- May 2024
if you could correct this Gene would we have the future reassured and we can then avoid all of these diseases I very much doubt it and I think it's very dangerous 00:23:49 because
for - adjacency - progress trap - Crispr - gene therapy - Denis Noble - human genome project
adjacency - between - human genome project - gene therapy - Crispr - progress trap - adjacency relationship - The idea that we can find specific causal relationships between genes and disease and use gene therapy to cure disease, - an envisioned goal of the human genome project - can be very dangerous because - usually one gene collaborates with many other genes to bring about an effect - If we don't know all the relationships, we can bring about a progress trap
- Aug 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
About ten years ago, a massive breakthrough happened in genomic research technology. A method appeared which is called NGS, next generation sequencing, and this method significantly cuts time and costs of any genomic research. For example, have you ever heard about the Human Genome Project? It was quite a popular topic for science fiction some time ago. 00:03:10 This project launched in 1990 with the goal to decrypt all genomic information in a human organism. At that time, with the technology of the time, it took ten years and three billion dollars to reach the goals of this project. With NGS, all of that can be done in just one day at the cost of 15,000 dollars.
- for: progress trap, cumulative cultural evolution, gene-culture co-evolution, speed of cultural evolution, human genome project
- paraphrase
- the human genome project took 10 years and cost 3 billion dollars
- with NGS technology, 10 years later, the same job takes 1 day and costs $15,000 dollars
docdrop.org docdrop.org
if you ask about things like lack projects or reality projects on the individual level you know I was talking 00:32:01 about how the separation is a delusion it's uncomfortable we become preoccupied with trying to find something out here that'll fill up our sense of lack and you know we can Wonder is there 00:32:13 something comparable at the civilizational level and frankly I think that there is I think that it is our Collective preoccupation with progress
- for: progress trap, sense of lack, the lack project, collective lack project, individual lack project
- key insight
- progress, and the shadow side, the progress trap
- is the collective lack project, that corresponds to the individual's lack project
- Dec 2021
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Replicating scientific results is tough—But essential. (2021). Nature, 600(7889), 359–360. https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-021-03736-4
- Jul 2020
github.com github.com
Problem is, everyone's busy, so it can be days or even weeks before even a small PR is merged. So I'm stashing my stuff here as I write it. I'll still try to keep the PRs in motion, to gradually get some of this merged.
- Sep 2017
kadist.org kadist.org
[unlike linear] nonlinear temporality is a feminist proposal to resist liberal individualistic modes of doing politics. Organizing politically in a nonlinear temporality involves creating situationist feminist politics; nonlinear activism is one that does not construct origins but mobilizes different political consciousness and creates many subject positions.
- Nov 2014
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
let's create world peace one.