- Jan 2025
Funding the Commons
for - event - Funding the Commons - Bangkok conference 2024 - Michel Bauwens - guest - SOURCE - Youtube Ma Earth channel interview - Devcon 2024 - Cosmo Local Commoning with Web 3 - Michel Bauwens - 2025, Jan 2 - to - Funding the Commons - Bangkok conference 2024
to - Funding the Commons - Bangkok conference 2024 - https://hyp.is/fF-mVNBJEe-OWvM5g4ZLOQ/www.fundingthecommons.io/bangkok-2024
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Der Guardian kritisiert in einem Editorial den Verzicht auf Kernelemente des Green Deal in der europäischen Agrarpolitik, darunter die Nicht-Verabschiedung des Nature Restoration Law. Er verweist auf eine Umfrage, die zeigt, dass eine Mehrheit in Europa eine konsequentere Klimapolitik unterstützt.
- law: nature restoration law
- event: farmers' protests
- actor: European Commission
- actor: agribusiness
- 2024-04-08
- country: Europe
- event: scrapping of changes to the agricultural policy
- project: European Green Deal
- mode: comment
- event: renouncement to halve the use of pesticides
- event: renouncement to reduce agricultural emissions
- process: lowering climate ambition
- topic: surveys
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Greta Thunberg und andere AktivistInnen blockieren das schwedische Parlament vor der Sitzung zur Aufnahme Schwedens in die NATO. Sie protestieren gegen die Untätigkeit Schwedens in der Klimakrise. Die aktuelle Politik der konservativen und von den Rechtsradikalen unterstützten Regierung wird die Emissionen weiter steigern. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/mar/11/greta-thunberg-climate-protest-blocking-swedish-parliament
Das EU-Parlament hat die vorgesehenen strengeren ökologischen Vorschriften für Agrarsubventionen verändert. So ist der Erhalt von Subventionen nicht mehr daran geknüpft, dass 4% der bebaubaren Fläche brach liegen. .https://taz.de/EU-und-Ampel-geben-Bauernprotesten-nach/!6004784/
- May 2024
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
TotalEnergies hat selbst einen Audit zur Überprüfung seiner Projekte Tilenga und EACOP in Ostafrika eingeleitet. Damit bereitet der Konzern seine Verteidigung in einem weiteren Prozess wegen dieser Megaprojekte vor. Der Prozess wird vermutlich im Juni 2024 stattfinden. Er wurde von mehreren NGOs angestrengt.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
In einem Brief , dessen Text die New York Times erhalten hat, haben Nasawissenschaftler dagegen protestiert, dass drei für die Beobachtung der Erdatmosphäre und unter anderem die Analyse des Strahlungs-Ugleichgewichts essentielle Satelliten nach dem bevorstehenden Ende ihrer Lebenszeit nicht ersetzt werden sollen. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/03/climate/nasa-satellites-data.html
- Waleed Abdalati
- Event/Protestbrief gegen die Nicht-Ersetzung von älteren NASA-Satelliten zur Erd- und Atmosphärenbeobachtung
- Susan Salomon
- Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System (CERES)
- 2024-05-03
- Liz Moyer
- Wolkenbildung
- Nasa
- Jack Kaye
- by: Raymond Zhong
- Strahlungsungleichgewicht
- Norman G. Loeb
- Ross J. Salawitch
- William B. Gail
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Der Finanzausschuss des amerikanischen Senats hat über einen Bericht zur Klima-Desinformation durch die Öl- und Gasbranche debattiert. Der Bericht führt detailliert auf, wie die Öffentlichkeit über Jahrzehnte manipuliert wurde. Inzwischen hätten „Täuschung, Desinformation und Doppelzüngigkeit“ die Klimaleugnung abgelöst. In der Debatte verwendeten republikanische Senatoren die traditionelle Rhetorik der Klimaleugnung. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/may/01/big-oil-danger-disinformation-fossil-fuels
Bericht; https://www.budget.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/fossil_fuel_report1.pdf
- expert: Kert Davies
- report: Denial, Disinformation and Doublespeak
- institution: Center for Climate Integrity
- expert: Geoffrey Supran
- event: Debate about climate disinformation in the US senate April 2024
- actor: Republican Party
- disinformation
- country: USA
- actor: American Petroleum Institute
- NGO: Climate Defiance
- 2024-05-01
