537 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2020
    1. executives overwhelmingly said the most urgent problem they face is igniting their managers to coach employees

      [[roles of a manager]] [[manager as coach]]

    1. n sum, here are the principles and practices you can revisit… Don’t ask “How can I help you?” Ask more meaningful specific questions.Don’t require participation. Figure out work preferences.Don’t say “ASAP.” Give choice.Don’t strengthen deadlines. Clarify expectations and progress.Don’t measure morale. Focus on building trust.Don’t put everything on yourself. Take care of yourself. I hope that rethinking of our usual impulses around team morale – and clarifying what morale is to begin with – can help us make progress, not to short-term blips of enthusiasm, but toward longer-lasting positive sentiment. As we all work remotely these days, many of us for the unforeseeable future, that longer view, not short term view, is one to aim for.

      [[12 practices for how to build team morale remotely]]

    2. DO: Take care of yourself. This means you have to prioritize your own morale if you want your team’s morale to be strong. You can’t ignore that if you’re feeling dejected, it’s likely your team will feel dejected too. Here are some recommendations of things you can do to help bolster your own morale: Step away. It’s an obvious action, but one we forget benefits us. Distance gives us perspective. And if we carve out time to see things from a different view, our sentiment on them at times may change.Create a wedge. If you can’t step away for a week or two, do create what I call a “wedge” — it’s a small sliver of time and space for yourself only. Perhaps 10 minutes before you start your workday, to regroup, recharge, and recenter.Allow yourself to admit how hard it is. Sometimes, our admittance of reality keeps us from relieving any pressure. It’s okay to tell yourself, “This is harder than usual right now.” Sometimes that singular admittance is all you need to regain a bit of stronger morale.

      [[12 practices for how to build team morale remotely]]

    3. DO NOT: Put everything on yourself. When you sense low morale in your team, it can be easy to pile that dissatisfaction on yourself. You think: This is on me, and I’ve got to fix it. What you might not be aware of is that pressure you put on yourself doesn’t protect your team – it deflects onto your team. The more drained you’re feeling, the more desparate you’re feeling, the more drained and desperate your team will feel too. We can’t hide our own attitude, energy, and morale, as a leader – it’s unknowingly transferred.

      [[12 practices for how to build team morale remotely]]

    4. DO: Create an environment where team members feel comfortable telling you how they truly feel. You cannot improve morale unless your team is willing to tell you their true state of morale and what is affecting their morale. In order for them to be honest with you, they must be able to, in a word, trust you. They most believe not only that no ill repercussion will occur if the truth is spoken – but also some genuine listening and follow-through will be sought. In fact, when we surveyed managers and asked what were the most effective ways to build trust, the top three answers were: (1) Show vulnerability (2) Make intentions clear and (3) Follow through on commitments. In short, your team must feel you truly want to know what their morale is – in both your words, and your actions. They want to hear that you know the team’s morale could be higher and that you haven’t always done the best job of encouraging that, and they want to see you take small actions to have that be true. A trusting environment enables your team to tell you their true state of morale, which is what you’re seeking in the first place.

      [[12 practices for how to build team morale remotely]]

    5. DO NOT: Try to “measure morale” all the time. Remember that morale is sentiment – and it can influence engagement, motivation and culture – but it is not a singular predictor of any one of those elements. Yet we don’t always remember this – and this is most clearly shown when we attempt to measure morale. When we try to measure morale, we often fall into the pitfall of overcomplicating it and overstating it’s influence on engagement, motivation, and culture. For example, some teams will be focused elements completely unrelated to a team’s true needs for positive morale. Or other times, a team will inflate their scores, giving the guise that morale is positive when in reality it’s not. We also overuse team pulse surveys, inundating and overwhelming our team with too many questions too frequently, and failing to take action on the results. Instead, we should pause and ask: What is this all for? The truth is that we do all this measurement because we’re attempting to understand how our team is feeling so we can do something about it. If we want to figure out how to build team morale remotely, rather than trying to simply measure it all the time, we should try to create an environment where team members feel comfortable telling us the truth of how they feel. More on this below.

