1,029 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2018
    1. Education professionals argue that the use of computers and other technologies increases the amount of information students will retain from a lesson because the student is more likely to be engaged in participatory learning than passive learning.

      POSITIVE/NEGATIVE It is dependent upon the schooling district, as well as teachers to whether or not they want to incorporate technology into their classrooms. It is also a matter of budget distribution between certain curriculums on whether or not they would be able to use technology.

    2. They warn that technology must be applied thoughtfully to maximize its benefits and minimize its potential for disruption and distraction. Social justice activists have also voiced concern that technology can widen the education gap between the rich and poor by creating a digital divide that provides a head start to students from affluent communities who experience greater access and receive better training with regard to technology than students without those opportunities.

      NEGATIVE Not everyone is able to have access to the internet, which sets specific groups of people behind others unintentionally because they do not have the luxury of technology incorporated into the classroom. Learning gap.

    3. Personal computing allows students to engage with learning material in ways distinct from those available to previous generations. Learning tools, online resources, and assistive technologies have the potential to stoke creativity, increase retention, and reduce unnecessary obstacles to learning.

      POSITIVE This shows some encouraging ways in why technology has even made an appearance in education and why it is considered as a viable option to learning.

    1. Worryingly, zoos teach children that humans can control nature. They demonstrate that if an irreplaceable natural habitat is destroyed by our actions, we can pluck individual animals out of the destruction, manipulate their breeding cycle and produce more of them to live in city centre zoos or safari parks thereby "saving" the species

      Zoos prevent the public from the realization that humans can't just do whatever they want and then save the animals who are endangered as a result of their actions. Instead it makes us think that regardless of how small habitats get, we can just "pluck" animals out and put them in captivity.

    2. What it fails to demonstrate to the child [is] the urgency of the need for habitat conservation, or the complexity of the role of the tiger in its natural habitat, or the ways in which that child could aid the conservation of the species in reality.

      Zoos could be much more effective if they were to help demonstrate why this animal was in captivity, how people can help with habitat conservation, or even demonstrate the vital role animals play in their ecosystems

    3. By showing a tiger in a cage to a child, a zoo can teach that child nothing more than the size of a tiger, the colour of a tiger and the shape of a tiger. A zoo shows the animal completely out of context, outside of its natural habitat and the ecosystem it was designed to inhabit.

      While zoos enable people to see animals that they otherwise wouldn't be able to see in their day to day lives, prevent people from learning how animals act in their natural habitats and what behaviors they have

    1. Facts and Statistics Anxiety disorders are the most common psychiatric illnesses affecting children and adults. An estimated 44 million American adults suffer from anxiety disorders. Only about one-third of those suffering from an anxiety disorder receive treatment, even though the disorders are highly treatable. Find more facts about anxiety disorders.

      Facts and statistics will be key to this research essay because they will bring things into perspective and reality. To know that in America alone, 44 million people suffer from anxiety disorders. To know that these disorders are the most common psychiatric illness affecting children and adults is important to know about our society. Clicking the link provided will be a great source of information.

    2. Anxiety disorders are real, serious medical conditions - just as real and serious as physical disorders such as heart disease or diabetes. Anxiety disorders are the most common and pervasive mental disorders in the United States. The term "anxiety disorder" refers to specific psychiatric disorders that involve extreme fear or worry, and includes generalized anxiety disorder (GAD),  panic disorder and panic attacks, agoraphobia, social anxiety disorder, selective mutism, separation anxiety, and specific phobias. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are closely related to anxiety disorders, which some may experience at the same time as depression. What is Anxiety? (from ADAA's partner organization Anxiety.org) is an in-depth analysis and explanation of key anxiety disorders written by ADAA member experts. 

      Although everyone deals with occasional anxiety, there are serious conditions of anxiety that can lead to unfortunate circumstances. In this research paper, it would be important to define the different types of anxiety and explain how different all of them can be and how serious their effects are. To get a full image of anxiety, before researching and writing about it, would help to avoid little mistakes and misunderstandings about the medical condition.

    3. It's a normal part of life to experience occasional anxiety.

      It is important to define the subject of the research paper with clear definitions and examples. Anxiety has become much more prominent in today's society because of mental health. The reason this quote would be great in this article is because it is important to understand that now, just about everybody deals with occasional anxiety and it is not a disease or injury.

    1. Drones kill very few "high-value" targets with alleged leadership roles in al Qaeda or anti-US Taliban factions

      In a previous argument in this article it talks about how drone strikes kill dozens of high level commanders in four countries.

    2. Drones kill fewer civilians, as a percentage of total fatalities, than any other military weapon.

      Good point to bring up because a big part of why people think we should stop drone attacks is because of the amount of civilians we kill.

    3. Under international humanitarian law, the targeted individual must be directly participating in hostilities with the United States

      Contradicts a previous part of the article.

    4. Article 51 applies if the targeted state agrees to the use of force in its territory, or the targeted group operating within its territory was responsible for an act of aggression against the targeting state where the host state is unwilling or unable to control the threat themselves

      Big part of why we say it is ok for the U.S. to use drones.

    5. Drone strikes are cheaper than engaging in ground or manned aerial combat

      Good point to support my argument from multiple directions.

    6. Drone strikes target individuals who may not be terrorists or enemy combatants.

      Large part of the argument of why people think we should stop using drone strikes

    7. Drone strikes make the United States safer by decimating terrorist networks across the world

      Good point towards my argument.

    1. there are a couple of points that are important to know:
      1. The effect is extremely short-lived with the enhancement in spatial reasoning only lasting for 10-15 minutes.
      2. The improvement is restricted to a quite abstract mental rotation task that is only a small part of the question when assessing intelligence.
      3. Other studies were not able to replicate this finding.

