupt Zn binding. Under certain circumstances, it could instead promote Zn association. For example, if the Cys ligands are oxidized initially but then become reduced? I don't think the current experiment really provides any insight into the role of the Zn.

      Response: Thank you for your valuable insights regarding the role of DTT and its potential effects on Zn binding in our experiments. The main function of DTT is to protect or restore the reduced state of proteins and other biological molecules, particularly by disrupting the crosslinking formed by thiol (-SH) groups and disulfide bonds to maintain the function and structure of proteins. Therefore, the reason for DTT's inhibition of enzyme activity is unknown, and we cannot provide a reasonable explanation for this phenomenon. As a result, we have removed the section discussing the inhibition of enzyme activity by DTT in our revised manuscript.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      In the manuscript titled "Structure and Evolution of Alanine/Serine Decarboxylases and the Engineering of Theanine Production," Wang et al. solved and compared the crystal structures of Alanine Decarboxylase (AlaDC) from Camellia sinensis and Serine Decarboxylase (SerDC) from Arabidopsis thaliana. Based on this structural information, the authors conducted both in vitro and in vivo functional studies to compare enzyme activities using site-directed mutagenesis and subsequent evolutionary analyses. This research has the potential to enhance our understanding of amino acid decarboxylase evolution and the biosynthetic pathway of the plant-specialized metabolite theanine, as well as to further its potential applications in the tea industry. Response: Thank you very much for taking the time to review this manuscript. We appreciate all your insightful comments.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Page 6, Figure 2, Page 23 (Methods)

      "The supernatants were purified with a Ni-Agarose resin column followed by size-exclusion chromatography."

      What kind of SEC column did the authors use? Can the authors provide the SEC elution profile comparison results and size standard curve?

      Response: We use a Superdex 200 (Hiload 16/600) column for size exclusion chromatography. The comparison results of SEC elution profiles for AtSerDC and CsAlaDC, along with the standard curve of SEC column, are presented below.

      Author response image 2.

      (A) Comparison of elution profiles of CsAlaDC and AtSerDC. (B) Elution profile of Blue Dextron 2000. (C) Elution profile of mixed protein (Aldolase, 158000 Da,71.765ml; Conalbumin, 75000 Da,79.391ml; Ovalbumin, 44000 Da,83.767ml; Carbonic anhydrase, 29000 Da,90.019ml; Ribonuclease A, 13700 Da,98.145ml). (D) Size standard curves of Superdex 200 (Hiload 16/600) column.

      Page 6 & Page 24 (Methods)

      "The 100 μL reaction mixture, containing 20 mM substrate (Ala or Ser), 100 mM potassium phosphate, 0.1 mM PLP, and 0.025 mM purified enzyme, was prepared and incubated at standard conditions (45 ℃ and pH 8.0 for CsAlaDC, 40 ℃ and pH 8.0 for AtSerDC for 30 min)."

      (1) The enzymatic activities of CsAldDC and AtSerDC were measured at two different temperatures (45 and 40 ℃, but their activities were directly compared. Is there a reason for experimenting at different temperatures?

      Response: We determined that the optimal reaction temperature for AtSerDC is 40°C and for CsAlaDC is 45°C through our verification process. Consequently, all subsequent experiments were performed at these specific temperatures.

      Author response image 3.

      (A) Relative activity of CsAlaDC at different temperatures. (B) Relative activity of AtSerDC at different temperatures.

      (2) Enzyme activities were measured at temperatures above 40℃, which is not a physiologically relevant temperature and may affect the stability or activity of the proteins. At the very least, the authors should provide temperature-dependent protein stability data (e.g., CD spectra analysis) or, if possible, temperature-dependent enzyme activities, to show that their experimental conditions are suitable for studying the activities of these enzymes.

      Response: Thank you very much for your careful reading. We have already validated that the experimental temperature we used did not significantly affect the stability of the protein before experimenting. The results are shown in the figure below:

      Author response image 4.

      Place the two proteins individually into water baths set at temperatures of 25°C, 37°C, 45°C, 60°C, and 80°C for 15 minutes. Subsequently, carry out enzymatic reactions utilizing a standard reaction system, with untreated enzymes serving as the experimental control within the said system. The experimental results suggest that the temperature at which we experimented does not have a significant impact on the stability of the enzyme.

      (3) The authors used 20 mM of substrate. What are the physiological concentrations of alanine and serine typically found in plants?

      Response: The content of alanine in tea plant roots ranges from 0.28 to 4.18 mg/g DW (Yu et al., 2021; Cheng et al., 2017). Correspondingly, the physiological concentration of alanine is 3.14 mM to 46.92 mM, in tea plant roots. The content of serine in plants ranges from 0.014 to 17.6 mg/g DW (Kumar et al., 2017). Correspondingly, the physiological concentration of serine is 0.13 mM to 167.48 mM in plants. In this study, the substrate concentration of 20 mM was close to the actual concentrations of alanine and serine in plants.

      Yu, Y. et al. (2021) Glutamine synthetases play a vital role in high accumulation of theanine in tender shoots of albino tea germplasm "Huabai 1". J. Agric. Food Chem. 69 (46),13904-13915.

      Cheng, S. et al. (2017) Studies on the biochemical formation pathway of the amino acid L-theanine in tea (Camellia sinensis) and other plants.” J. Agric. Food Chem. 65 (33), 7210-7216.

      Kumar, V. et al. (2017) Differential distribution of amino acids in plants. Amino Acids. 49(5), 821-869.

      Pages 6-7 & Table 1

      (1) Use the correct notation for Km and Vmax. Also, the authors show kinetic parameters and use multiple units (e.g., mmol/L or mM for Km).

      Response: Thank you very much for your careful reading of the manuscript and valuable suggestions. We have corrected this in the revised manuscript.

      (2) When comparing the catalytic efficiency of enzymes, kcat/Km (or Vmax/Km) is generally used. The authors present a comparison of catalytic activity from results to conclusion. A clarification of what results are being compared is needed.

      Response: Thank you for your comments and suggestions. The catalytic activity is assessed by comparing reaction rates.

      Page 7 & Figure 3

      In Figure 3A, the authors describe the overall structure, but a simple explanation or labeling within the figure should be added.

      Response: Thank you very much for your suggestions, we have made modifications to Figure 3A as follows:

      Author response image 5.

      Crystal structures of CsAlaDC and AtSerDC. (A) Dimer structure of CsAlaDC. The color display of the N-terminal domain, large domain, and C-terminal domains of chain A is shown in light pink, khaki and sky blue, respectively. Chain B is shown in spring green. The PLP molecule is shown as a sphere model. The zinc finger structure at the C-terminus of CsAlaDC is indicated by the red box. The gray spheres represent zinc ions, while the red dotted line depicts the coordination bonds formed by zinc ions with cysteine and histidine.

      Figures 3F & 4A

      In these figures, the two structures are overlaid and compared, but the colors are very similar to see the differences. The authors should use a different color scheme.

      Response: Thank you very much for your suggestions, we have made modifications to the Figure 3F & 4A as follows:

      Author response image 6.

      (Figure 3F) The monomers of CsAlaDC and AtSerDC are superimposed. CsAlaDC is depicted in spring green, while AtSerDC is shown in plum. The conserved amino acid catalytic ring is indicated by the red box.

      (Figure 4A) Superposition of substrate binding pocket amino acid residues in CsAlaDC and AtSerDC. The amino acid residues of CsAlaDC are shown in spring green, the amino acid residues of AtSerDC are shown in plum, with the substrate specificity-related amino acid residue highlighted in a red ellipse.

      Pages 7 & 8

      Figures 3 and 4 do not include illustrations of what the authors describe in the text. The reader will not be able to understand the descriptions until they download and view the structures themselves. The authors should create additional figures to make it easier for readers to understand the structures.

      Response: Thank you very much for your suggestions, we have included supplementary figure 1 in the revised manuscript, which presents more elaborate structural depictions of the two proteins.

      Pages 9 & 10

      "This result suggested this Tyr is required for the catalytic activity of CsAlaDC and AtSerDC."

      The author's results are interesting, but it is recommended to perform the experiments in a specific order. First, experiments should determine whether mutagenesis affects the protein's stability (e.g., CD, as discussed earlier), and second, whether mutagenesis affects ligand binding (e.g., ITC, SPR, etc.), before describing how site-directed mutagenesis alters enzyme activity. In particular, the authors' hypothesis would be much more convincing if they could show that the ligand binding affinity is similar between WT and mutants.

      Response: Thank you for your insightful feedback on our manuscript, which we greatly appreciate. Your suggestion to methodically sequence the experiments provides a clear pathway to bolster the strength and conclusiveness of our results.

      We agree that it is crucial to first assess the stability of the mutant proteins, as changes therein could inadvertently affect catalytic activity. To this end, we have employed circular dichroism (CD) to study the potential structural alterations in the proteins induced by mutations. The experimental results are shown in the following figure:

      Author response image 7.

      (A) Circular Dichroism Spectra of CsAlaDC (WT). (B) Circular Dichroism Spectra of CsAlaDC (Y336F). (C) Circular Dichroism Spectra of CD of AtSerDC (WT). (D) Circular Dichroism Spectra of AtSerDC (Y341F).

      The experimental results indicate that the secondary structure of the mutant proteins remains unchanged, which means the mutations do not alter the protein's stability.

      The ligand PLP forms a Schiff base structure with the ε-amino group of a lysine residue in the protein, with maximum absorbance around 420-430 nm. Since we have already added PLP during the protein purification process, as long as the absorbance of mutant proteins and wild-type proteins is the same at 420-430 nm at equivalent concentrations, it indicates that the mutant proteins do not affect the binding of the ligand PLP. Therefore, we scanned the UV-visible absorption spectra of both the wild-type and mutant proteins, and the results are as presented in the following figure:

      Author response image 8.

      (A) UV-Visible Absorption Spectra of CsAlaDC (WT) compared to CsAlaDC (Y336F). (B) UV-Visible Absorption Spectra of AtSerDC (WT) compared to AtSerDC (Y341F).

      The mutant protein and the wild-type protein exhibit similar absorbance at 420-430 nm, indicating that the mutation does not affect the binding of PLP to the protein.

      The above experiments have confirmed that the mutations do not significantly affect the stability of the protein or the affinity for the ligand, so we can more confidently attribute changes in enzyme activity to the specific role of the tyrosine residue in question. We believe this comprehensive approach will substantiate our hypothesis and illustrate the necessity of this Tyr residue for the catalytic activity of CsAlaDC and AtSerDC enzymes.

      Figure 3

      In the 3D structure figure provided by the authors, the proposed reaction mechanism of the enzyme and the involved amino acids are not included. Can the authors add a supplementary figure with a schematic drawing that includes more information, such as distances?

      Response: Thank you for your valuable feedback on our manuscript. We completely agree that a schematic drawing with additional details, including distances, would enhance the clarity and understanding of the enzymatic mechanism. In response to your suggestion, we have added a supplementary figure 2 in the revised manuscript that accurately illustrates the proposed reaction pathway, highlighting the key amino acids involved.

      Page 10

      "The results showed that 5 mM L-DTT reduced the relative activity of CsAlaDC and AtSerDC to 22.0% and 35.2%, respectively"

      The authors primarily use relative activity to compare WT and mutants. Can the authors specify the exact experiments, units, and experimental conditions? Is it Vmax or catalytic efficiency? If so, under what specific experimental conditions?

      Response: Thank you for your attention and review of our research paper, we appreciate your suggestions and feedback. The experimental protocol employed to evaluate the influence of DTT on protein catalytic efficiency is outlined as follows:

      The 100 μL reaction mixture, containing 20 mM substrate (Ala or Ser), 100 mM potassium phosphate, 0.1 mM PLP, 5 mM L-DTT, and 0.025 mM purified enzyme, was prepared and incubated at standard conditions (45 °C and pH 8.0 for CsAlaDC for 5 min, 40 °C and pH 8.0 for AtSerDC for 2 min). DTT is absent as a control in the reaction system. Then the reaction was stopped with 20 μL of 10% trichloroacetic acid. The product was derivatized with 6-aminoquinolyl-N-hydroxy-succinimidyl carbamate (AQC) and subjected to analysis by UPLC. All enzymatic assays were performed in triplicate.

      However, due to the unknown mechanism of DTT inhibition on protein activity, we have removed this part of the content in the revised manuscript.

      Pages 10-12

      The identification of 'Phe106 in CsAlaDC' and 'Tyr111 in AtSerDC,' along with the subsequent mutagenesis and enzymatic activity assays, is intriguing. However, the current manuscript lacks an explanation and discussion of the underlying reasons for these results. As previously mentioned, it would be helpful to gain insights and analysis from WT-ligand and mutant-ligand binding studies (e.g., ITC, SPR, etc.). Furthermore, the authors' analysis would be more convincing with accompanying structural analysis, such as steric hindrance analysis.

      Response: Thank you for your insightful comments and constructive feedback on our manuscript. We appreciate the interest you have expressed in the identification of 'Phe106 in CsAlaDC' and 'Tyr111 in AtSerDC' and their functional implications based on mutagenesis and enzymatic assays.

      In order to investigate the binding status of the mutant protein and the ligand PLP,we scanned the UV-visible absorption spectra of both the wild-type and mutant proteins, and the results are as presented in the following figure:

      Author response image 9.

      (A) UV-Visible Absorption Spectra of CsAlaDC (WT) compared to CsAlaDC (F106Y). (B) UV-Visible Absorption Spectra of AtSerDC (WT) compared to AtSerDC (Y111F).

      The mutant protein and the wild-type protein exhibit similar absorbance at 420-430 nm, indicating that the mutation does not affect the binding of PLP to the protein. Therefore, we can conclude that the change in activity of the mutant protein is caused by the substitution of the amino acid at that site, i.e., the amino acid at that site affects substrate specificity. By combining the structure of the two proteins, we can see that the Lys at position 111 of AtSerDC is a hydrophilic amino acid, which increases the hydrophilicity of the active site, and thus the substrate is the hydrophilic amino acid Ser. In contrast, the amino acid at the corresponding site in CsAlaDC is Phe, which, lacking a hydroxyl group compared to Lys, increases the hydrophobicity of the active site, making the substrate lean towards the hydrophobic amino acid Ala. We have added a discussion of the potential reasons for this result to the revised manuscript's discussion section.

      Page 5 & Figure 1B

      "As expected, CsSerDC was most closed to AtSerDC, which implies that they shared similar functions. However, CsAlaDC is relatively distant from CsSerDC."

      In Figure 1B, CsSerDC and AtSerDC are in different clades, and this figure does not show that the two enzymes are closest. To provide another quantitative comparison, please provide a matrix table showing amino acid sequence similarities as a supplemental table.

      Response: Many thanks for your constructive suggestion. We added a matrix table showing amino acid sequence similarities in the supplemental materials. The results showed that the similarity of amino acid sequences between CsSerDC and AtSerDC is 86.21%, which is higher than that between CsAlaDC and CsSerDC (84.92%). This data exactly supports the description of Figure 1B. We added the description of the amino acid sequence similarities analysis in the revised manuscript. The description of "As expected, CsSerDC was most closed to AtSerDC, which implies that they shared similar functions. " is not accurate enough, so we revised it to "As expected, CsSerDC was closer to AtSerDC, which implies that they shared similar functions.", in the revised manuscript.

      Page 5 & Figure 1C

      Figure 1C, which shows a multiple sequence alignment with the amino acid sequences of the 6 SerDCs and CsAlaDC, clearly shows the differences between the sequences of AlaDC and other SerDCs. However, the authors' hypothesis would be more convincing if they showed that this difference is also conserved in AlaDCs from other plants. Can the authors show a new multiple-sequence alignment by adding more amino acid sequences of other AlaDCs?

      Response: Thank you for your comments and suggestions. We aim to discover additional alanine decarboxylase. However, at present, the only experimentally confirmed alanine decarboxylase is CsAlaDC. No experimentally verified alanine decarboxylases have been found in other plant species.

      Figure 5A

      Figure 5A is missing the error bar.

      Response: Figure 5A serves as a preliminary screening for these mutants, without conducting repeated experiments. Subsequently, only the L110F and P114A mutants, which exhibited significantly improved activity, underwent further experimental verification to confirm their enhanced functionality.

  3. Nov 2023
    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Thank you for your time and effort in handling and reviewing our manuscript. We have responded to all comments below.

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Martinez-Gutierrez and colleagues presented a timeline of important bacteria and archaea groups in the ocean and based on this they correlated the emergence of these microbes with GOE and NOE, the two most important geological events leading to the oxygen accumulation of the Earth. The whole study builds on molecular clock analysis, but unfortunately, the clock analysis contains important errors in the calibration information the study used, and is also oversimplified, leaving many alternative parameters that are known to affect the posterior age estimates untested. Therefore, the main conclusion that the oxygen availability and redox state of the ocean is the main driver of marine microbial diversification is not convincing.

      We do not conclude that “oxygen availability and redox state of the ocean is the main driver of marine microbial diversification”. Our conclusion is much more nuanced. We merely discuss our findings in light of the major oxygenation events and oxygen availability (among other things) given the important role this molecule has played in shaping the redox state of the ocean.

      Regarding the methodological concerns, to address them we have provided additional analyses to account for different clock models and calibration points.

      Basically, what the molecular clock does is to propagate the temporal information of the nodes with time calibrations to the remaining nodes of the phylogenetic tree. So, the first and the most important step is to set the time constraints appropriately. But four of the six calibrations used in this study are debatable and even wrong.

      (1) The record for biogenic methane at 3460 Ma is not reliable. The authors cited Ueno et al. 2006, but that study was based on carbon isotope, which is insufficient to demonstrate biogenicity, as mentioned by Alleon and Summons 2019.

      Thank you for pointing out the limitations of using the geochemical evidence of methane as calibrations. Indeed, several commentaries have suggested that the biotic and abiotic origin of the methane reported by Ueno et al. are equally plausible (Alleon and Summons, 2019; Lollar and McCollom, 2006), however; we used that calibration as a minimum for the presence of life on Earth, not methanogenesis. Despite the controversy regarding the origin of methane, there are other lines of evidence suggesting the presence of life around ~3.4 Ga. For example stromatolites from the Dresser Formation, Pilbara, Western Australia (Djokic et al., 2017; Walter et al., 1980; Buick and Dunlop, 1990), and more recently (Hickman-Lewis et al., 2022). To avoid confusion, we have added a more extended explanation for the use of that calibration and additional evidence of life around that time in Table 1 and lines 100-104.

      (2) Three calibrations at Aerobic Nitrososphaerales, Aerobic Marinimicrobia, and Nitrite oxidizing bacteria have the same problem - they are all assumed to have evolved after the GOE where the Earth started to accumulate oxygen in the atmosphere, so they were all capped at 2320 Ma. This is an important mistake and will significantly affect the age estimates because maximum constraint was used (maximum constraint has a much greater effect on age estimates and minimum constraint), and this was used in three nodes involving both Bacteria and Archaea. The main problem is that the authors ignored the numerous evidence showing that oxygen can be produced far before GOE by degradation of abiotically-produced abundant H2O2 by catalases equipped in many anaerobes, also produced by oxygenic cyanobacteria evolved at least 500 Ma earlier than the onset of GOE (2500 Ma), and even accumulated locally (oxygen oasis). It is well possible that aerobic microbes could have evolved in the Archaean.

      We appreciate the suggestion of assessing the validity of the calibrations used in our analyses. We initially evaluated the informative power of the priors used for the Bayesian molecular dating (Supplemental File 5), and found that the only calibration that lacked enough information for the purposes of our study was Ammonia Oxidizing Archaea (AOA). In contrast to previous evidence (Ren et al., 2019; Yang et al., 2021), we associate this finding to the potential earlier diversification of AOA. Due to the limitations of several of the calibrations used, we performed an additional molecular dating analysis on 1000 replicate trees using a Penalized Likelihood strategy. This analysis consisted in excluding the calibrations that assumed the presence of oxygen as a maximum constraint. Our analysis shows similar age estimates of the marine microbial clades regardless of the exclusion of these calibrations (Supplemental File 8; TreePL Priors set 2). Our findings thus suggest that the age estimates reported in our study are consistent regardless of whether or not the presence of oxygen is used to calibrate several nodes in the tree. We describe the results of this analysis in lines 490-499 and include estimates in Supplemental File 8. Our results are therefore robust regardless of the use of these somewhat controversial calibrations.

