65 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2024
    1. This seems to be more than just a thin wrapper like https://github.com/rainerschuster/final-form-material-ui was. I kind of prefer the simplicity of focus of final-form-material-ui.

      This appears to be attempting to do too much. Though if it gives you exactly what you want, great.

  2. Mar 2022
    1. onChange

      The callback seems to receive 2 arguments. e and reactChild

      In the past I got the selected value using e.target.value This seems to work.

      Not sure of the use of the reactChild element that the callback receives.

      Another important note regarding recording the recorded value of the select is noted in the "value" prop explanition ( below, on this very page )

  3. Feb 2022
    1. Changing the semantic element

      You might want to turn it into a span for any number of reasons. eg if you want one word in a sentence to be another color / style eg. I wear a red hat

      <Typography component="div" > Contact Details : <Typography component="div" display="inline" variant="body2" color="black"> elroinoronha2@gmail.com </Typography> </Typography>

      (copy it to a code editor for the code to make sense)

      is a good solution since it defeats the "h1 cannot be a child of h1" DOM error + let us use the sx prop.

      We would not be able to use sx prop to style the inline part if we would use the native <span> component ie. <Typography > yo mama <span> so fat </span> </Typography>

      You would have to use inline style styling instead.

    1. Another option (at least in v5) is to use the Box component and select the underlying html element to be img as given in the example below (copied from official docs for v5)

      This <Box/> method is the preffered way of doing it. The <Paper/> method too is a good idea. The basic reasoning is that only MUI components support the sx prop ie. only they can fully use the MUI systems features. Thus, it doesnt make sense to use the native <img/> component in the markup, as it does not support sx

    1. The SX prop does not work with non MUI components eg. native <img/> component. To style this, you will have to use the native inline styling ie. <img style=" ............". /> If you want to style the img and use some MUI system specific features, ie. you need to use sx ; do the following. Use <Box component="img" sx={{ }} /> instead. This supports the sx prop, thus your image will be customizable with sx prop.

    1. Color

      The color prop does not support all MUI theme colors / their shades DIRECTLY through its color prop. Eg. The color prop supports primary but not primary.main/dark. It does not support the palette warning color at all.

      To remedy this you have 2 options 1 BETTER -- give the icon the desired color through the sx prop OR 2. wrap the icon in a box and give the box to desired color

  4. May 2021
  5. Jan 2021
  6. Dec 2020
  7. Nov 2020
    1. After a few hours experimenting (updated NPM, NODE, ...) I found that renaming _smui-theme.scss to smui-theme.scss (without underscore prefix) solved the problem. I don't understand the mechanics behind (why in documentation is file with prefix).
  8. Sep 2020
  9. Aug 2020
    1. I found that many people have bad experience when it comes to styling in Material-UI, so I want to help them overcome that point and see the beauty of it.
  10. Jul 2020
  11. Nov 2019
    1. Since the checkbox is rendering an input I would work with it rather than focusing on the image. You could do something like this: const checkbox = getByTestId('checkbox-1234').querySelector('input[type="checkbox"]') expect(checkbox).toHaveProperty('checked', true)
    2. the way Material UI works is it renders a different SVG when the checkbox is clicked, and not changing the attributes or anything on the actual input element. So how do I actually test that the element is checked in line with the react-testing-library philosophy?

      These tags belong to entire page. This quote is just supporting evidence for the tags.

  12. Oct 2019
  13. Sep 2019
  14. Aug 2019
    1. Customization of the TextField can be cumbersome with the classes API, where you have to define the the classes prop. It's easier to use the default values, as described above. For example:

      It's surprising that they show an example using styled-components, which is a competing style library to their own @material-ui/styles, and even admit that this might be preferred over using the classes API, which they admit may be cumbersome.

      I like that they are open-minded enough to acknowledge that there are cases where built-in API may be too cumbersome, and even show examples of using styled-components.

    1. Demonstrates how label text will wrap at a point that appears to narrow when shrunk (the label can't even be as wide as the input it is labeling!), and how to work around this problem by adding styles:

        '& label': {
          whiteSpace: 'nowrap'

      Of course, you would only want to do this if you are going to only be showing the label in shrunk state (which I think is safe to say is the case for date picker inputs), since it would look bad to actually have text overflowing outside of the input box. But if it's in "shrink" state, then it's actually above the input, so as long as there isn't another input/label directly to the right, and/or as long as we adjust the width so the right side of the label mostly lines up with the right side of the input, then I think we should be safe.


      The input label "shrink" state isn't always correct. The input label is supposed to shrink as soon as the input is displaying something. In some circumstances, we can't determine the "shrink" state (number input, datetime input, Stripe input). You might notice an overlap.

      To workaround the issue, you can force the "shrink" state of the label.

      You need to make sure that the input is larger than the label to display correctly.

  15. Oct 2018