- Jan 2024
Publish completed designs to Zeplin's platform while you iterate on designs in your design tool.
- Jun 2022
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
It will be interesting to see where Eyler takes his scholarship post-COVID. I’ll be curious to learn how Eyler thinks of the intersection of learning science and teaching practices in an environment where face-to-face teaching is no longer the default.
Face-to-face teaching and learning has been the majority default for nearly all of human existence. Obviously it was the case in oral cultures, and the tide has shifted a bit with the onset of literacy. However, with the advent of the Internet and the pressures of COVID-19, lots of learning has broken this mold.
How can the affordances of literacy-only modalities be leveraged for online learning that doesn't include significant fact-to-face interaction? How might the zettelkasten method of understanding, sense-making, note taking, and idea generation be leveraged in this process?
- Nov 2020
hub.cards hub.cards
hub.cards allows you to create and design your next modern business card for free. Our newly developed editor is like no other on the web and makes all your creative dreams come true. If you're not a creative genius, you can choose from thousands of templates to create an appealing card.
Best free editor for creating business cards. Digital & physical ones.
- Aug 2020
socialsciences.nature.com socialsciences.nature.com
Research, B. and S. S. at N. (2020, May 25). Imagining a different online world. Behavioural and Social Sciences at Nature Research. http://socialsciences.nature.com/users/397838-philipp-lorenz-spreen/posts/imagining-a-different-online-world
- Jul 2017
graphicdesign.stackexchange.com graphicdesign.stackexchange.com
Every designer should have and be comfortable with these tools: Pencil and/or pen Sketch pad Everything after that is a matter of preference or specialization. I've been in this business for 15 years now and I have not met a single designer, art director, or creative director that does their best without first sketching it out. You can jump right into the computer but it's never as free as early concepts should be. As for the other items listed here ... Remember that digital makes up the majority of the market these days. Print isn't dead, but it isn't the only option for professional design. In fact, it's an afterthought much of the time. Pantone? That's for those print junkies. X-acto? Nice, but mostly just for print. Light table, tape, tracing paper, ink erasers!? You guys are as bad as me. That's all for us fussy history buffs. I hardly pull that stuff out any more. My art supplies are more like a museum than a tool kit. They come in handy every few months but that's only when I'm doubling as an illustrator. Or just playing around. I could probably save my clients some money and go buy royalty free icons next time ;)