      Once the phylogenetic tree is appropriately calibrated with fossils and other time constraints, the next important step is to test different clock models and other factors that are known to significantly affect the posterior age estimates. For example, different genes vary in evolutionary history and evolutionary rate, which often give very different age estimates. So it is very important to demonstrate that these concerns are taken into account. These are done in many careful molecular dating studies but missing in this study.

      We agree that the selection of marker genes will have a profound impact on the final age estimates. First, it is important to understand that very few genes present in modern Bacteria and Archaea can be traced back to the Last Universal Common Ancestor, so there are very few genes to use for this purpose. Studies that focus on particular groups of Bacteria and Archaea may have larger selections of genes to choose from, but for our purposes there are only about ~40 different genes - mostly encoding for ribosomal proteins, RNA polymerase subunits, and tRNA synthetases - that can be use for this purpose (Creevey et al., 2011; Wu and Scott, 2012). In a previous study we have extensively benchmarked methods for the reconstruction of high-resolution phylogenetic trees of Bacteria and Archaea using these genes (Martinez-Gutierrez and Aylward, 2021). Our analyses demonstrated that some of these genes (mainly tRNA synthetases) have undergone ancient lateral gene transfer events and are not suitable for deep phylogenetics or molecular dating. In this previous study we also evaluated different sets of marker genes to examine which provide the most robust phylogenetic inference. We arrived at a set of ribosomal proteins and RNA polymerase subunits that performs best for phylogenetic reconstruction, and we have used that in the current study.

      Furthermore, we tested the role of molecular dating model selection on the final Bayesian estimates by running four independent chains under the models UGAM and CIR, respectively. Overall, the results did not vary substantially compared with the ages obtained using the log-normal model reported on our manuscript (Supplemental File 8). The additional results are described in lines 478-488 and shown in Supplemental File 8. The clades that showed more variation when using different Bayesian models were SAR86, SAR11, and Crown Cyanobacteria (Supplemental File 8). Despite observing some differences in the age estimates when using different molecular models, the conclusion that the different marine microbial clades presented in our study diversified during distinct periods of Earth’s history remains. Moreover, the main goal of our study is to provide a relative timeline of the diversification of abundant marine microbial clades without focusing on absolute dates.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this paper, Martinez-Gutierrez and colleagues present a dated, multidomain (= Archaea+Bacteria) phylogenetic tree, and use their analyses to directly compare the ages of various marine prokaryotic groups. They also perform ancestral gene content reconstruction using stochastic mapping to determine when particular types of genes evolved in marine groups.

      Overall, there are not very many papers that attempt to infer a dated tree of all prokaryotes, and this is a distinctive and up-to-date new contribution to that oeuvre. There are several particularly novel and interesting aspects - for example, using the GOE as a (soft) maximum age for certain groups of strictly aerobic Bacteria, and using gene content enrichment to try to understand why and how particular marine groups radiated.

      Thank you for your thorough evaluation and comments on our manuscript.


      One overall feature of the results is that marine groups tend to be quite young, and there don't seem to be any modern marine groups that were in the ocean prior to the GOE. It might be interesting to study the evolution of the marine phenotype itself over time; presumably some of the earlier branches were marine? What was the criterion for picking out the major groups being discussed in the paper? My (limited) understanding is that the earliest prokaryotes, potentially including LUCA, LBCA and LACA, was likely marine, in the sense that there would not yet have been any land above sea level at such times. This might merit discussion in the paper. Might there have been earlier exclusively marine groups that went extinct at some point?

      Thank you for pointing this out - this is a very interesting idea.<br /> Firstly, the major marine lineages that we study here have largely already been defined in previous studies and are known to account for a large fraction of the total diversity and biomass of prokaryotes in the ocean. For example, Giovannoni and Stingl described most of these groups previously when discussing cosmopolitan and abundant marine lineages (Giovannoni and Stingl, 2005). The main criteria to select the marine clades studied here are 1) these groups have large impacts in the marine biogeochemical cycles and represent a large fraction of the microbial biomass in the open ocean, 2) they have an appropriate representation on genomic databases such that they can be confidently included in a phylogenetic tree, 3) the clades included can be confidently classified as being marine, in the sense that consequently the last common ancestor had a marine origin. This is explained in lines 83-86. We were primarily interested in lineages that encompassed a broad phylogenetic breadth, and we therefore did not include many groups that can be found in the ocean but are also readily isolated from a range of other environments (i.e., Pseudomonas spp., some Actinomycetes, etc.).

      We agree that some of the earlier microbial branches in the Tree of Life were likely marine. The study of the marine origin of LUCA, LBCA, LACA, although interesting, is out of the scope of our study, and our results cannot offer any direct evidence of their habitat. We have therefore sought to focus on the origins of extant marine lineages.

      What do the stochastic mapping analyses indicate about the respective ancestors of Gracilicutes and Terrabacteria? At least in the latter case, the original hypothesis for the group was that they possessed adaptations to life on land - which seems connected/relevant to the idea of radiating into the sea discussed here - so it might be interesting to discuss what your analyses say about that idea.

      Thank you for your recommendation to perform additional analysis regarding the characterization of the ancestor of the superphyla Gracilicutes and Terrabacteria. We agree that this analysis would be very interesting, but we wish to focus the manuscript primarily on the marine clades in question, and other supergroups are listed in Figure 2 mainly for context. However, we did check the results of the stochastic mapping analysis and we now report the list of genes predicted to be gained and lost at the ancestor of the Gracilicutes and Terrabacteria clades, however; it is out of the scope of this study.

      I very much appreciate that finding time calibrations for microbes is challenging, but I nonetheless have a couple of comments or concerns about the calibrations used here:

      The minimum age for LBCA and LACA (Nodes 1 and 2 in Fig. 1) was calibrated with the earliest evidence of biogenic methane ~3.4Ga. In the case of LACA, I suppose this reflects the view that LACA was a methanogen, which is certainly plausible although perhaps not established with certainty. However, I'm less clear about the logic of calibrating the minimum age of Bacteria using this evidence, as I am not aware that there is much evidence that LBCA was a methanogen. Perhaps the line of reasoning here could be stated more explicitly. An alternative, slightly younger minimum age for Bacteria could perhaps be obtained from isotope data ~3.2Ga consistent with Cyanobacteria (e.g., see https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30127539/).

      Thank you for pointing this out. We used the presence of methane as a minimum for life on Earth, not as a minimum for methanogenesis. Despite using this calibration as a minimum for the root of Bacteria and not having methanogenic representatives within this domain, there are independent lines of evidence that point to the presence of microbial life around the same time (~3.5 Ga, for example stromatolites from the Dresser Formation, Pilbara, Western Australia (~3.5 Ga) (Djokic et al., 2017; Walter et al., 1980; Buick and Dunlop, 1990), and more recently (Hickman-Lewis et al., 2022). We added a rationale for the use of the evidence of methane as a minimum age for life on Earth to the manuscript (Table 1 and 100104).

      I am also unclear about the rationale for setting the minimum age of the photosynthetic Cyanobacteria crown to the time of the GOE. Presumably, oxygen-generating photosynthesis evolved on the stem of (photosynthetic) Cyanobacteria, and it therefore seems possible that the GOE might have been initiated by these stem Cyanobacteria, with the crown radiating later? My confusion here might be a comprehension error on my part - it is possible that in fact one node "deeper" than the crown was being calibrated here, which was not entirely clear to me from Figure 1. Perhaps mapping the node numbers directly to the node, rather than a connected branch, would help? (I am assuming, based on nodes 1 and 2, that the labels are being placed on the branch directly antecedent to the node of interest)?

      Thank you so much for your suggestion. As pointed out, the calibrations used were applied at the crown node of existing Cyanobacterial clades, not at the stem of photosynthetic Cyanobacteria. We agree that photosynthesis and therefore the production of molecular oxygen may have been present in more ancient Cyanobacterial clades, however; these groups have not been discovered yet or went extinct. We have improved Fig. 1 to avoid confusion and now it is part of the updated version of our manuscript.

      Alleon J, Summons RE. 2019. Organic geochemical approaches to understanding early life. Free Radic Biol Med 140:103–112.

      Buick R, Dunlop JSR. 1990. Evaporitic sediments of Early Archaean age from the Warrawoona Group, North Pole, Western Australia. Sedimentology 37: 247-277.

      Creevey CJ, Doerks T, Fitzpatrick DA, Raes J, Bork P. 2011. Universally distributed single-copy genes indicate a constant rate of horizontal transfer. PLoS One 6:e22099.

      Djokic T, Van Kranendonk MJ, Campbell KA, Walter MR, Ward CR. 2017. Earliest signs of life on land preserved in ca. 3.5 Ga hot spring deposits. Nat Commun 8:15263.

      Giovannoni SJ, Stingl U. 2005. Molecular diversity and ecology of microbial plankton. Nature 437: 343-348. Hickman-Lewis K, Cavalazzi B, Giannoukos K, D'Amico L, Vrbaski S, Saccomano G, et al. 2023. Advanced two-and three-dimensional insights into Earth's oldest stromatolites (ca. 3.5 Ga): Prospects for the search for life on Mars. Geology 51: 33-38.

      Lollar BS, McCollom TM. 2006. Geochemistry: biosignatures and abiotic constraints on early life. Nature. Martinez-Gutierrez CA, Aylward FO. 2021. Phylogenetic Signal, Congruence, and Uncertainty across Bacteria and Archaea. Mol Biol Evol 38:5514–5527.

      Ren M, Feng X, Huang Y, Wang H, Hu Z, Clingenpeel S, Swan BK, Fonseca MM, Posada D, Stepanauskas R, Hollibaugh JT, Foster PG, Woyke T, Luo H. 2019. Phylogenomics suggests oxygen availability as a driving force in Thaumarchaeota evolution. ISME J 13:2150–2161.

      Walter M R, R Buick, JSR Dunlop. 1980. Stromatolites 3,400–3,500 Myr old from the North pole area, Western Australia. Nature 284: 443-445.

      Wu M, Scott AJ. 2012. Phylogenomic analysis of bacterial and archaeal sequences with AMPHORA2. Bioinformatics 28:1033–1034.

      Yang Y, Zhang C, Lenton TM, Yan X, Zhu M, Zhou M, Tao J, Phelps TJ, Cao Z. 2021. The Evolution Pathway of Ammonia-Oxidizing Archaea Shaped by Major Geological Events. Mol Biol Evol 38:3637–3648.

  4. Oct 2023
    1. Author Response

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      We thank the editor and the reviewers for their very useful and constructive comments. We went through the list and gladly received all their suggestions. The reviewers mostly pointed to minor revisions in the text, and we acted on all of those. The one suggestion that required major work was the one raised in point 13, about the processing pipeline being unconvincingly scattered between different tools (R → Python → Matlab). I agree that this was a major annoyance, and I am happy to say we have solved it integrating everything in a recent version of the ethoscopy software (available on biorxiv with DOI https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.11.28.517675v2 and in press with Bioinformatics Advances). End users will now be able to perform coccinella analysis using ethoscopy only, thus relying on nothing else but Python as their data analysis tool. This revised version of the manuscript now includes two Jupyter Notebooks as supplementary material with a “pre-cooked” sample recipe of how to do that. This should really simplify adoption and provides more details on the pipeline used for phenotyping.

      Please find below a point-by-point description of how we incorporated all the reviewers’ excellent suggestions.

      Recommendations for the authors: please note that you control which, if any, revisions, to undertake

      1) Line 38: "collecting data simultaneously from a large number of individuals with no or limited human intervention" is a bit misleading, as the entire condition the individuals are put in are highly modified by humans and most times "unnatural". I understand the point that once the animals are placed in these environments, then recording takes place without intervention, but it would be nice to rephrase this so that it reflects more accurately what is happening.

      We have now rephrased this into the following (L39):

      Collecting data simultaneously from a large number of individuals, which can remain undisturbed throughout recording.

      2) Line 63: please add a reference to the Ethoscopes so that readers can easily find it.


      2b) And also add how much they cost and the time needed to build them, as this will allow readers to better compare the proposed system against other commercially available ones.

      This information is available on the ethoscope manual website (http://lab.gilest.ro/ethoscope). The price of one ethoscope, provided all necessary tools are available, is around ~£75 and the building time very much depends on the skillset of the builder and whether they are building their first ethoscope or subsequent ones. In our experience, building and adopting ethoscopes for the first time is not any more time-expensive than building a (e.g.) deeplabcut setup for the first time. We have added this information to L81

      Ethoscopes are open source and can be manufactured by a skilled end-user at a cost of about £75 per machine, mostly building on two off-the-shelf component: a Raspberry Pi microcomputer and a Raspberry Pi NoIR camera overlooking a bespoke 3D printed arena hosting freely moving flies.

      3) Line 88: The authors describe that in the current setting, their system is capable of an acquisition rate of 2.2 frames per second (FPS). Would reducing the resolution of the PiCamera allow for higher FPS? I raise this point because the authors state that max velocity over a ten second window is a good feature for classifying behaviors. However, if animals move much faster than the current acquisition rate, they could, for instance, be in position X, move about and be close to the initial position when the next data point is acquired, leading to a measured low max velocity, when in fact the opposite happened. I think it would be good to add a statement addressing this (either data from the literature showing that the low FPS does not compromise data acquisition, or a test where increasing greatly FPS leads to the same results).

      We have previously performed a comparison of data analysed using videos captured at different FPSs, which is published in Quentin Geissman’s doctoral Thesis (2018, DOI: https://doi.org/10.25560/69514 ) in chapter 2, section 2.8.3, figure 2.9 ). We have now added this work as one of the references at L95 (reference 19).

      4) Still on the low FPS, would a Raspberry Pi 4 help with the sampling rate? Given that they are more powerful than the RPi3 used in the paper?

      It would, but it would be a minor increase, leading from 2.2 to probably 3-5 FPS. A significantly higher number of FPSs would be best achieved by lowering the camera’s resolution, as the reviewer’s suggested, or by operating offline. I think the interesting point being implied by the reviewers is that, for Drosophila, the current limits of resolution are more than sufficient. For other animals, perhaps moving more abruptly, they may not. The reviewer is right that we should add a line of caveat about this. We now do so in the discussion, lines 215-224.

      Coccinella is a reductionist tool, not meant to replace the behavioural categorization that other tools can offer but to complement it. It relies on raspberry PIs as main acquisition devices, with associated advantages and limitations. Ethoscopes are inexpensive and versatile but have limitations in terms of computing power and acquisition rates. Their online acquisition speed is fast enough to successfully capture the motor activity of different species of Drosophilae28, but may not be sufficient for other animals moving more swiftly, such as zebrafish larvae. Moreover, coccinella cannot apply labels to behaviour (“courting”, “lounging”, “sipping”, “jumping” etc.) but it can successfully identify large behavioural phenotypes and generate unbiased hypothesis on how behaviour – and a nervous system at large – can be influenced by chemicals, genetics, artificial manipulations in general.

      5) Along the same line of thought, would using a simple webcam (with similar specs to the PiCamera - ELP has cameras that operate on infrared and are quite affordable too) connected to a more powerful computer lead to higher FPS? - The reason for the question about using a simple webcam is that this would make your system more flexible (especially useful in the current shortage of RPi boards on the market) lowering the barrier for others to use it, increasing the chances for adoption.

      Completely bypassing ethoscopes would require the users to setup their own tracking solution, with a final result that may or may not match what we describe here. If a greater temporal resolution is necessary, the easiest way to achieve more FPSs would be to either decrease camera resolution or use the Pis to take videos offline and then process those videos at a later stage. The combination of these two would give FPS acquisition of 60 fps at 720p, which is the maximum the camera can achieve. We now made this clear at lines 83-92.

      The temporal and spatial resolution of the collected images depends on the working modality the user chooses. When operating in offline mode, ethoscopes are capable to acquire 720p videos at 60 fps, which is a convenient option with fast moving animals. In this study, we instead opted for the default ethoscope working settings, providing online tracking and realtime parametric extraction, meaning that images are analysed by each raspberry Pi at the very moment they were acquired (Figure 1b). This latter modality limits the temporal resolution of information being processed (one frame every 444 ms ± 127 ms, equivalent to 2.2 fps on a Raspberry Pi3 at a resolution of 1280x960 pixels with each animal being constricted in an ellipse measuring 25.8 ± 1.4 x 9.85 ±1.4 pixels - Figure 1a) but provides the most affordable and high-throughput solution, dispensing the researcher from organising video storage or asynchronous video processing for animals tracking.

      6) One last point about decreasing use barrier and increasing adoption: Would it be possible to use DeepLabCut (DLC) to simply annotate each animal (instead of each body part) and feed the extracted data into your current analysis with coccinella? This way different labs that already have pipelines in place that use DLC would have a much easier time in testing and eventually switching to coccinella? I understand that extracting simple maximal velocity this way would be an overkill, but the trade-off would again be a lowering of the adoption barrier.

      It would certainly be possible to calculate velocity from the whole animal pose measurement and then use this with HCTSA or Catch22, thus mimicking the coccinella pipeline, but it would be definitely overkilled, as the reviewers correctly points out. Given that we are trying to make an argument about high-throughput data acquisition I would rather not suggest this option in the manuscript.

      7) Line 96: The authors state that once data is collected, it is put through a computational frameworkthat uses 7700 tests described in the literature so that meaningful discriminative features are found. I think it would be interesting to expand a bit on the explanation of how this framework deals multiple comparison/multiple testing issues.

      We always use the full set of features on aggregate to train a classifier (e.g., TS_Classify in HCTSA) and that means no correction is necessary because the trained classifier only ever makes a single prediction (only one test is performed), so as long as it is done correctly (e.g., proper separation of training and test sets, etc.) then multiple hypothesis correction is not appropriate. This has been confirmed with the HCTSA/Catch22 author (Dr Ben Fulcher, personal communication). We have added a clarifying sentence about this to the methods (L315-318)

      8) It would be nice to have a couple of lines explaining the choice of compounds used for testing and also why in some tests, 17 compounds were used, while in others 40, and then 12? I understand how much work it must be in terms of experiment preparation and data collection for these many flies and compounds, but these changes in the compounds used for testing without a more detailed explanation is suboptimal.

      This is another good point. We have now added this information to the methods, in a section renamed “choice, handling and preparation of drugs” L280-285, which now reads like this:

      The initial preliminary analysis was conducted using a group of 12 compounds “proof of principle” compounds and a solvent control. These compounds were initially used to compare both the video method and ethoscope method. After testing these initial compounds, it was found that the ethoscope methodology was more successful, and then the compound list was expanded to 17 (including the control) only using the ethoscope method. As a final test, we included additional compounds for a single concentration, bringing up the total to 40 (including control), also for the ethoscope method.

      9) Line 119 states: "A similar drop in accuracy was observed using a smaller panel of 12 treatments (Supplementary Figure 2a)". It is actually Supplementary Figure 1c.

      Thank you for noticing that! Now corrected. The Supplementary figures have also been renamed to obey eLife’s expected nomenclature (both Figure 1 – Figure supplements)

      10) In some places the language seems a little outlandish and should either be removed or appropriately qualified. a- Lines 56-59 pose three questions that are either rhetorical or ill-posed. For example, "...minimal amount of information...behavior" implies there is a singular response but the response depends on many details such as to what degree do the authors want to "classify behavior".

      Yes, those were meant as rhetorical questions indeed, but we prefer to keep them in, because we are hoping to generate this type of thoughts with the readers. These are concepts that may not be so obvious to someone who is just looking to apply an existing tool and may spring some reflection about what kind of data do they really want/need to acquire.

      b) Some of the criticisms leveled at the state-of-the-art methods are probably unwarranted because the goals of the different approaches are different. The current method does not yield the type of rich information that DeepLabCut yields. So, depending on the application DeepLabCut may be the method of choice. The authors of the current manuscript should more clearly state that.

      In the introduction and discussion we do try to stress that coccinella is not meant to replace tools like DLC. We have now added more emphasis to this concept, for instance to L212:

      [tools like deeplabcut] are ideal – and irreplaceable – to identify behavioural patterns and study fine motor control but may be undue for many other uses.

      And L215:

      Coccinella is a reductionist tool not meant to replace the behavioural categorization that other tools can offer but to complement it

      11) The application to sleep data appears suddenly in the manuscript. The authors should attempt to make with text change a smoother transition from drug screen to investigation into sleep.