      This is interesting because this is the first time that someone has gone into the original study and analyzed it while comparing it to other studies, looking at the science of it, and the actual time frame that it works for.

      These ideas are from the British Journal of Development and were written by P Mckelvie and J Law in 2002.

    2. Participants underwent three learning sessions and were tested one week later. The results show that participants tend to perform better on the final test when they had listened to music while studying vocabulary. However, the author of that study acknowledges that not all participants seemed to have benefitted to the same extent from listening to background music during studying.

      Another study that was performed that starts to look at the difference in listening to music while studying and the difference from person to person.

      From the book Language Learning by AMB de Groot in 2006.

    3. One idea why listening to background music while studying or performing a task may be potentially beneficial has been put forward by Schellenberg and colleagues (3) in their arousal-emotion/mood-activation hypothesis.

      Music that puts you in a positive mood has a positive effect on your performance.

      From the book Psychology of Music by EG Schellenberg, T Nakata, PG Hunter, and S Tamoto in 2007.

    4. Your personality seems also to play a role on whether you will benefit at all from listening to your favourite tunes while studying.

      I have seen before that it depends from person to person, however, this is the first time that I am reading that personality may be the cause for that... look up more on the relationship between music and personalities.

    5. If you ask people in the general public about this effect, they will probably say something along the lines: Oh yes, listening to music by Mozart makes you smarter. However, this statement is not only completely false, but is also a misinterpretation of the Mozart Effect. The Mozart Effect is a brief enhancement of spatial-temporal abilities in college students after listening to a Mozart piano sonata.

      Summary of the Mozart effect misunderstanding followed by a description of what the effect really is. Compare with some of the other definitions found to come up with a good one.

    6. Does it make a difference at all what they are listening to while studying?

      This is an important question to consider as people tend to think it doesn't and make a choice on the benefits of music based on that.

    1. “As a species we are very highly attuned to reading social cues,” says Dr. Catherine Steiner-Adair, a clinical psychologist and author of The Big Disconnect. “There’s no question kids are missing out on very critical social skills. In a way, texting and online communicating—it’s not like it creates a nonverbal learning disability, but it puts everybody in a nonverbal disabled context, where body language, facial expression, and even the smallest kinds of vocal reactions are rendered invisible.”

      The lack of communication is creating a lag when teenagers have in-person interactions

    1. Since the 1980s, high ocean temperature conducive to coral bleaching has become three times more likely

      In just over three decades, high ocean temperatures conducive to bleaching have become three times more likely, which leads me to infer that this trend will continue in decades to come.

    2. communities that rely on reefs for fish and tourism

      Millions of people globally rely on coral reefs as a source of income, to food supply, for tourism, and as a breakwater for storms.

    3. “If greenhouse gas emissions are not drastically reduced, most reefs will see annual bleaching by mid-century,”

      This would leave no recovery time for the reefs and likely lead to the eradication of coral reefs.

    4. The previous two global bleaching events on tropical reefs in 1998 and 2010 did not repeat in subsequent years.

      Global bleaching events are occurring more frequently which gives reefs less recovery time.

    1. In the Home Office

      I like how they serparate what parts of your life you can make a difference in like home office.. etc

    2. If American households were more judicious about laundry, each year they would save enough water to fill more than 7 million swimming pools. When you do wash, put full loads (saving 3,400 gallons of water a year) in cold water.

      This is a crazy number! Little things like this can make a HUGE difference if everybody made the change

    3. It will automatically adjust the heat or the air-conditioning to match your daily patterns.

      I didnt know that you could do this and I think its something that people would benefit from knowing.

    1. The strategies are applied too generally, they say, as an inflexible, regulatory "blueprint"

      One "blueprint" will not fix every species. The environments surrounding each and every animal are different. The circumstances vary greatly between species, their location, their status, their popularity (everyone knows about polar bears and rhinos, but who knows about the Kakapo?) etc.

    1. • 62 percent say the amount they pay for medical care will increase. • 47 percent think they’ll be worse off when it becomes law. • 70 percent believe the federal budget deficit will go up — contrary to repeated claims from Democrats. • 56 percent view Obamacare as creating too much government involvement in health care.
    1. Play is a remarkably creative process that fosters emotional health, imagination, original thinking, problem solving, critical thinking, and self-regulation.

      Definition of play, and what it does to the human being

    2. Kids need first-hand engagement — they need to manipulate objects physically, engage all their senses, and move and interact with the 3-dimensional world.

      Kids need physical engagement for brain development

    3. We have many decades of theory and research in child development that tell us so much about how young children learn. We know that, like children all over the world and throughout time, children need to play.

      Children need to be able to play in order to develop their brains

    1. March 23, 2010: President Obama signs the Affordable Care Act into law. “We did not fear our future, we shaped it,” he says.
    2. March 2010:
    1. After all, rationally considered, how can you love and hate somebody at the same time?

      great question! one that I have as well.

    1. Being glum can be advantageous and has been shown to sharpen our eye for detail, for instance. But, overall, the brain seems geared towards maintaining a mildly positive frame of mind. Being in a good mood makes us more likely to seek new experiences, be creative, plan ahead, procreate and adapt to changing conditions.

      counters the argument

    2. Many regions fundamental to mood are buried deep in the most primordial parts of the brain; that is, they are thought to have been among the first to develop in the human species. This is probably because mood is evolutionarily important.

      this shows how mood has a huge effect on us.

    1. the effects of music on study habits are dependent on the student and their style of learning. If easily distracted, students should most likely avoid music so they can keep their focus on their work.

