51 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2024
    1. psychological energy obeys the first law of thermodynamics just like everything else; it can’t be destroyed, only transformed. What goes around, comes around, and accountability will always return to the human body. There is nowhere else it can go, because that is where it originates. It is contained in flesh and sinew, muscles and neurons and guts

      for - to - synchronicity - same quote mentioned in - YouTube I watched yesterday - prenatal and perinatal healing happens in layers - Kate White - Third is related to the subject of prenatal and perinatal psychology - trauma suffered by the fetus while still in the womb it the newly born can be remembered somatically by the body and carried on into later life - As adults, we can carry on these old patterns of behaviours that were adaptive responses rooted in the initial trauma but which no longer exists - It's a form of post traumatic stress disorder where the body stop carries the memories - https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DUcgWsFqPe7Q&group=world

    2. psychiatrist Bessel van der Kolk puts it, ‘the body keeps the score’.

      for - quote - the body keeps the score - psychiatrist Bessel van der Kolk - from Substack article - Alexander Beiner - to - synchronicity - same quote mentioned in - YouTube I watched yesterday - prenatal and perinatal healing happens in layers - Kate White - https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DUcgWsFqPe7Q&group=world

    1. for - pre and perinatal therapy - birth psychology - youtube - Prenatal and Perinatal Healing Happens in Layers - Kate White

      summary - This could be an important therapy to integrate into Deep Humanity to rekindle a living presence of the sacred - If early prenatal and perinatal trauma happened to us when we were still in the womb, or shortly after birth, we have no regular memory of it, but there could be a body memory (somatic memory) - Prenatal and Perinatal therapy is designed to help people identify early trauma when we were still inside the womb or shortly after birth - The theory claims that these early traumas may remain with us as lingering adaptive responses in our adult stage of life

    2. in tracking too responses you begin to become fluent with States

      for - pre and peri natal healing - to track trauma responses - begin to be fluent in different states - Youtube - Pre and Perinatal healing happens in layers - Kate White

    3. this feels like it came from your family line often we know that a baby is an egg inside their mother inside their grandmother so you can begin to feel through the ancestors that will show up in the present

      for - body memory - ancestors are alive and living through us - Youtube - Prenatal and Perinatal Healing Happens in Layers - Kate White

    4. trauma creates patterns of adaptive responses

      for - key insight - trauma creates patterns of adaptive responses - Youtube - Prenatal and Perinatal Healing Happens in Layers - Kate White

    5. here can be life threat early life threat there can be fear and Terror in the 's body from things that they experience um so they arise as a collage of Sensations emotions and behaviors so they rise quickly and they're layered on top of each other

      for - pre and perinatal trauma - fear and terror can happen to the baby inside the womb - later they arise as a collage of sensations, emotions and behaviors layered one on top of the other - Youtube - Prenatal and Perinatal Healing Happens in Layers - Kate White

    6. as practitioner we need to come become fluent in in working with sensation working with the way the our our body feels and moves and senses so the body

      for - prenatal and perinatal somatic therapy - must become fluent with sensations of how our body feels, moves and senses - Youtube - Prenatal and Perinatal Healing Happens in Layers - Kate White

    7. when I've worked with pre and perinal psychology people think oh well this is psychology this is mental health but really it's not it's more than that it's a holistic Body Mind practice where implicit somatic memory is alive and active and actually informing how we behave and choices that we make in the present

      for - prenatal and perinatal psychology - is not just mental health - it's holistic mind body practice - somatic memories are alive in our body right now - Youtube - Prenatal and Perinatal Healing Happens in Layers - Kate White

    8. what we're finding in the fetal brain research is that mental illness especially heavy mental illness can start in utero that's why this is such a vital neurodevelopmental time

      for - fetal brain research - very serious mental illnesses in adults can be traced to mental illness that begins in utero in the womb - Prenatal and Perinatal Healing Happens in Layers - Kate White

    9. I have a great passion for the fetal brain research is that if we can really help now um how a parent is feeling it can really influence the neurod development of a child

      for - fetal brain research - help with how a parent is feeling influences neural development of a child later on - Youtube - Prenatal and Perinatal Healing Happens in Layers - Kate White

    10. my passion is to catch these stories very early to prevent and treat them right away um working with birth trauma working with the baby's experience um that will prevent a lot of the stories from repeating and the stories can repeat in such a way that then they become another layer and by the time somebody comes to you as the adult the story has repeated then there's other there's other like inherent places in the body and in the life of the person that are organizing them

      for - awakening the sacred - healing birth trauma - that gives rise to many layers of repeating stories - Youtube - Pre and Perinatal healing happens in layers - Kate White

    11. integration is what people are seeking that's why they're coming to you um they want they often people will seek me out because nothing else seems to have helped all the talk therapy all the Psychotherapy all the things that they've tried not that they are still in being influenced by the patterns that are affecting them uh so we we call this notion the integration imperative

      for - definition - integration imperative - people seek integration - talk therapy - psychotherapy has not helped - patterns still there and affecting them - Youtube - Pre and Perinatal healing happens in layers - Kate White




