- Sep 2024
www.fraunhofer.de www.fraunhofer.de
they created a new manufacturing process for producing aerogels within six years.
for - sustainable building - insulation - aerogel - production date target - 6 years (2029)
- Jun 2024
clerc-avocat.fr clerc-avocat.fr
l’administration ne justifie pas avoir porté la date de la réunion de la commission d’appel à la connaissance de Mme B dans un délai lui permettant d’assister à cette réunion
github.com github.com
we strive to heed upstream's recommendations on how they intend for their software to be consumed.
- May 2024
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
Vor einem Untersuchungsausschuss des französischen Senats hat sich der Chef von TotalEnergies, Pouyanné, mit den Standard-Argumenten von Big Oil gegen den Vorwurf gewehrt, die globale Erhitzung anzutreiben: Man befriedige nur die Nachfrage, nach fossilen Energien, senke den CO2-Ausstoß bei der Förderung, investiere auch in erneuerbare Energien und sei unverzichtbar, um die Energiewende zu vollziehen. https://www.liberation.fr/environnement/climat/totalenergies-interroge-au-senat-patrick-pouyanne-defend-ses-investissements-dans-le-fossile-20240429_Z5PVIU62UZDR3N2IKVRVW3UXJA/
- Apr 2024
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
The standard difference operator (-) returns day-based results for both date, timestamp and timestamp with time zone (the former returns days as int, the latter two return day-based intervals): From the day-based intervals you can extract days with the extract() function: select current_date - '2017-01-01', extract(day from now()::timestamp - '2017-01-01 00:00:00'), extract(day from now() - '2017-01-01 00:00:00Z');
- Feb 2024
soulsugar.bandcamp.com soulsugar.bandcamp.com
March 15th 2024
learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet02-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet02-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com
In a brief two years between the autumn of 1939 and the autumn of1941, Nazi Jewish policy escalated rapidly from the prewar policy of forcedemigration to the Final Solution as it is now understood—the systematic at-tempt to murder every last Jew within the German grasp.
Local file Local file
on 30 January 1939, Hitler prophesied “the annihilation ofthe Jewish race in Europe” in the event that “international financeJewry” succeeded in “plunging the nations once more into a worldwar.”
Sühneleistung, or “atonement fine,” which a ministerial conferenceset at one billion marks. Jewish taxpayers were required to handover 20 percent of their total assets in four installments ending inAugust 1939.
sühneleistung- atonement fine
The vernacular tag, at least in Berlin, of Reichskristallnacht, or“night of shattered glass,” to designate what should be considered anationwide pogrom against more than 300,000 Germans Jews inNovember 1938, was inflected with sardonic humor, which mockedthe pretentiousness of Nazi vocabulary in which Reich-this andReich-that puffed up the historical moment of the regime
The requirement that Jews add “Sarah” or “Israel” to their legalnames in January 1938 made even more clear the aim of the Nazisto register Jews as a prelude to physical expulsion.
In the context of the Spanish CivilWar, which broke out in July 1936, the Moscow “show trials”against old Bolsheviks in August 1936, and the November 1936anti-Comintern pact between Germany and Japan, the Nazis persis-tently linked Germany’s Jews to the Communist threat.
There was no synchronization of thepolicy of “Aryanization,” but it was largely accomplished by 1938
The startling events of the spring of 1933, when more andmore Germans realized that they were not supposed to shop inJewish stores and when German companies felt compelled to fireJewish employees and remove Jewish businessmen from corporateboards, moved Germany quite some distance toward the ultimategoal of “Aryanizing” the German economy.
May 1933 phy-sicians in Bremen called for comprehensive legislation to enablethe state to sterilize genetically unfit people
Local Nazidoctors in Dortmund greeted “the new era” with an April 1933proposal to establish a municipal “race office” that on the basisof 80,000 files on schoolchildren would prepare a “racial archiveof the entire population of greater Dortmund.”
As early as July 1933,the Ministry of the Interior drew up legislation that authorized thesterilization of allegedly genetically unfit citizens.
Beginning on 1 May 1936, laws required state registry of-fices to present all newlyweds with a copy of Hitler’s Mein Kampf
“Law for the Protection of German Blood”of 15 September 1935, which prohibited Germans from marryingJews
The Ahnenpass enabled the Nazi regime to enforce the Septem-ber 1935 Nuremberg racial law
In September 1939, after the invasion of Po-land, unter uns became legally enforced Aryan space when a decreeprohibited Jews from owning or listening to radios;
Two days after the Day of Potsdam, the Nazis won passageof the Enabling Act. Supported by all the parties except the SocialDemocrats (Communist deputies had been banned), it provided thelegal framework for dictatorship
Thecalamity of the unexpected surrender, the “bleeding borders” re-drawn in the postwar settlement at Versailles, and the overwhelm-ing chaos of the inflation in the early 1920s were collective experi-ences that made the suffering of the nation more comprehensible.During the Weimar years, the people’s community denoted the be-leaguered condition Germans shared, while expressing the politicalunity necessary for national renewal.
