- Nov 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
the only way you can visualize the vaces because they're too tiny to be visualized by standard microscopy labeling with florescent dyes is about the only way we can um easily identify what molecules have been passed down from the vesicles to The Germ cells but that's very restrictive you see because there will be millions of different molecules in a single visle to be faced with only being able to label three or four of those otherwise we can't make out the the differences is it's very tedious
for - evolution - work to identify non-DNA information passed down to germ line - millions of permutations - fluorescence technique applied to only a few at a time - tedious work - Denis Noble
accumulation of all of that movement of charge is contributing to that electrical phenomenon and therefore in the end what you're doing is talking about a higher level of causation U than the components of the cell
for - evolutionary biology - Denis Noble - journey from reductionist to non-reductionist - ion channel and cell membrane work - connects to bioelectricity in the entire body
- evolution - work to identify non-DNA information passed down to germ line - millions of permutations - fluorescence technique applied to only a few at a time - tedious work - Denis Noble
- evolutionary biology - Denis Noble - journey from reductionist to non-reductionist - ion channel and cell membrane work - connects to bioelectricity in the entire body
- Oct 2022
www.cnbc.com www.cnbc.com
Kyle McCann has always prided himself in his ability to make the best of any situation. So when his boss fired him from the job he started just eight weeks earlier, McCann held back tears and decided to focus on the bright side.
- Aug 2020
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Liu, Zihan, Drake Van Egdom, Rhona Flin, Christiane Spitzmueller, Omolola Adepoju, and Ramanan Krishnamoorti. ‘I Don’t Want to Go Back: Examining the Return to Physical Workspaces During COVID-19’. Preprint. PsyArXiv, 21 August 2020. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/un2bp.
- childcare
- physical workspaces
- COVID-19
- organizational strategies
- decision making
- is:preprint
- return to work
- policy makers
- concerns
- flexible approaches
- employee perspectives
- United States
- US
- lang:en
- blanket policies
- multi-generational households
- females
- non-caucasians
- willingness to return
- May 2020
www.psychologicalscience.org www.psychologicalscience.org
APS Backgrounder Series: Psychological Science and COVID-19: Working Remotely. (n.d.). Association for Psychological Science - APS. Retrieved April 21, 2020, from https://www.psychologicalscience.org/news/backgrounder-covid-19-remote-work.html