34 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
  2. Jul 2023
  3. Jun 2023
  4. Mar 2023
    1. ```js

      window.onSpotifyIframeApiReady = (IFrameAPI) => { let element = document.getElementById('embed-iframe'); let options = { uri: 'spotify:episode:7makk4oTQel546B0PZlDM5' }; let callback = (EmbedController) => {}; IFrameAPI.createController(element, options, callback); }; ```

  5. Jan 2023
    1. a challenging macro environment

      I wonder if this is à la Google. From the twitter thread:

      Pretty incredible that Google is trying to get away with blaming macroeconomic conditions for their layoffs, when over the last year they’ve spend 57.36B on stock buybacks.

      That’s enough to support the 12,000 laid off engineers at their median engineer compensation for 23 years.

  6. Aug 2022
  7. Apr 2022
  8. Mar 2022
  9. Jan 2022
    1. Peterson claimed that being trans is a “sociological contagion” comparable to “satanic ritual abuse" During the podcast, Rogan and Peterson speculated on what causes a person to be trans. Peterson asserted that the answer is a “sociological contagion” comparable to “the satanic ritual abuse accusations that emerged in daycares in the 1980s,” referring to the “rash of false allegations” about supposed occult child abuse that fueled the “satanic panic” during the 1980s and early 1990s. 
  10. May 2021
    1. Last month Apple announced that it would let podcasters charge subscription fees, of which it would take a 30% cut for the first year, then dropping to 15%; days later Spotify followed suit—but said creators could keep the lot (from 2023 it will take 5%).

      Good to see some of these platforms competing for creators this way. The big question is will the creators really "own" their audiences? or will they just be stuck in a silo in a few years with prices rising?

  11. Apr 2021
    1. We also believe that in order to democratize audio and achieve Spotify’s mission of enabling a million creators to live off of their art, we must work to enable greater choice for creators. This choice becomes increasingly important as audio becomes even easier to create and share.

      Dear Anchor/Spotify, please remember that democratize DOES NOT equal surveillance capitalism. In fact, Facebook and others have shown that doing what you're probably currently planning for the podcasting space will most likely work against democracy.

    2. Thus, the creative freedom of creators is limited.

      And thus draconian methods for making the distribution unnecessarily complicated, siloed, surveillance capitalized, and over-monitized beyond all comprehension are beyond the reach of one or two for profit companies who want to own the entire market like monopolistic giants are similarly limited. (But let's just stick with the creators we're pretending to champion, shall we?)

    3. In the coming months and years, we’ll be working to further enable choice for creators, including giving them the power to choose not only how someone wants to create or monetize audio, but also where specific content is able to be consumed, ensuring creators have an opportunity to decide if they are aligned with the platforms distributing their content.

      So this means you're going to use simple, open standards and tooling so that not only Anchor and Spotify will benefit? Or are you going to build closed systems that require the use of proprietary software and thus force subscriptions? Are you going to Balkanize the audio space to force consumers into your product and only your product? Or will producers be able to have a broad selection of platforms to which they could distribute their content?

  12. Feb 2021
    1. Spotify and Bandcamp could not be more opposite. Where Spotify highlights playlists, most often of its own creation, Bandcamp sticks to the album (or any other format, as determined by the artist). Where Spotify pays royalties according to little-understood formulas that can only be analyzed by reverse calculation, Bandcamp lets artists and labels choose their own prices. Where Spotify requires working through a limited number of distributors to access their services, Bandcamp is open to anyone. Where Spotify has revenue streams dependent on ads and data, Bandcamp operates on a simple revenue share with artists and collects no information on its users.

      Spotify和Bandcamp完全相反。Spotify会突出播放列表(通常是它自己创建的),而Bandcamp则坚持使用专辑(或任何其他格式,由艺术家决定)。Spotify根据一些鲜为人知的公式来支付版税,只能通过逆向计算来分析,而Bandcamp则让艺术家和唱片公司选择自己的价格。Spotify 需要通过数量有限的经销商才能获得服务,而Bandcamp则对任何人开放。Spotify的收入来源依赖于广告和数据,而Bandcamp的运营方式是与艺术家进行简单的收入分成,并且不收集用户信息。

  13. Dec 2020
    1. Well, deciding what to work on next, that has always felt like the easiest part of the job because it’s whatever benefits artists the most. Because the way Bandcamp makes money is if artists make a lot more money, so that’s what we try to spend every day doing.

      In contrast with Spotify's CEO:

      “Music is everything we do all day, all night, and that clarity is the difference between the average and the really, really good.”

      Source: Spotify’s $30 billion playlist for global domination by Robert Safian

    1. Ek said that many artists are happier in private about the money they receive than they are in public. He also said that musicians not doing well from streaming are the ones who want to release music “the way it used to be released”.

      This is hogwash. Artists want to make a living, while Ek and his cohorts maximise their profits while actively lobbying against songwriter royalties and pushing transphobic people like Joe Rogan. More here: https://niklasblog.com/?p=25501

    2. Last week Radiohead’s Ed O’Brien, Elbow’s Guy Garvey and Gomez’s Tom Gray gave evidence alongside Shah. Gray’s Broken Record campaign aims to fight for fairer terms for artists.
    3. many musicians are “scared to speak out” because they don’t want to “lose favour” with all-powerful streaming services and record labels.

      This is horrifying. Just what Shell has done, and other major and uncaring companies, naturally.

  14. Oct 2020
    1. Antalet premiumprenumeranter som står för hälften av Spotifys intäkter steg med 27 procent till 144 miljoner jämfört med samma period föregående år. Det var fler än analytiker förväntat sig (142,5 miljoner) enligt Refinitivs sammanställning.
    1. Considering that the vast majority of content currently consumed on the platform is a commodity (the same songs you'd find on any other service), I find those data points interesting. It suggests Spotify is connecting with its audience in a way that its competitors have failed to replicate (and despite the many advantages those larger competitors bring to the table). I think it's some combination of a better user experience, more advanced curation / discovery tools, and a cleaner (more focused) brand.
  15. Feb 2020
    1. Solution! Re: Export To Excel Mark as New Bookmark Subscribe Mute Subscribe to RSS Feed Permalink Print Email to a Friend Report Inappropriate Content slipstream42 Regular ‎2017-07-31 04:22 PM another csv export link it is quite nicehttps://rawgit.com/watsonbox/exportify/master/exportify.htmlcode on github  View solution in original post 31 Likes

      works great

    1. Spotify is directly mimicking Google and Facebook, and attempting to roll up power over digital audio markets the way Google and Facebook did over the internet. It has already done so in music. Here’s Rolling Stone, reporting on Spotify’s exploitation of its public utility platform of music distribution to organizes payola-style extortion against artists.
  16. Aug 2019
    1. Em 2015, o serviço de streaming de música Spotify criou a playlist chamada Descobertas da Semana, que funciona como uma curadoria digital. O algoritmo responsável por esta playlist utiliza técnicas de Filtragem Colaborativa, Processamento de Linguagem Natural e Processamento de Sinais de Áudio através de Redes Neurais Convolucionais para compor a playlist semanalmente.[33]
  17. Apr 2019
    1. Please note: These albums are NOT available on public streaming services.

      Screw Spotify et al. Support your artists.

      I wish this were streamed via Blockchain, giving OR 99.9999% of the royalties.

  18. Feb 2019
    1. What happened is that Spotify dragged the record labels into a completely new business model that relied on Internet assumptions, instead of fighting them: if duplicating and distributing digital media is free (on a marginal basis), don’t try to make it scarce, but instead make it abundant and charge for the convenience of accessing just about all of it.