      [[12 practices for how to build team morale remotely]]

    6. DO: Clarify expectations and progress being made. If we want morale to be high and to speed up the progress being made, we must make clear what is expected from our team and what that progress is. What accelerates work and people feeling good about what they are doing is (1) knowing why they should be doing it and (2) seeing that progress. This is how to build team morale remotely. Consequently, instead of more deadlines and check-ins, you must define what success is, clarify the expectations to get there, and create a system where people can proactively share progress. To define success, you can ask questions like: How should we define success?How will we know when we have been successful?What’s the best way to define if something is “done” or “high quality”? To clarify expectations, you can ask questions like: What’s the best way to share progress about this project?When is it most helpful for you to loop me in?How much context upfront would you like before I hand off a project or a task? To create a system where your team can proactively share progress, you can use a tool – perhaps email, or Google Docs, or even software (like Know Your Team) that asks everyone to share each day, “What are you working on?” In Know Your Team, we have a tool called the Heartbeat that does this, and then shares the answers with everyone automatically. Be sure to give our Heartbeats in KYT a try if you’re looking to automate your status updates and improve morale.

      [[12 practices for how to build team morale remotely]]

    7. DO NOT: Strengthen deadlines and the frequency of check-ins. It can be tempting to increase the frequency of your check-ins and tighten the deadlines you’ve set as a means for how to build team morale remotely. Especially in a remote environment where things feel more opaque to you, it can often seem like the only way forward. However, things don’t move faster because we’re touching them more. Rather, we cause interference and add baggage. The more pressure we put on a direct report in the form of check-ins and deadlines will continue to erode team morale. What should you do instead? Read on.

      [[12 practices for how to build team morale remotely]]

    8. DO: Give choice. Of all the practices for how to build team morale remotely, the most powerful is this: Give choice. Choice, as found by Deci in his research, enables people to feel more agency and self-efficacy – and as a result, increases the likelihood of positive morale. We as leaders can give options and create alternative pathways for our team. And it does not need to be grand. Choice on even the smallest of levels can help improve team morale. For example, here are questions you can ask that give choice around small items… “What time of day would you prefer our 1:1 meetings?”“How often – if at all – would you prefer me to check in with you before a project is due?”“Do you prefer receiving feedback via writing (e.g., Basecamp, email, Slack) or via a video call (e.g., Zoom) or a phone call?” Certainly, there are times when we cannot offer choice. A situation is out of our hands, and we can’t influence the degree of optionality offered. Acknowledge this. Doing so will help your team feel as though you are in tune and not oblivious to the frustrating nature of the circumstance. You too feel it. For instance, you can simply say: “I know this sucks.”“I know I’m putting you in a tough spot.”“This is a terrible situation, and I’m sorry for it.” Admitting a deplorable situation doesn’t make you deplorable: It makes you well-adjusted to reality. And that is is in fact helpful for team morale.

      [[12 practices for how to build team morale remotely]]

    9. DO NOT: Say “ASAP”, “Urgent”, and “Should”. When we’re trying to figure out how to build team morale remotely, we tend to use words that we think will accelerate progress. So we find ourselves saying things like, “ASAP,” “urgent” and “should” more frequently. However, these words only give us the illusion of control. In reality, they incite pressure – and pressure can have disastrous consequences on the outcome itself. Edward Deci, the seminal scholar on human motivation, found in his 20 years of research that exerting a feeling of pressure or control on others unknowingly chips away at people’s intrinsic motivation. His studies revealed how when pressure is applied, performance worsens, quality of outcomes worsen, the person learns less, and the person ends up not enjoying the task as much. Rather, there are alternative words we can use. Instead of saying, “ASAP”, try saying… “Is this deadline reasonable?”“What trade-off will we need to make so X is delivered by this time?”“What can I take off your place so we can accomplish this?” Instead of saying, “We should do Y…”, try saying… “What’s your opinion on how to move forward?”“What do you think is the best way to approach this?”“What advice would you give me if you were in my position?” Instead of saying, “These are your goals…”, try saying… “What goals would you get excited about achieving?”“What should the team accomplish that you’d be proud of?”“What kind of work would make you feel energized and “I’m glad I did that?”

