- Nov 2021
evo-training.pbworks.com evo-training.pbworks.com
Train yourself.
Consider the effect of what you use in your communication whether text or spoken on different learner and in different situations.
Use technologies that serve a purpose.
Pedagogy First
- Oct 2021
www.vancestevens.com www.vancestevens.com
One ofthe biggest differences is that EVO sessionsare free! The EVO moderators, mentors,coordinators, and participants are allvolunteers.
Facilitated by Volunteers.
The Electronic Village Online Provides Free Professional Development Annually
Online, Free, Proffessional
- Oct 2019
www.vancestevens.com www.vancestevens.com
Free and Volunteers Experts?? EVOmc was started by Educators who was not expert but were interested in learning together.
- Apr 2018
blogs.transparent.com blogs.transparent.com
multi-volume Encyclopaedia Britannica.
Coincidentally, I was just looking at the encyclopedia that I bought sometime in the mid 80s. While it was a great source of information, not everyone could afford to have one as it was very expensive.
blogs.transparent.com blogs.transparent.com
multi-volume Encyclopaedia Britannica
Coincidentally, I was just looking at the encyclopedia that I bought sometime in the mid 80s. While it was a great source of information, not everyone could afford to have one as it was very expensive.
- Oct 2017
www.coursera.org www.coursera.org
using the style tag and writing the CSS inside it or by using the link tag to link to a style sheet. Either of these tags go in the head portion of your HTML.
How to include CSS in a page/site. Goes in the Head
- Use <style> tag or</li> <li>Use <link> tag that points to a style sheet.</li> </ol> </style>
One of those themes was reusability. You could describe a style once in CSS and reuse it across multiple elements or even multiple web pages. 0:31Another of those themes was maintainability. Being able to efficiently change your web page in response to changing design requirements.
- Reusability
- Maintainability
courses.edx.org courses.edx.org
The FORM-CLASS words (sometimes called open or lexical words) contribute content-meaningto the text and comprise the central subject matter in dictionaries.Whereas STRUCTURE-CLASS words (sometimes called closed, grammatical, or function words) contributegrammatical-structural meaning to the text. That is, they signal the relationships betweenwords in a sentence and function to make a text cohesive. They work rather like mortarto connect the bricks of the form-class words to each other.
The Form-Class words and the Structure-Class words
The function of a word in a sentence—that is, its role and its relationship to otherwords—always determines its part of speech in that sentence.
Parts of speech vs Function/Role of words.
We certainly don't follow the Latin-based, old-fashioned advice that forbids splittingan infinitive verb 'to boldly go' or, ending a sentence with a preposition (‘I have nobodyto go with’). These rules were based on the fact that allLatin infinitives are expressed as one word. Also, that Latin prepositions are always placedbefore the noun, so can never appear at the end of a Latin sentenc
Latin based rules that don't apply to English now. 1- Don't split infinitives 2- Don't end a sentence with a preposition
There are more
There are lots of other rules such as not starting a sentence with ‘and’, or ‘but’,or ‘because’ that you might remember from school, but these are what some grammarianscall ‘bogus’ or ‘zombie’ rules.
Bogus/Zombie rules like:
Don't start sentences with and, but or because
Traditional grammar was based on nine parts of speech:
9 parts of speech Noun, Pronoun, Verb, Adjective, Adverb, Article, Conjunction, Preposition, Interjection.
courses.edx.org courses.edx.org
Is your voice breezy, reassuring, sincere, humble, opinionated,knowledgeable, funny, minimal, bemused, wry, poetic, dramatic, idiosyncratic?
The Writer's Voice What sort of person does the reader think I am as they read my words?
Words are your greatest tools. Read, read, read! Write, write, write!
I must be drenched in words
- Sep 2017
blog.lambdasolutions.net blog.lambdasolutions.net
An overwhelming number of companies (64%) indicated that their number one reason for implementing social tools is to support a culture of learning. The next two main motivations are to encourage collaboration and innovation (54%) and connect employees to organization experts (42%).