In this case it was the Nuremberg Laws, which distinguished Ger-man citizens from Jewish noncitizens: “hunting down innocentpeople is expanded a thousand times,” he raged; “hate is sown amillionfold.”
Sterilization proceedings began almost immediately after the“Law for the Prevention of Genetically Damaged Offspring” wentinto effect in January 1934.
the national sports competition organized by the Hit-ler Youth enrolled seven million boys and girls in 1939, twice asmany as in 1935, and provided opportunities to achieve distinc-tion.
a ministerial committeeon “population and race,” which met on 28 June 1933 to draftcomprehensive racial legislation giving the state the right to sterilizecitizens
On 7 April 1933 the government drew up the“Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service,” whichforcibly retired all Jewish civil servants in addition to providing thelegal means to dismiss political opponents of the regime.
By 1936 almost all Germans—all who were not Jewish—had begun to prepare for themselves an Ahnenpass, or racial pass-port, which laid the foundation for the racial archives establishedin all German households
In what it touted as the triumph of “socialism ofthe deed” over “private capitalism” and “economic liberalism,” in1933 the Propaganda Ministry pressed a consortium of radio man-ufacturers to design and produce a Volksempfänger, or “people’sradio,” for the mass market.
crowds acclaimed the reestablishment of amass conscription army, the Wehrmacht, recalling for observers the“August Days” of 1914. Again socialists conceded: “For the over-whelming majority, 16 March is the definitive end to a shamefulpast, much more so than 30 January 1933; the day marks ‘the dawnof a new age.’” All this patriotic hoopla mattered; Versailles hadleft deep wounds, and, anyway, Germans were apt to be “childishlyproud of their army.”
In January 1935, huge fanfare welcomedthe Reich’s incorporation of the Saar region, where over 90 percentof the population had voted for reintegration into Germany in aLeague of Nations referendum
n 1937 German households achieved the standard of living en-joyed in 1928, before the onset of the Great Depression.
On the eve of the war, in 1939, most Germans ex-perienced the Third Reich as a cherished period of economic andpolitical stability. These were achievements that the population wasdetermined to hold on to.
Socialists around the worldhad celebrated May Day as a festival of labor since the 1880s; butin Germany they had failed to get the official recognition the Nazisnow offered. So strong were the hopes for national unity that theGerman Free Trade Unions welcomed the Nazi gesture and encour-aged members to participate in the celebrations.
the stunning media spectacle of thespeeches and celebrations of 1 May also contrasted with 2 May,when stormtroopers sealed off and took over the operations of thesocialist Free Trade Unions and incorporated them into what be-came the German Labor Front, an integral part of the National So-cialist apparatus.
The construction of the firstconcentration camps to media fanfare in March 1933, and therapid migration of the shorthand kz, for Konzentrationslager, intoordinary speech, left the public well aware that Nazis recognizedonly friends or foes;
konzentrationslager (kz) - concentration camps
the prospect of a new war, a topic Germanfamilies discussed frequently in the years after 1933
Held on 21 March 1933 in Potsdam’s Garnisonkirche, whereFrederick the Great lay buried, the Day of Potsdam aligned Hit-ler with revered Prussian traditions, the Hohenzollern dynasty andthe founding of the German Reich some sixty years earlier, andthe heroic sacrifices of the Great War, represented by the “hero ofTannenberg,” President Paul von Hindenburg,
the “August Days” of 1914, when thou-sands of Germans rallied in the streets to support the national causein time of war, revealed extraordinary emotional investment in thepromise of national unity.
the officially organized boycott of Jewish businesses on 1April 1933 required a more considered answer. Elisabeth beganwith a concession, contrasting the “happiness” of the world-histor-ical events taking place in Germany with her “sympathy” for “thefate of the individual.”
