2 Matching Annotations
- Jan 2022
prospect.org prospect.org
DrPH, M. D. H., M. D. (2022, January 11). The Folly of School Openings as a Zero-Sum Game. The American Prospect. https://prospect.org/api/content/4a1fc36e-7263-11ec-9e7d-12f1225286c6/
- risk
- transmission
- race
- homeschooling
- work from home
- vaccine
- children
- perception
- lang:en
- priviledge
- mortality
- low-income
- safety
- Omicron
- economic oppression
- education
- multigenerational family structure
- paediatric hospitalization
- systemic racism
- ventilation
- virtual learning
- economy
- online learning
- school
- people of colour
- exposure
- is:webpage
- in-person schooling
- disparity
- COVID-19
- white supremacy
- remote learning
- school closure
- Jun 2021
science.sciencemag.org science.sciencemag.org
Lessler, J., Grabowski, M. K., Grantz, K. H., Badillo-Goicoechea, E., Metcalf, C. J. E., Lupton-Smith, C., Azman, A. S., & Stuart, E. A. (2021). Household COVID-19 risk and in-person schooling. Science, 372(6546), 1092–1097. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.abh2939