      [[12 practices for how to build team morale remotely]]

    10. DO: Figure out work preferences. To put the Silver Rule to work, you’ll want to figure out, well, what others truly like. I call these “work preferences” – the proclivities, leanings, and habits of how we all like to work. To encourage positive team morale, you’ll want to ask your team members what their work preferences are, particularly around social events, before you mandate that they all need to show up for the Friday online game activity. Start with these work preference questions: Where on the spectrum of an extrovert to introvert would you place yourself?How much social interaction do you typically enjoy at work?What’s your biggest work-related pet peeves?What does “work-life balance” mean to you? We automatically ask these Work Preference Questions and more in our Icebreakers feature in Know Your Team. Give is a shot and ask your own Work Preference Survey to your team today.

      [[12 practices for how to build team morale remotely]]

    11. DO NOT: Require participation in team-building and social activities. When we feel team morale is low, we often seek out social engagements as a solution. But it’s hard to “rally the troops” so-to-speak when everyone is working remotely. Particularly if it’s required. Make anything required and it automatically becomes dreaded. This is a funny part of our human psychology that we resist the things that are imposed upon us. Additionally, when we default to stacking Zoom social events on the calendar as a way for how to build team morale remotely, we assume because it’s something we like that others will enjoy it. This is a grave mistake. Because while of course, you might enjoy it, the truth is this: Other people are not you 🙂 Think of it this way: Rather than employ the Golden Rule of “treat others the way you want to be treated,” try the Silver Rule: “Treat others the way they want to be treated.”

      [[12 practices for how to build team morale remotely]]

    12. DO: Ask more meaningful, specific questions. Instead of reverting to “How can I help you?” during a one-on-one meeting, try different questions: Questions that put an employee at ease. Questions that enable them to speak from the heart, to level with you honestly, and share things perhaps that they might not normally share with you. Specifically, here are some of the best questions to ask if you want to improve team morale remotely: “How would you describe your energy level these days?” This is a fantastic alternative to asking “How are you doing?” and helps to reveal the morale of the person more accurately. Follow-up questions you can ask include: “Have you been able to take time for yourself, in any way? How can I support you in that?”“Are there any tasks or projects lately that feel more like a struggle than usual? How can I adjust things to help make that project more manageable right now?” “What fears or trepidation do you have around the team, and/or company, if any?” This question helps pinpoint what might be causing or triggering the low morale – and help you understand if there’s anything within your locus of control to fix it. Follow-up questions you can ask include: “What can we communicate more often and more transparently to help reduce anxiety around X?”“Is our plan for the next 90 days clear?” “How have you been feeling about your own performance lately?” When you ask this question, you’re trying to see if the level of morale a direct report is based on their own perceived performance level. Follow up by asking these questions, as well: “What are you most worried about getting ‘wrong’ with the project?”“In your view, did anything fall short of your own expectations?”“In your view, did anything fall short of the team’s expectations?” “What are your biggest time wasters?” If you’re trying to figure out how to build team morale remotely, this question can help identify blockers for your direct report – blockers that you can potentially eliminate to help improve morale. Follow-up by asking these questions as well: “How am I or others holding up progress for you?”“What have you seen in the team that could accelerate our progress?” If you find these questions helpful, be sure to check out our One-on-Ones Tool in Know Your Team. We give you hundreds of suggested questions like these, and agenda templates, to help you have effective one-on-one meetings that help improve morale.

      [[12 practices for how to build team morale remotely]]

    13. DO NOT: Ask, “How can I help you?” Bear with me here. You’re likely thinking, “What do you mean I shouldn’t ask, ‘How can I help you?’ Isn’t that a fine, normal question to ask?” I hear you. Up until a few years ago, I personally found myself asking this question to team members. Asking “How can I help you?” doesn’t help the other person at all. It burdens them. You’re asking your direct report to come up with a thoughtful critique and feedback of you and your role on-the-spot. Instead of encouraging positive sentiment by asking that question, you’re whirring up more stress and more anxiety for your direct report. While your intention may be to help, the question hurts.

      [[12 practices for how to build team morale remotely]]

    14. Or perhaps, a team has low morale –but they have high engagement out of fear of repercussions if they don’t.

      something to watch out for and consider - [[what are the drivers behind engagement]] -- and are they good ones?

    15. Above all, we must not conflate morale with culture. As organizational scholar Edgar Schein delineated, culture is comprised of artifacts, beliefs and basic underlying assumptions. And while morale absolutely influences these elements and culture as a whole, team morale is a team’s sentiment – it is not culture, in itself.