- concept: justification
- 1933
- concept: nationalism
- 1920s
- concept: opportunity
- event
- 1939
- concept: class relations
- 1937
- viewpoint
- supporter
- legislation
- primary source
- concept: complicity
- 1938
- concept: pressure
- concept: race ideology
- ebermayer
- gebenslebens
- 1936
- nazi strategy
- hitler
- propaganda
- 1928
- 1914
- concept: the new normal
- concept: exclusion
- vocab
- 1935
- concept: victimhood
- nonsupporter
- sub idea
- 1934
- concept: german future & progress
- antisemitism
- date
- concept: historical narrative
- concept: fear
- factors
- concept: belief
- concept: conformity
- Oct 2023
rubynor-web-next-lime.vercel.app rubynor-web-next-lime.vercel.app
t.daterange :period
- May 2023
www.postgresql.org www.postgresql.org
ISO 8601 specifies the use of uppercase letter T to separate the date and time. PostgreSQL accepts that format on input, but on output it uses a space rather than T, as shown above. This is for readability and for consistency with RFC 3339 as well as some other database systems.
- Apr 2023
www.eff.org www.eff.org
Davos, SwitzerlandFebruary 8, 1996 Back to top
Very interesting time, and espically interesting place
theconversation.com theconversation.com
The new report evokes a mild sense of urgency, calling on governments to mobilise finance to accelerate the uptake of green technology. But its conclusions are far removed from a direct interpretation of the IPCC’s own carbon budgets (the total amount of CO₂ scientists estimate
- The report claims that
- to reach target of 50/50 chance of staying within 1.5 deg C,
- we must reach meet zero by 2050
- Yet, updating the IPCC’s estimate of the 1.5°C carbon budget,
- from 2020 to 2023, and then drawing a straight line down from today’s total emissions to the point where all carbon emissions must cease, and without exceeding this budget,
- gives a zero CO₂ date of 2040.
- Furthermore, adding policy delays to set things up, it is more likely a date closer to mid 2030's.
- Yet, updating the IPCC’s estimate of the 1.5°C carbon budget,
- The report claims that
- Mar 2023
popmec.hypotheses.org popmec.hypotheses.org
En 1947 le mathématicien Warren Weaver écrit au père fondateur de la cybernétique, Norbert Wiener. Il envisage de créer un programme de traduction automatique universel pour assurer la “paix dans le monde” (éventuellement avec le soutien financier l’UNESCO). Cet échanges est publié en 1949 par Weaver dans un court “Mémorandum“.
En janvier 1954, l’ordinateur IBM de l’université Georgetown tourne à plein régime. Chercheurs, journalistes et responsables politiques assistent à la première démonstration publique d’un traducteur automatique : en quelques instants, le programme parvient à traduire parfaite quelques phrases de russe en anglais. En réalité, la démonstration est truquée. Le programme ne connaît qu’un vocabulaire réduit de 250 mots en russe et en anglais et, surtout, seulement quelques règles de grammaire. Les phrases ont été commodément choisies en amont pour être correctement restituées.
- Dec 2022
www.postgresql.org www.postgresql.org
daterange — Range of date, datemultirange — corresponding Multirange
- Nov 2022
github.com github.com
Version bumps and security fixes should be attended to in a timely manner.
If you do not represent upstream and upstream becomes interested in maintaining the image, steps should be taken to ensure a smooth transition of image maintainership over to upstream.
- Aug 2022
www.independent.co.uk www.independent.co.uk
Lovett, S. (2021, November 15). UK threw away 600,000 vaccine doses after they passed expiry date. The Independent. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/health/covid-vaccine-doses-astrazeneca-donations-uk-b1958000.html
hypothes.is hypothes.is
the button
The button symbol is not accurate, right?
- Jul 2022
www.defenseurdesdroits.fr www.defenseurdesdroits.fr
le Défenseur des droits, instituépar la loi organique du 29 mars 2011,
- Apr 2022
futureofcoding.org futureofcoding.org
If that project doesn’t pan out, we’ll set up an existing wiki or similar collaborative knowledge system at the start of 2021.
- Sep 2021
In his intriguing book “The Rise Of Christianity,” sociologist Rodney Stark recalls the “Plague of Galun” which ravaged the Roman Empire in 164CE with a death toll of approximately 30% of the population.
The great epidemic of the second century, which is sometimes referred to as the “Plague of Galen,” first struck the army of Verus, while campaigning in the East in 165 A.D.,
Semeia 56: Social Networks in Early Christian Environment: Issues and Methods for Social History
twitter.com twitter.com
The BMJ on Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter. Retrieved 3 September 2021, from https://twitter.com/bmj_latest/status/1432056729743863810
- Jun 2021
twitter.com twitter.com
twitter.com twitter.com
www.channel4.com www.channel4.com
ddrscott.github.io ddrscott.github.io
FROM generate_series('2017-03-01'::date, '2017-03-03'::timestamp - interval '1 hour', interval '1 hour' ) AS t(start_ts)
- May 2021
curia.europa.eu curia.europa.eu
6 October 2020
curia.europa.eu curia.europa.eu
2 March 2021
curia.europa.eu curia.europa.eu
10 March 2021
eur-lex.europa.eu eur-lex.europa.eu
5 December 2016
eur-lex.europa.eu eur-lex.europa.eu
17 December 2020
eur-lex.europa.eu eur-lex.europa.eu
11 December 2019
eur-lex.europa.eu eur-lex.europa.eu
13 December 2018
- Apr 2021
www.whitehouse.gov www.whitehouse.gov
Dokument des weißen Hauses mit den wichtigsten Maßnahmen der Biden-Administration: FACT SHEET: President Biden’s Leaders Summit on Climate | The White House
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
To get a handle on how the president’s international climate commitments will need to jibe with his domestic policy agenda, we called Nathaniel Keohane, an economist, former Obama adviser and climate expert.
