23 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
  2. Apr 2024
    1. mbine weekly drought and heatwave information for 26 climate divisions across the globe, employing historical and projected model output from eight Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 6 GCMs and three Shared Socioeconomic Pathways. Statistically significant trends are revealed in the CDHW characteristics for both recent observed and model simulated future period (2020 to 2099). East Africa, North Australia, East North America, Central Asia, Central Europe, and Southeastern South America show the greatest increase in frequency through the late 21st century. The Southern Hemisphere displa

      Wenn sich die globale Erhitzung fortsetzt, wird die Anzahl kombinierter Dürren und Überflutungen zunehmen. Dabei gehört Mitteleuropa zu den besonders betroffenen Regionen. https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2219825120 (via CarbonBrief)

  3. Feb 2024
    1. for - climate crisis - interview - Neil degrasse Tyson - Gavin Schmidt - 2023 record heat - NASA explanation

      podcast details - title: How 2023 broke our climate models - host: Neil degrasse Tyson & Paul Mercurio - guest: NASA director, Gavin Schmidt - date: Jan 2024

      summary - Neil degrasse and his cohost Paul Mercurio interview NASA director Gavin Schmidt to discuss the record-breaking global heating in 2023 and 2024. - Neil and Paul cover a lot in this short interview including: - NASA models can't explain the large jump in temperature in 2023 / 2024. Yes, they predicted incremental increases, but not such large jumps. Gavin finds this worrying. - PACE satellite launches this month, to gather important data on the state of aerosols around the planet. This infomration can help characterize more precisely the role aerosols are playing in global heating. - geoengineering with aerosols is not considered a good idea by Gavin, as it essentially means once started, and if it works to cool the planet, we would be dependent on them for centuries. - Gavin stresses the need for a cohesive collective solution, but that it's beyond him how we achieve that given all the denailsim and misinformation that influeces policy out there.

  4. Dec 2023
    1. next year we we'll know whether your your your numbers are right in your pipeline paper around May of next year 01:46:30 and then it's going to be a very warm year it's going to be a lot of Destruction then we need we need to see how far the temperature Falls with the elino with the linia that follows but I 01:46:42 I expect it's not going to fall as much as you would otherwise have expected because of the large planetary energy balance there's more energy coming in than going out so it's hard for the 01:46:55 linia to cool it off as much as it used to
      • for:May 2024 - James Hansen prediction, extreme weather event - May 2024 - Hansen 2023 paper, prediction - extreme weather 2024
    1. we're getting a taste of that in the pandemic yes you adopt a wartime or emergency mindset that helps to liberate a kind of level 00:15:22 of collective purpose it makes new things possible
      • for: polycrisis wartime mobilization, climate crisis wartime mobilization, 2024 extreme weather - wartime mobilization opportunity

      • key insight

      • adjacency between
        • real COVID mobilization
        • imagined future climate crisis wartime mobilization
      • adjacency statement

        • The rapid response to the COVID pandemic was a real life case of a wartime scale mobilization in a very short time. This shows that it is possible. We need to see if we can strive for this for climate change. If 2024 becomes the year of extreme weather due to El Nino, then we could use it as an opportunity for a wartime mobilization

        • one good thing about the COVID pandemic is that it did show that a rapid wartime mobilization is possible, because it did kind of happened during COVID

  5. Nov 2023
  6. Oct 2023
    1. Die Extremwetter-Ereignisse dieses Jahres entsprechen den Vorhersagen der Klimawissenschaft. Der Guardian hat dazu zahlreichende Forschende befragt und viele Statements in einem multimedialen Artikel zusammengestellt. Alle Befragten stimmen darin überein, dass die Verbrennung fossiler Brennstoffe sofort beendet werden muss, um eine weitere Verschlimmerung zu stoppen. Festgestellt wird auch, dass die Verwundbarkeit vieler Communities bisher unterschätzt worden ist. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/aug/28/crazy-off-the-charts-records-has-humanity-finally-broken-the-climate

  7. Sep 2023
      • for: system change, polycrisis, extreme weather, planetary tipping points, climate disruption, climate chaos, tipping point, hothouse earth, new meme, deep transformation
      • title: The Great Disruption has Begun
      • author: Paul Gilding
      • date: Sept 3, 2023
      • source: https://www.paulgilding.com/cockatoo-chronicles/the-great-disruption-has-begun
      • summary

        • good q uick opening paragraphs that summarize the plethora of extreme events in 2023 up to Sept 2023 (but misses the Canadian Wildfires) and also the list of potential planetary tipping points that are giving indication of being at the threshold.
        • He makes a good point about the conservative nature of science that underestimates impacts due to the inertia of scientific study.
        • Coins a good meme
          • Everything, everywhere, all at once
        • He ties all the various crisis together to show the many components of the wicked problem we face
        • finally what it comes down to is that we cannot stop the coming unprecedented changes but we can and must slow it down as much as possible and we should be prepared for a wild ride
      • comment

        • It would be a good educational tool for deep and transformative climate education to map all these elements of the polycrisis and show their feedbacks and interactions, especially how it relates to socio-economic impacts to motivate transformative change and mobilize the urgency now required.
  8. Aug 2023
      • for: extreme weather, realtime extreme weather analysis, World weather attribution
      • description
        • the World Weather Attribution organization is a group of research institutes that provides robust scientific answers to the question:
          • is climate change to blame?
        • when an extreme weather event has occurred
        • This is usually available days to weeks after the event and informs discussions about climate change while the impacts of the events are still fresh in the minds of the public and policymakers.
  9. Jul 2023
  10. May 2023
  11. Apr 2023
  12. Aug 2021
    1. ugust 14, 2021, rain was observed at the highest point on the Greenland Ice Sheet for several hours, and air temperatures remained above freezing for about nine hours. This was the third time in less than a decade, and the latest date in the year on record, that the National Science Foundation’s Summit Station had above-freezing temperatures and wet snow. There is no previous report of rainfall at this location (72.58°N 38.46°W), which reaches 3,216 meters (10,551 feet) in elevation. Earlier melt events in the instrumental record occurred in 1995, 2012, and 2019; prior to those events, melting is inferred from ice cores to have been absent since an event in the late 1800s
  13. Jun 2021