      Again this is mentioned, this is definitely something that should be involved when choosing to listen or not!!!

    2. 'Mozart effect', a term coined from a study that suggested listening to music could actually enhance intelligence

      Mentioned in another article, however, they said that the mozart effect is something completely different and was misunderstood to enhance intelligence.

    1. you get the most brain activity just after, or between, intense musical movements.

      This is very interesting, and something that I would like continue deeper in order to understand how it is that music really effects the brain. I wonder if it is this way for everyone or just a majority/minority of people.

    2. music 'lights up' areas of the brain involved with making predictions, paying attention and committing details to memory.

      This is good! This is some proof other than studies based on studying that show the effects that music has on the brain. The fact that is 'lights up' seems to be a positive.

    3. The term referred to Dr. Tomatis' finding that listening to Mozart could temporarily improve performance on certain spatial-temporal reasoning tasks, such as the Stanford-Binet IQ test.

      An explanation on why this idea of listening to music while studying is called the 'mozart effect'. Good for using when explaining the idea of it. Commonly misunderstood, as people believed listening to Mozart mad one smarter.

    1. Students should try the combination of studying and music to see if it works for them.

      Try things out for ones self to see if it works because everyone is different and that includes studying.

    2. can quickly turn the combination of music and studying into an unproductive idea.

      This is something very important to consider. It has been something mentioned regularly. I should look at some more specific types of music that can help and hinder, that isn't just classical and screamo.

    3. keeps a student awake.

      This is interesting, I hadn't thought about the fact that people could be using music to fall asleep. It may good to research the effects of music on someones sleep and see if this is fact.

    4. Ultimately, every student should figure out his or her own answer to the question

      I have seen quite a bit that it depends on the people especially since each person has a different learning type, and while music might help some, it may only hinder others.

    1. music is very likely better than Facebook and Twitter, and in a world where multitasking has become extremely common because everything is on one device, some students find music helps keep them focused while studying.

      It is a good thing that it allows people who would usually be distracted to concentrate because without that people may struggle. I also think that it is important to see that having media distracts while the music can help concentrate.

    2. Music has a profound impact on our state of being, altering everything from mood to heart rate.

      I didn't know that music had such a strong affect on people, so strong in fact that it can change their heart rate. I wonder if that is because of the way it can change your mood, or that the sound waves do something...

    1. The brain regions on their list process conflict, pain, social isolation, memory, reward, attention, body sensations, decision making and emotional displays, all of which can contribute to feeling sad. Sadness triggers also vary—for example, the memory of a personal loss; a friend stressing over a work conflict; seeing a desolate film.

      interesting study continued...

    2. In 22 studies, brain scans were performed on nondepressed but sad volunteers. Sadness was mostly induced (subjects were shown sad pictures or films, asked to remember a sad event), although, in a couple of studies, subjects had recently experienced a loss. In the aggregate, sadness appeared to cause altered activity in more than 70 different brain regions.

      interesting study

    1. After getting a glimpse of joy, why do some people immediately shift back to what doesn't work?

      good question

    2. For some, happiness is fleeting and depends on their present circumstances, whereas others seem to be generally happy or generally unhappy no matter what is happening in their lives.

      I think this is a very good point.

    3. Interesting study and idea.

    4. A basic assumption of human behavior is that people pursue pleasure and seek to avoid pain. Then why is it that some people seem content to wallow in their misery, even boasting about it as some sort of badge of honor?

      This makes an argument and shows the controversy about the topic.

    1. Gladys's family had a history of mental instability

      I am going to expand on this in my research paper. I am going to elaborate on how this and abuse from the industry's meanest men lead to Marilyn's death.

    1. "In most fields of research there's so much more research on men than on women, but this is one of the rare situations in which there's a lot more research on moms than on dads,"

      Its interesting to see how research can even be plagued by gender stereotypes. Parenting is usually strongly associated with females.

    1. adds numerous preventive benefits to medicare with no cost-sharing
    2. The ACA requires all plans to offer some coverage for mental health and substance abuse care, rehabilitative care such as physical therapy, as well as preventive and pediatric services, including pediatric vision and oral health care.[7]
    3. The ACA requires plans to offer coverage for essential services

      the myth: the ACA made people buy benefits they do not need. the fact:

    4. The ACA has significantly lowered these costs.[1] Almost 83%, or 10.5 million of the 12.7 million people insured through the ACA Marketplace received the law's premium subsidies from November 2015 to February 2016.[2]
    1. Actress Marilyn Monroe was born Norma Jeane Mortenson on June 1, 1926

      I'm going to use this and focus on humanize-ing the aspired bombshell.

    1. “If the local people do not see a benefit of local conservation, then whatever the laws are, they are going to be ineffective,

      People feel the need to be immediately benefited. They will perhaps see the the conservation as an attack on their rights and liberties if they do not see themselves as cared for.

    1. States that expanded Medicaid under the ACA experienced a larger increase in coverage of the chronically ill, the investigators found. On average, Medicaid-expansion states increased coverage by 5.6 percentage points, from 82.8% with insurance before the ACA to 88.5% after the law went into effect. But even states that didn't expand Medicaid experienced an increase, rising 4.2 percentage points from 77.0% before to 81.2% after the ACA was enacted.

      increase in coverage

    2. Millions of Americans with a chronic illness gained health insurance coverage after the Affordable Care Act went into effect in 201
    1. ncrease tax revenue, generate commerce and support the agricultural economy. 


