- May 2024
milano.repubblica.it milano.repubblica.it
Der Chefredakteur der Repubblica, Maurizio Molinari, setzt auf lösungsorientierten Klimajournalismus. Artikel zu Klimathemen, die Lösungen beschreiben, würden auch von Jüngeren gelesen. Bericht über eine Diskussion zum Klimajournalismus in Mailand. https://milano.repubblica.it/cronaca/2023/11/18/news/rapporto_tra_scienza_e_giornalismo_molinari_le_soluzioni_sono_il_futuro_dell_informazione_sul_cambiamento_climatico-420686220/
- Apr 2024
www.thehandbasket.co www.thehandbasket.co
[[Marisa Kabas]] in The Handbasket - Here's the column Meta doesn't want you to see
ᔥ[[Ben Werdmuller]] in Mastodon @ben@werd.social on Apr 06, 2024, 10:45 AM
On Thursday I reported that Meta had blocked all links to the Kansas Reflector from approximately 8am to 4pm, citing cybersecurity concerns after the nonprofit published a column critical of Facebook’s climate change ad policy. By late afternoon, all links were once again able to be posted on Facebook, Threads and Instagram–except for the critical column." Here it is. #Media<br /> https://www.thehandbasket.co/p/kansas-reflector-meta-facebook-column-censored
With permission from the Kansas Reflector, I’m sharing the column verbatim here in an attempt to sidestep Meta’s censorship. I hope you’ll share it far and wide—and I really hope Meta doesn’t block this version.
Meta (Facebook) blocked not only the site, but the particular article, so Maria Kabas posted a copy to her site.
- Jun 2023
www.derstandard.de www.derstandard.de
Die Klimawandel-Leugnung verlagert sich in konservativen Medien zunehmend vom evidence scepticism, der die Tatsache der menschlich verursachten globalen Erhitzung in Frage stellt, zum response scepticism, der die soziale Verträglichkeit der Maßnahmen gegen die Klimakrise bezweifelt. In den Mainstream-Medien sind Klimawandel-Leugnung und false bias*, die neutrale Gegenüberstellung wissenschaftlicher und klimaskeptischer Positionen, in den letzten Jahren stark zurückgegangen Der Standard stellt zusammenfassend wissenschaftliche Arbeiten zur Klimawandel-Leugnung in Massenmedien dar.
In vielen Ländern, außer in Deutschland unter anderem in Spanien und in Großbritannien, werden Meteorologen, die über das zunehmend wärmere Wetter und seine Folgen und Ursachen berichten, Opfer von Hass in sozialen Medien, der bis zu Morddrohungen gehen kann. https://taz.de/Drohungen-gegen-Meteorologinnen/!5937563/
- Feb 2022
wblau.medium.com wblau.medium.com
Blau, W. (2022, February 14). Climate Change: Journalism’s Greatest Challenge. Medium. https://wblau.medium.com/climate-change-journalisms-greatest-challenge-2bb59bfb38b8
- Oct 2021
drillednews.com drillednews.com
The fossil fuel industry helped to create the PR industry, and publicists came up with disinformation and manipulation tactics that they deployed for oil, tobacco, and chemical companies for decades.
This is the missing curriculum in design education.
- Oct 2020
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Health signals der Erde, permanente Seite des Guardian
- May 2017
www.npr.org www.npr.org
Did the writer engage with anyone who disagrees? Did they call a senator whose legislation bugs them? Did they try to grasp what the president-elect was doing, or merely repeat one of his more outrageous statements? If it's a broadcast interview, was the guest presented with genuine opposing views and challenged to answer? Those who wrestle with opposing arguments do you a service and often improve their own arguments.
This is a double-edged sword in traditional media - the need to get both sides of the argument. It is important for balanced and factual reporting, but it can also be problematic as it frames both sides as having equal importance in an issue. Think of the debate about climate change. In the name of journalistic fairness, a mainstream reporter may often feel obliged to get the opinion of a climate change denier to balance the story. This often gives the impression that the deniers are of equal weight on the issue. Could lead the general public to believe that climate change is a devisive issue since there are 2 sides, despite the fact that 99% of the science and research is weighted towards climate change. Should both sides be given equal weight in journalism? Could this actually help to create an environment of skepticism about facts? Making all facts seem debatable?