      [[team morale]] can influence [[team culture]], but they are not the same thing.

    16. Defining “team morale” Before talk best practices for how to build team morale remotely, let’s get clear on what we’re trying to improve, in the first place. You can’t improve what you haven’t properly identified. As a result, we have to properly define what team morale is, first. Morale is the outlook and sentiment of your team. It’s the way people feel about the team and the company. Morale is not is the engagement of your employees. Employee engagement is the level of involvement and enthusiasm of your team. Nor is morale equivalent to motivation. After all, motivation is our own drive and willingness we have in the workplace. It’s our inner impulse that encourages us to do – or not to do – something.

      [[team moral]] is the outlook and sentiment of the team, and how people feel about the company. [[team moral is not engagement]]

    1. Some Diversity Resources We’re Digging IntoAs we begin to dig deeper into this important issue, we’ve been discovering a lot of great resources that I thought might be helpful to share here. Here are some of the articles, books and videos we’ve been watching, reading and studying lately: Implicit Association Tests on race and gender NPR podcast on the history of the gender gap in computer science/engineering

      [[diversity resources]]

    2. This felt like a way to A) acknowledge that our roles and passions are fluid in a self-managed team, and B) allow any potential candidate to have the opportunity to picture themselves in any position at Buffer.

      I like the takeaway they have of "allow candidates the opportunity to picture themselves in any position"

    3. It was eye-opening for us to realize the ways we had perhaps been implicitly biased without realizing it.

      [[unconscious bias]] and [[implicit bias]] -- they are a thing

    4. Although “clarity” is one of Buffer’s 10 values we strive to live every day, we definitely could have been doing a better job of paying attention to the connotation of every word in this case.

      [[company values]] should be consistent across their communication channels - their website, how they engage in social media / community they are within, in their job postings, etc.

    5. Even if titles don’t matter to us, they still matterIt’s interesting that while we were having this discussion about external job titles and descriptions, inside Buffer we were more or less doing away with job titles and descriptions as we became self-managed.

      I've talked a bit about this on twitter before, and the problem with the idea that [[titles don't matter]] - even when it was a position I used to hold earlier on in my career, [[titles do matter]], and to say that they don't matter I find tends to come with a but of privilege that people don't realize.

    6. We wanted to be as inviting in our job listings as possible. This also seemed most in line with the way we hire, prioritizing culture fit over technical skill.

      I'd be cautious of [[culture fit]] and instead think of [[culture add]] - I know lots of people that consider culture fit to be a bit of a red flag.

    7. In researching this challenge, he met with Angie Chang, the Vice President of Hackbright Academy, an engineering fellowship for women, and discovered that the term “hacker” might be one reason why.Angie said the “hacker” title might not be as inclusive as other titles and could be tough for many to identify with. She mentioned that many organizations that work with Hackbright often revisit their job listings in order to paint a clearer picture of what it’s like working there.

      The language used in job postings can signal the type of culture you have, want to create and what the company values. Terms like [[hacker]] can carry some bias with it, and exclude certain applicants.

    1. Cognitive Architecture We have been talking about mental models as if they were real things, but what actually goes on in a learner’s brain when they’re learning? The short answer is that we don’t know; the longer answer is that we know a lot more than we used to. This chapter will dig a little deeper into what brains do while they’re learning and how we can leverage that to design and deliver lessons more effectively. What’s Going On In There? Cognitive architecture

      [[cognitive architecture]] [[mental models]]

    1. How can we handle errors with asynchronous code?

      Looking back at some slides I have on promise errors

      something to touch on, is in the onError if you return something - is it can flow-through to the success of the next promise in the chain.

    2. How can we build tools with promises? Use this to build a line-counting program Use the promisified version of fs-extra Turns all of the callbacks into promises for us

      would it be worthwhile to have an exercise to create your own promise wrapper around something like readFile?

      but a bit of 'how to convert existing callback code to be a promise' .... not as often that we need to do that these days as most things tend to return promises already, but can help explain what's going on a little better

    3. There is one unfortunate trick: bind. When we create an object obj and call a method meth, JavaScript sets this inside meth If we use a method as a callback, this isn't set To convert the method to a plain old function with the right this, we have to use bind

      is context / closures covered at all elsewhere?