    1. Health care reform works and has already benefited millions of seniors, women, children, and young adults. If at two years the Affordable Care Act is already helping millions of Americans access quality, affordable health care, we have a lot more to look forward to.
    2. Additionally, the Affordable Care Act prohibits insurance companies from spending more than 20 percent of premium dollars on nonmedical expenses such as administrative costs and marketing. If insurers violate the 80/20 standard—also called the Medical Loss Ratio—they must return the money to patients through rebate checks.
    3. For instance, it already eliminated lifetime coverage limits for 105 million Americans, ensuring those who need coverage the most cannot max out their health insurance.

      chronic diseases

    4. $1.25 billion across the country to promote wellness, prevent disease, and protect against public health emergencies.
    5. The fund, designed to help create the necessary infrastructure to prevent and detect disease and manage chronic conditions, creates additional primary care residency slots and increases the number of nurse practitioners trained, among other things.
    6. departments’ joint efforts halted $4.1 billion in fraudulent claims, which is the largest sum ever recovered in a single year from individuals and companies attempting to defraud seniors and taxpayers.
    7. saving billions for taxpayers.
    8. The initiative aims to reduce preventable hospital-acquired conditions and preventable readmissions by 40 and 20 percent, respectively, by 2013.
    9. The Affordable Care Act’s Partnership for Patients: Better Care, Lower Costs

      research this

    10. The payment models the participating organizations are piloting will allow providers to move away from a volume-based, fee-for-service payment system to one based on the quality of care provided.


    11. provide better, more coordinated care to Medicare patients with potential savings of $1.1 billion.
    12. 16 percent lower monthly premiums since 2010.
    13. seniors saved an average of $837 a year—and will save even more in the years ahead. The average Medicare patient will save $4,200 from 2011 to 2021 while those with higher prescription drug costs will save as much as $16,000 over the same period. Since 2010, more than 5 million seniors have saved $3.2 billion.
    14. In the first half of 2012, more than 16 million Medicare beneficiaries received at least one preventive service at no cost to them,
    1. hen to say "that planet is habitable" is impossible, for the time-being at least.

      conclusion: the question is it possible that another habitable planets exists can better be answered. #aplang18

    1. Today, a whopping 30% of Earth’s landmass goes to meat, dairy, and egg production,

      This is a ridiculous and we are wasting so many recources on getting this meat.

    1. Replacing 75% of beef and lamb with chicken and pork could reduce emissions to five gigatons a year. Better yet, if we replaced the ruminant meat with grains and cereals, emissions could be reduced to three gigatons.

      This is a huge number that can make a huge difference

    1. The increase of social media and the Internet, they believe, has reduced face-to-face interactions. This in itself isn’t necessarily bad, except for the fact that these online relationships are easier to ignore whenever it’s convenient.

      This section explains possible reasons as to why we are becoming less sympathetic towards others that the upcoming generations are seeming to inherit as a habit.

    2. Being brought up on a steady diet of violent TV and video games, says Konrath, may deaden our feelings for others, probably in the same way our apathetic attitude toward friends carries over from the Internet.

      There is constant development of more violent video games which does not create mass murderers, but rather desensitizes people from a young age to violence.

    3. According to a comprehensive study from the University of Michigan, we care about others 40 percent less than people in the 1980s did, with the biggest drop-off in empathy occurring after the year 2000. Reasons for this drop in empathy is anyone’s guess, but the increase in media (both social and mainstream) and violent video games have been trotted out as the likely suspects.

      We as a community are becoming less aware of our surroundings due to the increase of use in technology. This leads to us caring less for those who experience strife.

    1. From building a wall along the entirety of the U.S.-Mexico border to tackling reform of the U.S. immigration system to reduce admissions

      can't build the wall

    2. cutting temporary protections for noncitizens established by prior administrations
    3. Trump’s Arizona speech has proven a remarkably clear roadmap for understanding his priorities since entering the White House.

      he was unable to follow through completely on his plan

    1. Music’s effects on study habits will vary from person to person, and can also be affected by what you’re listening to — the genre of the music, how loud it is, etc.

      This seems to be a very important idea because a lot of people study differently and it is good to keep that in mind when studying something that can vary so differently from person to person.

    2. Because music can impact and regulate your mood and the best mood to study in is a more relaxed mood, choosing music that helps you relax but also with enough beat or rhythm to ensure you don’t zone out while studying is crucial. But music that’s too loud or with too much of an upbeat tempo can also be distracting, so having a playlist or specific artist you turn to for studying music can really help.

      The fact that they give guidelines for the type of music that should be used or not is helpful. These requirements are quite easy to reach and with the broad choices in music, people have a better chance of having music that fits their taste while also keeping them focused.

    3. “Music with lyrics is very likely to have a problematic effect when you’re writing or reading. Probably less of an effect on math, if you’re not using the language parts of your brain,” Nass said. “In my day, there was no way you could take music to the library. When [today's students] go to the library to study, they bring their noise, and music, with them.”

      Said by Stanford Professor Clifford Nass, in http://college.usatoday.com/2012/09/10/should-you-listen-to-music-while-you-study/. He brings up some good points as people could accidentally take what they are hearing and connect it to the words they are writing/reading. Look at difference between concentration for math and english.

    4. “Can preference for background music mediate the irrelevant sound effect,” explored how music can interfere with short-term memory potential.

      Dr. Nick Preham's study in 2010, follows the idea the music can interfere with short term memory. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/acp.1731/abstract is his full paper.

    5. music may diminish your cognitive abilities in these situations because when you’re trying to memorize things in order, you can get thrown off and confused by the various words and notes in the song playing in the background

      Interesting because on the flip side it may help people to focus if there is something canceling out the noise of the outside world. I should look up the difference between distraction from music and from noises of the world.