- Mar 2021
www.institutsapiens.fr www.institutsapiens.fr
Sondage réalisé par l’IFOP pour BNP Paribas Real Estate, avril 2020
avril 2020
Digital economy and society statistics - households and individuals », Eurostats, juin 2019
roisième baromètre annuel de l’attractivité des métropoles françaises, Cabinet Arthur Loyd, no-vembre 2019
Carte issue du Baromètre des territoires, réalisé par Odoxa-Adviso Partners pour France Bleu, France Info et Challenges et publié le 7 avril 2020
avril 2020
Baromètre des économies régionales... confinées », sondage Odoxa pour Adviso Partners, avril 2020
avril 2020
Nouveaux outils et technologies de travail dans les entreprises », L’économie et la société à l’ère numérique – édition 2019, INSEE, novembre 2019
What You Should Know About Online Tools During the COVID-19 Crisis », Electonic Frontier Foun-dation, mars 2020
mars 2020 What You Should Know About Online Tools During the COVID-19 Crisis », Electonic Frontier Foun-dation, mars 2020
Les risques cyber liés au télétravail des salariés confinés dans le cadre de la lutte contre le Co-vid-19 »,Flash ingérence économique n°63, DGSI, avril 2020
avril 2020 Les risques cyber liés au télétravail des salariés confinés dans le cadre de la lutte contre le Co-vid-19 »,Flash ingérence économique n°63, DGSI, avril 2020
nquête TIC-ménages 2018, INSEE, novembre 2019
ableaux de l’économie française, INSEE, mars 2019
L’économie et la société à l’ère du numérique, INSEE, novembre 2019.
Quels sont les salariés concernés par le télétravail ?, DARES, novembre 2019
novembre 2019 Quels sont les salariés concernés par le télétravail ?, DARES, novembre 2019
Activité et conditions d’emploi de la main-d’œuvre pendant la crise sanitaire Covid-19, DARES, avril 2020
avril 2020 ce n'est pas clair: s'agit-il
- du rapport daté d'avril, qui arrête ses chiffres en mars?
- du rapport daté de mai, qui arrête ses chiffres en avril?
La grande grève qui déclencha la révolution du télétravail », Les Échos, décembre 2019
Margaret MARUANI, Travail et emploi des femmes, Paris, La Découverte, 2011, p. 97
Patricia VENDRAMIN et Gérard VALENDUC, Technologies de l’information et de la communication, emploi et qualité du travail, 2002, consultable en ligne, p. 117
Consolider l’emploi des travailleurs handicapés », RF Social, Cahier juridique n°92, décembre 2009, pp. 59-61
Le télétravail pourrait devenir la norme durablement », Le Figaro, 27 avril 2020.
avril 2020
Baromètre des économies régionales... confinées », sondage Odoxa pour Adviso Partners, avril 2020
avril 2020
orkshifting Benefits: The Bottom Line, mai 2010.
mai 2010
s chiffres clés du télétravail en France, Kronos, 2016
Nicholas BLOOM, « Does Working from Home Work? Evidence from a Chinese Experiment », The Quarterly Journal of Economics, février 2015
Baromètre des économies régionales... confinées », sondage Odoxa pour Adviso Partners, avril 2020
avril 2020
Aller au travail pour presser des timbres ... », Nikkei, avril 2020
avril 2020
Henry SAVALL et Laurent CAPPELLETTI, Le coût caché de l’absentéisme au travail, Institut Sapiens, novembre 2018
ref de 2018
Thierry BRETON, Le télétravail en France : situation actuelle, perspectives de développement et as-pects juridiques, Paris, la Documentation française, (Collection des rapports officiels), 1994.
référence de 1994
- Feb 2021
github.com github.com
Keeping bootstrap-sass in sync with upstream changes from Bootstrap used to be an error prone and time consuming manual process. With Bootstrap 3 we have introduced a converter that automates this.