Main motivation for adoption of workplace social learning tools.
surveyed over 500 senior leaders from a wide range of industries and company sizes
www.famu.edu www.famu.edu
"how humans modify the world around them to meet their needs and wants or to solve practical problems."
What is technology?
blog.lambdasolutions.net blog.lambdasolutions.net
It is also important that new hires have plenty of access to learning resources such us mature employees to provide expertise
ideal but not always the case. New hires can be referred and have access to well trained, experienced mentors (volunteers worked best for us) .
Workplace learning typically embodies an outside-in approach where a teacher or instructor provides the learner with content, information and ideas
A generalization not true in all cases especially not with big and advanced organizations. As a trainer, it was always about discovery, experiential, sharing, role playing, projects etc.
it is not used to replace training but rather overlap; helping to enable knowledge transfer in a way that training cannot.
Well designed training can enhance the social learning by providing a wider exposure to different people from around the organization, encouraging the discovery and sharing among them while the learning objectives of the training event help in keep their attention focused optimizing on their time together.
www.useoftechnology.com www.useoftechnology.com
Management information systems (MIS) involves planning for, development, management, and use of information technology tools to help knowledge workers and people perform all tasks related to information processing and management
no, that's night what it is.
We want to start from designing the learning experience we need, and then figure out what technologies can help
Good sound pedagogy is most important but I don't agree that it always has to be the starting point as technology can inspire the design of new and better experiences that are not possible without the technology. e.g. VR and VW can allow the educator to design an experience that allows the learner to walk through history instead of just reading or talking about it
to map learning to the technology (not the other way around).
Pedagogy first
Example of public ones to try or experiment with?
overheads involved
how is that compared to the overheads and the prohibitive cost of creating world in VR?
When the situation benefited from sharing information in an environment where space mattered, there were real opportunities for learning.
this is a very limited view. There are other situations
Helping someone in the moment accomplish a task can be a valuable outcome whether any specific ‘learning’ happens.
specific or not learning happens when someone is helped in achieving or to completing something
We’re naturally excited by the new and shiny,
True and some people are even more naturally excited when they can intuitively see/think of the potential for learning
christianfriedrich.org christianfriedrich.org
Growth seems possible:
growth take a different meaning as it cannot be climbing the hierarchical ladder
autonomy for each member to identify with their ideas and to work on their implementation without someone constantly looking over their shoulder for the wrong reasons
this should and does exist even under different and more traditional models. It depends on the leader/manager and the culture of the organization as well as maturity of the members in how they self manage.
organizational mode has upsides and downsides.
Agreed, hence the need for flexibility and the importance of the people implementing or working with any model
wow this is fairly recent!. It's a very new "name" but principles and ideas have existed and practiced for ages.
Harvard Business Review
Interesting analysis and some good points. Need to read carefully and annotate separately.
So what is Holacracy?
(after reading) It doesn't seem to be anything new, existing ideas reformulated under a new brand/name. Again it claims to be the solution. From experience: none of the extreme models claiming to be "the one" is really the solution, CONTEXT matter a lot, PEOPLE implementing, working with/within any model make MOST of the difference
especially for a western / European
- May 2017
christianfriedrich.org christianfriedrich.org
- Dec 2016
netnarr.arganee.world netnarr.arganee.world
Participants will create and inhabit characters for role play
my first reaction was "I don't like role playing" but then I realized that there must be at least two levels or types or role playing because there's one that I already do.
It would be interesting to look at what role playing is and the difference between it and acting.
purposeful fiction
interesting expression.
The word fiction combined with storytelling is scary to me. I like telling stories not making them up. Imagining a better future and the path to it is different through.
“virtual field trips” (i.e. web visits with artists & scholars)
would be wonderful to take a trip into Secondlife to meet some of it's most creative residents also Minecraft
good stories
what does "good" mean?