    1. Particularly, says Fogle, when not putting a suffering animal down: "The most tormenting set of circumstances is when the owner won't allow it.

      Or the law, when comparing to PAS

    2. "As the years go by, it gets more difficult." Experience, he explains, makes vets more confident in their diagnoses – which just leaves more time to consider the plight of both animal and owner. "One of my contemporaries can no longer put animals down," he says. "He can help owners with the decision, but he gets one of his colleagues to administer the injection."

      Emotional effect on the administerer

    3. he's seen animals die of everything, and hasn't yet seen one way to go that is "anything like as nice for an animal as being put to sleep".

      Comparison with Physician Assisted Suicide

    4. A 2012 study found that a third of veterinary students had experienced depression, compared to around an eighth in the general population. Vets are also three to four times more likely to take their own lives – significantly more than doctors.

      Potential correlation between euthanasia and depression/ suicide.

    5. Even PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), which has questioned the morality of using guide dogs, agrees that "euthanasia, performed properly, is often the most compassionate option" to "prevent the suffering of unwanted animals in the most responsible and humane way possible".

      Perspective pro euthanasia from PETA

    6. probably the last one that anybody considers is the vet

      The vet or the physician. Such a significant procedure calls for a significant impact on doctors.

    1. the idea that there's something wrong with you if you need good social ties to be happy is silly--and destructive.

      we train ourselves to think this way, and it is unhealthy, because we are keeping ourselves from happiness by not letting ourselves depend on others and make deep connections.

    1. Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug in the United States.1 Its use is widespread among young people. In 2015, more than 11 million young adults ages 18 to 25 used marijuana in the past year

      If people knew how badly it hurt young adults I don't think as many people would be using it, but they aren't educated on what it does to your IQ levels.

    1. The women of India often have to endure the worst living conditions. India is ranked as the fourth most dangerous country for a woman to live in, topped only by Afghanistan, DR Congo and Pakistan. Harassments and violence against Indian women occurs both in the public and private sphere. Domestic violence and violence in close relationships are widely spread.

      religion cause of this? other countries what relgion are they

    2. The country also tops the world list of children suffering from malnutrition. They also have the highest number of illiterates. 270 million people don’t know how to read and write; 2/3 of them are women.

      important stat- over half of the illiterates are women shows that women arent given the opportunity to read and those that are are very rare (only 1/3)

    1. Forms and types of sex or gender discrimination

      good resource for coming up with ideas on how women are discriminated against in the workplace.

    2. female” tasks and skills are devaluated in the labour market

      stereotyping tasks and jobs is an issue today, people associate everything with a gender. However, the things people consider womens tasks are not seen as valuable to our society today.

    3. An increase in the percentage of women in an occupation has a large downward effect on its wage rank

      more women in a field makes the salary of that job lower generally. Depending upon the average gender of the field, the wages are decided.

    1. Interestingly, even our interactions with people we do not know that well give us a sense that we are part of that larger community

      Both large and small interactions matter, larger ones make more of a difference, but smaller ones bring us into our surrounding community as well.

    2. Strong ties were particularly important. On days when people interacted many times with their strong ties, they reported that they were happier and felt more like they belonged to the community than when they interacted fewer times with their strong ties

      The more time we spend with the people we are close to, the more interactions we have with them, and then we feel better about ourselves. A key to happiness is spending time with others.

    3. So, can weak ties contribute to your happiness?

      daily interactions that aren't serious could be just as important as close relationships. Do we need those to by happy?

    1. A Thomson Reuters Foundation expert poll last year ranked India as the world's fourth most dangerous country for a woman, behind only Afghanistan, Congo and Pakistan.

      religion have an affect on it being the most dangerous?

    2. Authorities acknowledge that action is needed and say they are taking steps to try to better protect women

      organizations out there to carry out actions needed to help women. that is why organizations are made

    3. Indian women, in some ways, have also made some strides. Literacy rates have gone up, maternal mortality rates have gone down, and millions of women have joined the workforce.
    1. the animal products industry is the #1 contributor to climate change. Socially, 80-90% of the world's crops go to feeding our livestock- we could easily feed the world's hungry if everyone adopted a vegan diet. What we choose to put into our bodies greatly impacts others and the world around us.  By adopting a vegan diet, you can help save the environment and improve the lives of others (and yourself!)

      this is how people can change the world and save themselves and the rest of our society

    1. it will be harder to maintain the sense of exclusivity and authenticity the brand's been so successful at trading on

      Very interesting idea and topic.

    2. Every time Supreme releases chunks of new stuff at its ten stores across Europe, America, and Japan—which is every Thursday from the start of each collection—hundreds of people skip school or work to get first dibs.

      Every Thursday, at the start of each collection, hundreds of people skip school or work to get first dibs at Supreme's 10 locations across the globe.

    3. tired Nick; patient Werner; teenagers from Cardiff, Newcastle, and Canterbury; the guy wearing a Supreme sleeping bag like a Snuggie

      This doesn't really matter to the story since there is not much development on these kids.

    1. Although the vegan diet was defined early on in The Vegan Society's beginnings in 1944, it was as late as 1949 before Leslie J Cross pointed out that the society lacked a definition of veganism. He suggested “[t]he principle of the emancipation of animals from exploitation by man”. This is later clarified as “to seek an end to the use of animals by man for food, commodities, work, hunting, vivisection, and by all other uses involving exploitation of animal life by man”.

      history of veganism. might use to give a nice background of what it is.

    1. Removes athletes competitive nature and passion for the game ― Players will take on a “pro mindset” where the only motive is money. They will lose that hunger and passion that we see in college. It will be traded for lackadaisical plays and half-ass efforts that we sometime see from pros.

