- Jan 2025
coalition of community land trusts. They're all local, doing their work locally, but they also have a global commons. That global commons has all the common protocols of cooperation, the common knowledge, the common patterns, but also it's a vehicle to attract capital that can go local.
for - bottom up mobilization - leverage the strength of the commons - create global coalition of local projects within in a common area - IE. Land trust - SOURCE - Youtube Ma Earth channel interview - Devcon 2024 - Cosmo Local Commoning with Web 3 - Michel Bauwens - 2025, Jan 2
- Dec 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
we're getting a taste of that in the pandemic yes you adopt a wartime or emergency mindset that helps to liberate a kind of level 00:15:22 of collective purpose it makes new things possible
for: polycrisis wartime mobilization, climate crisis wartime mobilization, 2024 extreme weather - wartime mobilization opportunity
key insight
- adjacency between
- real COVID mobilization
- imagined future climate crisis wartime mobilization
adjacency statement
The rapid response to the COVID pandemic was a real life case of a wartime scale mobilization in a very short time. This shows that it is possible. We need to see if we can strive for this for climate change. If 2024 becomes the year of extreme weather due to El Nino, then we could use it as an opportunity for a wartime mobilization
one good thing about the COVID pandemic is that it did show that a rapid wartime mobilization is possible, because it did kind of happened during COVID
- Nov 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
it took leadership and circumstance to ultimately 00:08:08 get a public truly mobilized
- for: key insight - mass mobilization - leadership and circumstances
that's what we need to do today we need to we need to take an inventory of how many solar arrays do we need how 00:06:27 many wind turbines how many electric buses how many electric heat pumps what's the new generation crown corporations we should be establishing to expedite doing that at scale 00:06:40 and deploying it at scale to actually decarbonize and electrify in the short window of time that we have
- for: climate change - wartime mobilization inventory
it's remarkable to me once i started to dig in that the speed and scope of what we did as a country and actually what we specifically did here in british columbia
for: history - wartime mobilization - Canada
trivia: in 6 years, starting from zero, British Columbia produced
- 750 ships (350 ships produced in British Columbia)
- 16,000 military aircrafts (4th largest air force in the world)
800,000 military vehicles (more than Germany, Italy and Japan combined)
we had to mobilize up war production and then convert back to peace time all in the space of six years
for: trivia - Canada wartime mobilization
trivia: Canada wartime mobilization
- In a period of 6 years, Canada ramped up to wartime mobilization and then returned to peace
- Feb 2023
canvas.instructure.com canvas.instructure.com
Toward integrating solutions: IF the whole spectrum of activist individuals and orgs, around the world - of ALL races, nationalities and religions - would communicate, cooperate, and coordinate to an unprecedented degree - the synergy of our collective effort - and perhaps nothing less - COULD counter-balance the disproportionate wealth, power & influence of the long coordinated super-rich less-than-1%."