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
Die heftigen Regenfälle im Südosten Frankreichs, ein sogenannter "épisode méditerranéen", werden nicht ausreichen, um die Grundwasservorräte im französischen Department Pyrénées Orientales wieder aufzufüllen, die sich durch eine zweijährige Trockenheit extrem verringert haben. https://www.liberation.fr/environnement/episode-mediterraneen-un-phenomene-precoce-insuffisant-pour-les-nappes-phreatiques-des-pyrenees-orientales-20240430_BQACSFW2ZNAMLE2WYVH5DNNEYY/
- Apr 2024
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
In Jordanien ist die Landwirtschaft auf die Verlängerung des Abkommens mit Israel über die Wasserversorgung angewiesen. Jordanien ist eines der Länder, die am stärksten unter Wassermangel leiden. Pro Person fehlen im Jahr ca 400 Kubikmeter Wasser. https://www.liberation.fr/international/moyen-orient/crise-de-leau-israel-et-la-jordanie-vont-ils-renouveler-leur-contrat-20240429_T5AOM5SXSVHG5NA2VQI2LW4AHE/
- Feb 2024
Local file Local file
The startling events of the spring of 1933, when more andmore Germans realized that they were not supposed to shop inJewish stores and when German companies felt compelled to fireJewish employees and remove Jewish businessmen from corporateboards, moved Germany quite some distance toward the ultimategoal of “Aryanizing” the German economy.
- Jan 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
our slave owners want to stay in control, because they are control freaks, real fascists.<br /> i guess "the event" will be a blackout, plus civil war vs migrants, so they can declare martial law
- Dec 2023
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
- actor: Sultan Al Jaber
- topic: Methane emissions
- expert: Gareth Redmond-King
- expert: David Tong
- NGO: Oil Change International
- process: methane reduction
- 2023-08-17
- Adnoc
- actor: Adnoc
- NGO: Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit
- event: COP28
- NGO: Leave It in the Ground Initiative
- country: UAE
- expert: Kjell Kühne
- Nov 2023
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Bei der diesjährigen Konferenz der Kommission zur Erhaltung der lebenden marinen Resourcen der Antarktis verhinderte vor allem die russische Delegation, dass große Gebiete unter Schutz gestellt wurden. Der Guardian berichtet über den Verlauf der Konferenz.
- event: CCAMLR Meeting.October 2023
- NGO: Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition
- 2023-10-29
- region: Antarctica
- actor: Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR)
- NGO: WWF Antarctic
- expert: Claire Christian
- NGO: Pew Charitable Trusts
- expert: Emily Grilly
- country: Russia
- expert: Andrea Kavanagh
theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/29/russian-delegation-stymies-creation-of-antarctic-conservation-area -
Bei der Jahrestagung der Kommission zum Schutz der lebenden Ressourcen der Antarktis ist der Plan, drei große zusammenhängende Gebiete als Schutzzonen auszuweisen, wieder am Widerstand Russlands und Chinas gescheitert. Es kam lediglich zu einer Übereinkunft das Fischen von Krill zu regulieren. https://taz.de/Kaum-Fortschritte-bei-Antarktisschutz/!5969196/
- event: CCAMLR Meeting.October 2023
- NGO: Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition
- region: Antarctica
- actor: Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR)
- expert: Claire Christian
- 2023-10-27
- institution: Pew Bertarelli Ocean Legacy Project
- event: One Planet – Polar Summit
- expert: Andrea Kavanagh
- Oct 2023
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
- Sep 2023
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
Der UN-Hochkommissar für Menschenrechte Volker Türk hat festgestellt, dass wir bereits in einer dystopischen Zukunft leben, in der Millionen wegen des Klimawandels hungern. Türk griff scharf die Gleichgültigkeit gegenüber dem Schicksal der Migrierenden an. Die Libération sieht in Türks Rede ein Echo auf den G20-Gipfel, bei dem nicht zum Ausstieg aus fossilen Brennstoffen aufgerufen wurde. https://www.liberation.fr/environnement/climat/migrants-climatiques-le-futur-dystopique-est-deja-la-alerte-lonu-20230911_IG6ZC4SXRNFVJA2KDDJQR7LO7U/
