- Jul 2021
www.jayeless.net www.jayeless.net
Another interpretation of the “Small Web” concept is that it refers to the use of alternative protocols to the dominant HTTP(S), lightweight ones like the older Gopher and newer Gemini. For example, the blog post Introduction to Gemini describes these collectively as “the Small Internet”.
Maybe the idea of a "personal internet" is what we're all really looking for? Something with some humanity? Something that's fun? Something that has some serendipity?
- Oct 2020
covid-19.iza.org covid-19.iza.org
IZA – Institute of Labor Economics. ‘COVID-19 and the Labor Market’. Accessed 6 October 2020. https://covid-19.iza.org/publications/dp13644/.
- college students
- educational burden
- New York
- emergency relief grant
- COVID-19
- student survey
- financial distress
- childcare responsibility
- Pell Grant
- unemployment benefit
- is:report
- stress
- personal burden
- lang:en
- online classes
- internet
- low-income urban
- financial burden
- drop a course
- Jun 2020
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Saiful Islam, Md., Sujan, S. H., Tasnim, R., Sikder, T., Potenza, M. N., & Van Os, J. (2020). Psychological responses during the COVID-19 outbreak among university students in Bangladesh [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/cndz7
- Apr 2016
techcrunch.com techcrunch.com
We should have control of the algorithms and data that guide our experiences online, and increasingly offline. Under our guidance, they can be powerful personal assistants.
Big business has been very militant about protecting their "intellectual property". Yet they regard every detail of our personal lives as theirs to collect and sell at whim. What a bunch of little darlings they are.
- Dec 2015
bavatuesdays.com bavatuesdays.com
A personal API builds on the domain concept—students store information on their site, whether it’s class assignments, financial aid information or personal blogs, and then decide how they want to share that data with other applications and services. The idea is to give students autonomy in how they develop and manage their digital identities at the university and well into their professional lives