      I agree with this observation. We have now tried to add a couple of sentences to contextualise this experiment and hopefully make the connection appear more natural. Ultimately, this is a proof-ofprinciple example anyway so hopefully the reader will take it for what it is (L169).

      Finally, to push the system to its limit, we asked coccinella to find qualitative differences not in pharmacologically induced changes in activity, but in a type of spontaneous behaviour mostly characterised by lack of movement: sleep. In particular, we wondered whether coccinella could provide biological insights comparing conditions of sleep rebound observed after different regimes of sleep deprivation. Drosophila melanogaster is known to show a strong, conserved homeostatic regulation of sleep that forces flies to recover at least in part lost sleep, for instance after a night of forceful sleep deprivation.

      11b) Additionally, the beginning section of sleep experiments talks about sleep depth yet the conclusion drawn from sleep rebound says more about the validity of the current 5 min definition of sleep than about sleep depth. If this conclusion was misunderstood, it should be clarified. If it was not, the beginning text of the sleep section should be tailored to better fit the conclusion.

      I am afraid we did not a good job at explaining a critical aspect here: the data fed to coccinella are the “raw” activity data, in which we are not making any assumption on the state of the animal. In other words, we do not use the 5-minutes at this or any other point to classify sleep and wakening. Nevertheless, coccinella picks the 300 seconds threshold as the critical one for discerning the two groups. This is interesting because it provides a full agnostic confirmation of the five minutes rule in D. melanogaster. We recognise this was not necessarily obvious from the text and now added a clarification at L189-201:

      However, analysis of those same animals during rebound after sleep deprivation showed a clear clustering, segregating the samples in two subsets with separation around the 300 seconds inactivity trigger (Figure 3d). This result is important for two reasons: on one hand, it provides, for the third time, strong evidence that the system is not simply overfitting data of nought biological significance, given that it could not perform any better than a random classifier on the baseline control. On the other hand, coccinella could find biologically relevant differences on rebound data after different regimes of sleep deprivation. Interestingly enough, the 300 seconds threshold that coccinella independently identified has a deep intrinsic significance for the field, for it is considered to be the threshold beyond which flies lose arousal response to external stimuli, defining a “sleep quantum” (i.e.: the minimum amount of time required for transforming inactivity bouts into sleep bouts23,24,28). Coccinella’s analysis ran agnostic of the arbitrary 5-minutes threshold and yet identified the same value as the one able to segregate the two clusters, thus providing an independent confirmation of the fiveminutes rule in D. melanogaster.

      12) Line 227: (standard food) - please add a link to a protocol or a detailed description on what is "standard food". This way others can precisely replicate what you are using. This is not my field, but I have the impression that food content/composition for these animals makes big changes in behaviour?

      Yes, good point. We have now added the actual recipe to the methods L240:

      Fly lines were maintained on a 12-hour light: 12-hour dark (LD) cycle and raised on polenta and yeast-based fly media (agar 96 g, polenta 240 g, fructose 960 g and Brewer’s yeast 1,200 g in 12 litres of water).

      13) Data acquisition and processing: please add links to the code used.

      Both the code and the raw data used to generate all the figures have been uploaded on Zenodo and available through their repository. Zenodo has a limit of 50GB per uploaded dataset so we had to split everything into two files, with two DOIs, given in the methods (L356, section “code and availability” - DOIs: 10.5281/zenodo.7335575 and 10.5281/zenodo.7393689). We have now also created a landing page for the entire project at http://lab.gilest.ro/coccinella and linked that landing page in the introduction (L64).

      13b) Also your pipeline seems to use three different programming languages/environments... Any chance this could be reduced? Maybe there are R packages that can convert csv to matlab compatible formats, so you can avoid the Python step? (nothing against using the current pipeline per se, I am just thinking that for usability and adoption by other labs, the smaller amount of languages, the better?

      This is a very important suggestion that highlights a clear limitation of the pipeline. I am happy to say that we worked on this and solved the problem integrating the Python version of Catch22 into the ethoscopy software. This means the two now integrate, and the entire analysis can be run within the Python ecosystem. HCTSA does not have a Python package unfortunately but we still streamlined the process so that one only has to go from Python to Matlab without passing through R. To be honest, Catch22 is the evolution of HCTSA and performs really well so I think that is what most users will want to use. We provide two supplementary notebooks to guide the reader through the process. One explains how to go from ethoscope data to an HCTSA compatible mat file. The other explains how ethoscope data integrate with Catch22 and provides many more examples than the ones found in the paper figures.

      14) There are two sections named "References" (which are different from each other) on the manuscript I received and also on BioRxiv. Should one of them be a supplementary reference? Please correct it. I spent a bit of time trying to figure out why cited references in the paper had nothing to do with what was being described...

      The second list of references actually applied only to the list of compounds in the supplementary table 1. When generating a collated PDF this appeared at the end of the document and created confusion. We have now amended the heading of that list in the following way, to read more appropriately:

  5. Sep 2022
    1. Note: This rebuttal was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      The authors have assembled an enormous amount of statistical data on the genomes and phylogeny of Arctic algae, including the genomes of four new species that they sequenced for this study. Their main finding is that horizontal gene transfer has led to convergent evolution in distantly related microalgae.

      **Major comments**

      Reviewer #1__: The purpose of the study is not clearly stated in the abstract or the introduction. The authors say (line 93) "Defining the genetic adaptations underpinning these small algal species is crucial as a baseline to understand their response to anthropogenic global change (Notz & Stroeve,2016)." Is this their goal? Or are they just quoting another study? The authors state (line 103) "We extend by sequencing the genomes of four distantly related microalgae...". This is not really a question or a hypothesis. I am sure the authors can provide a more compelling reason to embark on such a labor-intensive study.__

      Reply: We agree that the aim was lost in the details and the Introduction is now focused towards the original goal of the study, which was to investigate convergent evolution in a biogeographically isolated ocean. Additional references on the formation and history of the Arctic Basin have been added to the Introduction to provide context. “An ocean has been present at the pole since the beginning of the Cretaceous. Shaped by tectonic processes (Nikishin et al., 2021) the Arctic Ocean has been a relatively closed basin since the Masstrichtian at the end of the late Cretaceous epoch (ca. 70 million years before present), with episodic sea-ice cover since that time (Niezgodzki et al., 2019). This long history suggests limited gene flow from the global ocean over vast time scales and Arctic marine species including microalgae could well have unique adaptations to cold arctic conditions.” Line 78-83.

      And following this we provide a clear hypothesis “The potential for lineages of ancient Arctic origin and the episodic input of outside species led us to our hypothesis that Arctic microalgae convergently evolved traits or adaptations aiding survival in an ice-influenced ocean. Line 112-117.

      We also discuss both the adaptive and distinct physical environment of the Arctic, and its topographical separation from other ocean regions as dispersal limitation would enhance the Arctic-specific genomic signatures. We now cite the recent paper by Sommeria-Kline et al. (2020), which puts eukaryotic plankton biogeography into a global context (Line 72)

      Reveiwer #1__: The most prominent shared trait that the authors found are genes for ice-binding proteins. However, in view of their importance, little information is given about their different types and possible functions.__

      Reply: We appreciate the comment and have added information on relevant ice binding proteins found in the Arctic Algae. In addition, we discuss how the functional and secretory diversity of IBP would enhance the survivability of pelagic taxa. Lines 534 to 564.

      Although ice binding proteins from multicellular animals and plants are outside the scope of this study, there is a recent review; Bar Doley, Braslavsky and Davies 2016 Annual review of Biochemisty 85: 515-542.


      Reviewer #1__: The HGT of ice-binding proteins is a major focus of this study, but little is said about what previous studies have said about this. What are the previous studies, what are their findings and how do the present findings contribute to this?__

      Reply: We agree that this aspect should have been more visible. We incorporated new data to characterize IBPs drawn from MMETSP transcriptomes, and environmental Tara Ocean metagenomes, as well as our Arctic strains. We note that as we take a PFAM-based approach, the IBPs treated are DUF3494/PF11999 domain, which are type 1 IBPs / algal IBPs (Raymond and Remia 2019). As an example of novelty, we identify the position of IBPs from dinoflagellates, within a larger Arctic Clade that included CCMP2293, CCMP2436 and CCMP2097 and Arctic TARA IBP, rendering this a pan-algal IBD clade.

      In addition, we were able to resolve the position of anomalous F. cylindrus IBP that fell between two Arctic associated clades (A and B, in our Fig 4). This finding is consistent with F. cylindrus originating in the Arctic as previously suggested and subsequently invading the Southern Ocean.

      The recurrent acquisition of multiple diverse IBP isoforms in individual species through HGT events has not been previously reported, and the extent of isoforms in the Arctic was surprising. See for example multiple different IBP forms with separate origins in Pavlovales CCMP2436 (Fig 4). The previous studies are referred to in the context of the phylogeny of the IBD within the results section: Lines 322- 413, and Lines 534-585.

      Reviewer #1: Figure 5 on HGT of ice-binding proteins is difficult to follow. It would be clearer if each panel could be described separately, clearly stating its main finding. I doubt that a reader could look at this figure and explain to a colleague what it shows.

      Reply: We have revised rearranged the figure (now Fig 4) with Arctic A, B, C and D clearly indicated as well as the two Antarctic dominated clades. The upper schematic includes the deepest phylogeny of algal IBDs to date, incorporating all of UniRef, MMETSP and TARA Oceans. The fasta files underlying the tree and the nexus file used are provided the S1 Data Folder, which is an excel folder with information on the analysis of the data. The callout and order of the clades has been revised to facilitate interpretation of the phylogenies more clearly. The entire section has been completely rewritten.

      Reviewer #1: This is also a problem with many of the other figures. For each figure, what is the question being asked and what is its take-home message?

      Reply: We agree that the message was lost and have now focused on our original question in our accepted proposal to JGI. “Is there a convergence among arctic microalgae at the genomic level?”. We found some genome properties were common among the Arctic isolates (more unknown PFAMS and several expanded PFAMs). The importance of ice binding proteins in Arctic Isolates and the widespread inter-algal HGT of this important protein among the Arctic strains. The IBP biogeography and phylogeny strongly indicate that the Arctic microalga have acquired IBP locally and that the Antarctic strains have acquired additional isoforms independently from Antarctic bacteria and fungi (Lines 565-585).

      Reviewer ____#1____: ____The paper has more data than a reader can absorb. It could be strengthened by reducing the number of figures, simplifying them if possible, and more clearly stating the value of the remaining figures.

      Reply. As suggested, we have refocused the paper, removing more speculative statistics based analysis and associated figures. The main conclusions are supported by the 5 main figures. We are now present 5 main figures and 11 supplementary figures (previously 23 downloadable supplementary figures and 40 on-line only figures supporting the support figures). We agree with the reviewer, and we feel the revised version is a more transparent synthesis. Briefly the Figures illustrate the following points. Fig. 1. The multigene tree of available algal genomes and transcriptomes provides a clear framework for judging the divergence of subsequent individual gene and PFAMs phylogenies. Fig. 2 (originally Fig. 3). Indicates the convergence of PFAM domains in the Arctic strains, in contrast to strains from elsewhere. Fig. 3 (originally Figure 4) shows Arctic specific expansions and contraction of PFAM domains, again demonstrating convergent evolution in the Arctic. The figure identifies specific PFAMs that contribute to the within-Arctic convergence. This figure is based on statistical methods independent of Fig 2. Figure 4 is the most extensive IBP phylogeny to date and has been discussed above. Figure 5, which was supplementary in our non-peer reviewed version, shows the biogeographic distribution of IBP, and can be compared to the distributions of the 18S rRNA genes from the four Arctic algae provided as supplementary (S6 Fig.)

      **Minor comments**Reviewer #1

      1. The figure citations are confusing. E.g., what does "Fig.1- Figure supplement 1" refer to? Does this refer to 1 or 2 figures? Apparently, it refers only to Fig. S1, so many readers will be confused when they look at Fig. 1.

      Reply: We apologize for the confusing format; the manuscript had been formatted for the online journal eLife. Our revision follows the more traditional style of PLoS Biology and other Review Commons journals.


      Multiple citations should be in order of publication date, not alphabetical order.

      Reply ; We agree that date of publications is quite standard and recognizes priority of publication. Several on line journals no longer follow this rule and citation order will follow the specific style used by our accepting journal.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)): It is well known that useful genes tend to be shared among microorganisms. The present study strengthens previous studies in showing that gene transfer is an important process in polar regions.

      Reply: We thank the reviewer for recognizing the importance of our study.

      Reviewer #2 ____(Evidence, reproducibility, and clarity (Required)):

      This manuscript is the result of a large international collaborative effort, including the US Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute. Its focus is comparative genomics of eukaryotic Arctic algae. The primary data described in the ms are four new genome and transcriptome sequences from diverse Arctic algae, represented by a cryptomonad, a haptophyte, a chrysophyte, and a pelagophyte.

      The authors compare these new data to previously published genomic/transcriptomic data from eukaryotic algae with the goal of understanding genome evolution in the Artic. The results of the paper are a series large-scale comparative genomic bioinformatics analyses, including the associated statistical analyses. The key findings center on statistically significant features of Arctic genomes, features that stand out as compared to the genomes of algae that are not primarily found in the Arctic. Together, these findings allow the authors to make various hypotheses and suggestions about genetic adaptations to polar environments.

      By far the most significant finding is that the genomes of Arctic algae are enriched in genes encoding proteins with an ice-binding domain, paralleling findings from Antarctic algae. These genes appear to have spread among Arctic algal genomes via horizontal gene transfer, which raises a series of interesting questions. In my opinion, the major conclusions of this paper are supported by the data. Listed below are a few comments that may improve the ms:

      Reviewer #2.

      1) In today's post-genomics era, everyone seems to be sequencing nuclear genomes. Often what distinguishes high-impact and low-impact genome papers is the number of genomes presented and the quality of the genome assembly. I may have missed it, but reading the main text, the figures/tables, and the supplementary data I was not able to get a sense of the quality of the four genome assemblies from which the main findings are based. I was eventually able to find this information from PhycoCosm (note: some of the links to this site are not working in the ms). My quick scan of the PhycoCosm summary info for the four genomes indicates that the assemblies are highly fragmented, likely because they are based on short-read Illumina sequencing rather than a combination of short and long reads. I think it is important to briefly discuss (and or present) the quality of the assemblies in the ms and to highlight the potential limitations/drawbacks of employing highly fragmented assemblies when carrying out large-scale comparative genomics.

      Reply: We agree and the data concerning the genome quality assemblies has been moved to the main text Table 1. The comparison with other paired related strains is provided in an excel folder designated S2 Data Folder.

      Reviewer #2.

      2) Horizontal gene transfer is undeniably a major driving force in evolution, and one that has shaped genomic architecture across the Tree of Life. I believe the data presented here support a role for HGT in the genome of evolution of Arctic algae, particularly with respect to genes encoding proteins with an ice-binding domain. However, we can all think of numerous instances when authors of genome papers were too quick to point to HGT. Thus, I would urge more caution and balance when presenting the HGT data, including some discussion about factors that could incorrectly lead researchers to conclude a significant role for HGT, such as contamination, gene duplication, mis-assemblies, etc. I'm not suggesting that you change the main conclusions, but just tone down the language in places (e.g., "we reveal remarkable convergence in the coding content ... ").

      Reply: We understand the reviewers concerns and now more clearly outline the pipeline we have used to identify HGTs. This included: filtering each genome to remove all possible contaminant sequences first, considering both contig co-presence of vertical- and horizontally-derived genes, and reciprocal and independent annotations of gene sequences in both genome sequences and MMETSP transcriptomes. Retained genes were subjected to simultaneous BLAST analysis and manually curated phylogenies using decontaminated reference datasets. The most parsimonious explanation for our final IBP domain microbial algal clusters (Fig 4) is HGT. On the side of caution, we removed the entire section that identified potential arctic HGT based primarily on a less targeted broad statistical analysis. The focus is now on 3 genes that have clearly identifiable utility in the Arctic, were found to be enriched in Arctic genomes via a separate analysis and had homologs in the Tara Ocean Polar circle data. In addition, we describe more clearly the role of expansion and enrichment of PFAMs and the high proportion genes without an identifiable PFAMs in the Arctic strains as evidence for Arctic convergence separate from potential HGT.

      Reviewer #2.

      3) The downside of studying protists (as compared to multicellular animals, for instance) is that most are not widely known by the scientific community and even fewer scientists can picture what they actually look like (e.g., Pavlovales sp. CCMP2436). A few more details about the four Arctic algae that make up the focus of this paper might be helpful for the casual reader. My sense is that if at the next departmental meeting I asked my colleagues what a pelagophyte was most would look at me with a blank stare. Moreover, am I right to assume that all four algae are psychrotolerant rather than psychrophilic (Supplement Fig. 1 makes me think otherwise). It might be good to point out the difference in the text.

      Reply: High resolution images of each strain are available on the JGI home page for each alga, given the multiple figures we feel photos would not add information.

      Reviewer #2

      4) I don't think Supp. Table 1 (the Pan-algal dataset) got uploaded correctly during the manuscript submission stage. The first link I click on gives me Supp. Table 2.

      Reply: We apologize for this, the format was incorrect for the file designation and there were lost links. We now more actually refer to these as Data Folders as they are excel folders containing multiple sheets, All supplementary links will be verified again on final submission.


      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      By far the most significant finding from this paper is that the genomes of Arctic algae are enriched in genes encoding proteins with an ice-binding domain, paralleling findings from Antarctic algae. These genes appear to have spread among Arctic algal genomes via horizontal gene transfer, which raises a series of interesting questions. This is not the first paper to present these types of ideas, but it is arguably the broadest analysis yet, at least with respect to eukaryotic algae. This work will be of great interest to polar scientists, phycologists, protistologists, and the genomics community. I am genome scientist studying protists, including algae.

      Reply. We thank the reviewer for their insightful comments.

      Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):


      This manuscript is focused on Arctic microalgae, an important yet understudied community in permanently cold ecosystems. By sequencing the genomes of four phylogenetically diverse and uncharacterized polar algae, the authors seek to elucidate genomic features and protein families that are similar in polar species (and differ from their relatives from temperate environments) This work used high-throughput genomic sequencing and computational analysis to demonstrate significant horizontal gene transfer (HGT) in several gene families, including ice-binding proteins. The authors suggest that this HGT is an effector of environmental adaptation to Arctic environments.

      **Major comments and experiment suggestions:**

      The authors conclude that HGT between arctic species is a driver of polar adaptation. The authors strongly support the claim that HGT is present more frequently in the polar algae examined here. Whether this is adaptive should be further explored though. For instance, ice-binding domains were one PFAM group found at significantly higher frequencies in the polar species - but are all of these species associated with ice? What would be the benefit of IBDs in an alga that is found in the open ocean. Similar with the other domains (Lns 333-335), its not clear whether these are truly adaptive features. ____This is more speculative.

      Reply: We agree that detail was lacking and have considerably expanded our introduction on the character of the Arctic Ocean and have stated the goals and underlying hypothesis. Briefly, all surface water organisms that live in the Arctic encounter ice during the year as the ocean freezes in winter, and surface waters reman around negative 1.7 °C for much of the year. This information has been added to the introduction. We have also expanded the discussion on the multiple effects of different IBPs that would be ecologically beneficial for plankton as well as ice-algae and cite relevant experimental studies and reviews.

      Reviewer #3) ____HGT was a major conclusion of this study, putting this in a wider perspective would strengthen the conclusion, especially in the context of HGT from prokaryotes. Are there insights on whether IBDs are present in Arctic prokaryotes?

      Reply: This is a good question, and we now point out that there were 91 Arctic bacterial and archaeal IBP sequences in our comparative dataset. In contrast to the Antarctic clades, none were closely related to the Arctic strain IBPs (Fig 4). Line 336.

      Reviewer #3) ____The data obtained from the genomic works supports the conclusions stronger that ones from transcriptomes, where what genes/domains are present would depend largely on the sampling conditions. This should be emphasized.

