5 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2024
    1. Fingerprint is a general purpose data integrity tool that uses cryptographic hashes to detect changes in files and directory trees. The fingerprint command scans a directory tree and generates a fingerprint file containing the names and cryptographic hashes of the files in the tree. This snapshot can be later used to generate a list of files that have been created, deleted or modified. If so much as a single bit in the file data has changed, Fingerprint will detect it.
  2. Mar 2022
    1. Data integrity is a good thing. Constraining the values allowed by your application at the database-level, rather than at the application-level, is a more robust way of ensuring your data stays sane.
  3. Apr 2021
  4. Dec 2020
    1. I haven't met anyone who makes this argument who then says that a one stop convenient, reliable, private and secure online learning environment can’t be achieved using common every day online systems

      Reliable: As a simple example, I'd trust Google to maintain data reliability over my institutional IT support.

      And you'd also need to make the argument for why learning needs to be "private", etc.

  5. Aug 2020