      While players may have a different mindset, I don't think they will lose their passion for the game that they love. Even if the collegiate players are being paid, many of them are still trying to make it to the next level.

    2. “We do have hungry nights that we don’t have enough money to get food in. Sometimes money is needed. I don’t think you should stretch it out to hundreds of thousands of dollars for playing, because a lot of times guys don’t know how to handle themselves with money. I feel like a student athlete. Sometimes, there’s hungry nights where I’m not able to eat, but I still gotta play up to my capabilities.”

      Interesting quote from a collegiate basketball player who has gone professional. Shows both the pros and cons of paying college athletes.

    3. Financial irresponsibility ― Amateur players receiving compensation just seems like a complete disaster. They don’t know how to manage their money, and there wouldn’t be anyone their to guide their financial decisions. Colin Cowherd states, “I don’t think paying all college athletes is great; not every college is loaded, and most 19-year-olds (are) gonna spend it—and let’s be honest, they’re gonna spend it on weed and kicks!”

      One of the most convincing arguments against paying college athletes. This could cause a lot of legal issues and potentially ruin college sports.

    1. The ability to draw definitive conclusions about marijuana’s long-term impact on the human brain from past studies is often limited by the fact that study participants use multiple substances, and there is often limited data about the participants’ health or mental functioning prior to the study.

      Hard to draw conclusions due to participants using other substances, not knowing what their mental state is, not being able to do the study for a really long time, and more. This makes it hard to truly figure out the result marijuana has on everyone's brains. People's genetics can also change how they test or manage marijuana use.

    2. These results suggest that marijuana has its strongest long-term impact on young people whose brains are still busy building new connections and maturing in other ways.

      I thought marijuana would always effect your brain, but the reason why people were very concerned about it with young adults was just because their IQ scores actually go down, and never recover.

    3. frequent use starting in adolescence was associated with a loss of an average of 6 or up to 8 IQ points measured in mid-adulthood

      Depending on how much you use marijuana and what age you were when you used it, it can severely effect your brain. Sometimes I feel as if it would be hard to test the IQ because people aren't using IQ tests that often.

    4. Other studies have not found significant structural differences between the brains of people who do and do not use the drug

      Different studies have found very different results on whether or not marijuana negatively effects humans. It is hard to come to a conclusion when we don't know if it is correct or not.

    5. Rats exposed to THC before birth, soon after birth, or during adolescence show notable problems with specific learning and memory tasks later in life

      Exposed rats to THC and found that it did effect them which is worrisome.

    1. Technology has expanded the boundaries of what’s possible with creative pursuits such as movie-making, music and graphic design. This has provided more scope for creativity, possibly even invited more participants to join in.

      Technology helps people become more creative, examples of this in use is youtube, snapchat and instagram

    2. Technological innovations themselves require creative thought to get them going, otherwise how would we end up with Google, Uber or Air BnB?

      Technology is creativity

    3. Newsweek reported on the findings of a recent study that indicated that while intelligence scores have steadily risen, creativity scores have been declining since 1990

      Statistics that creativity is declining

    4. Aldous Huxley wrote Brave New World back in 1932 where he suggested a future in which humans sated a constant desire for distraction through technology. Thought could be kept at bay because we would simply zap any boredom by distracting ourselves with our technological devices.

      Connection of Brave New World to present-day society

    5. When I was a kid, it was TV and computer games that were to bring the downfall of imaginations everywhere.

      argument against technology affecting others b/c people said tv and computer games will ruin imagination but people are still creative

    6. You can access basically anything you like online. There are templates for everything and even academic information is available all over the internet, resulting in more piracy and allegedly, less creative thought when it comes to academic settings.

      There is access to everything online which creates people to be less unique

    1. Just as Wayne Sutton and Corvida started their interview this afternoon, the chat area was bombarded with a flurry of racial slurs, bigotry, and malicious prejudice. I’ve been through this before in many past years of chat rooms, discussions boards, and such.  Unfortunately, each time, I think it just desensitizes you a little bit.  One positive: everyone else now has the opportunity to see that racism isn’t a myth; it isn’t just something that ended with slavery; and the neither the blogosphere nor the web are exceptions.

      This is basically talking about how there are so many derogatory slurs being thrown around in today's world that we as a community are beginning to think it does no harm to those who are directly affected to us, simply because it is a part of "youth culture".

    1. The findings, presented Friday (Nov. 9) here at the American Society of Human Genetics meeting, may partly explain why one twin gets cancer while another stays healthy. The study also suggests that these genetic changes are surprisingly common.
    1. The index of any illicit drug use tends to be driven by marijuana, which is by far the most prevalent of the many illicitly used drugs.

      Marijuana is the most used illicit drug by teenagers

    2. Although a number of genes play a role in the development of substance abuse, this is a disease in which other factors more strongly influence its occurrence.

      There is a heretical gene that people who have a family with a history of abuse have it. This gives them predisposition, but other factors more heavily effect drug abuse

    3. Individuals who begin using drugs as juveniles are at greater risk of becoming addicted compared to those who begin drug use as an adult due to the immaturity of the teenage brain, particularly of that part of the brain that controls impulses.

      The frontal lobe is not fully developed until humans are 25, so drug has a major effect on people under the age of 25, especially kids whose brains are developing

    1. We are aware of two important air pollution bills in the pipeline for the 2018 legislative session that the UCC supports. HB 101, sponsored by state Sens. Patrice Arent and Curt Bramble, would mandate emission testing on diesel vehicles in all counties that have emission testing programs. A House Bill sponsored by Steve Eliason, titled “Zero Emission Vehicle Program,” would increase consumer access to electric vehicles and ultimately reduce their cost by requiring that a percentage of new vehicles shipped to Utah dealers be zero emission vehicles.

