31 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2025
  2. Oct 2024
    1. Group opinion statements generated by the Habermas Machine were consistently preferred by group members over those written by human mediators and received higher ratings from external judges for quality, clarity, informativeness, and perceived fairness

      What do we mean by preferred? What do we knwo about the the colelctive shadow that was not harvested?

  3. Jul 2024
    1. G0v

      The g0v movement, or g0v, (pronounced gov-zero /ɡʌvziroʊ/) is an open source, open government collaboration started by Chia-liang Kao ("clkao"), ipa, kirby and others in late 2012 in Taiwan.

  4. May 2024
    1. One of those mistakes is the rising new trend known as “Shadow IT”—the unsanctioned use of IT systems, hardware, software or services without the approval of the central IT department.
  5. Feb 2024
    1. 1:18) A persona is a mask you wear out in public. Parts that don't fit into persona (ie shadow) and then you understand who you truly are.

  6. Dec 2023
    1. Laut Oxfam haben die reichen Länder 2020 nur 21-24,5 Milliarden Dollar tatsächliche Klimahilfen an den globalen Süden bezahlt. Ausgehend von ihrem Climate Finance Shadow Report 2023 kritisiert die NGO die Behauptung, es seien 2022 erstmals die vereinbarten 100 Milliarden zur Verfügung gestelt worden. https://taz.de/Faule-Klima-Entschaedigungen/!5973353/

  7. Oct 2023
  8. Sep 2023
    1. Neurotic means you’re afflicted by neurosis, a word that has been in use since the 1700s to describe mental, emotional, or physical reactions that are drastic and irrational. At its root, a neurotic behavior is an automatic, unconscious effort to manage deep anxiety.

      Definition of neurosis seems very similar to how I came to understand my unconscious behaviour of trying to hide my deep anxiety of my shadow (see framework)

    1. For Kierkegaard, anxiety/dread/angst is "freedom's actuality as the possibility of possibility." Kierkegaard uses the example of a man standing on the edge of a tall building or cliff. When the man looks over the edge, he experiences an aversion to the possibility of falling, but at the same time, the man feels a terrifying impulse to throw himself intentionally off the edge. That experience is anxiety or dread because of our complete freedom to choose to either throw oneself off or to stay put. The mere fact that one has the possibility and freedom to do something, even the most terrifying of possibilities, triggers immense feelings of dread. Kierkegaard called this our "dizziness of freedom".

      Kierkegaard seems to point at the fear or anxiety of becoming the shadow, fully, and not wanting to become it, but he seems to use certain thiught patterns to deal with it. Is this the reason why Jung critiques him?

  9. Jul 2023
    1. to eliminate the problem of self-selection bias 01:24:31 by producing shadow bodies of power that provide oversight to the real body of power, but that is randomly selected
      • recommendation
        • to eliminate the problem fo self-selection bias
          • produce shadow bodies of power that provide oversight to the real body of power, but that is randomly selected
        • So the idea here is that
          • you have to think carefully about screening people who are seeking power,
          • you have to have psychological tests for the highest levels of power, and
          • you also have to ask questions of people that would expose whether they're in it for the sake of power or they're in it for themselves.
        • And far too often, people are in it for themselves, and psychological tests would expose the fact that they are people who are not the ones that you want at the helm of a company or a country or with the sole control of nuclear weapons.
  10. Feb 2023
  11. Nov 2022
  12. Jun 2022
    1. Here we have that exact same illusion. We have two identical tiles on the left, one in a dark surround, one in a light surround. And the same thing over on the right. Now, I'll reveal those two scenes, but I'm not going to change anything within those boxes, except their meaning. 00:07:11 And see what happens to your perception. Notice that on the left the two tiles look nearly completely opposite: one very white and one very dark, right? Whereas on the right, the two tiles look nearly the same. And yet there is still one on a dark surround, and one on a light surround. Why? Because if the tile in that shadow were in fact in shadow, and reflecting the same amount of light to your eye 00:07:35 as the one outside the shadow, it would have to be more reflective -- just the laws of physics. So you see it that way. Whereas on the right, the information is consistent with those two tiles being under the same light. If they're under the same light reflecting the same amount of light to your eye, then they must be equally reflective. So you see it that way. Which means we can bring all this information together to create some incredibly strong illusions.