mass mobilization
- Jan 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
as long as the system of of political finance and you know parties and campaigns and media and think tank you know are largely controlled by by large wealth 00:29:11 holders you know our collective ability to change the distribution of wealth and the you know through through taxation or that consolation and or what you know whatever the method is going to be limited so it will take major political fights and in some cases you know changing the political rules of the game and the political institution to to to changes and and you know the good news is that this has always been like this or this has always 00:29:39 and and still sometimes you know it has worked in the in the past but it has worked you know i mentioned the french revolution you know of course that's a huge popular mobilization uh also in the 20th century i mentioned after world war ii after world war one well let's be clear it's only because there was a very powerful uh you know labor movement a socialist movement and communist counter model in the east which in the end put pressure uh on the on the uh and you know and on 00:30:09 the in effect and the elite governing elite in in in the west so that they they they had to accept a number of decisions you know which which were limited in their scope but still which transform the economic and social system in in a very substantial way as compared to the pre-world war one and 19th century economic system but it's only through this enormous political mobilization 00:30:34 and collective organization and you know it will be the same in in the past
!- Thomas Piketty : limited ability for real change as long as elites can lobby governments - but in the past, there has been success, as the two cases previously mentioned - so it is possible, but will take just as enormous a political mobilization of the people
- Jul 2022
bafybeibbaxootewsjtggkv7vpuu5yluatzsk6l7x5yzmko6rivxzh6qna4.ipfs.dweb.link bafybeibbaxootewsjtggkv7vpuu5yluatzsk6l7x5yzmko6rivxzh6qna4.ipfs.dweb.link
Mobilization Systems:technologies for motivating and coordinating human action
Title: Mobilization Systems: technologies for motivating and coordinating human action Authors: Heylighen, Francis; Kostov, Iavor,; Kiemen, Mixel Date: 2014
hereexist a range of behavioral methods to effectively combat distraction, procrastination and lack ofcommitment, while increasing focus, motivation and coordination (e.g. C. Heath & Heath, 2010;Thaler & Sunstein, 2008). When these techniques are implemented in ICT, the result may be calleda mobilization system. According to the Oxford dictionary, to mobilize means to “organize andencourage (people) to act in a concerted way in order to bring about a particular political objective”.Given that any valuable objective deserves concerted action, the only generalization we need tomake is to leave out the adjective “political”. A mobilization system can then be defined as: asocio-technological system that motivates and coordinates people to work towards a givenobjective—thus efficiently rallying their efforts.
Alternative definitions of mobilization system:
- Within an ICT environment, behavioral methods to effectively combat distraction, procrastination and lack of commitment, while increasing focus, motivation and coordination.
- A socio-technological system that motivates and coordinates people to work towards a given objective
While the term “mobilization system” is new, the underlying ICT techniques have beenexplored for at least a decade or two, under labels such as “persuasive technology”, “collaborativetechnology”, “user experience”, and “gamification”. This paper will first review a number of suchexisting approaches and then try to distill their common core in the form of a list of mobilizationprinciples. Finally, we will sketch both potential benefits and dangers of a more systematic andwidespread application of mobilization systems.
Examples of existing types of mobilization systems: 1. Persuasive technology 2. collaborative technology 3. user experience 4. gamification
Recently a number of techniques have been developed that stimulate people to act towards specificobjectives. These include persuasive technologies, gamification, user experiences, and various methods andtools used in open-source and other communities to encourage and organize participation. After surveyingvarious examples of such applications, we generalize these approaches by proposing a new theoreticalframework. The basic concept is a mobilization system, defined as an ICT environment that motivates andcoordinates the actions of people, so as to increase their focus and commitment, while minimizing distraction,hesitation and procrastination. We then analyze the fundamental mechanisms of (individual) motivation and(collective) coordination, starting from Csikszentmihalyi’s concept of flow and the mechanism of stigmergy.The basic requirements are clear goals in line with real needs, immediate and rich feedback, challenges inbalance with the user’s skill levels, and a shared workspace in which all tasks and results are registered forevery contributor to see. We conclude our review of mobilization systems by pointing out their potentialdangers, such as addiction and political or commercial exploitation, as well as their potential benefits, indomains such as work, health, education and research
Definition: An ICT environment that motivates and coordinates the actions of people, so as to increase their focus and commitment, while minimizing distraction, hesitation and procrastination
Q1: How to motivate individuals? Q2: How to coordinate the collective?
Analyzed using: 1. Csikszentmihalyi’s concept of flow <br /> 2. stigmergy
report.ipcc.ch report.ipcc.ch
Chapter 5: Demand, services and social aspects of mitigation
Public Annotation of IPCC Report AR6 Climate Change 2022 Mitigation of Climate Change WGIII Chapter 5: Demand, Services and Social Aspects of Mitigation
NOTE: Permission given by one of the lead authors, Felix Creutzig to annotate with caveat that there may be minor changes in the final version.