  2. Nov 2024
    1. the most influential psychologist of the 20th century Carl Rogers as you may know discovered scientifically in the 1950s that listening to people and giving unconditional positive regard was the best way of helping them to heal and grow it was a revolution in understanding of the person and led to a massive change in how we look at psychological distress and the need for counselling

      for - trauma - healing - by listening - Carl Rogers

    1. the first thing to take care of is traumatic relationships

      This is why we attend to Alterative Healing

    2. Western Civilization suppressed dreams suppressed sexuality

      We now add sexual healing to our ALterative healing Practices

    3. so if growing up is about going up healing is about going down

      Very powerful teaching Growing is about going up Healing is about going down

    4. essentially what we're doing is you know is taking the best technology of the East and the west and bringing them together

      for - developmental journey - human inner transformation - planetary training technology - integrating the best of the east and the west - John Churchill - developmental journey - healing the foundations affects the higher levels of human inner transformation - John Churchill

      developmental journey - human inner transformation - planetary training technology - integrating the best of the east and the west - integrating - developmental healing with - attachment to the meditation practice - resulting in: - meditating down instead of - meditating up - Opening up the lower attachment system - by building a powerful field of safety and attunement - dissolves the higher blocks

    5. there's the growing up process so that's actually structural and then there's a cleaning process or healing process so if growing up is about going up healing is about going down right because you because you need to go down into the body because that's where all the TR that's where all the trauma is held

      for - quote - awakening as - growing up - healing - as going down into the trauma held by the body - John Churchill

  3. Jan 2024
    1. You’re going to be all right. You just stumbled over a stone in the road. It means nothing. Your goal lies far beyond this. Doesn’t it? I’m sure you’ll overcome this. You’ll walk again… soon.”

      Berserk is about perseverance and healing.

  4. Nov 2023
    1. People of all cultures utilize symbolism found in their various religions and spiritual practices to cope with health problems. NA healing ceremonies rely heavily on a combination of traditional and Christian religious symbols, icons, and ritualistic objects. These symbols cue bio-psycho-social-spiritual healing responses by restoring the harmony necessary for health. Symbolism, whether associated with ceremonies or church services, can be incorporated into their treatment plan to create a powerful healing synergy.


    2. NA ceremonies involve the patient, the family, and the community in the healing process. Ceremonial gatherings may last for days or weeks; the more people that are present, the greater the healing energy. Through their participation in songs, prayer, music, and dance, the family and community contribute healing energy to the patient.


    3. Native diets, ceremonies that greet the seasons and the harvests, and the use of native plants for healing purposes have been used to live to promote health by living in harmony with the earth


    4. Native Americans in Arizona run each day to greet the dawn, a practice that not only conditions their bodies but also nourishes their spiritual wellbeing. Stories and legends are used to teach positive behaviors as well as the consequences of failing to observe the laws of nature. Herbs, manipulative therapies, ceremonies, and prayer are used in various combinations to prevent and treat illness.1


  5. Aug 2023
    1. we've actually initiated a pilot study to look to see whether we could use art-induced awe to facilitate toleration. 00:12:55 And the results are actually incredibly positive. We can mitigate against anger and hate through the experience of awe generated by art.
      • for: art for healing, art for conflict resolution
  6. Mar 2021
    1. “Follow your blisters” implies something that you come back to so many times that you eventually move past the blister stage, into toughened skin. Eventually, the activity “marks you” through use and practice, and you develop a special competence. When you practice an activity a bit more obsessively than other people, you build unique character – you earn some wear and some healing that makes you idiosyncratic, and a little unbalanced.It is something that you don’t need to put on your to-do list, something you care enough about to return to repeatedly, even though it causes discomfort. Over time, you develop a layer of protection that enables you to do that something more easily.
  7. Sep 2020
    1. "We are satisfied that many therapies listed in our Group 2 give help and comfort to many patients when used in a complementary sense to support conventional medical care" "In relieving stress, in alleviating side effects (for example of various forms of anti-cancer therapy) and in giving succour to the elderly and in palliative care they often fulfil an important role".

      Here is the full quote that was cherry picked from here;

      2.8 We are, however, satisfied that many therapies listed in our Group 2 give help and comfort to many patients when used in a complementary sense to support conventional medical care even though most of them also lack a firm scientific basis. Nevertheless in relieving stress, in alleviating side effects (for example of various forms of anti-cancer therapy) and in giving succour to the elderly and in palliative care they often fulfil an important role.

      Interesting that they decided to exclude the part that points out the nature of the science behind it.

