13 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
  2. May 2024
    1. Enthusiasm – In enthusiasm – or possession – God is understood to be outside, other than or beyond the believer. A sacred power, being or will enters the body or mind of an individual and possesses it. A person capable of being possessed is sometimes called a medium. The deity, spirit or power uses such a person to communicate to the immanent world

      Enthusiasm as a possession by a god. The human functions as the medium for communication (for the god wants to communicate something).

    2. Many religious and mystical traditions see religious experiences (particularly the knowledge which comes with them) as revelations caused by divine agency rather than ordinary natural processes. They are considered real encounters with God or gods, or real contact with higher-order realities of which humans are not ordinarily aware.[5

      Religious experience as a revelation. As coming into contact with god(s) or other supernatural beings.

  3. Apr 2024
  4. Jan 2023
    1. In the building is an altar to all the gods in common. Now return back again to the Altis opposite the Leonidaeum.

      description of the layout

  5. Mar 2022
    1. Jericho was probably at some point a center for moon worship. The city's name in Hebrew is "Yerikho"; and the Hebrew word for the moon is Yarekh, which other West Semitic languages use as the name of the moon god.
    2. Legends of a storm god such as Ba’al defeating the sea are very common in the Ancient Near East.

      Storm gods like Baal are commonly seen defeating the sea in legends in the ancient Near East.

      Link this to mention of Rahab in Job 26:12.

  6. Feb 2021
    1. A miracle is a universal blessing from God through me to all my brothers. It is the privilege of the forgiven to forgive.

      The Prince of Peace, also known as Jesus or Jeshua or simply J calls YOU! To join his Holy Crusade in undoing your ego!

      I need devoted teachers who share my aim of healing the mind. T-4.1.13

      Once you have developed a thought system of any kind, you live by it and teach it. Your capacity for allegiance to a thought system may be misplaced, but it is still a form of faith and can be redirected. T-6.in.2

      You have been called, together with your brother, to the most holy function this world contains. T-18.1.13

  7. Oct 2020
    1. He took three paces—with the fourth he reached his goal,       

      Interesting depiction of the actual size of gods here. If Poseidon was this large, how large would other gods appear such as Zeus? Or even Cronus, as literature suggests he too has a physical form. Would gods be able to show their true form to humans? Or is this why Zeus often appears as other beings when interacting with mortals.

  8. Jun 2020
  9. Sep 2018
    1. His righteous Altar, bowing lowly downTo bestial Gods; for which thir heads as low [ 435 ]Bow'd down in Battel, sunk before the SpearOf despicable foes. With these in troopCame Astoreth, whom the Phoenicians call'dAstarte, Queen of Heav'n, with crescent Horns;

      And I suspect this is when the evil of the fallen angels began to make them less like angels and more like monsters.

  10. Sep 2013
    1. But as a symptom, not only of their confusion of mind, but of their contempt for the gods, they recognize that Persuasion is one of the gods, and they observe that the city makes sacrifices to her every year,121 but when men aspire to share the power which the goddess possesses
    1. Indeed, who can fail to abhor, yes to contemn, those teachers, in the first place, who devote themselves to disputation,(2) since they pretend to search for truth, but straightway at the beginning of their professions attempt to deceive us with lies?(3) For I think it is manifest to all that foreknowledge of future events is not vouchsafed to our human nature, but that we are so far removed from this prescience(4) that Homer, who has been conceded the highest reputation for wisdom, has pictured even the gods as at times debating among themselves about the future(5) --not that he knew their minds but that he desired to show us that for mankind this power lies in the realms of the impossible.

      I think this is saying that teachers who debate or discuss are regarded with disgust because while they act like they are searching for truth the are really deceiving because no one can predict the future.

      Homer's texts were used as educational material at the time and was considered a reliable source of information. The gods could not predict the future and there was the Fates.