11 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2024
    1. 3:08 "the whole cult basically ran the town<br /> except for a few diehards who didn't want to give their houses up"<br /> that was the osho cult's main problem: conservative idiots.<br /> in natural order, you would simply kill such enemies.<br /> in civilization, such enemies are protected and will destroy your cult...

  2. Dec 2023
    1. in many parts of the world you see a kind of conservative suicide that conservatives are abandoning their kind of traditional role to slow down and conserve 00:26:09 institutions and traditions and so forth and they still call themselves conservatives but they become this kind of new radical party which is more about ignoring traditions and destroying 00:26:23 institutions and then it becomes the job of liberals to be the audience of the institutions
      • for: insight - conservatives destroying instead of conserving
    2. what you see in a lot of modern politics is this delicate dance between conservatives and 00:24:40 liberals which I think that uh uh for many generations they agreed on the basics their main disagreement was about the pace that both conservatives and 00:24:52 liberals they basically agree we need some rules and also we need the ability to to change the rules but the conservatives prefer a much slower Pace
      • for: quote - social constructs - liberals and conservatives, social norms - liberals and conservatives, insight - social norms

      • in other words

      • insight

        • the tug of war between liberals and conservatives is one of the difference in pace of accepting new social norms
      • adjacency between

        • social norms
        • liberal vs conservative
        • stories
      • adjacency statement
        • When stories are different between different cultural groups, the pace of accepting the new social norm can need quite different due b to the stories being very different
  3. Aug 2023
  4. Nov 2022
  5. Apr 2022
  6. Nov 2021
    1. Η σύνθεση του δικαστηρίου που αποφυλάκισε τον Πατέλη: πρόεδρος Κουζέλη Ουρανία, μέλη Πολέμη Μόσχα, Κοτσίφη Ευτέρπη, Τρίκα Μαρία, Ρουσέα Αριστέα (όπως είπαμε, μία από τις δύο τελευταίες εφέτες, που αντικατέστησαν αυτοεξαιρεθέντες συναδέλφους τους, ψήφισε κατά της αποφυλάκισης Πατέλη). Εισαγγελέας Κούτρας Ιωάννης.

      Μα τι συντηρητικά που ειναι τα μικρά ονόματα των γυναικών δικαστικών? Ευτέρπη, Ουρανία, Αριστέα...λες κι ειμαστε σε ταινία του [[Σακελλάριος]], το '50! Μηπως το "επαγγελμα του Δικαστή" πάει σόι στην Ελλάδα? Μηπως πρεπει να σπασει το άβατο με ενορκους?

  7. Mar 2021
  8. Aug 2020
    1. Harper, Craig A., and Darren Rhodes. ‘Ideological Responses to the Breaking of COVID-19 Social Distancing Recommendations’, 19 August 2020. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/dkqj6.

    2. Harper, Craig A., and Darren Rhodes. ‘Ideological Responses to the Breaking of COVID-19 Social Distancing Recommendations’, 19 August 2020. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/dkqj6.

    3. Harper, Craig A., and Darren Rhodes. ‘Ideological Responses to the Breaking of COVID-19 Social Distancing Recommendations’, 19 August 2020. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/dkqj6.