      Reply: The main rational for using transcriptomes was that more of these are available and enabled us to detect convergences and HGT across a broader taxonomic range than would be possible with genome-only data, where we had access to a total of only 21 microalgal genomes. In general transcriptome studies are aimed at identifying responses under different conditions and rely on comparative expression data, usually 2-fold differences in up or down expression under different growth conditions, see for example Freyria et al. 2022 (Communications Biology). Unlike a transcriptome expression study, our data mining detected any (constitutive or regulated) expression in these unicellular haploid cells, we would have detected genes used under any condition that an algal happened to be growing. IBD was not detected in any of the temperate genomes, and only detected in transcriptomes of Arctic and Arctic-Boreal groups. However, we agree that there may be some limitation of transcriptomes only studies and mention this. Lines 522-528.

      Reviewer #3) ____An experiment to determine whether the species are cold extremophiles (psychrophiles) would be useful here to strongly support the data in Figure 1. The authors state that their species can not survive >6C but this is based on experiments done on older studies. Considering the cultures have been maintained as a continuous culture for decades, confirming that they still have psychrophilic characteristic would be useful. This is a straightforward and low cost experiment that requires simply measuring growth rates at several temperatures to define the optimal and confirm that the cells are not viable above 6C.

      Reply: These are interesting points, and the broad “background” statements in the original manuscript would require a separate study,and have been deleted. Temperature tolerance experiments are not so simple for cold adapted algae with slow growth rates. Such experiments require specialized incubators to maintain low temperatures. Temperature experiments have been carried out on the cultures in the context of other studies, see for example, Daugberg et al. 2018, J. Phycol. But this is not within the scope of the present study.

      We now restrict our conclusions to the specific question of convergence among Arctic strains. We apologize for the misunderstanding on the history of the cultures. They have not been in “continuous culture” but are cryopreserved. We now simply indicate that they grow below 6 °C, which is sufficient to assume that they are likely cryophiles, our experience is that they do not grow well or at all at higher temperatures, our efforts have been to maintain the cultures that are otherwise easily lost. We now make no claims about optimality or limits. Here we simply examined genomes and available transcriptomes that were generated from algae growing at 4-6 °C.

      Reviewer #3) ____**Minor comments:**

      Defining the species used here as psychrophiles would put the study in context better. The authors relate their finding to Antarctic species (HGT, ice-binding domains, large genomes) all of which are confirmed psychrophiles.

      Reply: The temperature definition of psychrophiles is surprisingly high (optimal growth below 15 °C) and this definition of psychrophiles is now given in the introduction. The point is really that there are few isolates from cold surface waters that have been well studied. We now add. “A handful of polar algal genomes have been extensively studied, with 4 of these from around Antarctica and classified as psychrophiles (not being able to grow above 15 °C (Feller & Gerday, 2003)”. Lines 103-107.

      Reviewer #3) ____A short rationale on why these species at all would be useful - are they representative of their classes? Do they have psychrophilic characteristics that might make them useful models in the future? Are they widely used now?

      Reply: We appreciate the point as the definition of utility in discovery-based science is an open dialog.

      We agree that the study requires context and have added our rational for selecting the species for genome sequencing to the introduction. “To address questions on genetic adaptations to this ice-influenced environment, we sequenced 4 phylogenetically divergent microalgae, from 4 algal classes belonging to 3 algal phyla: Cryptophyceae (Cryptophyta), Pavlovophyceae (Haptophyta), Chrysophyceae and Pelagophyceae (both in the Ochrophyta) isolated from the ca. 77 °N, where surface ice flow persists through June (Mei et al., 2002). The four isolates were selected as representatives of different water and ice conditions and phylogeny from available strains collected in April and June 1998 during the North Water Polynya study”.

      Reviewer #3) ____Starting algal cultures were maintained in a continuous culture since 1998 and under continuous light since at least 2015, have the authors confirmed that these algae retain their physiological features even after this long time? The accumulation of mutations is a possibility here.

      Reply: We apologize for the misunderstanding of the timeline; the history of the cultures was not given in the manuscript and the inferred history is not quite correct. The 2015 date was the year of publication for the MMETSP data. Our continuous light statement is a record of our standard culture conditions. We now elaborate on the material used in the current study. The cultures were deposited in the Bigelow culture collection (now NCMA) in 2002 and cryopreserved once they had been verified and given a culture designation. We obtained fresh cultures in 2005 and these were used for the MMETSP project. We obtained fresh cultures again in 2011, specifically for the JGI genome project. These algae do not grow fast and most of the DNA was sent to JGI in 2012 for most of the isolates. This history is rather long and not relevant, since one would speculate that over the years the algae would tend to lose the ice associated functionality, e.g. they were not frozen in seawater every year for 4 to 6 months or subject to sudden freshwater exposure, when ice melts. We would encourage other researchers to order the cultures and run experiments. We note that many of the 40 or so algae isolated from the same campaign have been used by others for specific studies and at least 8 are in the MMETSP data set. The presence of 18S rRNA and phylogenetic position of the IBP sequences compared to Tara Arctic circle data confirms long-term Arctic presence of each species and the IBP domains in the Arctic without marked changes over the last 20 years.

      Reviewer #3) ____Ln381 - The culture collection IDs for each sequenced species should be included here

      Reply: we have added the culture IDs throughout.

      Reviewer #3) ____Ln. 389 - Algal cells are harvested and used for nucleic acid extraction, the nucleic acids themselves are not harvested

      Reply: we agree and corrected the wording

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      This study is well places in the current state of research on polar alga and represents a significant and very valuable addition to the current knowledge pool. Algae in general are lagging behind other groups of photosynthetic organisms in the number of sequenced and analyzed genomes, despite algae being one of the main primary producers globally. This is even more strongly felt in polar research, where only 4 species have been sequenced, most of which are restricted to Antarctica. There is a true gap in our knowledge when it comes to Arctic species, and this study fills this gap. As the authors correctly state, we need more knowledge on polar environments and the primary producers that support these important ecosystems in light of current climate change trends.

      Reply: we appreciate the succinct summary of our study and thank the reviewer for insights and suggestions that have improved the manuscript.

      Reviewer field of expertise: Polar algae, stress responses, plant and algal energetics, cell signalling

      Reply: We appreciate the incites and perspective steming from the reviewer's expertise.

      Relevant key references cited in the reply:

      Daugbjerg N, Norlin A, Lovejoy C. Baffinella frigidus gen. et sp. nov. (Baffinellaceae fam. nov., Cryptophyceae) from Baffin Bay: Morphology, pigment profile, phylogeny, and growth rate response to three abiotic factors. Journal of Phycology. 2018;54(5):665-80

      Feller, G. and Gerday, C. (2003) Psychrophilic enzymes: Hot topics in cold adaptation. Nat Rev Microbiol, 1, 200-208.

      Freyria NJ, Kuo A, Chovatia M, Johnson J, Lipzen A, Barry KW, et al. Salinity tolerance mechanisms of an Arctic Pelagophyte using comparative transcriptomic and gene expression analysis. Communications Biology. 2022;5(1). doi: 10.1038/s42003-022-03461-2

      Mei, Z. P., Legendre, L., Gratton, Y., Tremblay, J. E., Leblanc, B., Mundy, C. J., Klein, B., Gosselin, M., Larouche, P., Papakyriakou, T. N., Lovejoy, C. and Von Quillfeldt, C. H. (2002) Physical control of spring-summer phytoplankton dynamics in the North Water, April-July 1998. Deep-Sea Research Part Ii-Topical Studies in Oceanography, 49, 4959-4982.

      Niezgodzki, I., Tyszka, J., Knorr, G. and Lohmann, G. (2019) Was the Arctic Ocean ice free during the latest Cretaceous? The role of CO2 and gateway configurations. Global and Planetary Change, 177, 201-212.

      Nikishin, A. M., Petrov, E. I., Cloetingh, S., Freiman, S. I., Malyshev, N. A., Morozov, A. F., Posamentier, H. W., Verzhbitsky, V. E., Zhukov, N. N. and Startseva, K. (2021) Arctic Ocean Mega Project: Paper 3-Mesozoic to Cenozoic geological evolution. Earth-Science Reviews, 217.

  6. Jul 2022
    1. This also made me think of church bulletin ads, which all look the exact same way, except maybe it’s just a Catholic thing2?

      I thought of the same aesthetic as well, in part because it wasn't as "busy" as the comic book page aesthetic.

    1. https://www.zylstra.org/blog/2022/06/spring-83/

      I've been thinking about this sort of thing off and on myself.

      I too almost immediately thought of Fraidyc.at and its nudge at shifting the importance of content based on time and recency. I'd love to have a social reader with additional affordances for both this time shifting and Ton's idea of reading based on social distance.

      I'm struck by the seemingly related idea of @peterhagen's LindyLearn platform and annotations: https://annotations.lindylearn.io/new/ which focuses on taking some of the longer term interesting ideas as the basis for browsing and chewing on. Though even here, one needs some of the odd, the cutting edge, and the avant garde in their balanced internet diet. Would Spring '83 provide some of this?

      I'm also struck by some similarities this has with the idea of Derek Siver's /now page movement. I see some updating regularly while others have let it slip by the wayside. Still the "board" of users exists, though one must click through a sea of mostly smiling and welcoming faces to get to it the individual pieces of content. (The smiling faces are more inviting and personal than the cacophony of yelling and chaos I see in models for Spring '83.) This reminds me of Stanley Meyers' frequent assertion that he attempted to design a certain "sense of quiet" into the early television show Dragnet to balance the seeming loudness of the everyday as well as the noise of other contemporaneous television programming.

      The form reminds me a bit of the signature pages of one's high school year book. But here, instead of the goal being timeless scribbles, one has the opportunity to change the message over time. Does the potential commercialization of the form (you know it will happen in a VC world crazed with surveillance capitalism) follow the same trajectory of the old college paper facebook? Next up, Yearbook.com!

      Beyond the thing as a standard, I wondered what the actual form of Spring '83 adds to a broader conversation? What does it add to the diversity of voices that we don't already see in other spaces. How might it be abused? Would people come back to it regularly? What might be its emergent properties?

      It definitely seems quirky and fun in and old school web sort of way, but it also stresses me out looking at the zany busyness of some of the examples of magazine stands. The general form reminds me of the bargain bins at book stores which have the promise of finding valuable hidden gems and at an excellent price, but often the ideas and quality of what I find usually isn't worth the discounted price and the return on investment is rarely worth the effort. How might this get beyond these forms?

      It also brings up the idea of what other online forms we may have had with this same sort of raw experimentation? How might the internet have looked if there had been a bigger rise of the wiki before that of the blog? What would the world be like if Webmention had existed before social media rose to prominence? Did we somehow miss some interesting digital animals because the web rose so quickly to prominence without more early experimentation before its "Cambrian explosion"?

      I've been thinking about distilled note taking forms recently and what a network of atomic ideas on index cards look like and what emerges from them. What if the standard were digital index cards that linked and cross linked to each other, particularly in a world without adherence to time based orders and streams? What does a new story look like if I can pull out a card either at random or based on a single topic and only see it or perhaps some short linked chain of ideas (mine or others) which come along with it? Does the choice of a random "Markov monkey" change my thinking or perspective? What comes out of this jar of Pandora? Is it just a new form of cadavre exquis?

      This standard has been out for a bit and presumably folks are experimenting with it. What do the early results look like? How are they using it? Do they like it? Does it need more scale? What do small changes make to the overall form?

      For more on these related ideas, see: https://hypothes.is/search?q=tag%3A%22spring+%2783%22

  7. Jun 2022
    1. Pretty basic! And yet, noth­ing on the inter­net presently allows me to do this

      Pretty basic and pretty much what Jaiku did. It gave a somewhat holistic social platform view of people with the person in focus. You could see all the social platforms they shared on and what was shared, but also allowed you to turn off listening to platforms for that person.

      On the Jaiku webview I had a my own layer of how I had someone tagged (say foodie or Apple nerd) and I could click on that and seem others I followed who I believed had those interests. Which was a personal version of what I wrote up later as a Granular Social Network (https://www.vanderwal.net/random/entrysel.php?blog=1975).

    2. Ten mil­lion boards gives us a max­i­mum disk space require­ment of 22.17 gigabytes, eas­ily stored on a com­mod­ity hard drive or a cheap-enough cloud volume. A capa­ble com­puter could even hold that in RAM. Turns out, when you don’t store every user’s entire history, plus a record of every adver­tise­ment they’ve ever seen, your data­base can stay pretty slim!

      the limit on history is interesting and feels like a missed opportunity. in a world where storage is so cheap, we should be able to keep our own histories! thinking about sousveillance vs. surveillance and personal panopticons

    3. You might update your board twice an hour or twice a month; you might amend one sen­tence or reboot the whole thing. Pub­lish­ing a new ver­sion is instantaneous, as easy as tap­ping a button. You don’t have to man­age a server to pub­lish a board; you don’t even have to estab­lish an account on a server.

      reminds me of locket but web-based and with full user agency to create what they want. their own little pocket of the internet. Love the no account part and think that's super important..

    4. It was the expe­ri­ence of draft­ing the spec that changed my view, and my pace. Writing! Gets you every time!
    5. I will just observe that there is some­thing about this tech­nol­ogy that has seemed, over the years, to scold rather than invite; enclose rather than expand; and strip away rather than layer upon.
    6. Ten mil­lion boards gives us a max­i­mum disk space require­ment of 22.17 gigabytes, eas­ily stored on a com­mod­ity hard drive or a cheap-enough cloud volume. A capa­ble com­puter could even hold that in RAM. Turns out, when you don’t store every user’s entire history, plus a record of every adver­tise­ment they’ve ever seen, your data­base can stay pretty slim!

      This is essentially the SSB take too. I don't love it, but the way in which I don't love it is a crotchety computer professional way, not a meaningful one.

    7. Boards are cryp­to­graphically signed in such a way that they can be passed from server to server and, no mat­ter where your client gets a copy of a pub­lisher’s board, you can be assured it is valid.

      Peer to peer content transmission is an awfully big can of worms. Freedom to delete is real contentious in SSB/Fediverse sstuff.

    8. More importantly, every board holds its place, regard­less of when it was last updated.

      One uncomfortable thing about this is that it replicates a scarcity logic of space in an unscarce medium. I keep lots of barely-more-than-defunct feeds in my RSS reader because it costs me nothing to do so and I'd be so happy if they did start publishing again. Looking at an unchanged board for a year would feel different.

    9. I recommend this kind of project, this fla­vor of puzzle, to any­one who feels tan­gled up by the present state of the inter­net. Pro­to­col design is a form of inves­ti­ga­tion and critique. Even if what I describe below goes nowhere, I’ll be very glad to have done this think­ing and writing. I found it chal­leng­ing and energizing.

      This is fun! Maybe I should try sketching some stuff out here before I work further on that web directory SSG template project.

    10. Client appli­ca­tions dis­play all the boards you are fol­lowing together, lay­ing them out on a 2D canvas, pro­duc­ing unplanned juxtapositions, just like the news­stand above.

      Reminds me of the neocities webgardens (that list of creators is incomplete), doing something like this with iframes and friendly convention.

    11. unable to exe­cute JavaScript or load exter­nal resources, but oth­er­wise unrestricted. Boards invite pub­lish­ers to use all the rich­ness of mod­ern HTML and CSS.

      But -- external images? No images? 😔

    12. You prob­a­bly reached this web page through an email.

      looks around shiftily at RSS reader

    13. For my part, I believe presentation is fused to content; I believe pre­sen­ta­tion is a form of con­tent; so RSS can­not be the end of the story.

      Viva! I do still use RSS as more of a notification stream than a consumption stream; I don't really want the consumption to all happen in one place. When Cinni updates in her RSS feed, it's links to her proper pages, and this is right and good because her site is beautiful in a way RSS couldn't (shouldn't) accommodate.

    14. when a user stops speaking, they disappear, and, by corollary, as a fol­lower, you mostly encounter the users who are speak­ing nonstop.

      Hmm. I don't know that there's a way to get around the 90-9-1 ratios there. I had to resort to user scripts even for my own stuff. I'm reminded of this whole thing, too.

    15. I am not shar­ing, at this time, code for a client or server, although I have ref­er­ence imple­mentations of both that I’m test­ing with a cou­ple of friends.

      I am forcibly reminded of this orange site comment that makeworld had shared though I guess I haven't really gotten it out of my head in the first place.

    16. 2217 bytes

      why that number?

    17. For my part, I believe presentation is fused to content; I believe pre­sen­ta­tion is a form of con­tent; so RSS can­not be the end of the story.

      This is probably where Fraidycat falls down. But still, as you don't mention it, Robin, are you familiar with it?

    18. fol­low peo­ple

      Just follow? Not interact with? Build relationships with?

    19. And yet, noth­ing on the inter­net presently allows me to do this

      First thought: https://fraidyc.at/

      But I expect the discussion below to clarify how that does not suffice (?).

    20. What do you want from the inter­net, anyway?

      Literally laughed out loud to this.

    21. It needs, instead, close con­sid­er­a­tion and gen­er­ous imagination.

      This seems like a good opportunity to try hypothes.is again. I've been meaning to get back to using it. As an experiment, I'm going to try and annotate this post as I read it.

    1. spring ’83 boards are so inherently creative, it’s beautiful to have that kind of customisation not only encouraged but really forced

      is it? I feel like you could certainly participate with raw markdown styled with Robin's defaults. hard to know how people who aren't Like Us would use the form because of course it's people Like Us who want to

    1. But the profound magic trick of the signature: that it allows a piece of content to flow around the internet, handed from peer to peer, impossible to tamper with... it's too good to pass up.

      I wonder if, given that boards are supposed to expire anyway, the key rotation shouldn't involve publishing old secrets such that it's not possible to use an old key to pin someone down as having published something (which would be long after its intended expiry anyway)? With the caveat that I don't know nothing about cryptography, I'm just a horrible little goblin typing in a Hypothes.is pane.

    2. New boards should be transmitted to peers asynchronously. The server must wait at least five minutes before sharing, but it may wait longer. In this way, the server acts as a buffer, absorbing and "compacting" rapid PUTs.

      This is interesting. I could imagine wanting a more instant version of a tiled view of those I follow -- back when I was on Twitter, there was something cool about the implicit group liveblog of e.g. a major news event. I would have liked to be able to see it all tiled out in one view.

    3. Simple. This means the protocol is easy to understand and implement, even for a non-expert programmer.

      I'm not sure implementation difficulty is the same thing as simplicity. Gemini also says those things are the same. This is also really tricky to evaluate in a world of libraries and linking; we're not mentally including the difficulty of Ed25519 cryptography in our assessment of the protocol's "simplicity" because we're not absolute loons and would use a library for that... but it's part of the fabric being woven.

    4. Accordingly, a Spring '83 realm is limited to 10 million boards

      My gut desire is always for social media accommodating closer to Darius's 50-ish, Dunbar's tiers. I wonder how allowing for media publishers needs to change those numbers.

    5. display each board in a region with an aspect ratio of either 1:sqrt(2) or sqrt(2):1

      Is this really compatible with "[embracing] the richness, flexibility, and chaos of modern HTML and CSS"? I don't have a big negative opinion about it because fixed display size is how webgardens work, too, but articulating the root of the design decision (to allow things to tile nicely?) could open interesting discussion.

    6. load any images, media, or fonts linked by the board


    7. (It also means the protocol doesn't provide any mechanism for replies, likes, favorites, or, indeed, feedback of any kind. Publishers are encouraged to use the full flexibility of HTML to develop their own approaches, inviting readers to respond via email, join a live chat, send a postcard... whatever!)

      This has chafed at the users of Gemini even while its designers seem to be proud of holding the line.

    1. please assume that any- thing I'm not commenting on is an enthusiastic "wow this is cool!"

      Yeah, ditto.

  8. Oct 2021
    1. Author Response:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript by Gilbert et al., the authors found that MLC1 is required for postnatal maturation of perivascular astrocyte coverage. Through various detailed experiments, they further found that Mlc1 KO mice showed a number of defects, including the reduced VSMC contractility, neurovascular coupling and parenchymal CSF flow. The data is well presented, however there are several points that need to be addressed to strengthen the manuscript.

      1) Since many PvAP proteins showed the normal expression after P60 in Mlc1 KO mice, it is also possible that many of the phenotype that the authors presented, such as the reduced VSMC contractility, neurovascular coupling and parenchymal CSF flow, can be recovered after P60. This would be important as well to understand the prime pathological cause of megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy induced by MLC1 deletion.