- Jun 2016
hybridpedagogy.org hybridpedagogy.org
a system that values assessment over engagement, learning management over discovery, content over community, outcomes over epiphanies.
Are those mentioned here dichotomies, in other words are they intended as mutually exclusive? I don't see them that way. I think for many reasons and over the years educational systems started leaning towards one side more than the other. what we need is the right balance (not equal focus) that is specific to the learners and learning situation
Critical, as in criticizing institutional, corporate, or societal impediments to learning
I keep getting a question every time I see the word "learning"
- Learning as in the process of searching, questioning, investigating, studying or 2- Learning as in the process that happens in the brain of processing information and experiences, creating new links, creating new chunks etc.
Need to think about this carefully, this sentence seems more relevant to no. 1. Why is that making a difference to me?
“There is no such thing as a neutral educational process.” ~ Paulo Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed
I can't think of any process that is completely neutral. Is there any? In fact, what does "Neutral" means in this case? from whose perspective?
Critical, as in mission-critical, essential; Critical, as in literary criticism and critique, providing definitions and interpretation; Critical, as in reflective and nuanced thinking about a subject; Critical, as in criticizing institutional, corporate, or societal impediments to learning; Critical Pedagogy, as a disciplinary approach, which inflects (and is inflected by) each of these other meanings.
Critical: 1- essential 2- Criticism & Critique 3- Reflective 4- Criticizing impediments
our real selves and our virtual selves,
Is there a difference? Isn't the web a huge space full of many smaller spaces? don't we, like in the physical world. have different roles, interact with different situations, different people?
- Mar 2016
www.seanmichaelmorris.com www.seanmichaelmorris.com
Why is love considered uncritical when in fact it is only that fragile care for our fields that inspires the critical inspection that eventually grows into rigor?
Why indeed! This makes me think of the opposite(?) question; why is Critical considered Unloving?
I think sometimes when we feel and express love it may be seen as a weakness,.and when we practice critical inspection it may be taken as an act of aggression. but are they? I think they can be if they are separated.
These are my thoughts and the scene they are creating: For Love and critical inspection to be creative forces for the good I imagine them in an embrace, perpetually dancing, always expanding the circle. Who leads will depend on the context and situation but one thing must always accompany the couple like a delicious perfume, that is The intention of love.
Love is a feeling, an expression and it is also an intention.
The intention of love adds beauty to the couple's presence and everyone around them. Then as the couple dance. whichever one leads, the perfume will always announce the presence of love.
hybridpedagogy.org hybridpedagogy.org
Where academic Twitter once seemed quietly parochial and collegial almost to the point of excess, it is now thrust into the messy, contested business of being truly open to the public.
is being in the public the problem, or is it the change of the tone or format of discourse?
fully public honest but still civil discussions aiming at making a case, creating more awareness, finding solutions, or trying to understand, clarify, show genuine interest .... is better than a public fight .. right? or am I misunderstanding this?
Call-Out Culture
It's sad. something that I never really expected to happen in educational circles, not at that level.
I think it happens on blogs too sometimes that it starts looking like the political discussions I come across under some articles.
this collapse of public and private is not something to be taken lightly.
I've always seen it on facebook , never understood it or liked it.
www.jisc.ac.uk www.jisc.ac.uk
Educational practice first
reminds me of @lisaMLane 's Pedagogy First that I discovered in 2011 and finally managed to get back into and finish in 2014.
yes Pedagogy is always first, May be like an artist's idea or feeling that then can be expressed in so many different ways. ( Metaphors are tricky and never perfect but ..) :)
Technology can inspire new ways of augmenting/expanding/personalizing/connecting etc. :) pedagogy and learning.
Imagine having at least part of your virtual learning environment (VLE) open, not just for current students (and even current students usually can't see all the teaching that might be useful to them) but for non-students, prospective students, or staff members who want to know what's happening down the road, across the country, in that academic department that interests them. NetworkED 2020 Watch Donna at NetworkED 2020: The London University, as she asks 'what if all of London were a networked University?'There would be so much potential for seeing the different ways in which departments are teaching, for instance. Which departments of biology are doing what in their labs? What theoretical approaches are they taking?
