- Jul 2024
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Kurutz, Steven. “Now You Can Read the Classics With A.I.-Powered Expert Guides.” The New York Times, June 13, 2024, sec. Style. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/13/style/now-you-can-read-the-classics-with-ai-powered-expert-guides.html.
- Laura Kipnis
- Martin Heidegger
- chatbots
- read
- artificial intelligence for reading
- reading practices
- suicide
- Margaret Atwood
- John Dubuque
- Elaine Pagels
- Roxane Gay
- William James
- John Muir
- philosophy
- great books idea
- Great Books of the Western World
- Marlon James
- Friedrich Nietzsche
- John Kaag
- John Banville
- Clancy Martin
- Rebind.ai
- James Joyce
- The Great Books Movement
- Nov 2023
collections.library.yale.edu collections.library.yale.edu
Delmore Schwartz' heavily annotated copy of James Joyce's Finnegans Wake; complete work digitized
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
En la biblioteca de Ian Gibson: “Lorca me salvó de la desesperación” | EL PAÍS
5:26 minutos https://youtu.be/NpoHA38qoyE
Ian Gibson (Dublin, Irlanda, 1939-) en su biblioteca personal en Lavapiés (Madrid, España) comenta cómo su amor por Lorca se convirtió en una vocación y pasión que le salvó la vida:
"Te juro que me salvó de la desesperación. Mi hermano terminó sus días en una clínica y yo tengo la misma semilla plantada en mi persona. Me habría desesperado sin vocación. Cuando tienes vocación, puedes superar cosas depresivas y negativas, porque tienes ojos fijos en una meta. Yo no sé qué habría sido de mí sin Federico, si me atrevo a llamarlo así."
Obras completas de todos sus poetas, en especial de Lorca.
- El libro que comenzó todo:
The Bull of Minos (1955) de Leonard Cottrell (1913-1974), sobre las excavaciones en Troya y Grecia. Gibson soñaba con ser arqueólogo.
Gibson dice que repara que también hace arqueología: hay aventura e investigación en lo que hace.
Tres imprescindibles
Poesías completas (Aguilar Editor) de Ruben Darío (1967-1916) (profesor en Brooklyn sobre Darío).
Azul... (1988) de Darío (romance primaveral... nicaragüense, primaveral...).
- Romancero gitano (1928) de Lorca (1898-1936).
A pesar de su español "muy defectuoso", el francés y los cognados fueron de ayuda.
Romance de la pena negra.
Romance sonámbulo.
Magia en Lorca. Investigación. Hacer tesis sobre Lorca y "su mundo telúrico".
- Ulises (1920) de James Joyce (1882-1941). Ya lo leyó siete veces.
Gibson dice que Finnegans Wake es más difícil que Ulises, y que Luis de Góngora (su poema "Soledades") también es difícil y que hay que estudiarlo.
Descubriendo a Joyce más que antes. Lorca cuarenta años y ahora con Joyce...
- Libro que nunca prestaría
A Handbook for Travellers in Spain (Manual para viajeros por España y lectores en casa) (1845) de Richard Ford (1796-1858).
Viajeros románticos, británicos... Inspiración grande para Gibson.
- Jul 2023
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Die meteorologischen Daten ergeben, dass dieser Juli der wärmste der bekannten Geschichte ist - mit einem Abstand zu anderen Juli-Monaten, der Klimawissenschaftler:innen erstaunt. Für UN-Generalsekretär Gutteres hat die „Ära des globalen Kochens" begonnen. Forscher:innen und NGOs wiesen darauf hin, dass eine Begrenzung der Erhitzung auf 1,5° noch möglich ist, dass aber neue fossile Projekte vorangetrieben werden, die eindeutig mit dem 1,5°-Ziel unvereinbar sind.
- expert: Friederike Otto
- time: 3023-07
- expert: Karsten Haustein
- topic: attribution
- expert: Marina Romanello
- institution: Lancet Countdown
- NGO: Destination Zero
- expert: Catherine Abreu
- expert: Joyce Kimutai
- expert: Zeke Hausfather
- process: increasing risk of heatwaves
- process: global heating
- Apr 2023
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Die World Weather Attribution Group hat in einer Studie nachgewiesen, dass die große Dürre an Horn von Afrika ein Ergebnis der Erhitzung der Erde durch Treibhausgase ist. Von der Dürre sind 50 Millionen Menschen direkt und weitere 100 Millionen indirekt betroffen. Ohne die Erhöhung der Temperaturen hätten dieselben Regenverhältnisse nicht zu einer Dürre geführt. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/apr/27/human-driven-climate-crisis-fuelling-horn-of-africa-drought-study
- expert: Cheikh Kane
- expert: Friederike Otto
- institution: Grantham Institute for climate change and the environment
- region: Horn of Africa
- expert: Joyce Kimutai
- institution: World Weather Attribution Group
- institution: Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre,
- institution: enya Meteorological Department
- attribution
- Oct 2022
www.gutenberg.org www.gutenberg.org
gold by bronze, Miss Kennedy’s head by Miss Douce’s head watched and admired.
so strange... i was searching 'gold' and came across this phrase inverted as one of Leopold's musings. then i realized a version of this phrase — gold by bronze, or bronze by gold — recurs throughout the novel.
- Sep 2022
www.marist.edu www.marist.edu
The list is compiled each year by the Marist Mindset team of Professor Tommy Zurhellen, Associate Professor of English; Dr. Vanessa Lynn, Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice; and Dr. Joyce Yu-Jean Lee, Assistant Professor of Art and Digital Media.
- Jun 2022
catalogue.nli.ie catalogue.nli.ie
National Library of Ireland has digitised a first edition copy of Ulysses (Alan Clodd copy, number 120)
- Feb 2021
cubicmuse.com cubicmuse.com
By focusing on the condition of the looking glass, Joyce suggests the artist does not start his work with a clean slate. Rather there is considerable baggage he or she must overcome. This baggage might include colonial conditions or biased assumptions. Form and context influence content.
This seems a bit analogous to Peggy McIntosh's Backpack of White Privilege I was looking at yesterday.
- Feb 2018
www.jstor.org www.jstor.org
I am not concerned here to enter into debates about whether Joyce shoidd be considered a postcolonial writer nor whether Ireland can properly be located under the increasingly capacious umbrella of the postcolonial.4
It's interesting to me that there is a gray area surrounding Joyce as a postcolonial writer, in comparison to more traditional postcolonial authors, like Salman Rushdie or post-colonial theorist, Frantz Fanon.
- Mar 2017
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
And yes," says Molly, carrying Ulysses off be-yond any book and toward the new writing; "I said yes, I will Yes."
I was curious about this line, so I did a little searching and I found this particularly interesting, since Cixous did her dissertation on Joyce:
The episode both begins and ends with "yes," a word that Joyce described as "the female word" and that he said indicated "acquiescence, self-abandon, relaxation, the end of all resistance."
- Oct 2016
www.gutenberg.org www.gutenberg.org
falling faintly through the universe and faintly falling
Chiasmus, cf. Portrait bird girl, "soft and slight, slight and soft."
www.gutenberg.org www.gutenberg.org
soft and slight, slight and soft
Chiasmus, cf. "The Dead" "falling faintly through the Universe and faintly falling."
- Jul 2016
digital.ucd.ie digital.ucd.ie
Places named in the Joyce's story "Two Gallants" are charted sequentially and visualised in the StoryMap presentation at this location.