This annotation explores the potential of mass mobilization of citizens and the commons to effect dramatic demand side reductions. It leverages the potential agency of the public to play a critical role in rapid decarbonization.
- Jul 2020
adams, jimi, & Light, R. (2020). What Role Does Collaboration have in Responding to COVID-19? [Preprint]. SocArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/jqwyr
- Mar 2020
acsess-onlinelibrary-wiley-com.ezproxy.rice.edu acsess-onlinelibrary-wiley-com.ezproxy.rice.edu
IncP plasmids are considered mobilizing plasmids and may transfer other nonconjugative plasmids into new hosts
Aren't all conjugative plasmids capable of mobilizing? According to the paper -
IncP, IncN, and IncW are conjugative plasmids that transfer and can be maintained in a diverse array of bacterial hosts
- Jan 2020
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
mobilizable plasmids, possess their own transfer origin and encode a relaxase but need the help of a conjugative plasmid for their transfer from a donor to a recipient
Why do mobilizable plasmids encode the mob gene? Can't it be provided in trans by the mobilizing helper strain?
- Apr 2018
wisc.pb.unizin.org wisc.pb.unizin.org
The most effectual way to guard against a standing army, is to render it unnecessary. The most effectual way to render it unnecessary, is to give the general government full power to call forth the militia, and exert the whole natural strength of the Union, when necessary.
Once again, looking at things today, a good question for H.S. discussions = can the national government mobilize state reserve units today and, if so, can you find an example from the news or recent history?
An additional question, which also vexed the founders, = if the national government can call forth the militias - does that run the risk of militias being "morphed" into a standing army.
A kind of intriguing insight here might be what happened at Tiannamen square a few years ago. The first time the troops were sent in, they refused to crush the protesters violently, at least partially due to the fact that there were people among the demonstrators that the troops knew personally, or knew their parents and families. The subsequent troops were "imported" from more distant provinces, and of course, violent repression ensued. I regret that I do not have proper documentation of this phenomenon, merely my recollection of the events & my readings as things were happening in real time. I provide them, because I would be likely to share those remarks with students in the context of this reading and / or discussions of militias, standing armies , the use of Hessian mercenaries by the British during the revolution, etc, etc. I also like to point this out (among other things) when discussing Shay's rebellion.
- Aug 2016
books.google.ca books.google.ca
Page 10
Borgman on the relationship of knowledge mobilization scholarship, similarities and differences:
once collections of information resources are online, they become available to multiple communities. Researchers can partner across disciplines, asking new questions using each other's data. Data collected for policy purposes can be used for research and vice versa. Descriptions of museum objects created for curatorial research purposes are interesting to museum visitors. Any of these resources may also be useful for learning and instruction. nevertheless, making content that was created for one audience useful to another is a complex problem. Each field that is on vocabulary, data structures, and research practices. People ask questions in different ways, starting with familiar terminology. Repurpose sing of research data for teaching can be especially challenging. Scholars goals are to produce knowledge for their community, while student schools are to learn the concepts and tools of a given field. These two groups have different levels of expertise in both disciplinary knowledge in the use of data and information resources. Different descriptions, tools, and services may be required to share content between audiences.
- Jul 2016
books.google.ca books.google.ca
Great quote here on how scholarship and knowledge mobilisation have difficulties interacting.
never the less, making content that was created for one audience useful to another is a complex problem. Each field has its own vocabulary, data structures, and research practices. People ask questions and different ways, starting with the mill your terminology. The repurposing of research data for teaching can be especially challenging. Scholars goals are to produce knowledge for their Community, while students goals are to learn from the concepts and tools of a given field. These two groups have different levels of expertise in both disciplinary knowledge and the use of data and information resources. Different descriptions tools and services may be required to share content between audiences.
Page 10
descriptions of Museum objects created for curatorial and research purposes are interesting to museum visitors.
Borgman on the intersection of popular Outreach / knowledge mobilisation and scholarship.