      Two bills at the Utah Legislature this session: HB 101 - emission testing for diesel vehicles; Zero Emission Vehicle program.

    1. The idea is grandiose yet simple: decarbonise the global economy by extracting global-warming carbon dioxide (CO2) straight from the air, using arrays of giant fans and patented chemical whizzery

      Hadn't heard of this before. The idea makes sense for places that have a lot of air pollution, like Delhi, Shanghai and even places in the U.S. like Los Angeles and Salt Lake City.

    1. “If you think your video was demonetized in error, request an appeal by clicking on the yellow $ icon next to the video in Video Manager.”

      There are ways to address the problems popping up.

    2. YouTube could lose $750 million in revenue this year over advertisers halting business, according to analyst firm Nomura Instinet.

      Revenue Youtube gets from ads

    3. two weeks ago

      From March 30, 2017

    1. Defense Department officials have expressed concern that the smoking problem is impacting the U.S. military’s readiness for battle, and the tobacco-related cost from health problems and lost days at work among soldiers and veterans has been estimated to be in the billions.

      Major problem caused by the targeting of American soldiers.

    2. Roughly 40 percent of cigarettes sold in the U.S. are smoked by people with mental health issues, including depression, anxiety or substance-abuse problems.

      Main fact to support the argument

    3. “As the number of smokers drops, the industry is finding it harder and harder to find those replacement smokers,” Koval said in an interview. “So the industry is targeting people based on their challenges in life, on who they are. It’s shocking and appalling.”

      main reason for the cause of tobacco companies targeting those with mental illnesses

    1. neurolaw" — in which neuroscience is used as evidence in the courtroom.

      super interesting in these days

    2. He once believed that genes and brain function could determine everything about us. But now he thinks his childhood may have made all the difference.

      childhood is very important

    3. They believe that brain patterns and genetic makeup are not enough to make anyone a psychopath. You need a third ingredient: abuse or violence in one's childhood.

      the third ingredient is very important because of how the kids are treated as young people during their formative years.

    4. He looked at 12 genes related to aggression and violence and zeroed in on the MAO-A gene (monoamine oxidase A). This gene, which has been the target of considerable research, is also known as the "warrior gene" because it regulates serotonin in the brain. Serotonin affects your mood — think Prozac — and many scientists believe that if you have a certain version of the warrior gene, your brain won't respond to the calming effects of serotonin.

      important: genes have an affect and so does things like serotonin on your brain.

    5. evidence is accumulating that some people's brains predispose them toward violence and that psychopathic tendencies may be passed down from one generation to another

      is able (MAYBE) to be passed from one generation to another

    6. The area of the brain that drives your id-type behaviors, which is rage, violence, eating, sex, drinking.

      this takes over your orbital cortex functions

    7. brain injury or was born that way

      some causes of this imbalance

    8. orbital cortex puts a brake on another part of the brain called the amygdala, which is involved with aggression and appetites.

      IMPORTANT to every day life

    9. People with low activity [in the orbital cortex] are either free-wheeling types or sociopaths

      what is the difference between low orbital cortex activity and high?

    10. This is the orbital cortex, the area that Fallon and other scientists believe is involved with ethical behavior, moral decision-making and impulse control.

      this would be very important to how the brains of serial killers work because the orbital cortex is involved with ethical behavior, moral decision-making, and impulse control. these are all very important things in the minds of serial killers and how they go about life (which is obviously very different than those with regular brains.

    11. There are patches of yellow and red.

      what do patches of yellow and red mean

    12. precisely what to look for.

      Ways to see a psychopath and killers

    13. "There's a whole lineage of very violent people — killers," he says

      Interesting, can killers be passed down from generation from generation?

    14. He studies the biological basis for behavior, and one of his specialties is to try to figure out how a killer's brain differs from yours and mine.

      How does this happen for people? What are the ways that you can catch killers before they even kill?

    15. nature vs. nurture

      This is a very prominent question when relating to twins

    16. "That twins were often dressed the same and treated exactly the same, she felt, interfered with their independent psychological development," Perlman says.

      Very interesting as it is what makes twins close is this behavior at birth

    17. Wright says that no such study will ever be done again — nor should it. But he acknowledges that it would be very interesting to learn what this study has to teach us.

      It is wrong that twins have been barred from learning the truth behind the study since it is at the center of their existence and childhood

    1. Many began by hiring their first lobbyists. And they started winning. They killed a major labor law reform, rolled back regulation, lowered their taxes, and helped to move public opinion in favor of less government intervention in the economy.

      The interests of business owners are clearly overrepresented in congress. This is not a coincidence.

    2. rather than trying to keep government out of its business (as they did for a long time), companies are now increasingly bringing government in as a partner

      may lead to corruption

    3. Things are quite different today. The evolution of business lobbying from a sparse reactive force into a ubiquitous and increasingly proactive one is among the most important transformations in American politics over the last 40 years

      return to gilded age activity under a cover of legal lobbying

    4. One has to go back to the Gilded Age to find business in such a dominant political position in American politics

      buying influence in politics

    1. society often forces women to think more about family and children than men

      a lot of pressure is put on women to start a family and stay home rather than work or go to school.

    2. Many still believe the idea that only women should handle children and obstetrics.

      brings up stereotypes women face in the workplace. Many women are encouraged to enter these fields since they are mothers and women and would fit better into these fields.

    3. success of their careers and level of leadership roles they play in clinical settings.

      It may not just be the fact that it is difficult to get it, but the fact that it is difficult to move up. It is discouraging to begin a job knowing you wont move up into a higher position.