This to me is more transparent than open where the world outside can see,
In this context open to me is more about connecting, communicating, learning together and from each other. it's people can walk in on their own or be invited in, people inside can go explore and visit others
Important: Open to me is much more than that still. I remember the Vconnecting we had during OpenEd15 : No consensus on what "Open" means yet.
This is traditional, of course, gatekeeping our institutions of higher education, keeping the gates in the walled campuses closed.
I think this is a state that developed over time not how education started with e.g. historically, in the muslim world learning and learning circles were open and free even "kottabs" in villages. (sorry for non Arabic speaking readers I will try to add links to what that is later :) )
It is not unique to higher education, This brings to mind the same question that I always get when I read about HE; why are discussions of education is always divided into k-12 and HE?
it's going to influence whether they think of the internet as a tool or a place.
or both .. hmmm I got used to making a distinction between the internet and the Web. I think here the "internet" is used to mean "the web". to me the internet is more of a tool the infrastructure for the Web which mostly a huge place full of places and paces of all sizes and privacy levels as well as tools
I'll read this again later but this is how I feel about it right now.
you don't have to teach the students how to use tech for their education. And, furthermore, it will never be possible to teach that faculty how to use that technology,
While form experience I know they are both erroneous assumptions I can't remember who started it and whether it was based on any research.
anyone has references?
Note to self : Check for background.
digital native
an expression that never matched my experiences and still doesn't and therefore has always baffled and annoyed me, but I thought may be it was a cultural thing
take a stand against being defined as vocational.
hmmmm may be I don't understand being defined as vocational according to her context.
Note to Self: Ask and discuss if possible
I don't see the word vocational and preparing effective citizens mutually exclusinve.
provide space for us to produce engaged and effective citizens who will be prepared for whatever the economy throws at them, by being able to think and connect and be critical
agreed these are the critical but general qualities. When a company hires an engineering graduate it's logical to expect them to have at least a minimum level of engineering knowledge an skills too/
Universities are not vocational
is "Vocational" bad?
not to provide citizens with jobs. That's the role of the economy.
Not "provide" but "prepare" citizens for a productive purposeful life that includes a job.
But part of our job is to provide a space for our students to stretch and explore things and if all we do is meet their expectations they're not going to do that.
this is very contextual. My expectations as a student were much higher is some ways than what I received, I still didn't know what to expect but the balance was reversed.
agree: unis should create and provide students opportunities for exploration, stretching and growth.
I am not sure that students are always looking for easy but if they do then why when they don't do in many other sides of their lives? I started looking for "hard" once I started working
my be hard needs to be meaningful to become an engaging challenge to take ownership of. .
Student expectations
How are those formed and if they are low why are they?
Again why is there a disconnect between HE and what happens before it? How can this be improved?
The product of education should be effective citizenship that is enacted out in the open
agree better citizenship of the world
non-university people not understanding the work of the university,
what kind of work the non university people do not understand? Who are those non university people?
while I don't work in a university I've been a student and still hear from many students and trained many x students.
I agree though that agreeing and understanding the role of the university is important.
gamesandlearning.wordpress.com gamesandlearning.wordpress.com
the distinction between play, as a practice, and playfulness as an attitude
playful attitude is helpful in almost all cases if used sensitively & wisely.
Can anyone play or enjoy playing without a playful attitude?
- Feb 2016
elmonitor.educ.ar elmonitor.educ.ar
Viejas y nuevas formas de leer con los medios digitales
Old and New ways of reading with digital tools
¿Para qué se lee hoy?
why do we read now?
gamesandlearning.wordpress.com gamesandlearning.wordpress.com
open annotation is a means for readers to share spontaneous, messy, and sometimes humorous responses.
yes. No expectations of style, structure,linearity. More like a conversation again. I like messy
This format [Hypothesis] is much better for me as far as encouraging participation. With the old discussion format that listed all the readings then posed questions for group discussion, I felt a bit overwhelmed by the long responses people offered and had a hard time jumping into the conversation. With Hypothes.is, I can offer my thoughts as I go, which I find to be much more effective in my assimilation of the information.
annotating is like thinking aloud may be? Can be as short or long as I want, do't have to think about flow and structure like in a blog post.