      Although some protein levels are normal in Mlc1 KO mice, PvAP coverage and gliovascular unit morphology are altered at P60. We also now show (using TEM) that PvAPs are swollen in 1-year-old Mlc1 KO mice (the new Fig. S4) - indicating that edema develops progressively in Mlc1 KO mice. Myelin vacuolation starts at 3 months and progressively worsens (Dubey et al., 2015). Taken as a whole, these data show that MLC is a degenerative disease. Under these conditions, the recovery of gliovascular unit function after P60 is very unlikely.

      All the molecular morphological and functional changes in gliovascular unit described in our manuscript precede myelin degradation, which starts at the age of 3 months in Mlc1 KO mice (Dubey et al., 2015). Moreover, our previous study (Gilbert et al., 2019) demonstrated that MLC1 expression starts around P5 and that the MLC1/GlialCAM complex is only mature at P15. Taken together, these results strongly suggest that gliovascular unit alterations are the primary pathological events in MLC.

      Dubey M, Bugiani M, Ridder MC, Postma NL, Brouwers E, Polder E, Jacobs JG, Baayen JC, Klooster J, Kamermans M, et al. 2015. Mice with megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with cysts: a developmental angle. Ann Neurol 77: 114-131.10.1002/ana.24307. Gilbert A, Vidal XE, Estevez R, Cohen-Salmon M, and Boulay AC. 2019. Postnatal development of the astrocyte perivascular MLC1/GlialCAM complex defines a temporal window for the gliovascular unit maturation. Brain Struct Funct 224: 1267-1278.10.1007/s00429-019-01832-w.

      2) Does CBF get differed only after neuronal stimulation in Mlc1 KO mice? It is unclear whether the basal CBF/neurovascular coupling level is disrupted as well in Mlc KO brains and how this defect is related to the reduced vasoconstriction in these mice.

      The baselines of the functional ultrasound experiments were aligned prior to stimulation. This technique measures the percentage increase in blood flow after neuronal stimulation (here, whisker movement) but does not measure the basal flow and does not enable one to distinguish between an abnormal basal cerebral blood flow (as suggested by the reduction of the arterial diameter) and the loss of vascular contractility - both of which probably contribute to the defect in neurovascular coupling.

      3) The reduced cohesiveness of PvAPs and the associated neuronal fibers to the vessel in Mlc1 KO brains should be validated with additional experimental approach.

      To strengthen our analysis, we now give the results of a parallel quantitative immunofluorescence analysis of purified brain vessels (presented in a new figure, Fig.5). The results show that part of the Aqp4 and NF-M perivascular immunolabeling is absent in the Mlc1 KO. Taken as a whole, our data demonstrate that PvAPs and the associated neuronal fibers (which normally remain attached to brain vessels during mechanical purification) are lost during the purification process in Mlc1 KO mice but not in the WT. In conclusion, the absence of MLC1 reduces the mechanical cohesiveness of PvAPs and the associated neuronal fibers.

      4) The defective polarity of astrocytes should be better described by using other markers other than GFAP. The distribution of Aquaporin4, Cx43 or several glutamate transporters in the specific compartment of astrocytes can be examined.

      GFAP is the marker typically used to analyze the astrocytes’ overall morphology and polarity. Nevertheless, we agree that it is of interest to study the molecular polarity of PvAPs. Indeed, morphological changes in the PvAPs and astrocytes and changes in polarity in Mlc1 KO might all influence the localization of molecules in PvAPs. To address this question, we performed a quantitative stimulated emission depletion (STED) analysis of protein localization in PvAPs. Our results indicate that the perivascular localization of aquaporin 4 was not affected. However, the density and size of Cx43 puncta were greater - indicating that the gap junctions in PvAPs are not organized in the same way in the Mlc1 KO as in the WT. This observation is consistent with our electron microscopy observations of perivascular astrocytic processes stacked on the top of each other and linked by extended gap junctions.

      We have also added results for Kir4.1, a potassium channel that is expressed preferentially in PvAPs. The Kir4.1 expression level in Mlc1 KO was lower at all stages of development, indicating that perivascular potassium homeostasis was probably perturbed. These results are interesting because (i) epilepsy is a significant component of megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy (Dubey et al., 2018; Yalcinkaya et al., 2003), and (ii) Kir4.1 deletion or downregulation is associated with greater susceptibility to epilepsy (Sibille et al., 2014). These points are now discussed.

      Dubey M, Brouwers E, Hamilton EMC, Stiedl O, Bugiani M, Koch H, Kole MHP, Boschert U, Wykes RC, Mansvelder HD, et al. 2018. Seizures and disturbed brain potassium dynamics in the leukodystrophy megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts. Ann Neurol 83: 636- 649.10.1002/ana.25190. Sibille J, Pannasch U, and Rouach N. 2014. Astroglial potassium clearance contributes to short-term plasticity of synaptically evoked currents at the tripartite synapse. J Physiol 592: 87- 102.jphysiol.2013.261735 [pii] 10.1113/jphysiol.2013.261735. Yalcinkaya C, Yuksel A, Comu S, Kilic G, Cokar O, and Dervent A. 2003. Epilepsy in vacuolating megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts. Seizure 12: 388-396.10.1016/s1059-1311(02)00350-3.

      5) The authors provide interesting observations such that the formation of perivascular astrocyte coverages is required for the dissociation of the contacts between neuronal components and the vessel during development. The authors need to discuss more about potential regulation and implication of this phenomenon.

      This is indeed a fascinating phenomenon. The postnatal period is also an intense synaptogenic phase in the mouse brain (Chung et al., 2015), during which astrocytes and neurons might compete for the perivascular space. In the absence of MLC1 and thus PvAPs, the neurons might expand into the free space. We now comment on this point.

      Chung WS, Allen NJ, and Eroglu C. 2015. Astrocytes Control Synapse Formation, Function, and Elimination. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 7: a020370.cshperspect.a020370 [pii] 10.1101/cshperspect.a020370.

      6) It is interesting that DOTA-Gd tracer shows different traces in Mlc1 KO brains. However, it is unclear how MLC1 deletion affects glymphatic system. Does the tracer normally enter to the perivascular spaces in Mlc KO brains? Does the tracer leak out more from the perivascular spaces in Mlc1 KO mice? Is the general clearance or drainages of the tracer impaired in Mlc1 KO mice? Would these defects be originated by the reduced perivascular astrocyte coverage or the reduced vasoconstriction itself?

      Paravascular transport (as revealed by the injection of a tracer into the CSF) depends mainly on dispersion of the tracer in the subarachnoid space (SAS), the cisternae, and the parenchyma (including the interstitial and perivascular spaces). The uneven, slow dispersion of the tracer within the SAS (compared with dispersion in the blood) means that the tracer’s kinetics in the parenchyma are regiondependent. These differences can be accentuated by regional differences in the anatomy of the brain’s vasculature, i.e. the presence or absence of a perivascular space and the vessel’s topology. Lastly, the amount of DOTA-Gd available for diffusion within the parenchyma depends directly on its local concentration in the SAS. This can be seen on our contrast concentration maps (see Fig. 8), where the highest DOTA-Gd concentrations are found near the injection site (the cisterna magna), in line with previous reports (Iliff et al., 2012). In the Mlc1 KO model, dispersion of DOTA-Gd is presumably affected in the SAS and the parenchyma.

      With regard to tracer dispersion in the SAS and the cisternae, our anatomical MRI showed that the brain volume is greater in the Mlc1 KO mouse than in the WT (see Fig. 1). These variations in the geometry of the SAS may account for much of the difference between the Mlc1 KO mice and WT mice. Although tracer concentrations appear to be similar in the cerebellum (close to the injection site), they are much lower in the more distant septal area of Mlc1 KO mice - suggesting that tracer transport within the SAS is restricted.

      With regard to parenchymal dispersion, we showed that MLC1 is essential for the position of the astrocytes’ perivascular endfeet. Thus, in Mlc1 KO mice, the formation of the perivascular space (as a conduit for solute distribution) is likely to be deficient. This aspect is revealed by the slope of the tracer’s concentration-time curve, which indicate slower kinetics in Mlc1 KO mice; this might be due to poor integrity of the perivascular space. The higher volume of fluid in the Mlc1 KO parenchyma (reflected by the increased apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC); Fig. 1 and S1) might also be involved in this phenotype.

      The heart beat is the main driver of CSF circulation in the perivascular space (Iliff et al., 2013). The heart rate is very rapid and so the heart exerts a much greater driving force on the CSF than the vasodilation of the vessels induced by neuronal activity. Alterations in vascular contractility observed in Mlc1 KO mice might be involved in the impaired CSF flux but this is unlikely.

      All these points are now discussed in the revised version of the manuscript.

      Iliff JJ, Lee H, Yu M, Feng T, Logan J, Nedergaard M, and Benveniste H. 2013. Brain-wide pathway for waste clearance captured by contrast-enhanced MRI. Journal of Clinical Investigation 123: 1299-1309.10.1172/jci67677. Iliff JJ, Wang M, Liao Y, Plogg BA, Peng W, Gundersen GA, Benveniste H, Vates GE, Deane R, Goldman SA, et al. 2012. A paravascular pathway facilitates CSF flow through the brain parenchyma and the clearance of interstitial solutes, including amyloid beta. Sci Transl Med 4:147ra111.10.1126/scitranslmed.3003748.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This very interesting manuscript by Gilbert and colleagues uncovers that the astrocyte specific membrane protein MLC1, the mutation of which causes a rare disease called megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical Cysts (MLC), plays a fundamental role in the postnatal development of the gliovascular unit and the organization of the perivascular astrocyte processes, in particular. To reach this conclusion, the authors used an elegant multiscale approach including in vivo MRI, in vivo functional ultrasound, ex vivo analysis of vascular constriction, anatomical approaches at the light and electron microscopic level, and molecular characterization of the gliovascular unit from isolated microvessels. The manuscript is very well-written although it uses too many (unnecessary) abbreviations, which prevents a fluid reading of the manuscript, results are well illustrated and convincing and the discussion is reasonable.

      I have a major concern regarding the results reported in Figure 4D, which seem somewhat contradictory to those shown in Figure 6A-F. Indeed, the authors report in Figure 4D that there is less Neurofilament-M protein around isolated microvessels in MLC1 KO mice, whereas Figure 6A-F shows that these animals have more neuronal processes in contact with the vessels than in wiltypes. How can the authors explain this?

      The two situations are not comparable. On one hand, we observed the structure of the gliovascular unit in situ in fixed tissues. On the other, we mechanically purified microvessels. The detachment of astrocytic processes and associated neuronal fibers (linked to the mechanical dissociation of microvessels in the Mlc1 KO mouse) was clearly not counterbalanced by the presence of neuronal fibers contacting the vessels.

  9. Aug 2020
    1. 6.2.15. WIRE ROPE When power source and load are located at extreme distances from one another, or loads are very large, the use of wire rope is suggested. Design and use decisions pertaining to wire ropes rest with the user, but manufacturers generally will help users toward appropriate choices. The following material, based on the Committee of Wire Rope Producers, "Wire Rope User's Manual," current edition, may be used as an initial guide in selecting a rope.

      Wire rope is composed of (1) wires to form a strand, (2) strands wound helically around a core, and (3) a core. Classification of wire ropes is made by giving the number of strands, number of minor strands in a major strand (if any), and nominal number of wires per strand. For example 6 × 7 rope means 6 strands with a nominal 7 wires per strand (in this case no minor strands, hence no middle number). A nominal value simply represents a range. A nominal value of 7 can mean anywhere from 3 to 14, of which no more than 9 are outside wires. A full rope description will also include length, size (diameter), whether wire is preformed or not prior to winding, direction of lay (right or left, indicating the direction in which strands are laid around the core), grade of rope (which reflects wire strength), and core. The most widely used classifications are: 6 × 7, 6 × 19, 6 × 37, 6 × 61, 6 × 91, 6 × 127, 8 × 19, 18 × 7, 19 × 7. Some special constructions are: 3 × 7 (guardrail rope); 3 × 19 (slusher); 6 × 12 (running rope); 6 × 24 and 6 × 30 (hawsers); 6 × 42 and 6 × 6 × 7 (tiller rope); 6 × 3 × 19 (spring lay); 5 × 19 and 6 × 19 (marlin clad); 6 × 25B, 6 × 27H, and 6 × 30G (flattened strand). The diameter of a rope is the circle which just contains the rope. The right-regular lay (in which the wire is twisted in one direction to form the strands and the strands are twisted in the opposite direction to form the rope) is most common. Regular-lay ropes do not kink or untwist and handle easily. Lang-lay ropes (in which wires and strands are twisted in the same direction) are more resistant to abrasive wear and fatigue failure.

      Cross sections of some commonly used wire rope are shown in Fig. 6.2.123. Figure 6.2.124 shows rotation-resistant ropes, and Fig. 6.2.125 shows some special-purpose constructions.

      Figure 6.2.123 Cross sections of some commonly used wire rope construction. (Reproduced from "Wire Rope User's Manual, " AISI, by permission.) binary://mheaeworks/d03c7ddb475211da/158e7be668be00fdf011bdadd2ef3b2300f542e92687c6e02a998fc06e5a48d6/06x02_123.png Open in new tab Share Figure 6.2.124 Cross section of some rotation-resistant wire ropes. (Reproduced from "Wire Rope User's Manual, " AISI, by permission.) binary://mheaeworks/e19ef67be879c4d0/9ab225782b323010f79e566c12a458512274145d6877d8209774da72c34eda94/06x02_124.png Open in new tab Share Figure 6.2.125 Some special constructions. (Reproduced from "Wire Rope User's Manual, " AISI, by permission.) binary://mheaeworks/8627b14662f8a537/bb284940d47ada0df68e2027b63f42e8b5f813ef1a6eb57a1dc9e1bdcb726b5b/06x02_125.png Open in new tab Share The core provides support for the strands under normal bending and loading. Core materials include fibers (hard vegetable or synthetic) or steel (either a strand or an independent wire rope). Most common core designations are: fiber core (FC), independent wire-rope core (IWRC), and wire-strand core (WSC). Lubricated fiber cores can provide lubrication to the wire, but add no real strength and cannot be used in high temperature environments. Wire-strand or wire-rope cores add from 7 to 10 percent to strength, but under nonstationary usage tend to wear from interface friction with the outside strands. Great flexibility can be achieved when wire rope is used as strands. Such construction is very pliable and friction resistant. Some manufacturers will provide plastic coatings (nylon, Teflon, vinyl, etc.) upon request. Such coatings help provide resistance to abrasion, corrosion, and loss of lubricant. Crushing refers to rope damage caused by excessive pressures against drum or sheave, improper groove size, and multiple layers on drum or sheave. Consult wire rope manufacturers in doubtful situations.

      Wire-rope materials and their strengths are reflected as grades. These are: traction steel (TS), mild plow steel (MPS), plow steel (PS), improved plow steel (IPS), and extra improved plow (EIP). The plow steel strength curve forms the basis for calculating the strength of all steel rope wires. American manufacturers use color coding on their ropes to identify particular grades.

      The grades most commonly available and tabulated are IPS and EIP. Two specialized categories, where selection requires extraordinary attention, are elevator and rotation-resistant ropes.

      Elevator rope can be obtained in four principal grades: iron, traction steel, high-strength steel, and extra-high-strength steel.

      Bronze rope has limited use; iron rope is used mostly for older existing equipment. Selection of Wire Rope Appraisal of the following is the key to choosing the rope best suited to the job: resistance to breaking, resistance to bending fatigue, resistance to vibrational fatigue, resistance to abrasion, resistance to crushing, and reserve strength. Along with these must be an appropriate choice of safety factor, which in turn requires careful consideration of all loads, acceleration-deceleration, shocks, rope speed, rope attachments, sheave arrangements as well as their number and size, corrosive and/or abrasive environment, length of rope, etc. An approximate selection formula can be written as:


      (NS) K b K sf where DSL (demanded static load) = known or dead load plus additional loads caused by sudden starts or stops, shocks, bearing friction, etc., tons; NS (nominal strength) = published test strengths, tons (see Table 6.2.65); Kb = a factor to account for the reduction in nominal strength due to bending when a rope passes over a curved surface such as a stationary sheave or pin (see Fig. 6.2.126); Ksf = safety factor. (For average operation use Ksf = 5. If there is danger to human life or other critical situations, use 8 ≤ Ksf ≤ 12. For instance, for elevators moving at 50 ft/min, Ksf = 8, while for those moving at 1,500 ft/min, Ksf = 12.)

      Table 6.2.65 Selected Values of Nominal Strengths of Wire Rope Classification

      Nominal diameter

      Fiber core


      Approximate mass

      Nominal strength IPS

      Approximate mass

      Nominal strength















      Source: "Wire Rope User's Manual," AISI, adapted by permission.

      6 × 7 Bright (uncoated)











      3 / 8
















































      1 3 / 8










      6 × 19 Bright (uncoated)













      3 / 8


























































      1 3 / 8
















































      2 3 / 8
























      6 × 37 Bright (uncoated)













      3 / 8


























































      1 3 / 8
















































      2 3 / 8















































      Open in new tab Share Figure 6.2.126 Values of Kbend vs. D/d ratios (D = sheave diameter, d = rope diameter), based on standard test data for 6 × 9 and 6 × 17 class ropes. (Compiled from "Wire Rope User's Manual," AISI, by permission.) Interactive Graph Values of Kbend vs. D/d ratios (D = sheave diameter, d = rope diameter), based on standard test data for 6 × 9 and 6 × 17 class ropes. (Compiled from "Wire Rope User's Manual," AISI, by permission.) Click on the graph to launch interactivity or enter values below. D/d ratio Kb Open in new tab Share Having made a tentative selection of a rope based on the demanded static load, one considers next the wear life of the rope. A loaded rope bent over a sheave stretches elastically and so rubs against the sheave, causing wear of both members. Drum or sheave size is of paramount importance at this point. Sizing of Drums or Sheaves Diameters of drums or sheaves in wire rope applications are controlled by two main considerations: (1) the radial pressure between rope and groove and (2) degree of curvature imposed on the rope by the drum or sheave size.

      Radial pressures can be calculated from p = 2T/(Dd), where p = unit radial pressure, lb/in2; T = rope load, lb; D = tread diameter of drum or sheave, in; d = nominal diameter of rope, in. Table 6.2.66 lists suggested allowable radial bearing pressures of ropes on various sheave materials.

      Table 6.2.66 Suggested Allowable Radial Bearing Pressures of Ropes on Various Sheave Materials Material

      Regular lay rope, lb/in2

      Lang lay rope, lb/in2

      Flattened strand lang lay, lb/in2


      6 × 7

      6 × 19

      6 × 37

      8 × 19

      6 × 7

      6 × 19

      6 × 37

      Source: "Wire Rope User's Manual," AISI, reproduced by permission.










      On end grain of beech, hickory, gum.

      Cast iron









      Based on minimum Brinell hardness of 125.

      Carbon-steel casting









      30-40 carbon. Based on minimum Brinell hardness of 160.

      Chilled cast iron









      Not advised unless surface is uniform in hardness.

      Manganese steel









      Grooves must be ground and sheaves balanced for high-speed service.

      Open in new tab Share All wire ropes operating over drums or sheaves are subjected to cyclical stresses, causing shortened rope life because of fatigue. Fatigue resistance or relative service life is a function of the ratio D/d. Adverse effects also arise out of relative motion between strands during passage around the drum or sheave. Additional adverse effects can be traced to poor match between rope and groove size, and to lack of rope lubrication. Table 6.2.67 lists suggested and minimum sheave and drum ratios for various rope construction. Table 6.2.68 lists relative bending life factors; Figure 6.2.127 shows a plot of relative rope service life versus D/d. Table 6.2.69 lists minimum drum (sheave) groove dimensions. Periodic groove inspection is recommended, and worn or corrugated grooves should be re-machined or the drum replaced, depending on severity of damage.

      Table 6.2.67 Sheave and Drum Ratios Construction* †



      • WS—Warrington Seale; FWS—Filler Wire Seale; SFW—Seale Filler Wire; SWS—Seale Warrington Seale; S—Seale; FW—Filler Wire.

      † D = tread diameter of sheave; d = nominal diameter of rope. To find any tread diameter from this table, the diameter for the rope construction to be used is multiplied by its nominal diameter d. For example, the minimum sheave tread diameter for a ½-in 6 × 21 FW rope would be ½ in (nominal diameter) × 30 (minimum ratio), or 15 in.

      Note: These values are for reasonable service. Other values are permitted by various standards such as ANSI, API, PCSA, HMI, CMAA, etc. Similar values affect rope life.

