- May 2024
scholarworks.boisestate.edu scholarworks.boisestate.edu
esearch has also shown that social presence can influ-ence students’ learning experiences, including students’ participation and motivationto participate
student motivation
- Jun 2021
connect.chronicle.com connect.chronicle.com
enefits over the in-person classroom. “Online, we’re all face-to-face. There’s no sitting back in the fourth row like in a lecture hall,”
Which is true if students are turning on their cameras. However, what about when students refuse to turn on their cameras or are not in a feasible position to participate (e.g. driving down the interstate or skiing down Brian Head?
- Oct 2020
www.gettingsmart.com www.gettingsmart.com
While our program still faces some challenges around engaging our students and keeping them enrolled in programs long enough to complete their goals, technology has allowed us to make some remarkable strides.
A school system that extends to adult education utilizes online apps as an option (but doesn't require internet access, as many people lack it at home). They have found them to be helpful, especially because people who work odd shift jobs and have burst of time at odd hours can get some practice in. This is most helpful for ESL learners. 6/10
www.erudit.org www.erudit.org
Therefore, practitioners need to be cognisant of the important role they play in influenc-ing learner motivation when designing learning activities. Most importantly, the relevance and value of the task (e.g., online discussions) need to be clearly identified and linked to learning objectives to help learners understand how the activity can aid in the realisation of personal goals, aspirations, and interests, both in the short and longer term.
Based on research and two small scale case studies, some students in online learning are intrinsically motivated, but others need to be motivated by the teacher and material. External influences such as deadlines and grades also influenced student motivation. Identified regulation, that is, knowing why the activity is valuable and important, make a very big difference in student motivation. This brings us back to the andragogical idea that the assignments should involve real-world situations and be applicable to students' lives. 9/10
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Meeter, M., Bele, T., Hartogh, C. d., Bakker, T., de Vries, R. E., & Plak, S. (2020, October 11). College students’ motivation and study results after COVID-19 stay-at-home orders. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/kn6v9
- Aug 2020
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Usher, E., Golding, J. M., Han, J., Griffiths, C. S., McGavran, M. B., Brown, C. S., Sheehan, E. A. (2020). Psychology Students’ Motivation and Learning in Response to the Shift to Remote Instruction During COVID-19. [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. 10.31234/osf.io/xwhpm
- Oct 2016
Local file Local file
Either way, student motivation and engagement are closely related elements of student learning that can have an impact on learning outcomes. Beer etal. (2010)state that in spite of the fact that there is no universally accept-ed definition of what comprises engagement, student and college success, student retention and student motivation are always linked to engagement.
- Jun 2016
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
ntrinsic and Extrinsic Motivations: Classic Definitions andNew Directions
Ryan, R M, and E L Deci. 2000. “Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivations: Classic Definitions and New Directions.” Contemp. Educ. Psychol. 25 (1): 54–67.
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
ngiblerewards significantly undermined intrinsic motivation, particularly for interestingtasks (–0.68) compared with uninteresting tasks (0.18). I
Tangible rewards lower motivation
Local file Local file
78.9% of the pupils who actually received grades would have preferred written comments, and 86.3% of those who received comments were satisfied with this mode of evaluation
most students who receive grades only wish they had comments; most student who received comments only were satisfied.
[[Should check this with my students.
dpod.kakelbont.ca dpod.kakelbont.ca
Students' consumerist, instrumental view of learning.
www.umich.edu www.umich.edu
Manual for thePatterns of Patterns of Adaptive Adaptive Learning ScalesLearning Scales
Midgley, Carol, Martin L Maehr, Ludmila Z Hruda, Eric Anderman, Lynley Anderman, Kimberley E Freeman, and T Urdan. 2000. “Manual for the Patterns of Adaptive Learning Scales.” Ann Arbor 1001: 48109–41259.
This is a survey for working out students' motivation, performance avoidance, and so on.
- Feb 2014
www.lexisnexis.com www.lexisnexis.com
In addition to making it easier to review an original case, annotating cases during the first review of a case makes the briefing process easier. With adequate annotations, the important details needed for your brief will be much easier to retrieve. Without annotations, you will likely have difficulty locating the information you seek even in the short cases. It might seem strange that it would be hard to reference a short case, but even a short case will likely take you at least fifteen to twenty-five minutes to read, while longer cases may take as much as thirty minutes to an hour to complete. No matter how long it takes, the dense material of all cases makes it difficult to remember all your thoughts, and trying to locate specific sections of the analysis may feel like you are trying to locate a needle in a haystack. An annotation in the margin, however, will not only swiftly guide you to a pertinent section, but will also refresh the thoughts that you had while reading that section.
Why annotate a legal brief?