16 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2024
    1. Noguchi Yukio 野口悠紀雄 argues that for the individual researcher, classification is an endless and fruitless task (1993, 1995, 1999, 2000), and proposes that library-type classification by subject be discarded in favor of chronological ordering (that is, ordering on the basis of what document has last been used). His method basically involves putting all material into A4 envelopes and placing the most recently used envelope at the end of the row.
    1. Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting (FACS).  From sorting cells for single cell genomics to identifying the host range of a plasmid; from detecting metabolically active cells in an environmental sample to studying colitogenic-driving intestinal bacteria, FACS can be used in a multitude of applications to study microbial communities (Rinke et al. 2014, Klumper et al. 2015, Kalyuzhnaya et al. 2008, Hatzenpichler et al. 2016, Palm et al. 2014).
  2. Mar 2023
    1. Abb. 9 Im Normalfall erarbeitete man jedoch eine detaillierte interne Feinsortierung des Belegmaterials häufiger Wörter. Naturgemäß hätte jede Dimension der Analyse (chronologisch, grammatisch, semantisch, graphisch) die Grundlage einer eigenen Sortierordnung bilden können.

      Alternate sort orders for the slips for the Wb include chronological, grammatical, semantic, and graphic, but for teasing out the meanings the original sort order was sufficient. Certainly other sort orders may reveal additional subtleties.

    1. How do you store and classify index cards? I usually have boxes that fit my index cards, and add a plastic tab with the reference in Author (Date) format. Other people use different classification systems (by keyword, by topic, by author). I just recommend that the process be consistent across.

      Pacheco-Vega stores his card with plastic tabs labeled by the references rather than by keyword or topic.

      He does recommend consistency in filing though.

  3. Oct 2022
    1. I can't quite grasp this concept, although it seems interesting for my specific case. Isn't the index box supposed to be organized by alphabetical order? How can personal notes be placed right in such an order?

      los2pollos reply to: https://www.reddit.com/r/antinet/comments/y5un81/comment/it667sq/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

      There are a wide variety of methods of organizing and sorting one's note cards including by topic (usually alphabetical), by date, by idea, by author, by title, etc.

      If you're using it as a diary, you'd probably keep that subsection in order by date written, and then potentially have it cross indexed by subject if those things were important to you.

      If you kept other information like mood, health, activities, exercise, glasses of water per day (for example) on them, you could resort and re-order them by those data as well if you liked. And naturally, this ability to resort/reorder one's notes has been one of the greatest features and affordances to these systems historically.

  4. Jul 2022
  5. May 2022
    1. Card Sorting ابتدا فعالیتی که بیشترین و کمترین زمان رو میگیره هر فرد میذاره روی میز!(با نظر جمع هست این دو تا کارت) فعالیت های رو بین این دوتا میچنند و اتفاقعهایی که یک اندازه میپیرند زیر هم میگیرند

      سپس نظرات رو با هم مقایسه میکنند اگه اخاتلاف نبود که هیچ اگه بود که با هم صحبت میکنند

  6. Apr 2022
    1. …and they are typically sorted: chronologically: newest items are displayed firstthrough data: most popular, trending, votesalgorithmically: the system determines what you see through your consumption patterns and what it wants you to seeby curation: humans determine what you seeby taxonomy: content is displayed within buckets of categories, like Wikipedia Most media entities employ a combination of the above.

      For reading richer, denser texts what is the best way of ordering and sorting it?

      Algorithmically sorting with a pseudo-chronological sort is the best method for social media content, but what is the most efficient method for journal articles? for books?

  7. Nov 2021
    1. wn written cultures material is typically sorted alphabeticallySor by some other method of linguistic ordering such as the number ofstrokes in qhinese charactersTW or systematicallyW according to various sysXtems that strive to map or hierarchize the relations between the items storedSincluding those of uoogle or ffiahooTW or miscellaneouslyY

      What about the emergence of non-hierarchal methods? (Can these logically be sorted somehow without this structure?)

      With digital commonplacing methods, I find that I can sort and search for things temporally by date and time as well as by tag/heading.

      Cross reference:

    2. wn oral cultures the sorting function canbe performedW for exampleW by integration into a narrative Sstorytelling orbardic poetryTY

      The sorting function is also done by mental links from one space to another similar to the method of loci in Western culture. cross reference the idea of songlines

  8. May 2020
    1. In PostrgreSQL 8.4 and up you can use: select array_agg(x) from (select unnest(ARRAY[1,5,3,7,2]) AS x order by x) as _; But it will not be very fast.
    2. The best way to sort an array of integers is without a doubt to use the intarray extension, which will do it much, much, much faster than any SQL formulation: CREATE EXTENSION intarray; SELECT sort( ARRAY[4,3,2,1] );
  9. Nov 2019
  10. Oct 2017
    1. SomescholarshavechallengedthesortingeffectsoftheGooglesearchenginetohighlightthatitsoperation(1)isbasedondecisionsinscribedintoalgorithmsthatfavouranddiscriminatecontent,(2)issubjecttopersonalization,localization,andselection,and(3)threatensprivacy
    2. Whileblockingisoftengivenmoreattention,ofgreaterconcernishowsortingorganizesaccesstoknowledgeinmoreperniciousways.‘Googling’hasbecomearegularizedactionforfindingknowledgeinwaysthatareoftentakenforgrantedornotproblematizedbutsopervasiveanddominantthatthesearchenginehasgivenrisetotheterm‘googlization.’ThetermiscoinedtosuggestthatGoogleaffectseverything