      Source: "Wire Rope User's Manual," AISI, reproduced by permission.

      6 × 7



      19 × 7 or 18 × 7 Rotation-resistant



      6 × 19 S



      6 × 25 B flattened strand



      6 × 27 H flattened strand



      6 × 30 G flattened strand



      6 × 21 FW



      6 × 26 WS



      6 × 25 FW



      6 × 31 WS



      6 × 37 SFW



      6 × 36 WS



      6 × 43 FWS



      6 × 41 WS



      6 × 41 SFW



      6 × 49 SWS



      6 × 46 SFW



      6 × 46 WS



      8 × 19 S



      8 × 25 FW



      6 × 42 Tiller



      Open in new tab Download data Share Table 6.2.68 Relative Bending Life Factors Rope construction


      Rope construction


      Source: "Wire Rope User's Manual," AISI, reproduced by permission.

      6 × 7


      6 × 36 WS


      19 × 7 or 18 × 7


      6 × 43 FWS




      6 × 41 WS


      6 × 19 S


      6 × 41 SFW


      6 × 25 B flattened strand


      6 × 49 SWS


      6 × 27 H flattened strand


      6 × 43 FW (2 op)


      6 × 30 G flattened strand


      6 × 46 SFW


      6 × 21 FW


      6 × 46 WS


      6 × 26 WS


      8 × 19 S


      6 × 25 FW


      8 × 25 FW


      6 × 31 WS


      6 × 42 Tiller


      6 × 37 SFW

      Open in new tab Download data Share Figure 6.2.127 Service life curves for various D/d ratios. Note that this curve takes into account only bending and tensile stresses. (Reproduced from "Wire Rope User's Manual, " AISI, by permission.) Interactive Graph Service life curves for various D/d ratios. Note that this curve takes into account only bending and tensile stresses. (Reproduced from "Wire Rope User's Manual, " AISI, by permission.) Click on the graph to launch interactivity or enter values below. D/d ratio Relative rope service life Open in new tab Share Table 6.2.69 Minimum Sheave- and Drum-Groove Dimensions* Nominal rope diameter

      Groove radius









      • Values given are applicable to grooves in sheaves and drums; they are not generally suitable for pitch design since this may involve other factors. Further, the dimensions do not apply to traction-

      type elevators; in this circumstance, drum- and sheave-groove tolerances should conform to the elevator manufacturer's specifications. Modern drum design embraces extensive considerations beyond the scope of this publication. It should also be noted that dram grooves are now produced with a number of oversize dimensions and pitches applicable to certain service requirements.

      Source: "Wire Rope User's Manual," AISI, reproduced by permission.







      5 / 16






      3 / 8






      7 / 16












      9 / 16






      5 / 8






      3 / 4






      7 / 8























      1 3 / 8













































      2 3 / 8













































      3 3 / 8
































































      Open in new tab Share Seizing and Cutting Wire Rope Before a wire rope is cut, seizings (bindings) must be applied on either side of the cut to prevent rope distortion and flattening or loosened strands. Normally, for preformed ropes, one seizing on each side of the cut is sufficient, but for ropes that are not preformed a minimum of two seizings on each side is recommended, and these should be spaced six rope diameters apart (see Fig. 6.2.128). Seizings should be made of soft or annealed wire or strand, and the width of the seizing should never be less than the diameter of the rope being seized. Table 6.2.70 lists suggested seizing wire diameters.

      Figure 6.2.128 Seizings. (Reproduced from "Wire Rope User's Manual, " AISI, by permission.) binary://mheaeworks/b5689cae67236644/dabbb5c8ab916a67588e9e15144fa3607cde3a92171221b8c915b2690ccc4448/06x02_128.png Open in new tab Share Table 6.2.70 Seizing* Rope diameter

      Suggested seizing wire diameter†





      • Length of the seizing should not be less than the rope diameter.

      † The diameter of seizing wire for elevator ropes is usually somewhat smaller than that shown in this table. Consult the wire rope manufacturer for specific size recommendations. Soft annealed seizing strand may also be used.

      Source: "Wire Rope User's Manual," AISI, reproduced by permission.

      ⅛- 5 / 16




      3 /


      9 / 16




      ⅝- 15 / 16




      1-1 5 / 16




      1 3 / 8 -1 11 / 16




      1¾ and larger

      45.0 and larger



      Open in new tab Share Wire Rope Fittings or Terminations End terminations allow forces to be transferred from rope to machine, or load to rope, etc. Figure 6.2.129 illustrates the most commonly used end fittings or terminations. Not all terminations will develop full strength. In fact, if all of the rope elements are not held securely, the individual strands will sustain unequal loads causing unequal wear among them, thus shortening the effective rope service life. Socketing allows an end fitting which reduces the chances of unequal strand loading.

      Figure 6.2.129 End fittings, or terminations, showing the six most commonly used. (Reproduced from "Wire Rope User's Manual, " AISI, by permission.) binary://mheaeworks/93cbb5f808260c54/0b81d52ad105f0752c71c8e820d154a2b2caedd00b267e91c7d74013bc0b3bbc/06x02_129.png Open in new tab Share Wire rope manufacturers have developed a recommended procedure for socketing. A tight wire serving band is placed where the socket base will be, and the wires are unlaid, straightened, and "broomed" out. Fiber core is cut close to the serving band and removed, wires are cleaned with a solvent such as SC-methyl chloroform, and brushed to remove dirt and grease. If additional cleaning is done with muriatic acid this must be followed by a neutralizing rinse (if possible, ultrasonic cleaning is preferred). The wires are dipped in flux, the socket is positioned, zinc (spelter) is poured and allowed to set, the serving band is removed, and the rope lubricated.

      A somewhat similar procedure is used in thermoset resin socketing.

      Socketed terminations generally are able to develop 100 percent of nominal strength.