Rede von Volker Türk: https://www.ohchr.org/en/statements/2023/09/turk-human-rights-are-antidote-prevailing-politics-distraction-deception
- Jul 2022
docdrop.org docdrop.org
to do our own work to develop our own teams to 00:13:48 grow our own networks so based on that we decided to organize a movement to build these kinds of new models to arrive at much more sustainable public goods funding not just sustainable ideally regenerative 00:14:01 systems with possible externalities they're not just sustaining themselves at some level but actually creating a lot more value around themselves and we hope to also create structures for much better value alignment within these networks 00:14:13 so we decided to throw an event uh last year uh so it's less than a year ago um there's probably a number of other people that helped put this on if um uh i in my memory yesterday i remembered a set of folks who are here uh which i 00:14:26 want to thank for for driving this and really creating this this event but it really takes a village to put this on especially the pl events team um uh and many others who have helped uh and since then we've now had uh three 00:14:37 events two virtual one and one in person and we're scaling the community in the size of the conversations the um systems that we're reviewing the mechanisms that we're exploring the studies that we're doing and so on uh so 00:14:50 in this conference we've gone from you know 11 18 talks and now 56 really encourage you to like attend all of them simultaneously of course you can do that of course you can later in time they're all recorded 00:15:02 and we're also very fortunate to be working with a whole bunch of other folks in the ecosystem building out the broader public goods movement in the blockchain space great uh 00:15:15 thanks to the github community and shelling point and many other manila groups that are very focused on building regenerative structures so all of this leaves me uh very hopeful um you know our impact so far has been 00:15:28 to explore a set of funding mechanisms here's a few uh that i pulled from the youtube uh channel a bunch of these mechanisms are explained explaining explored and so on some of them also have kind of experimental review still early days so 00:15:41 a lot of it is still kind of not very systematic not very well experimented upon and so on but i'd love to kind of crank that up and get to drastically better study to the point where we can like analyze these systems with the same 00:15:53 level of rigor that we analyze things like network protocols or like hardware devices and things like that we've also [Music] sort of revived the impact certificates um 00:16:05 idea and and field we've um gotten to explore a number of novel entity types i know that a few of these are actually getting booted up now which is really awesome impact for just a few months of talking about things um and we've 00:16:19 created some uh we've talked about some coordination systems that could be um extremely useful i think this is a very promising area but probably under under um understudied and an area that that is 00:16:31 maybe harder or seems um diffic much more difficult to get traction on so it doesn't get studied as much
Funding the Commons Event
- Jan 2021
github.com github.com
github.com github.com
- Nov 2020
github.com github.com
enables passive event listeners by default for some events (see list below). It basically will set { passive: true } automatically every time you declare a new event listener.
- Jan 2017
hoaxes.org hoaxes.org
The combination of the Sun's high circulation and the newsboys meant that everyone throughout the city, spanning all social classes, heard about the lunar discoveries at the same time. They experienced it as a shared social event in a way that was entirely new.
Birth of the Shared Event
One of the new features of the moon hoax was that is was a shared event, experienced by everyone more or less at the same time, due to both new technologies and new systems of distribution. In some ways the haox was the polar opposite of the fragmentation we see today in Facebook hoaxes -- which are often known among only certain subgroups, and build ingroup identity not a universal experience.