Can turn into a discussion, a conversation, if someone hears my loud public thoughts and decides to join me or if I invite someone,
Playful Annotation in the Open
I saw the tweet under #DigPed posted Satruday 20Feb16.
Playful Annotation are the words that caught my attention
I like everything playful I annotation. I think I know why but at this particular moment can't articulate it.
bogost.com bogost.com
he slogan “For the Win,” accompanied by a turgid budgetary arrow and a tumescent rocket, suggesting the inevitable priapism this powerful pill will bring about—a Viagra for engagement dysfunction, engorgement guaranteed for up to one fiscal quarter.
I agree that this is a false promise, at least an exaggeration.
This idea of magic recipes to success or greatness is not new though. A couple of examples [The Toyota Way] The GE way
hmm I wonder if he knows where the expression "For the Win" comes from. I didn't until I took the Gamification course and then started noticing it in Warcraft.
Gamification is reassuring. It gives Vice Presidents and Brand Managers comfort: they’re doing everything right, and they can do even better by adding “a games strategy” to their existing products, slathering on “gaminess” like aioli on ciabatta at the consultant’s indulgent sales lunch. Gamification is easy. It offers simple, repeatable approaches in which benefit, honor, and aesthetics are less important than facility. For the consultants and the startups, that means selling the same bullshit in book, workshop, platform, or API form over and over again, at limited incremental cost. It ticks a box. Social media strategy? Check. Games strategy? Check.
Vice Presidents and Brand mangers who are reassured and find it easy to tick a box for running after and implementing the latest fad whether it's suitable for their customers, employees, communities or even the wold do exist, but not everybody is like that - at least I hope not - I've seen some who are better than that.
In any case why should the concept of gamification be blamed for their ignorance or lack of hmmm diligence (?) to find real and sustainable solutions and benefits for their clients?
gamification is marketing bullshit, invented by consultants as a means to capture the wild, coveted beast that is videogames and to domesticate it for use in the grey, hopeless wasteland of big business, where bullshit already reigns anyway.
Q: What is the definition of the "Gamification" that he's talking about?
parents & teachers are a couple of examples of people who've been using strategies or tricks if you will that fall under "gamification" as I understand it to motivate children to learn or to do something in a more fun way
Jane McGonigal espouses not just a wrong-headed but a profoundly dangerous position, and the fact that she is not an academic appears (in her mind and practice) to license an incredibly selective and irresponsible “reading” of only some very narrow strands in the scholarly literature. She makes no effort to understand *how* reality got “broken,” how/why it is “broken” *now*, and why our solutions to that brokenness should be confined to games.
I only watched a couple of videos and heard her being quoted by others in courses. I am still completely convinced. I think what's she's proposing is over the top.
Also it's definition of "Gamification" that I think is too limited. I don't think that everything should be turned into a video game.
Gamification is in its infancy. Which means at present, it is still more of a concept than a process. Of course, a lot of “bullshitters” will take advantage of this and promise marketing miracles once you “gamify” your product. But to deny the potential power of gamification is ludicrous. I had been using gamification models in my own way long before i ever heard of the word
agree. Some will jump on any idea and use, misuse and abuse it if they think it may make them more money but that doesn't mean the original idea is bad.
And yes Gamification is a new word for something that has been done for ages but never got so much attention and study.
Someone from the field predicts that the word will disappear and the practice will continue and mature. hmmm I follow her on twitter will get the name when I have time and add it here may be with a link to her video if it's public.
it takes games—a mysterious, magical, powerful medium that has captured the attention of millions of people—and it makes them accessible in the context of contemporary business.