  10. Jul 2020
    1. dates Education City, an area devoted to research and education. The city was host to the first ministerial-level meeting of the Doha Development Round of World Trade Organization negotiations. It was also selected as host city of a number of sporting events, including the 2006 Asian Games, the 2011 Pan Arab Games and most of the games at the 2011 AFC Asian Cup. In December 2011, the World Petroleum Council held the 20th World Petroleum Conference in Doha.[4] Additionally, the city hosted the 2012 UNFCCC Climate Negotiations and is set to host many of the venues for the 2022 FIFA World Cup.[5] The city has also hosted the 140th Inter-Parliamentary Union Assembly in April 2019. Contents 1 Etymology 2 History 2.1 Establishment of Al Bidda 2.2 Formation of Doha 2.3 Arrival of Al Thani 2.4 20th century 2.4.1 Lorimer report (1908) 2.4.2 British protectorate (1916–1971) 2.5 Post-independence 3 Geography 3.1 Climate 4 Demographics 4.1 Ethnicity and languages 4.2 Religion 5 Administration 5.1 Districts 6 Economy 7 Infrastructure 7.1 Architecture 7.2 Atmosphere 7.3 Planned communities 8 Transportation 8.1 Roads 8.2 Rail 8.3 Air 9 Education 10 Sports 10.1 Football 10.2 Basketball 10.3 Volleyball 10.4 Other sports 10.5 Stadiums and sport complexes 11 Culture 11.1 Arts 11.2 Cinema 11.3 Media 11.4 Theatre 12 International relations 13 Gallery 14 See also 15 References 16 External links Etymology[edit] According to the Ministry of Municipality and Environment, the name "Doha" originated from the Arabic term dohat, meaning "roundness"—a reference to the rounded bays surrounding the area's coastline.[6] History[edit] See also: Timeline of Doha and Al Bidda A satellite view of Doha on the East coast of Qatar. As with most world cities, Doha developed on the water front around the Souq Waqif area today. It gradually spread out in a radial pattern with the use of ring roads. Establishment of Al Bidda[edit] The city of Doha was formed seceding from another local settlement known as Al Bidda. The earliest documented mention of Al Bidda was made in 1681, by the Carmelite Convent, in an account which chronicles several settlements in Qatar. In the record, the ruler and a fort in the confines of Al Bidda are alluded to.[7][8] Carsten Niebuhr, a German explorer who visited the Arabian Peninsula, created one of the first maps to depict the settlement in 1765 in which he labelled it as 'Guttur'.[7][9] David Seaton, a British political resident in Muscat, wrote the first English record of Al Bidda in 1801. He refers to the town as 'Bedih' and describes the geography and defensive structures in the area.[10] He stated that the town had recently been settled by the Sudan tribe (singular Al-Suwaidi), whom he considered to be pirates. Seaton attempted to bombard the town with his warship, but returned to Muscat upon finding that the waters were too shallow to position his warship within striking distance.[11][12] In 1820, British surveyor R. H. Colebrook, who visited Al Bidda, remarked on the recent depopulation of the town. He wrote:[11][13] .mw-parser-output .templatequote{overflow:hidden;margin:1em 0;padding:0 40px}.mw-parser-output .templatequote .templatequotecite{line-height:1.5em;text-align:left;padding-left:1.6em;margin-top:0}Guttur – Or Ul Budee [Al‐Bidda], once a considerable town, is protected by two square Ghurries [forts] near the sea shore; but containing no fresh water they are incapable of defence except against sudden incursions of Bedouins, another Ghurry is situated two miles inland and has fresh water with it. This could contain two hundred men. There are remaining at Ul Budee about 250 men, but the original inhabitants, who may be expected to return from Bahrein, will augment them to 900 or 1,000 men, and if the Doasir tribe, who frequent the place as divers, again settle in it, from 600 to 800 men. The same year, an agreement known as the General Maritime Treaty was signed between the East India Company and the sheikhs of several Persian Gulf settlements (some of which were later known as the Trucial Coast). It acknowledged British authority in the Persian Gulf and sought to end piracy and the slave trade. Bahrain became a party to the treaty, and it was assumed that Qatar, perceived as a dependency of Bahrain by the British, was also a party to it.[14] Qatar, however, was not asked to fly the prescribed Trucial flag.[15] As punishment for alleged piracy committed by the inhabitants of Al Bidda and breach of treaty, an East India Company vessel bombarded the town in 1821. They razed the town, forcing between 300 and 400 natives to flee and temporarily take shelter on the islands between the Qatar and the Trucial Coast.[16] Formation of Doha[edit] Doha was founded in the vicinity of Al Bidda sometime during the 1820s.[17] In January 1823, political resident John MacLeod visited Al Bidda to meet with the ruler and initial founder of Doha, Buhur bin Jubrun, who was also the chief of the Al-Buainain tribe.[17][18] MacLeod noted that Al Bidda was the only substantial trading port in the peninsula during this time. Following the founding of Doha, written records often conflated Al Bidda and Doha due to the extremely close proximity of the two settlements.[17] Later that year, Lt. Guy and Lt. Brucks mapped and wrote a description of the two settlements. Despite being mapped as two separate entities, they were referred to under the collective name of Al Bidda in the written description.[19][20] Al Bidda: View from the bay, 1823 In 1828, Mohammed bin Khamis, a prominent member of the Al-Buainain tribe and successor of Buhur bin Jubrun as chief of Al Bidda, was embroiled in controversy. He had murdered a native of Bahrain, prompting the Al Khalifa sheikh to imprison him. In response, the Al-Buainain tribe revolted, provoking the Al Khalifa to destroy the tribe's fort and evict them to Fuwayrit and Ar Ru'ays. This incident allowed the Al Khalifa additional jurisdiction over the town.[21][22] With essentially no effective ruler, Al Bidda and Doha became a sanctuary for pirates and outlaws.[23] ‘Trigonometrical plan of the harbour of El Biddah on the Arabian side of the Persian Gulf’, 1823 In November 1839, an outlaw from Abu Dhabi named Ghuleta took refuge in Al Bidda, evoking a harsh response from the British. A. H. Nott, a British naval commander, demanded that Salemin bin Nasir Al-Suwaidi, chief of the Sudan tribe (Suwaidi) in Al Bidda, take Ghuleta into custody and warned him of consequences in the case of non-compliance. Al-Suwaidi obliged the British request in February 1840 and also arrested the pirate Jasim bin Jabir and his associates. Despite the compliance, the British demanded a fine of 300 German krones in compensation for the damages incurred by pirates off the coast of Al Bidda; namely for the piracies committed by bin Jabir. In February 1841, British naval squadrons arrived in Al Bidda and ordered Al-Suwaidi to meet the British demand, threatening consequences if he declined. Al-Suwaidi ultimately declined on the basis that he was uninvolved in bin Jabir's actions. On 26 February, the British fired on Al Bidda, striking a fort and several houses. Al-Suwaidi then paid the fine in full following threats of further action by the British.[23][24] Isa bin Tarif, a powerful tribal chief from the Al Bin Ali tribe, moved to Doha in May 1843. He subsequently evicted the ruling Sudan tribe and installed the Al-Maadeed and Al-Kuwari tribes in positions of power.[25] Bin Tarif had been loyal to the Al Khalifa, however, shortly after the swearing in of a new ruler in Bahrain, bin Tarif grew increasingly suspicious of the ruling Al Khalifa and switched his allegiance to the deposed ruler of Bahrain, Abdullah bin Khalifa, whom he had previously assisted in deposing of. Bin Tarif died in the Battle of Fuwayrit against the ruling family of Bahrain in 1847.[25] Arrival of Al Thani[edit] The Al Thani migrated to Doha from Fuwayrit shortly after Bin Tarif's death in 1847 under the leadership of Mohammed bin Thani.[26][27] In the proceeding years, the Al Thani assumed control of the town. At various times, they swapped allegiances between the two prevailing powers in the area: the Al Khalifa and the Saudis.[26] Plan of Al Bidda Harbour drawn in 1860 indicating the principal settlements and landmarks In 1867, many ships and troops were sent from Bahrain to assault the towns Al Wakrah and Doha over a series of disputes. Abu Dhabi joined on Bahrain's behalf due to the conception that Al Wakrah served as a refuge for fugitives from Oman. Later that year, the combined forces sacked the two Qatari towns with around 2,700 men in what would come to be known as the Qatari–Bahraini War.[28][29] A British record later stated "that the towns of Doha and Wakrah were, at the end of 1867 temporarily blotted out of existence, the houses being dismantled and the inhabitants deported".[30] The joint Bahraini-Abu Dhabi incursion and subsequent Qatari counterattack prompted the British political agent, Colonel Lewis Pelly, to impose a settlement in 1868. Pelly's mission to Bahrain and Qatar and the peace treaty that resulted were milestones in Qatar's history. It implicitly recognized Qatar as a distinct entity independent from Bahrain and explicitly acknowledged the position of Mohammed bin Thani as an important representative of the peninsula's tribes.[31] A part of Doha as seen in January 1904. Most development was low-rise and use of locally available natural materials like rammed earth and palm fronds was common practice. In December 1871, the Ottomans established a presence in the country with 100 of their troops occupying the Musallam fort in Doha. This was accepted by Mohammad bin Thani's son, Jassim Al Thani, who wished to protect Doha from Saudi incursions.[32] The Ottoman commander, Major Ömer Bey, compiled a report on Al Bidda in January 1872, stating that it was an "administrative centre" with around 1,000 houses and 4,000 inhabitants.[33] Disagreement over tribute and interference in internal affairs arose, eventually leading to the Battle of Al Wajbah in March 1893. Al Bidda fort served as the final point of retreat for Ottoman troops. While they were garrisoned in the fort, their corvette fired indiscriminately at the townspeople, killing a number of civilians.[34] The Ottomans eventually surrendered after Jassim Al Thani's troops cut off the town's water supply.[35] An Ottoman report compiled the same year reported that Al Bidda and Doha had a combined population of 6,000 inhabitants, jointly referring to both towns by the name of 'Katar'. Doha was classified as the eastern section of Katar.[33][36] The Ottomans held a passive role in Qatar's politics from the 1890s onward until fully relinquishing control during the beginning of the first World War.[14] 20th century[edit] The city's coastline in 1904 largely highlights the local community which was based on fishing and pearl diving. Pearling had come to play a pivotal commercial role in Doha by the 20th century. The population increased to around 12,000 inhabitants in the first half of the 20th century due to the flourishing pearl trade.[37] A British political resident noted that should the supply of pearls drop, Qatar would 'practically cease to exist'.[38] In 1907, the city accommodated 350 pearling boats with a combined crew size of 6,300 men. By this time, the average prices of pearls had more than doubled since 1877.[39] The pearl market collapsed that year, forcing Jassim Al Thani to sell the country's pearl harvest at half its value. The aftermath of the collapse resulted in the establishment of the country's first custom house in Doha.[38] Lorimer report (1908)[edit] British administrator and historian J. G. Lorimer authored an extensive handbook for British agents in the Persian Gulf entitled Gazetteer of the Persian Gulf in 1908. In it, he gives a comprehensive account of Doha at the time: "Dohah looking northwest", photographed by the Royal Air Force during a reconnaissance of the Qatar Peninsula on 9 May 1934 Generally so styled at the present day, but Bedouins sometimes call it Dohat-al-Qatar; and it seems to have been formerly better known as Bida' (Anglice "Bidder"): it is the chief town of Qatar and is situated on the eastern side of that peninsula, about 63 miles south of its extremity at Ras Rakan and 45 miles north of Khor-al Odaid Harbour. Dohah stands on the south side of a deep bay at the south-western corner of a natural harbour which is about 3 miles in extent and is protected on the north-east and south-east sides by natural reefs. The entrance, less than a mile wide, is from the east between the points of the reefs; it is shallow and somewhat difficult, and vessels of more than 15 feet draught cannot pass. The soundings within the basin vary from 3 to 5 fathoms and are regular: the bottom is white mud or clay. Town site and quarters, — The south-eastern point of the bay is quite low but the land on the western side is stony desert 40 or 50 feet above the level of the sea. The town is built up the slope of some rising ground between these two extremes and consists of 9 Fanqs or quarters, which are given below in their order from the east to the west and north: the total frontage of the place upon the sea is nearly 2 miles.[40] An old district in Doha planned with narrow streets and rough plastered walls gives a glimpe of the city's past. Lorimer goes on to list and describe the districts of Doha, which at the time included the still-existing districts of Al Mirqab, As Salatah, Al Bidda and Rumeilah.[41] Remarking on Doha's appearance, he states: The general appearance of Dohah is unattractive; the lanes are narrow and irregular the houses dingy and small. There are no date palms or other trees, and the only garden is a small one near the fort, kept up by the Turkish garrison.[42] As for Doha's population, Lorimer asserts that "the inhabitants of Dohah are estimated to amount, inclusive of the Turkish military garrison of 350 men, to about 12,000 souls". He qualified this statement with a tabulated overview of the various tribes and ethnic groups living in the town.[42] British protectorate (1916–1971)[edit] In April 1913, the Ottomans agreed to a British request that they withdraw all their troops from Qatar. Ottoman presence in the peninsula ceased, when in August 1915, the Ottoman fort in Al Bidda was evacuated shortly after the start of World War I.[43] One year later, Qatar agreed to be a British protectorate with Doha as its official capital.[44][45] Camels next to Al Koot Fort, built in 1927 by Abdullah bin Jassim Al Thani. Buildings at the time were simple dwellings of one or two rooms, built from mud, stone and coral. Oil concessions in the 1920s and 1930s, and subsequent oil drilling in 1939, heralded the beginning of slow economic and social progress in the country. However, revenues were somewhat diminished due to the devaluation of pearl trade in the Persian Gulf brought on by introduction of the cultured pearl and the Great Depression.[46] The collapse of the pearl trade caused a significant population drop throughout the entire country.[37] It was not until the 1950s and 1960s that the country saw significant monetary returns from oil drilling.[14] A view of Doha in the 1980s showing the Sheraton Hotel (pyramid-like building in the background) in West Bay without any of the high-rises around it Qatar was not long in exploiting the new-found wealth from oil concessions, and slum areas were quickly razed to be replaced by more modern buildings. The first formal boys' school was established in Doha in 1952, followed three years later by the establishment of a girls' school.[47] Historically, Doha had been a commercial port of local significance. However, the shallow water of the bay prevented bigger ships from entering the port until the 1970s, when its deep-water port was completed. Further changes followed with extensive land reclamation, which led to the development of the crescent-shaped bay.[48] From the 1950s to 1970s, the population of Doha grew from around 14,000 inhabitants to over 83,000, with foreign immigrants constituting about two-thirds of the overall population.[49] Post-independence[edit] The Pearl-Qatar at night The Pearl-Qatar is an artificial island spanning nearly four square kilometers. Qatar Petroleum tower, Palm tower B, Tornado tower, Doha tower and Al Jassimya tower seen (Left to Right) in the West Bay area in 2015 Qatar officially declared its independence in 1971, with Doha as its capital city.[3] In 1973, the University of Qatar was opened by emiri decree,[50] and in 1975 the Qatar National Museum opened in what was originally the ruler's palace.[51] During the 1970s, all old neighborhoods in Doha were razed and the inhabitants moved to new suburban developments, such as Al Rayyan, Madinat Khalifa and Al Gharafa. The metropolitan area's population grew from 89,000 in the 1970s to over 434,000 in 1997. Additionally, land policies resulted in the total land area increasing to over 7,100 hectares (about 17,000 acres) by 1995, an increase from 130 hectares in the middle of the 20th century.[52] In 1983, a hotel and conference center was developed at the north end of the Corniche. The 15-storey Sheraton hotel structure in this center would serve as the tallest structure in Doha until the 1990s.[52] In 1993, the Qatar Open became the first major sports event to be hosted in the city.[53] Two years later, Qatar stepped in to host the FIFA World Youth Championship, with all the matches being played in Doha-based stadiums.[54] Developments in Doha's West Bay district have seen an increase in the population density of the area with the construction of several high-rises. A view of a water feature in Sheraton Park with the West Bay skyline in the background. The Al Jazeera Arabic news channel began broadcasting from Doha in 1996.[55] In the late 1990s, the government planned the construction of Education City, a 2,500 hectare Doha-based complex mainly for educational institutes.[56] Since the start of the 21st century, Doha attained significant media attention due to the hosting of several global events and the inauguration of a number of architectural mega-projects.[57] One of the largest projects launched by the government was The Pearl-Qatar, an artificial island off the coast of West Bay, which launched its first district in 2004.[58] In 2006, Doha was selected to host the Asian Games, leading to the development of a 250-hectare sporting complex known as Aspire Zone.[53] During this time, new cultural attractions were constructed in the city, with older ones being restored. In 2006, the government launched a restoration program to preserve Souq Waqif's architectural and historical identity. Parts constructed after the 1950s were demolished whereas older structures were refurbished. The restoration was completed in 2008.[59] Katara Cultural Village was opened in the city in 2010 and has hosted the Doha Tribeca Film Festival since then.[60] The main outcome of the World Trade Organization Ministerial Conference of 2013 was the Trade Facilitation Agreement. The agreement aims to make it easier and cheaper to import and export by improving customs procedures and making rules more transparent. Reducing global trade costs by 1% would increase world-wide income more than USD 40 billion, 65% of which would go to developing countries. The gains from the Trade Facilitation Agreement are expected to be distributed among all countries and regions, with developing landlocked countries benefitting the most.[61] The Trade Facilitation Agreement will enter into force upon its ratification by 2/3 of WTO Members. The EU ratified the agreement in October 2015.[61] In Bali, WTO members also agreed on a series of Doha agriculture and development issues.[61] Geography[edit] See also: Geography of Qatar A view of Doha from the International Space Station in 2010 highlights the rapid development the city underwent since the discovery of oil in the 1960s. Doha is located on the central-east portion of Qatar, bordered by the Persian Gulf on its coast. Its elevation is 10 m (33 ft).[62] Doha is highly urbanized. Land reclamation off the coast has added 400 hectares of land and 30 km of coastline.[63] Half of the 22 km² of surface area which Hamad International Airport was constructed on was reclaimed land.[64] The geology of Doha is primarily composed of weathered unconformity on the top of the Eocene period Dammam Formation, forming dolomitic limestone.[65] The Pearl is a purpose-built artificial island off the coast of Doha, connected to the mainland by a bridge. The Pearl is an artificial island in Doha with a surface area of nearly 400 ha (1,000 acres)[66] The total project has been estimated to cost $15 billion upon completion.[67] Other islands off Doha's coast include Palm Tree Island, Shrao's Island, Al Safliya Island, and Alia Island.[68] In a 2010 survey of Doha's coastal waters conducted by the Qatar Statistics Authority, it was found that its maximum depth was 7.5 meters (25 ft) and minimum depth was 2 meters (6 ft 7 in). Furthermore, the waters had an average pH of 7.83, a salinity of 49.0 psu, an average temperature of 22.7 °C and 5.5 mg/L of dissolved oxygen.[69] Climate[edit] Doha has a hot desert climate (Köppen climate classification BWh) with long, extremely hot summers and short, warm winters. The average high temperatures between May and September surpass 38 °C (100 °F) and often approach 45 °C (113 °F). Humidity is usually the lowest in May and June. Dewpoints can surpass 30 °C (86 °F) in the summer. Throughout the summer, the city averages almost no precipitation, and less than 20 mm (0.79 in) during other months.[70] Rainfall is scarce, at a total of 75 mm (2.95 in) per year, falling on isolated days mostly between October to March. The winter's days are relativity warm while the sun is up and cool during the night. The temperature rarely drops below 7 °C (45 °F).[71] hideClimate data for Doha (1962–2013, extremes 1962–2013) Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year Record high °C (°F) 32.4(90.3) 36.5(97.7) 39.0(102.2) 46.0(114.8) 47.7(117.9) 49.1(120.4) 50.4(122.7) 48.6(119.5) 46.2(115.2) 43.4(110.1) 38.0(100.4) 32.7(90.9) 50.4(122.7) Average high °C (°F) 22.0(71.6) 23.4(74.1) 27.3(81.1) 32.5(90.5) 38.8(101.8) 41.6(106.9) 41.9(107.4) 40.9(105.6) 38.9(102.0) 35.4(95.7) 29.6(85.3) 24.4(75.9) 33.1(91.5) Daily mean °C (°F) 17.8(64.0) 18.9(66.0) 22.3(72.1) 27.1(80.8) 32.5(90.5) 35.1(95.2) 36.1(97.0) 35.5(95.9) 33.3(91.9) 30.0(86.0) 25.0(77.0) 20.0(68.0) 27.8(82.0) Average low °C (°F) 13.5(56.3) 14.4(57.9) 17.3(63.1) 21.4(70.5) 26.1(79.0) 28.5(83.3) 30.2(86.4) 30.0(86.0) 27.7(81.9) 24.6(76.3) 20.4(68.7) 15.6(60.1) 22.5(72.5) Record low °C (°F) 3.8(38.8) 5.0(41.0) 8.2(46.8) 10.5(50.9) 15.2(59.4) 21.0(69.8) 23.5(74.3) 22.4(72.3) 20.3(68.5) 16.6(61.9) 11.8(53.2) 6.4(43.5) 3.8(38.8) Average precipitation mm (inches) 13.2(0.52) 17.1(0.67) 16.1(0.63) 8.7(0.34) 3.6(0.14) 0.0(0.0) 0.0(0.0) 0.0(0.0) 0.0(0.0) 1.1(0.04) 3.3(0.13) 12.1(0.48) 75.2(2.95) Average precipitation days (≥ 1.0 mm) 1.7 2.1 1.8 1.4 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 1.3 8.8 Average relative humidity (%) 74 70 63 53 44 41 50 58 62 63 66 74 60 Mean monthly sunshine hours 244.9 224.0 241.8 273.0 325.5 342.0 325.5 328.6 306.0 303.8 276.0 241.8 3,432.9 Mean daily sunshine hours 7.9 8.0 7.8 9.1 10.5 11.4 10.5 10.6 10.2 9.8 9.2 7.8 9.4 Source 1: NOAA[71] Source 2: Qatar Meteorological Department (Climate Normals 1962–2013)[72] Doha mean sea temperature[73] Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 20.5 °C (68.9 °F) 19.1 °C (66.4 °F) 20.9 °C (69.6 °F) 23.7 °C (74.7 °F) 28.2 °C (82.8 °F) 30.9 °C (87.6 °F) 32.8 °C (91.0 °F) 33.9 °C (93.0 °F) 33.1 °C (91.6 °F) 31.0 °C (87.8 °F) 27.4 °C (81.3 °F) 23.1 °C (73.6 °F) Demographics[edit] See also: Demographics of Qatar Historical populationYearPop.±%1820[11]250—    1893[33]6,000+2300.0%1970[74]80,000+1233.3%1986[3] 217,294+171.6%1998[75] 264,009+21.5%2001[76] 299,300+13.4%2004[3] 339,847+13.5%2005[77][78] 400,051+17.7%2010[79] 796,947+99.2%2015[2] 956,457+20.0% Total population of the Doha metropolitan area[80] Year Metro population 1997 434,000[52] 2004 644,000[81] 2008 998,651[82] A significant portion of Qatar's population resides within the confines of Doha and its metropolitan area.[83] The district with the highest population density is the central area of Al Najada, which also accommodates the highest total population in the country. The population density across the greater Doha region ranges from 20,000 people per km² to 25 people per km².[84] Doha witnessed explosive growth rates in population in the first decade of the 21st century, absorbing the majority of the thousands of people then immigrating to Qatar every month.[85]:6 Doha's population currently stands at around one million, with the population of the city more than doubling from 2000 to 2010.[2] Ethnicity and languages[edit] The population of Doha is overwhelmingly composed of expatriates, with Qatari nationals forming a minority. The largest portion of expatriates in Qatar are from South-East and South Asian countries, mainly India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Philippines, and Bangladesh with large numbers of expatriates also coming from the Levant Arab countries, North Africa, and East Asia. Doha is also home to many expatriates from Europe, North America, South Africa and Australia.[86] A typical bilingual traffic sign in Doha denotes the zone numbers, street names and street numbers of two perpendicular streets. Arabic is the official language of Qatar. English is commonly used as a second language,[87] and a rising lingua franca, especially in commerce.[88] As there is a large expatriate population in Doha, languages such as Malayalam, Tamil, Bengali, Tagalog, Spanish, Sinhala, French, Urdu and Hindi are widely spoken.[86] Registered live births in Doha by nationality[80][89] Year Qatari Non-Qatari Total 2001 2,080 3,619 5,699 2002 1,875 3,657 5,532 2003 2,172 4,027 6,199 2004 2,054 3,760 5,814 2005 1,767 3,899 5,666 2006 1,908 4,116 6,024 2007 1,913 4,708 6,621 2008 1,850 5,283 7,133 2009 2,141 5,979 8,120 2010[90] 1,671 5,919 7,590 2011[91] 1,859 6,580 8,439 In 2004, the Foreign Ownership of Real Estate Law was passed, permitting non-Qatari citizens to buy land in designated areas of Doha, including the West Bay Lagoon, the Qatar Pearl, and the new Lusail City.[57] Prior to this, expatriates were prohibited from owning land in Qatar. Ownership by foreigners in Qatar entitles them to a renewable residency permit, which allows them to live and work in Qatar.[83] Religion[edit] Main article: Religion in Qatar The majority of residents in Doha are Muslim.[92] Catholics account for over 90% of the 150,000 Christian population in Doha.[93] Following decrees by the Emir for the allocation of land to churches, the first Catholic church, Our Lady of the Rosary, was opened in Doha in March 2008. The church structure is discreet and Christian symbols are not displayed on the outside of the building.[94] Several other churches exist in Doha, including the [1] St.Isaac and St. George Greek Orthodox Church of Qatar the Syro-Malabar Church, Malankara Orthodox Church, Mar Thoma Church (affiliated with the Anglicans, but not part of the Communion), CSI Church, Syro-Malankara Church and a Pentecostal church. A majority of mosques are either Muwahhid or Sunni-oriented.[95] Administration[edit] Districts[edit] Main article: List of communities in Doha At the turn of the 20th century, Doha was divided into 9 main districts.[96] In the 2010 census, there were more than 60 districts recorded in Doha Municipality.[97] Some of the districts of Doha include: Qatar's Central Bank is situated in the Al Souq district, close to the waterfront. Al Bidda (البدع) Al Dafna (الدفنة) Al Ghanim (الغانم) Al Markhiya (المرخية) Al Sadd (السد) Al Waab (الوعب) Bin Mahmoud (فريج بن محمود) Madinat Khalifa (مدينة خليفة) Musheireb (مشيرب) Najma (نجمه) Old Airport (المطار القديم) Qutaifiya (القطيفية) Ras Abu Aboud (راس أبو عبود) Rumeilah (الرميلة) Umm Ghuwailina (ام غو يلينه) West Bay (الخليج الغربي) Shortly after Qatar gained independence, many of the districts of old Doha including Al Najada, Al Asmakh and Old Al Hitmi faced gradual decline and as a result much of their historical architecture has been demolished.[98] Instead, the government shifted their focus toward the Doha Bay area, which housed districts such as Al Dafna and West Bay.[98] Economy[edit] See also: Economy of Qatar West Bay serves as the commercial district of Doha and houses offices of many local and global companies. Doha is the economic centre of Qatar. The city is the headquarters of numerous domestic and international organizations, including the country's largest oil and gas companies, Qatar Petroleum, Qatargas and RasGas. Doha's economy is built primarily on the revenue the country has made from its oil and natural gas industries.[99] Doha was included in Fortune's 15 best new cities for business in 2011.[100] Beginning in the late 20th century, the government launched numerous initiatives to diversify the country's economy in order to decrease its dependence on oil and gas resources. Doha International Airport was constructed in a bid to solidify the city's diversification into the tourism industry.[99] This was replaced by Hamad International Airport in 2014. The new airport is almost twice the size of the former and features two of the longest runways in the world.[101] Thirty-nine new hotels were under construction in the city in 2011.[102] Qatar Airways aircraft on the apron of Hamad International Airport As a result of Doha's rapid population boom and increased housing demands, real estate prices rose significantly through 2014.[103] Real estate prices experienced a further spike after Qatar won the rights to host the 2022 FIFA World Cup.[104] Al Asmakh, a Qatari real estate firm, released a report in 2014 which revealed substantial increases in real estate prices following a peak in 2008. Prices increased 5 to 10% in the first quarter of 2014 from the end of 2013.[103][105] A 2015 study conducted by Numbeo, a crowd-sourced database, named Doha as the 10th most expensive city to live in globally.[106] This rate of growth led to the development of planned communities in and around the city.[107] Although the fall in oil prices since 2014 and a diplomatic crisis with Qatar's neighbors slowed growth in the city's population, government spending was increased to maintain the growth in real estate in metropolitan Doha.[108] Expatriate workers remitted $60bn between 2006 and 2012, with 54 percent of the workers' remittances of $60bn routed to Asian countries, followed by Arab nations that accounted for nearly half that volume (28 percent). India was the top destination of the remittances, followed by the Philippines, while the US, Egypt and the neighbouring UAE followed.[109] Remittances in 2014 totaled $11.2 billion, amounting to 5.3% of Qatar's GDP.[110]:45 Infrastructure[edit] See also: List of tallest buildings in Qatar Architecture[edit] Museum of Islamic Art park in the Doha Port area with the West Bay district in the background (across the bay) Most traditional architecture in the Old Doha districts have been demolished to make space for new buildings.[98] As a result, a number of schemes have been taken to preserve the city's cultural and architectural heritage, such as the Qatar Museums Authority's 'Al Turath al Hai' ('living heritage') initiative.[111] Katara Cultural Village is a small village in Doha launched by sheikh Tamim Al Thani to preserve the cultural identity of the country.[112] Doha's Al Dafna area with the high-rises seen on the water front and the villa compounds and other residential areas seen in the background In 2011, more than 50 towers were under construction in Doha,[102] the largest of which was the Doha Convention Center Tower.[113] Constructions were suspended in 2012 following concerns that the tower would impede flight traffic.[114] In 2014, Abdullah Al Attiyah, a senior government official, announced that Qatar would be spending $65bn on new infrastructure projects in upcoming years in preparation for the 2022 World Cup as well as progressing towards its objectives set out in the Qatar National Vision 2030.[115] Atmosphere[edit] Due to excessive heat from the sun during the summer, some Doha-based building companies have implemented various forms of cooling technology to alleviate the extremely torrid climatic conditions. This can include creating optical phenomena such as shadows, as well as more expensive techniques like ventilation, coolants, refrigerants, cryogenics, and dehumidifiers.[116] Discussions regarding temperature control have also been features of various scheduled events involving large crowds.[117] There are other initiatives that attempt to counter the heat by altering working hours, weather alteration methods such as cloud seeding,[118][119] and using whiter and brighter construction materials to increase the albedo effects.[120] Nonetheless, despite these measures, Doha and other areas of Qatar could become uninhabitable for humans due to climate change by the 2070s.[121] Planned communities[edit] One of the largest projects underway in Qatar is Lusail City, a planned community north of Doha which is estimated to be completed by 2020 at a cost of approximately $45bn. It is designed to accommodate 450,000 people.[122] Al Waab City, another planned community under development, is estimated to cost QR15 bn.[123] In addition to housing 8,000 individuals, it will also have shopping malls, educational, and medical facilities.[123] Transportation[edit] Main article: Transportation in Doha Since 2004, Doha has been undergoing a huge expansion to its transportation network, including the addition of new highways, the opening of a new airport in 2014, and the currently ongoing construction of an 85 km metro system. This has all been as a result of Doha's massive growth in a short period of time, which has resulted in congestion on its roads. The first phase of the metro system is expected to be operational by 2019.[124] Roads[edit] Dukhan Highway connects the city of Dukhan on the West coast of the country with the country's capital, Doha. In 2015, the Public Works Authority declared their plan to construct a free-flowing road directly linking Al-Wakrah and Mesaieed to Doha in order to decrease traffic congestion in the city. It is set for completion by 2018.[125] Commutes between Doha and the municipality of Al Khor are currently facilitated by Al Shamal Road and Al Khor Coastal Road, with the latter road running through Al Daayen and the former running through Umm Salal.[126] Doha is linked to the country's western settlements, namely Dukhan, through Dukhan Highway. The Public Works Authority carried out the Dukhan Highway Central Project in 2017 to enhance the road network.[127] Rail[edit] Doha Metro will consist of four lines: the Red Line, the Gold Line, the Blue Line and the Green Line. The Blue Line is expected to be completed in the second phase.[128] Msheireb Station will be the point of intersection for all of the metro lines.[124] Doha International Airport The Red Line (also known as Coast Line) will extend through Doha, running from Al Wakrah to Al Khor. It is separated into two divisions: Red Line North and Red Line South. The former will run from Mushayrib Station to Al Khor City, over a length of 55.7 km. Doha Metro's Green Line will connect Doha to Education City and is also known as the Education Line. Starting in Old Airport, the Gold Line (also known as Historic Line) will end in Al Rayyan and cover a distance of 30.6 km. Lastly, the Blue Line, or City Line, will only cover the city of Doha, and is planned to be circular with a length of 17.5 km.[129] Air[edit] Doha is served by Hamad International Airport which is Qatar's principal international gateway. The airport opened in 2014, replacing Doha International Airport. Education[edit] See also: Education in Qatar, Education City, and List of schools in Qatar Stone steps at Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar, located in Education City Doha is the educational center of the country and contains the highest preponderance of schools and colleges.[74] In 1952, the first formal boys' school was opened in Doha. This was proceeded by the opening of the first formal girls' school three years later.[130] The first university in the state, Qatar University, was opened in 1973.[131] It provided separate faculties for men and women.[132] Education City, a 14 km2 education complex launched by non-profit organization Qatar Foundation, began construction in 2000.[133] It houses eight universities, the country's top high school, and offices for Al Jazeera's children television channel.[133] It is geographically located in Al Rayyan municipality's Al Luqta, Al Gharrafa, Gharrafat Al Rayyan and Al Shagub districts, but falls under the umbrella of Metropolitan Doha.[6] In 2009, the government launched the World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE), a global forum that brings together education stakeholders, opinion leaders and decision makers from all over the world to discuss educational issues.[134] The first edition was held in Doha in November 2009.[135] Some of the universities in Doha include: Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar Georgetown University School of Foreign Service in Qatar Hamad Bin Khalifa University Cornell University[136] HEC Paris Northwestern University in Qatar Texas A&M University at Qatar UCL Qatar[137] Virginia Commonwealth University Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar Stenden University Qatar College of the North Atlantic Qatar University Qatar Faculty of Islamic Studies University of Calgary Sports[edit] Main article: Sport in Qatar Football[edit] Al Sadd is the most successful team in the Qatar Stars League See also: List of football stadiums in Qatar Football is the most popular sport in Doha. There are six Doha-based sports clubs with football teams currently competing in the Qatar Stars League, the country's top football league. They are Al Ahli, Al Arabi, Al Sadd, Al-Duhail and Qatar SC.[138] Al Sadd, Al Arabi and Qatar SC are the three most successful teams in the league's history.[139] Numerous football tournaments have been hosted in Doha. The most prestigious tournaments include the 1988 and 2011 editions of the AFC Asian Cup[140] and the 1995 FIFA World Youth Championship.[54] In December 2010, Qatar won the rights to host the 2022 FIFA World Cup.[141] Three of the nine newly announced stadiums will be constructed in Doha, including Sports City Stadium, Doha Port Stadium, and Qatar University Stadium. Additionally, the Khalifa International Stadium is set to undergo an expansion.[142] Considering the country's rapid development for 2022 World Cup, FIFA awarded the hosting rights of 2019 FIFA Club World Cup and 2020 FIFA Club World Cup also to Qatar.[143] Basketball[edit] Doha was the host of the official 2005 FIBA Asia Championship, where Qatar's national basketball team finished 3rd, its best performance to date, and subsequently qualified for the Basketball World Cup.[144] The majority of the teams that make up the official Qatari Basketball League are based in Doha. Volleyball[edit] Doha four times was the host of the official FIVB Volleyball Men's Club World Championship and three times host FIVB Volleyball Women's Club World Championship. Doha one time Host Asian Volleyball Championship.[145] Other sports[edit] Orry the Oryx, mascot of the 15th Asian Games, on the Doha Corniche in 2014 In 2001, Qatar became the first country in the Middle East to hold a women's tennis tournament with the inauguration of its Qatar Ladies Open tournament.[146] Doha also hosts International Tennis Federation (ITF) ladies tournaments. Since 2008, the Sony Ericsson Championships (equivalent to the ATP's season-ending Championships) has taken place in Doha, in the Khalifa International Tennis Complex, and features record prize money of $4.45 million, including a check of $1,485,000 for the winner, which represents the largest single guaranteed payout in women's tennis.[147] Doha hosted the 15th Asian Games, held in December 2006, spending a total of $2.8 billion for its preparation.[148] The city also hosted the 3rd West Asian Games in December 2005.[149] Doha was expected to host the 2011 Asian Indoor Games; but the Qatar Olympic Committee cancelled the event.[150] Powerboat races in Doha Bay The city submitted a bid for the 2016 Olympics.[151] On June 4, 2008, the city was eliminated from the shortlist for the 2016 Olympic Games. On August 26, 2011 it was confirmed that Doha would bid for the 2020 Summer Olympics.[152] Doha however failed to become a Candidate City for the 2020 Games.[153] The MotoGP motorcycling grand prix of Doha is held annually at Losail International Circuit, located just outside the city boundaries.[154] The city is also the location of the Grand Prix of Qatar for the F1 Powerboat World Championship, annually hosting a round in Doha Bay.[155] Beginning in November 2009, Doha has been host of The Oryx Cup World Championship, a hydroplane boat race in the H1 Unlimited season. The races take place in Doha Bay.[156] In April 2012 Doha was awarded both the 2014 FINA World Swimming Championships[157] and the 2012 World Squash Championships.[158] The fourth World Mindsports Championships took place in Doha from August 19 to August 27, 2017 with the participation of more than 1,000 competitors.[159] In 2014, Qatar was selected as the host of the 2019 World Athletics Championships, which is the seventeenth edition of the IAAF World Athletics Championships.[160] Doha won the bid to host the event over Barcelona and Eugene.[161] In 2020, Doha hosted the Qatar ExxonMobil Open, which received the Tournament of the Year award in the 250 category from the 2019 ATP Awards. The tournament won the award for the third time in five years.[162] Stadiums and sport complexes[edit] An indoor stadium in the Aspire Zone sporting complex Aspire Academy was launched in 2004 with the aim of creating world-class athletes. It is situated in the Doha Sports City Complex, which also accommodates the Khalifa International Stadium, the Hamad Aquatic Centre, the Aspire Tower and the Aspire Dome. The latter has hosted more than 50 sporting events since its inception, including some events during the 2006 Asian Games.[163] Sporting venues in Doha and its suburbs include: Hamad bin Khalifa Stadium – Al-Ahli Stadium Jassim Bin Hamad Stadium (Al Sadd Stadium) Al-Arabi Stadium – Grand Hamad Stadium Hamad Aquatic Centre Khalifa International Stadium – Main venue for the 2006 Asian Games. Khalifa International Tennis and Squash Complex Qatar Sports Club Stadium Culture[edit] Main article: Culture of Qatar Doha was chosen as the Arab Capital of Culture in 2010.[164] Cultural weeks organized by the Ministry of Culture, which featured both Arab and non-Arab cultures, were held in Doha from April to June to celebrate the city's selection.[165] Arts[edit] Main article: Qatari art Further information: Public art in Qatar and Collecting practices of the Al-Thani Family The five-storeyed Museum of Islamic Art designed by Pritzker Prize-winning architect I. M. Pei[166] The Museum of Islamic Art in Doha, opened in 2008, is regarded as one of the best museums in the region.[167] This, and several other Qatari museums located in the city, like the Arab Museum of Modern Art, falls under the Qatar Museums Authority (QMA) which is led by Sheikha Al-Mayassa bint Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, the sister of the emir of Qatar.[168] The National Museum of Qatar, which was constructed in place of the original Qatar National Museum, opened to the public on 28 March 2019. Cinema[edit] Main article: Cinema of Qatar The Doha Film Institute (DFI) is an organisation established in 2010 to oversee film initiatives and create a sustainable film industry in Qatar. DFI was founded by H.E. Sheikha Al Mayassa bint Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani.[169] The Doha Tribeca Film Festival (DTFF), partnered with the American-based Tribeca Film Festival, was held annually in Doha from 2009 to 2012.[170] Media[edit] Main article: Media of Qatar See also: Television in Qatar Al Jazeera Arabic Building Qatar's first radio station, Mosque Radio, began broadcasting in the 1960s from Doha.[171] The multinational media conglomerate Al Jazeera Media Network is based in Doha with its wide variety of channels of which Al Jazeera Arabic, Al Jazeera English, Al Jazeera Documentary Channel, Al Jazeera Mubasher, beIN Sports Arabia and other operations are based in the TV Roundabout in the city.[172] Al-Kass Sports Channel's headquarters is also located in Doha.[173] Theatre[edit] Main article: Theatre in Qatar Theatre was introduced to Qatar in the mid-20th century. Theatrical performances are held at Qatar National Theater and at the Qatar National Convention Centre in Doha. International relations[edit] Algeirs, Algeria (since 2013)[174] Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina (since 2018)[175] Brasília, Brazil (since 2014)[176] Sofia, Bulgaria (since 2012)[177] Beijing, China (since 2008)[178] Alameda, California (since 2004)[179] San Salvador, El Salvador (since 2018)[180] Banjul, Gambia (since 2011)[181] Tbilisi, Georgia (since 2012)[182] Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan (since 2011)[183] Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan (since 2018)[184] Port Louis, Mauritius (since 2007)[185] Mogadishu, Somalia (since 2014)[186] Tunis, Tunisia (since 1994)[187] Ankara, Turkey (since 2016)[188] Los Angeles, California, United States (since 2016)[189] Miami, Florida, United States (since 2016)[190] Libertador, Venezuela (since 2015)[191] Beit Sahour, Palestine (since 2009)[192] Gallery[edit] Click on the thumbnail to enlarge. Skyline of Doha West Bay from Sheraton Park. The spring festival at Souq Waqif, Doha An old mosque minaret stands out in front of the under-construction National Archive building in the Diwan Amiri Quarter of the Musheireb downtown Doha development. Qatar's Amir (ruler) is housed in the Amiri Diwan located in the historic Al Bidda district. These twin towers are among the earliest towers in Doha and serve as a great example of post-modern architecture. Msheireb Enrichment Centre moored off Doha Corniche is a learning center focused on the history and developments of Doha, particularly the Musheirib district. Aspire Park, Al Waab is one of the city's green spaces that forms a part of the Aspire zone. Doha skyline from the Museum of Islamic Art. Doha skyline at night. Doha Corniche is the 7 km long water front that connects the new district of West Bay with the old district of Al-Bidda and Al-Souq on the other end. Aerial view of a part of the city. The Katara cultural village is designed to be a hub of human interaction connecting theatre, literature, music, visual art, conventions and exhibitions in a planned development on the waterfront.[193] The post office building in Qatar sits located on the main Corniche street. See also[edit] Doha Declaration Doha Development Round of World Trade Organization (WTO) talks Qatar National Day which is held in Doha every year on December 18 References[edit] ^ "Doha municipality accounts for 40% of Qatar population". Gulf Times. 20 October 2015. 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Retrieved 2 October 2015. ^ "Al Kass Selects BFE as Integrator". Finance.yahoo.com. 23 August 2012. Retrieved 2 October 2015. ^ "Amir's visit to Algeria significant: envoy". Gulf Times. 26 February 2020. Retrieved 6 May 2020. ^ "Qatar and Bosnia vow to boost ties". The Peninsula. 20 February 2018. Retrieved 31 May 2018. ^ "اتفاقية توأمة بين مدينتي الدوحة وبرازيليا" (in Arabic). Al Sharq. 23 February 2014. Retrieved 31 May 2018. ^ "HE Prime Minister Presides Over Cabinet Regular Meeting". Press Arabia. 28 November 2012. Retrieved 31 May 2018. ^ "Sister cities". eBeijing. Retrieved 18 July 2015. ^ "Alameda California cuts ties with the emir". Gulf Times. 11 July 2019. Retrieved 22 September 2019. ^ "توقيع اتفاقية توأمة بين بلديتي الدوحة وسان سلفادور" (in Arabic). Ministry of Municipality and Environment. 29 March 2018. Retrieved 31 May 2018. ^ Momodou Faal (28 October 2011). "Gambia: Banjul Signs Twinnng Pact With Doha". The Daily Observer (Banjul). Retrieved 31 May 2018. ^ "Legal Framework". Embassy of Georgia to the State of Qatar. Retrieved 31 May 2018. ^ "زيارة الأمير الأخيرة لكازاخستان أعطت زخماً للعلاقات الثنائية" (in Arabic). Al Raya. 11 December 2015. Retrieved 31 May 2018. ^ "HH The Amir Issues Two Decrees". Government of the State of Qatar. 19 February 2018. Retrieved 31 May 2018. ^ "International Links". City Council of Port Louis. Retrieved 31 May 2018. ^ "Mungaab seeks Doha's help in reviving Mogadishu". Somali Agenda. 13 November 2014. Retrieved 31 May 2018. ^ "International Cooperation". Municipality of Tunis. Retrieved 31 May 2018. ^ "Doha, Ankara sign twinning agreement". Gulf Times. 24 August 2016. Retrieved 31 May 2018. ^ "Joint Statement by the United States and Qatar on the Conclusion of the Second Annual Economic and Investment Dialogue". U.S. Department of State. 13 December 2016. Retrieved 31 May 2018. ^ "Twinning Agreement between Miami and Doha". Istithmar USA. 5 June 2016. Retrieved 31 May 2018. ^ "HH the Emir, Venezuelan President Witness Signing of Agreements". Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Qatar). 25 November 2015. Retrieved 31 May 2018. ^ "Twinning". Beit Sahour Municipality Palestine. Archived from the original on 9 July 2018. Retrieved 30 May 2018. ^ "About Katara". Katara.net. Retrieved 2018-05-14. External links[edit] Wikimedia Commons has media related to Doha. Wikivoyage has a travel guide for Doha. 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  11. Jul 2018
    1. On 2014 Dec 15, Ivan Shatsky commented:

      General comment: The phenomenon studied in this paper is very exciting. I read the article with a great interest. Unfortunately, I regret to say that the underlying mechanism remained uncovered. Although I agree that the authors identified some curious structures within the 5’UTRs of HOXA mRNAs which might be implicated in the regulation of these mRNAs by RPL38, I did not find sufficient evidence for existence of IRES-elements in these mRNAs. As in numerous other similar investigations, to identify IRES-elements the authors employed the method of DNA bicistronic constructs, the approach that had been repeatedly shown to be associated with almost unavoidable artifacts (see Jackson Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol. 2013 Feb 1;5(2); Lemp et al. Nucleic Acids Res. 2012 Aug;40(15):7280-90.). And I suspect this paper is not free of those artifacts either (see below). Several crucial control experiments necessary to support or to exclude the IRES-mediated mechanism have been recently described (for references see Shatsky et al. Mol Cells. 2010 Oct; 30(4):285-93). One of them, for instance, is the ratio of translational activities for m7G capped versus uncapped (A-capped) monocistronic constructs. This value estimates contribution of the cap to the translational potential of a 5’UTR under selected conditions. If this contribution is very high (as is the case of cap-dependent mRNAs) one may exclude the presence of a true IRES. I think that this and other obligatory controls are feasible to perform with cells C3H10T1/2 used in this paper but they were not done.

      Some specific points:

      1. The authors regard the cap-independent and IRES-dependent modes of translation initiation as synonymous mechanisms and support this notion with reference 21. I should stress that not all specialists in eukaryotic translation would share this opinion since nobody has ever shown that a 5’end dependent translation initiation cannot be regulated by specific structures within the respective 5' UTR. The opposite has recently been demonstrated (Terenin et al. Nucleic Acids Res. 2013 Feb 1;41(3):1807-16.)
      2. When listing examples of cellular IRESs identified to date (second paragraph), the authors mention c-myc, Apaf-1, XIAP. To the best of my knowledge, these cellular IRESs have been disproved (Andreev et al. Nucleic Acids Res. 2009 Oct;37(18):6135-47; Bert et al. RNA. 2006 Jun;12(6):1074-83; Baranick et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008 Mar 25;105(12):4733-8; van Eden et al. RNA. 2004 Apr;10(4):720-30); Lemp et al. Nucleic Acids Res. 2012 Aug;40(15):7280-90. )
      3. “Extended data Figure 1a” raises a great concern: the HCV IRES should not be used as a normalizing construct for testing bicistronic DNAs since the HCV IRES has been reported to harbor a cryptic promoter (Dumas, E. et al. 2003 Nucleic Acids Res. 31 (4): 1275-1281) and hence may produce capped monocistronic mRNAs . By the way, among viral IRESs characterized to date the HCV IRES is regarded as one of the weakest.
      4. The control test with Rluc shRNA (Extended data Figure 1 b,c) strongly suggests that some significant amount of monocistronic (and therefore capped) Fluc mRNAs is present in transfected cells since the residual Fluc activity after RNA interference is too high. This may also be the case for the control bicistronic mRNA containing the HCV IRES (see point 3). Otherwise, the pictures 1b and 1c must be similar. At least, in the analogous test performed in our lab, the Rluc and Fluc activities fall down to the similar background levels (Fig. 2D in Dmitriev et al. Mol Cell Biol. 2007 Jul;27(13):4685-97).
      5. The authors suggest that the IRES elements are mostly confined within ~300 nts proximal to the start codon. As a support to this conclusion, they note that some of HOXA mRNAs possess a 5’ UTR of that size. If so, why the activity of HOXA9 construct 944-1266 is much lower than that for the full length 5’UTR (Fig. 1d)?<br>
      6. “Extended Figure 1d”. This control is useless. It only shows that the bicistronic mRNA of the expected size is present in transfected cells but unable to show the presence of monocistronic mRNAs starting within the intercistronic region. The corresponding bands won’t be seen.
      7. On the base of pull-down experiments the authors claim that 80S ribosomes are specifically formed on their IRES-elements. The problem is that they use 10mM of magnesium in these expts, i.e. the concentration at which the assembly of translation initiation complexes in mammalian systems should not occur.
      8. The mode of action of TIE element looks absolutely puzzling. It is even difficult to imagine any mechanism for its operation. My question: is it specific to these particular cells?

      This comment, imported by Hypothesis from PubMed Commons, is licensed under CC BY.

  12. Feb 2018
    1. On 2014 Dec 15, Ivan Shatsky commented:

      General comment: The phenomenon studied in this paper is very exciting. I read the article with a great interest. Unfortunately, I regret to say that the underlying mechanism remained uncovered. Although I agree that the authors identified some curious structures within the 5’UTRs of HOXA mRNAs which might be implicated in the regulation of these mRNAs by RPL38, I did not find sufficient evidence for existence of IRES-elements in these mRNAs. As in numerous other similar investigations, to identify IRES-elements the authors employed the method of DNA bicistronic constructs, the approach that had been repeatedly shown to be associated with almost unavoidable artifacts (see Jackson Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol. 2013 Feb 1;5(2); Lemp et al. Nucleic Acids Res. 2012 Aug;40(15):7280-90.). And I suspect this paper is not free of those artifacts either (see below). Several crucial control experiments necessary to support or to exclude the IRES-mediated mechanism have been recently described (for references see Shatsky et al. Mol Cells. 2010 Oct; 30(4):285-93). One of them, for instance, is the ratio of translational activities for m7G capped versus uncapped (A-capped) monocistronic constructs. This value estimates contribution of the cap to the translational potential of a 5’UTR under selected conditions. If this contribution is very high (as is the case of cap-dependent mRNAs) one may exclude the presence of a true IRES. I think that this and other obligatory controls are feasible to perform with cells C3H10T1/2 used in this paper but they were not done.

      Some specific points:

      1. The authors regard the cap-independent and IRES-dependent modes of translation initiation as synonymous mechanisms and support this notion with reference 21. I should stress that not all specialists in eukaryotic translation would share this opinion since nobody has ever shown that a 5’end dependent translation initiation cannot be regulated by specific structures within the respective 5' UTR. The opposite has recently been demonstrated (Terenin et al. Nucleic Acids Res. 2013 Feb 1;41(3):1807-16.)
      2. When listing examples of cellular IRESs identified to date (second paragraph), the authors mention c-myc, Apaf-1, XIAP. To the best of my knowledge, these cellular IRESs have been disproved (Andreev et al. Nucleic Acids Res. 2009 Oct;37(18):6135-47; Bert et al. RNA. 2006 Jun;12(6):1074-83; Baranick et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008 Mar 25;105(12):4733-8; van Eden et al. RNA. 2004 Apr;10(4):720-30); Lemp et al. Nucleic Acids Res. 2012 Aug;40(15):7280-90. )
      3. “Extended data Figure 1a” raises a great concern: the HCV IRES should not be used as a normalizing construct for testing bicistronic DNAs since the HCV IRES has been reported to harbor a cryptic promoter (Dumas, E. et al. 2003 Nucleic Acids Res. 31 (4): 1275-1281) and hence may produce capped monocistronic mRNAs . By the way, among viral IRESs characterized to date the HCV IRES is regarded as one of the weakest.
      4. The control test with Rluc shRNA (Extended data Figure 1 b,c) strongly suggests that some significant amount of monocistronic (and therefore capped) Fluc mRNAs is present in transfected cells since the residual Fluc activity after RNA interference is too high. This may also be the case for the control bicistronic mRNA containing the HCV IRES (see point 3). Otherwise, the pictures 1b and 1c must be similar. At least, in the analogous test performed in our lab, the Rluc and Fluc activities fall down to the similar background levels (Fig. 2D in Dmitriev et al. Mol Cell Biol. 2007 Jul;27(13):4685-97).
      5. The authors suggest that the IRES elements are mostly confined within ~300 nts proximal to the start codon. As a support to this conclusion, they note that some of HOXA mRNAs possess a 5’ UTR of that size. If so, why the activity of HOXA9 construct 944-1266 is much lower than that for the full length 5’UTR (Fig. 1d)?<br>
      6. “Extended Figure 1d”. This control is useless. It only shows that the bicistronic mRNA of the expected size is present in transfected cells but unable to show the presence of monocistronic mRNAs starting within the intercistronic region. The corresponding bands won’t be seen.
      7. On the base of pull-down experiments the authors claim that 80S ribosomes are specifically formed on their IRES-elements. The problem is that they use 10mM of magnesium in these expts, i.e. the concentration at which the assembly of translation initiation complexes in mammalian systems should not occur.
      8. The mode of action of TIE element looks absolutely puzzling. It is even difficult to imagine any mechanism for its operation. My question: is it specific to these particular cells?

      This comment, imported by Hypothesis from PubMed Commons, is licensed under CC BY.