  8. Apr 2020
    1. . Obesity, insulin resistance, hyperglycemia, and diabetic renal failure contribute significantly and independently to the impaired wound healing observed in diabetics
    2. Steroids used after the first 3 to 4 days after injury do not affect wound healing as severely as when they are used in the immediate postoperative period.
    3. The major effect of steroids is to inhibit the inflammatory phase of wound healing (angiogenesis, neutrophil and macrophage migration, and fibroblast proliferation) and the release of lysosomal enzymes
    4. Mild to moderate normovolemic anemia does not appear to adversely affect wound oxygen tension and collagen synthesis. However, profound anemia with 15% less hematocrit can interfere with wound healing
    5. Surgically closed wounds need mostly epithelialization for healing
    6. while open wounds require a combination of tissue contraction, connective tissue deposition, and epithelialization to a lesser extent. Chronic ulcers heal by secondary intention similar to open wounds.
    7. Wounds with delayed healing are characterized by decreased wound-breaking strength in comparison to wounds that heal at a normal rate; however, they eventually achieve the same integrity and strength as wounds that heal normally.
    8. Delayed primary closure, or healing by tertiary intention, represents a combination of the first two, consisting of the placement of sutures, allowing the wound to stay open for a few days, and the subsequent closure of the sutures
    9. Surgical wounds can heal in several ways. An incised wound that is clean and closed by sutures is said to heal by primary intention
    10. Often, because of bacterial contamination or tissue loss, a wound will be left open to heal by granulation tissue formation and contraction; this constitutes healing by secondary intention
    11. The presence of biofilms leads to delayed wound healing by stimulating chronic inflammation in the wound.
    12. Biofilms lead to a chronic inflammatory process that will interfere with healing
    13. HBOT was found to have improved amputation rates in patients with gas gangrene with better healing.
    14. HBOT was found to improve graft survival, complete healing of grafts, and lessen infection in patients with a graft
    15. Chronic wounds have a decreased oxygen supply, and for a long time lack of oxygen was recognized as a potential cause of delayed healing.
    16. Oxygen is required for almost all steps of wound healing and is also an important factor in the body’s defense against bacterial infection
    17. In addition to its role in healing, oxygen plays an essential role in the production of reactive oxygen species such as superoxide that are angiogenesis stimulators and are bacteriostatic
    18. Fibroblasts stimulated by growth factors can produce type I collagen and glycosaminoglycans (e.g., chondroitin sulfates), which adhere to the wound surface to permit epithelial cell migration, as well as adhesive ligands (e.g., the matrix protein fibronectin), which promote cell adhesion.
  9. Jan 2017
    1. "It is a balsam," answered Don Quixote, "the receipt of which I have in my memory, with which one need have no fear of death, or dread dying of any wound; and so when I make it and give it to thee thou hast nothing to do when in some battle thou seest they have cut me in half through the middle of the body- as is wont to happen frequently,- but neatly and with great nicety, ere the blood congeal, to place that portion of the body which shall have fallen to the ground upon the other half which remains in the saddle, taking care to fit it on evenly and exactly. Then thou shalt give me to drink but two drops of the balsam I have mentioned, and thou shalt see me become sounder than an apple.

      There is a legend that states that this is the very balm used on Jesus's lifeless body to heal him (Fierabras wa s a converted Christian). Fierabras was the son a the king of Spain that found barrels of this so-called balm. Don Quixote claims to know the recipe for this balm by heart (oil, wine, salt, and rosemary). When Don Quixote drinks the balm, it does no more than induce a bout of throwing up and fever like symptoms. However, after this he is fine. It is important to note the "healing balm" works instantly, showing that the effects of this "magical" balm are grossly exaggerated.

  10. Oct 2016
    1. Phytochemicals, including those obtained from fruits, vegetables, nuts and spices, have drawn a considerable amount of attention due to their ability to selectively kill tumor cells and suppress carcinogenesis in preclinical animal models[27-33].

      Phytochemicals- active biological compound found in plants. These phytochemicals are the basis of alternative healing and holistic medicine

  11. Dec 2015
    1. Now we are going to talk for a bit about the idea of what it is that you are going to practice on. As your entire Being is becoming consciously integrated as your conscious experience of your Self, it will appear as though the Reality of your Being—to whatever degree you are aware of it—will be brought to bear upon that disowned portion of your experience which is not clear to you is your own Being. It will appear as though that aspect will be “healed,” “improved,” “changed,” or “reversed.” But, the actuality of such appearances is one of the revealing of its true nature as your Being. Every time you have a healing session with anyone, do not believe for a moment that, through your inner growth and development, you are being able to do something wonderful for “them.” It is your Self that you are experiencing, working with, and handling. Figuratively speaking, it amounts to nothing less than your discovery that the piece of the puzzle—which is difficult to identify on its own—is actually some part of the universal portrait of your Self. The Bible quotes Jesus the Christ as saying, “I have overcome the world.” This means that He had come over into the Christ-consciousness of His world, and no longer disowned any part of it as being separate or other than His Being.
  12. Mar 2015
    1. Therefore, I learned — and learned well — that forgiveness is an essential key to healing. The opposite of forgiveness is judgment, and judgment always creates separation and guilt. Judgment will evoke a sense of guilt in the one who has been judged, unless, of course, they are perfectly awake. But more than this, each time that you judge anything or anyone, you have literally elicited guilt within yourself, because there is a place within you, yet still, that knows the perfect purity of your brother and sister, and sees quite clearly that all things within the human realm are either the extension of Love, or a cry for help and healing.