    4. trouble even entering the field

      Referring to the trouble women face getting into medical school as well as the trouble women face trying to get a job once they have worked for their degree.

    1. from hunger, thirst and malnutrition;•from pain, injury and dise ase ;•from discomfort ;•from fe ar and dist re ss;•to express natural behaviour.

      The five freedoms used to measure welfare

    2. Unfortunately, all medicines have been tested on other animals due to regulatory requirements, and it may be hard to avoid them at times or to find alternatives for some medical treatments.

      It's hard to follow a vegan lifestyle but is possible

    3. doing away with all products derived wholly or partly from other animals.

      life changes!!

    4. Veganism represents a philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, other animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of humans, other animals and the environment.

      this is the definition of veganism and will be an important thing to mention first in my essay

    1. Her surprising conclusion is that the success of social movements has more to do with their political tactics than with the ideas associated with their ideologies.

      How they can change the minds of the political viewers from both sides of the spectrum.

    1. Social scientists have argued that technology, human capital and community are essential ingredients for economic and social prosperity. But it now appears that we have another set of useful ingredients with which to work. It will be informative to examine how the Big Five are distributed in other countries and whether the processes connecting traits and geographic indicators are similar.

      It is interesting to look at personality traits in the US, but it would also give us a whole picture if we looked at personality traits in the world.

    2. A third explanation is environmental influence.

      People may have similar personality traits wen they are in certain localities because climates have a significant effects on people.

    3. Another explanation is social influence.

      People in the same geographical regions may also end up with similar personality traits because they tend to behave similar to the people they surround themselves with.

    4. One explanation for the geographic clustering of personality traits is selective migration – the idea that people choose to live in places that meet their needs.

      People may be moving to certain places because they like the area which leads to similar personality traits in the same geographic regions.

    1. Performing on stage doesn't always mean that you need to be vocal and heard. Conveying a message to the audience and communicating with them without actually talking is something which was worth learning during the course of this workshop.

      I learned the significance of this while playing Margot in The Diary of Anne Frank. She didn't have many lines, yet I understood what she went through, along with the rest of her family, in that attic.

    2. Participating in theater classes can stimulate student's creativity and thought process.

      I like this thought and would like to expand on it in my paper with research that backs it up.

    3. you can always achieve whatever you want if your are determined and focused about it.

      This is a major, important, lesson I learned from taking theater. You must learn it yourself through the many obstacles life throws your way. Easier said than done.

    1. Does this suggest that Earth is unique? Stanley said that currently, this question is difficult to answer, because telescopes that search for exoplanets have a selection bias toward large, gas giant planets that orbit very close to their parent stars.

      This starts with a question and then states a possible solution.

    2. In 1961, astronomer Frank Drake wrote an equation to quantify the likelihood of finding a technologically advanced civilization elsewhere in the universe. The so-called Drake equation took into account factors such as the fraction of stars with planets around them and the fraction of those planets that would be hospitable to life.

      This shows all the data Drake took in to make this equation.

    1. emporary Visa Classifications

      these classification differences and showing a difference will be a big deal on the way to show we need a better policy.

    2. Prospective immigrants under the immediate relatives’ category must meet standard eligibility criteria, and petitioners must meet certain age and financial requirements.2Immediate relatives are

      the specifics on who can get in and who can't will be very important in developing an argument.

    3. U.S. immigration law is very complex, and there is much confusion as to how it works

      opening quote is very true and states a problem immediatly.

    1. "Here, you don't have to go to jail if you're a marijuana smoker," says Lecesse. "The goal is to try to keep young people in particular away from the criminal drug environment that may get them involved with the harder drugs such as cocaine and heroin."


    1. 1,200 occupied breeeding areas

      The Goal of the effort. Does this mean to have 1,200 breeding pairs or have multiple nests in each of the 1,200 areas.

    2. Annual surveys.

      The first step is always to assess the problem. One must see the patterns and how dire the situation is if they are going to begin to fix it.

    3. The ultimate success of efforts to restore breeding populations, whether by natural or artificial means, depends largely on survivorship. Providing improved habitat conditions, particularly during the winter period, probably is the most important means of maximizing survivorship.

      By any means necessary. Are most conservation like this? Are their efforts that wouldn't do it artificially?

    1. I agree wit the fact Success has changed and that today success is not just accomplishing a goal but being succesful on a big stage

    2. They could be as concrete as acquiring a job and plotting a growth trajectory in a career; to abstract ideologies like helping those that are in need, or keeping a positive frame of mind.

      I personally think writing down a goal and sharing it will make you want to push to complete it. Abstract ideas are good but I do not think they really push you

    1. is NASA's first mission capable of detecting Earth-size planets around stars like our sun.

      My question has been unanswerable and may remain unanswered for many years, but there is new technology like the Kepler Space Telescope that advances our knowledge of it. It is the first step. Evidence from the research will send us in the right direction towards answering the question. #aplang18

    2. "The discovery of Kepler-186f is a significant step toward finding worlds like our planet Earth,"

      This scientist is confident that there are planets like earth, we just have yet to discover them. #aplang18

    1. at least 10 or 15 times as massive as our own sun.

      Our sun is not in danger of becoming a back hole

    1. The interesting thing is that according to statistics that rate drug use and even the proneness to get into car accidents, the most reckless sex among teenagers are males.

      This is very interesting considering we tend to shelter girls and worry that they will get hurt when boys are more likely to put themselves at risk.

    1. The tendency to maintain a fearful response is thought to be a result of the fact that we are evolutionarily predisposed to fear snakes, spiders, or other things that might endanger us.