- Aug 2022
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
Google and Youtube search are heavily censored, for example if you open Youtube and type "JRE alex" then Alex Jones will be the last suggestion despite his episode having the most views, if you type "JRE Robert" then Youtube will suggest Robert Downey Jr and other guests whose name starts with Robert, but it won't show Robert Malone, and if you write "JRE Robert Malon" it still won't suggest it.
Popular episodes of Joe Rogan are being censored by YouTube. You won't find them with a normal search.
- Jan 2022
respectfulinsolence.com respectfulinsolence.com
Defeat The Mandates: Green Our Vaccines reconstituted for COVID-19. (2022, January 21). RESPECTFUL INSOLENCE. https://respectfulinsolence.com/2022/01/21/defeat-the-mandates-green-our-vaccines-reconstituted-for-covid-19/
- disinformation
- medicine
- Joe Rogan
- protest
- defeat the mandate
- natural immunity
- anti-mandate
- children
- politics
- rally
- podcast
- anti-vaccine
- online platform
- propaganda
- is:webpage
- COVID-19
- social media
- conspiracy theory
- misinformation
- vaccine mandate
- lang:en
- anti-vaxxer movement
- Green Our Vaccine
- vaccine
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Yang, M. (2022, January 14). ‘Menace to public health’: 270 doctors criticize Spotify over Joe Rogan’s podcast. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2022/jan/14/spotify-joe-rogan-podcast-open-letter
- Dec 2020
www.telegraph.co.uk www.telegraph.co.uk
Ek said that many artists are happier in private about the money they receive than they are in public. He also said that musicians not doing well from streaming are the ones who want to release music “the way it used to be released”.
This is hogwash. Artists want to make a living, while Ek and his cohorts maximise their profits while actively lobbying against songwriter royalties and pushing transphobic people like Joe Rogan. More here: https://niklasblog.com/?p=25501