I am not sure if I'm understanding this correctly or i'm being too literal, but many people who are customers of gamified companies or buy "gamfiied" products and services have never played a video game and even hate them.
As with all new science, how and who develops it decides whether it is a force for social improvement or just a manipulative way of turning a profit
englishsawa.blogspot.com englishsawa.blogspot.com
the end year holiday .
read about the vacations/holidays that students take and see which one are ou talking about here. http://www.infoplease.com/spot/schoolyear1.html
check the difference between a garden and a park then decide which one is better for your sentence. https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090718110643AA0efFl
make a picnic
the verb to use with picnic is Go Go on a picnic.
If this was a habit or something that you did repeatedly with your family then use the plural "picnics" because it was not only one.
Fitr and Adha feats were very happy times especially at adha feast
It is better to end this sentence with a full stop then start a new one.
"at Adha feast" you cannot use "at" here
he brought a lot of beautiful games to me
This verb can take 2 objects example :
- Can you bring me a banana (me and banana)
- he brought me a sandwich
turned back
because we had more fun without more responsibilities
"more" is not the correct word here.
most happiest
happiest is already a superlative and therefore does not need "most" before it.
- Lego is the easiest
- Writing is the hardest thing for me
- My friend's daughter is the cutest girl in her class
- This is the most hilarious movie that I've seen in a while
- Non fiction books are the most interesting to me now
more pleasure
"more" is used when we are comparing two things or two situations/feelings etc., even if we don't mention the other one. for example: I try to be more patient. Here the reader can understand more than how I am now or how I usually am.
I think what you mean is feel a lot of pleasure feel great pleasure
You can also simply say very happy or very good
Despite we fee
Take a look at how Despite, In spite of and Although are used here http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/quick-grammar/spite-despite-although
englishsawa.blogspot.com englishsawa.blogspot.com
it would never turned back again
this is not going to happen now or in the future. try using future tense. To start with "it" it must be a new sentence in this case.
tachesdesens.blogspot.com tachesdesens.blogspot.com
She is a giant on the shoulders of a dwarf
I don't know what this is referring to, but I can see it as a metaphor. What does this have to do with silence?
Side Question: Hypothesis doesn't allow for picture annotation?
Fear of silence.
Intriguing title. My first impression was related to training. Trainers learn to be comfortable with silence. Silence allows space for thinking, processing and getting ready to contribute.
- Jan 2016
tachesdesens.blogspot.com tachesdesens.blogspot.com
What does "just an English teacher" means? What is the difference between someone who's "just and English teacher" and someone who's not "just'
"having to accept" surprised me. It gives me an impression that Simon doesn't like it or want it while I think (from watching his interaction on twitter and his blog) that he wants it, seeks it and wouldn't settle for less (ummm based on my understanding of what Just.... means).
I know I am not just anything partly by choice and party because that's who I am and I love it. "choice" is the main word in both cases.
- Nov 2015
www.tandfonline.com www.tandfonline.com
We cannot pretend it is objective
Subjectivity is always present. What are the measures in place to allow for objective feedback to be present too?
This article argues that the pedagogical and scholarly benefits of open peer review far outweigh those of traditional double-blind peer review, but require a shift in our perspective of the function and value of peer review – from a gate-keeping process, toward a supportive, constructive process of collaboration between peers and mentors
I've seen open peer review working well but it does require a shift. Work to build trust, re=frame the purpose and value of feedback needs to be done first.
hackpad.com hackpad.com
What is DigiWriMo?
- Oct 2015
www.facebook.com www.facebook.com
An interesting speech that may have a lot of truth, but what' sin it for him? I don't know much about him, so I am curious about how and why he formed those opinions.
- Sep 2015
uhra.herts.ac.uk uhra.herts.ac.uk
Creativity is a fundamentally humancharacteristic that is central to our well-beingand productivity, yet so often we undervalue it inhigher education.
isn't it undervalued, underutilized, under encouraged at all levels of school?