- Dec 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
we need to build this this again this bridge and it's obviously not going to be written in the 00:50:41 same style or standard as your kind of deep academic papers if you think this is uh U unnecessary or irrelevant then you end up with is a scientific 00:50:56 Community which talks only to itself in language that nobody else understands and you live the general Republic uh uh prey to a lot of very 00:51:09 unscientific conspiracy theories and mythologies and theories about the world
for: academic communication to the public - importance, elites - two types, key insight - elites, key insight - science communication
key insight
- Elites are necessary in every society
- Historically, people who strongly believe that the current elites aren't necessary or are harmful often become the revolutionaries who become the new elites
- elites need to speak in their own specialist language to each other but there are two kinds of elites
- those who serve society
- those who serve themselves
- often, we have fox in sheep's clothing - elites who serve themselves but disguise themselves in the language of elites who serve others in order to gain access to power ,
- we normally think of wealthy people as elites, but Harari classifies scientists as also a kind of elite
- elites may be necessary but
- We are caught in a double bind, a wicked problem as elites are also the world's greatest per capita energy consumers and their outsized ecological, consumption and energy footprint is now a existential threat to the survival of our species
- Kevin Anderson: A Habitable Earth Can No Longer Afford The Rich – And That Could Mean Me And You
- The role of high-socioeconomic-status people in locking in or rapidly reducing energy-driven greenhouse gas emissions
- Millionaire spending incompatible with 1.5 °C ambitions
- Sep 2021
blogs.bmj.com blogs.bmj.com
People’s Covid Inquiry: Impact of covid on frontline staff and key workers—The BMJ. (n.d.). Retrieved September 1, 2021, from https://blogs.bmj.com/bmj/2021/08/27/peoples-covid-inquiry-impact-of-covid-on-frontline-staff-and-key-workers/?utm_campaign=shareaholic&utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=socialnetwork
- travel
- risk
- protection
- transmission
- risk assessment
- inequality
- is:blog
- London underground
- key worker
- safety
- UK
- COVID-19
- ventilation
- resources
- mental health
- frontline staff
- wellbeing
- hospitalization
- response
- lang:en
- public transport
- government
- People's Covid Inquiry
- work exposure
- face mask
- Jun 2021
www.ibm.com www.ibm.com
So, what problem is blockchain solving for identity if PII is not being stored on the ledger? The short answer is that blockchain provides a transparent, immutable, reliable and auditable way to address the seamless and secure exchange of cryptographic keys. To better understand this position, let us explore some foundational concepts.
What problem is blockchain solving in the SSI stack?
It is an immutable (often permissionless) and auditable way to address the seamless and secure exchange of cryptographic keys.
- Nov 2020
docs-prod.vmware.com docs-prod.vmware.com
awk '{print $2}' /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key.pub | base64 -d | sha256sum -b | sed 's/ .*$//' | xxd -r -p | base64 | sed 's/.//44g' | awk '{print "SHA256:"$1}'
- Jul 2020
www.sos.ca.gov www.sos.ca.gov
prevent its disclosure to any person not authorized to create the subscriber's digital signature
So the signature can be used by another entity to create the digital signature if authorized beforehand.
So if there is a statement that "I authorize [organization] to create a cryptographic key-pair on my behalf, and create the digital signature."
eprint.iacr.org eprint.iacr.org431.pdf1
compressed public keypk2={bi t,(t1,t2,t3)∈(Z2e2)3,A∈Fp2,ent_bi t,r∈Z256}