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Time: Suppose all your data was immutable, then cache all the data indefinitely. But this isn't always to case so you have to figure out what works for the given scenario (A person's mailing address doesn't change often, but their GPS position does).
- Jan 2021
it.wikipedia.org it.wikipedia.org
6 agosto 1915
Battle Date
- Nov 2020
github.com github.com
I'm still deeply working on it every day, i'm around 1/2 month away for a first preview release.
- Oct 2020
demo.mobiscroll.com demo.mobiscroll.com
- Sep 2020
www.education.gouv.fr www.education.gouv.fr
Pour l'année scolaire 2020-2021, les élections se tiendront : le vendredi 9 octobre 2020 ou le samedi 10 octobre 2020 ;
- Jul 2020
lwn.net lwn.net
"that text has been removed from the official version on the Apache site." This itself is also not good. If you post "official" records but then quietly edit them over time, I have no choice but to assume bad faith in all the records I'm shown by you. Why should I believe anything Apache board members claim was "minuted" but which in fact it turns out they might have just edited into their records days, weeks or years later? One of the things I particularly watch for in modern news media (where no physical artefact captures whatever "mistakes" are published as once happened with newspapers) is whether when they inevitably correct a mistake they _acknowledge_ that or they instead just silently change things.
Uchikoshi, F. (2020). COVerAGE-JP: COVID-19 Deaths by Age and Sex in Japan [Preprint]. SocArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/cpqrt
- May 2020
tools.ietf.org tools.ietf.org
This document includes an Internet profile of the ISO 8601 [ISO8601] standard for representation of dates and times using the Gregorian calendar.
This represents the leap second inserted at the end of 1990. 1990-12-31T15:59:60-08:00
- Apr 2020
in order to track the always-improving upstream project, we continuously rebase our patches on top of the upstream master
- Jan 2020
github.com github.com
- Dec 2019
swiftodoapp.com swiftodoapp.com
Do I have to use the yyyy-mm-dd date format? Yes. That date format is defined by ISO 8601. It is an internationally accepted way to represent dates. If you don't like typing the date that way, use the due date and threshold date pickers in the task text editor.
burnsoftware.wordpress.com burnsoftware.wordpress.com
Files are sorted by moving them all into a folder with today’s date, and you can organize these folders by day, week, or month.
- Oct 2019
ant.design ant.design
- Sep 2019
Local file Local file
- Aug 2019
codesandbox.io codesandbox.io
Demonstrates how label text will wrap at a point that appears to narrow when shrunk (the label can't even be as wide as the input it is labeling!), and how to work around this problem by adding styles:
'& label': { whiteSpace: 'nowrap' }
Of course, you would only want to do this if you are going to only be showing the label in shrunk state (which I think is safe to say is the case for date picker inputs), since it would look bad to actually have text overflowing outside of the input box. But if it's in "shrink" state, then it's actually above the input, so as long as there isn't another input/label directly to the right, and/or as long as we adjust the width so the right side of the label mostly lines up with the right side of the input, then I think we should be safe.
The input label "shrink" state isn't always correct. The input label is supposed to shrink as soon as the input is displaying something. In some circumstances, we can't determine the "shrink" state (number input, datetime input, Stripe input). You might notice an overlap.
To workaround the issue, you can force the "shrink" state of the label.
You need to make sure that the input is larger than the label to display correctly.
caniuse.com caniuse.com
codesandbox.io codesandbox.io
material-ui.com material-ui.com
- Jun 2018
www.smithandcrown.com www.smithandcrown.com
The network was launched in February 2016
- Mar 2018
www.prideofcows.com www.prideofcows.com
We all loves milk as it contains protein, carbs and other nutrients in the right proportion which makes it the ideal drink after a tough workout during summers. Instead of drinking chilled water during summer milk is better option which gives you energy. Even you try banana milkshake, mango milkshake, date milkshake these combination is also perfect for those who are in hurry.
udspace.udel.edu udspace.udel.edu
Vote Fails
An amendment that would have reduced administration representation on the Student Personnel Problems Commit-tee to two members, was de-feated by a two-to-one vote margin in a special faculty meeting Monday.
- Jan 2018
www.commonlit.org www.commonlit.org
May 7, 1945
This is May 7 1945
- Nov 2016
gtpb.igc.gulbenkian.pt gtpb.igc.gulbenkian.pt
Nov 14 - Nov 18
start date end date
- Jun 2016
www.ccmb.res.in www.ccmb.res.in
6 November 2003
7 July 2005
jmammal.oxfordjournals.org jmammal.oxfordjournals.org
22 February 1992
- Jul 2015
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
May 2006