24 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2023
    1. But I do question why lib and not something in app is the common suggestion for classes/modules who do not fall into the default set of folders (models, controllers, jobs, etc). Is it just because it's what we've been doing for so long? To me feels like we're trying to shoehorn the lib folder into further being a kitchen sink (now holding rake tasks and miscellaneous classes), rather than just saying "your Ruby classes/modules go somewhere in app because they're application code".
  2. Feb 2023
    1. IPCC’s mind-bogglingly complicated 7-year review and reporting structure. Though designed to be thorough, this has no chance of keeping up.This modus operandi was established at their inception in 1988 but, as Naomi Oreskes, the Harvard science historian says, the IPCC ‘set the bar of proof too high’ for their vital advisory role.
      • IPCC’s 7 year review process is thorough but at the bc same time guarantees that its findings are already dangerously outdated by v the time they are released to the public.
      • What might be more useful is to have current research reviewed by a global trans-disciplinary board and decisions made on monthly summaries
      • Could systematic application of human assisted AI speed things up?
  3. Jan 2023
    1. Just as the wealthiest 1 percent of Americans gobble up a disproportionate share of the nation’s economic resources and rejigger our institutions to funnel them benefits and power, so too do our educational 1 percent suck up a disproportionate share of academic

      opportunities, and threaten to reconfigure academic culture so that it both mimics and serves their values

  4. Oct 2022
    1. For Tim, the practice is managed by routine.“My quota for writing is two crappy pages a day,” he explains. Those two pages help him get started, matter what other commitments he is meeting that day. And even if they’re bad, they’re at least done.The idea is to set goals that are “easily winnable” so you don’t panic when one day passes and you don’t make that goal, because you always know you can easily pick back up the next day.“If I don’t write my two pages I don’t panic and go into the spiral.”

      Tim Ferris has a routine for writing and has indicated "My quota for writing is two crappy pages a day." and "If I don't write my two pages, I don't panic and go into the spiral."

      (summary); possibly worth watching video for verifying quotes and pulling out additional practices.

      Note that this piece seems to indicate that his writing practice includes an idea of doing "morning pages", but this implication is likely false as Ferriss likely isn't doing this, but writing toward productive goals rather than to "clear his mental space" as is usually implied by morning pages.

    1. From these considerations, I hope the reader will un-derstand that in a way I never " s t a r t " writing on a project;I am writing continuously, either in a more personal vein,in the files, in taking notes after browsing, or in moreguided endeavors

      Seems similar to the advice within Ahrens. Did he have a section on not needing to "start" writing or at least not starting with a blank page?

      Compare and contrast these, if so.

      Link to: https://hyp.is/DJd2hDUQEe2BMGv-WFSnVQ/www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1360144X.2016.1210153

  5. Aug 2021
  6. Jun 2021
  7. Jan 2021
    1. This is open-source. You can always fork and maintain that fork yourself if you feel that's warranted. That's how this project started in the first place, so I know the feeling.
    1. I’m not a dev either, so no Ubuntu fork, but I will perhaps be forced to look at Debian testing, without some advantages of Ubuntu - but now that Unity is gone (and I deeply regret it), gap would not be so huge anymore…
    2. If folks want to get together and create a snap-free remix, you are welcome to do so. Ubuntu thrives on such contribution and leadership by community members. Do be aware that you will be retreading territory that Ubuntu developers trod in 2010-14, and that you will encounter some of the same issues that led them to embrace snap-based solutions. Perhaps your solutions will be different. .debs are not perfect, snaps are not perfect. Each have advantages and disadvantages. Ubuntu tries to use the strengths of both.
  8. Nov 2020
  9. Sep 2020
  10. Jul 2020
    1. In fact, developers often tend to forget a simple, almost elementary fact: if users want to close the application or leave a site, they will — doesn’t matter which obstacles are placed on their path to the exit-button. The more obstacles there are the more negative the user experience will be.
  11. Nov 2019
    1. It’s not enough to check the stuff that is suspicious: if you apply your investigations selectively, you’ve already lost the battle.

      This made me reflection on biases. If our research methodology is biased from the very beginning, then everything that comes after will also be biased.

  12. Feb 2019
  13. Jan 2019
    1. enforce some kind of coherence

      This is where the Enlightenment, which thinks of divisions and categories as things discovered by the rational mind, is in trouble, because those rational minds start turning inward on themselves.

  14. Sep 2017
  15. Mar 2016
  16. Oct 2015
  17. apartmentstories2016.files.wordpress.com apartmentstories2016.files.wordpress.com
    1. The bridge is a thing; it gathers the fourfold but in such a ~ay that it allows a site for the fourfold.


  18. May 2015
    1. I've been spending a lot of time lately learning how to use Selenium WebDriver, the premier automation toolkit for functional testing of Web software.

      A /lot/ of time. But it's turning out to be well spent.