      BEing journey 5 shadow and light

  13. Feb 2021
    1. However, banning him opens a very dangerous precedent, making the US more like a dictatorship... more like China. Also it's not effective. Those who were silenced will only have more motivation, and the risk of terrorism is greatly increased. The people must decide what is true. Not big companies. Individuals must be able to express their beliefs. Bot accounts must be banned, but real individuals must not. If you think a group of people is a bunch of idiots who believe fake news, then, tough, that's democracy for you. Maybe it means that your government is not investing enough in education and welfare to properly educate and give hope to those people.
    2. I oppose the banning of Donald Trump and his non-violent believers/content from social media platforms such as Facebook Twitter, YouTube and Amazon. I feel (irrationally?) Trump is arrogant and disgusting as a person. I like some of his anti-CCP policies, but not sure I'd vote for him. The "USA First" stance is particularly damaging as it scares USA allies away. I don't think there's enough evidence for the electoral fraud allegations, but I haven't researched the court cases extensively. However, banning him opens a very dangerous precedent, making the US more like a dictatorship... more like China. Also it's not effective. Those who were silenced will only have more motivation, and the risk of terrorism is greatly increased. The people must decide what is true. Not big companies. Individuals must be able to express their beliefs. Bot accounts must be banned, but real individuals must not. If you think a group of people is a bunch of idiots who believe fake news, then, tough, that's democracy for you. Maybe it means that your government is not investing enough in education and welfare to properly educate and give hope to those people. I'm against violence.
    1. AWS can even terminate or suspend its agreement with a customer immediately under certain circumstances as it did in 2010 with Wikileaks, pointing to violations of AWS’ terms of service.
    2. The swiftness with which Amazon acted shouldn’t come as a shock. Companies have been disclosing details about their deals with Amazon that warn of these kinds of sudden discontinuations for years.
    3. The incident demonstrates a type of power that Amazon wields almost uniquely because so many companies rely on it to deliver computing and data storage.
  14. Jan 2021
  15. Sep 2020
    1. In particular, this takes a different approach from CSS Shadow Parts, which allows a component consumer to target selected elements, but to then apply arbitrary styles to those elements.
    1. This specification defines the ::part() pseudo-element on shadow hosts, allowing shadow hosts to selectively expose chosen elements from their shadow tree to the outside page for styling purposes.
  16. Aug 2020
  17. Oct 2017
    1. digitaltracesalsogetcirculatedandrepurposedandinthisregardhavesociallivesbeyondthefeedbackloopsoftheirplatforms.[28]Thus,notonlyistrackingincipienttothefunctioningofspecificconventions,butthedatageneratedhasextensitysuchthatitcantravelbeyondandbetweenconventions.
    2. Popularlyknownasthe‘quantifiedself’,datatracesproduceacompulsiontonotonlyself-trackbutsharethisdatasothatsubjectscanmonitorthemselvesinrelationtoothersbutalsocontributetoresearchon,forexample,healthconditions.Ironically,whilegovernmentprogrammesforsharinghealthdatahavebeenscuppered,thesharingofhealthinformationthroughprivateorganizationssuchas23andMe(DNAprofilingofmorethan700,000members)andPatientsLikeMe(healthconditionsofmorethan250,000members)areproliferatingandpromotingdatasharingforthepublicgoodofadvancingmedicine.[62]Governmentsandcorporationsalikecalluponcitizensubjectstosharedataaboutthemselvesasanactofcommongood.Throughdisciplinarymethodstheycompelcitizensubjectstoconstitutethemselvesasdatasubjectsratherthanmakingrightsclaimsabouttheownershipofdatathattheyproduce.

      Hay simplemente datos que no registramos y tenemos la tendencia dejar una sobra digital pequeña en lugar de una grande. Los data selfies son maneras de reapropiar las narrativas sobre los datos y pensarnos de otras maneras desde ellos, en lugar de dejar esas lecturas sólo a quienes nos mercantilizan.

  18. May 2017
    1. Doth any here know me? This is not Lear: Doth Lear walk thus? speak thus? Where are his eyes? Either his notion weakens, his discernings Are lethargied--Ha! waking? 'tis not so. Who is it that can tell me who I am? Fool Lear's shadow.
  19. Oct 2016
    1. This image, as it is repeated, becomes associated with Hiroshima and nuclear disaster.

      I found this a little disturbing but true. For an image it becomes a powerful one when there is nothing left of a person except the shadows on the wall.

  20. Sep 2015
    1. You will also have to tell AngularJS what part of the directive's HTML template that is to contain the transcluded HTML

      cf. The concept of 'slots' in the Shadow DOM spec.

  21. Oct 2013
    1. Moreover, everything that resembles something else must necessarily be inferior to that of which it is a copy, as the shadow to the substance, the portrait to the natural face, and the player's acting to the real feeling

      It sounds like Plato's cave metaphor