    1. Fill in the blank in the code below so that it runs correctly. Note: you can compare strings in JavaScript using <, >=, and other operators, so that (for example) person.personal > 'P' is true if someone's personal name starts with a letter that comes after 'P' in the alphabet.

      Might suggest re-phrasing this like:

      Fill in the blank in the code below so that it runs correctly, and the resulting list only contains people who's name begins with a letter after P.

      Note: you can compare strings in JavaScript using <, >=, and other operators, so that (for example) person.personal > 'P' is true

      having the expected result (names > P) in the 'note' felt more like a side comment than an instruction, and had to re-read the sentence a few times, even after looking at the expected output

    2. This works… …but four levels of asynchronous callbacks is hard to understand We need a better mechanism

      I like how this guides the reader towards a natural spot where nested callbacks would start to appear.

    3. Remember, a function is just another kind of data

      wondering if saying "functions can be passed in as arguments, just like any other piece of data".

    4. JavaScript's original solution to this problem was hard to understand in programs of even moderate size So a second layer was added, and then a third We need to understand all three layers in order to debug things when they go wrong This chapter introduces the first two layers Chapter 5 introduces the third

      Still not clear on what these layers are - did a quick skim down the page to see if anything was explicitly called out or not, but didn't see anything.

  2. Oct 2020
    1. Questions remain, however, about the significance of the agreements. Even in Israel, where the accords have received widespread acclaim, there is concern they might result in U.S. sales of sophisticated weaponry to the UAE and Bahrain,

      Broker peace to enable weapon sales, seems very on brand for Trump

    2. agreements do not address the decades-long conflict between Israel and the Palestinians, who view the pacts as a stab in the back from their fellow Arabs and a betrayal of their cause for a Palestinian state.

      Trump, a peace maker that stabs those he's making peace with in the back.

    3. The bilateral agreements formalize the normalization of Israel’s already thawing relations

      So in a situation that was already starting to thaw, Trump did what exactly?

    1. The Development Team modifies the Sprint Backlog throughout the Sprint, and the Sprint Backlog emerges during the Sprint.

      product backlog vs sprint backlog - the distinction here is important, and I think one I've been tending to overlook recently.

      Having the distinction can help give the development team a bit more autonomy in how they execute, and if they need to add/remove stories as a part of their execution.

    2. The Product Owner tracks this total work remaining at least every Sprint Review. The Product Owner compares this amount with work remaining at previous Sprint Reviews to assess progress toward completing projected work by the desired time for the goal.

      I've been on teams where the scrum master did this, and/or the SM supported the PO in doing this.

    3. a Product Backlog is a living artifact. Changes in business requirements, market conditions, or technology may cause changes in the Product Backlog.

      Having a product backlog being a living artifact is also an important aspect to consider for deciding how much detail to put into a story at what time.

      If the team spends alot of time into an epic/story that may not be executed on for a few sprints - by time we get around to it (if at all) - needs, requirements, etc may have changed - and we have put too much detail into now outdated information.

      This needs to be balanced out to avoid "just in time" story writing - where the team only see's the story in backlog review / planning for the first time - and at times, writing the story + sub tasks + estimation all at once.

      waterfall stories vs JIT stories - need a balance in between those extremes

    4. The purpose of the Sprint Retrospective is to: Inspect how the last Sprint went with regards to people, relationships, process, and tools; Identify and order the major items that went well and potential improvements; and, Create a plan for implementing improvements to the way the Scrum Team does its work.

      doing this well, with appropriate follow up - and tracking if we are getting the expected improvements or not can be quite a bit of extra work, and personally I find difficult to fit in with other responsibilities of being a manager.

    5. The Product Owner discusses the Product Backlog as it stands. He or she projects likely target and delivery dates based on progress to date (if needed);

      in the eng sprint demo's - the PO's don't speak up much right now, but I think there are other sprint demos to a different audience later on?

    6. What did I do yesterday that helped the Development Team meet the Sprint Goal? What will I do today to help the Development Team meet the Sprint Goal? Do I see any impediment that prevents me or the Development Team from meeting the Sprint Goal?

      I like the phrasing of "meet the sprint goal" vs "what I did / will do" - helps keep the focus on the team, and not just individual progress.

    7. The input to this meeting is the Product Backlog, the latest product Increment, projected capacity of the Development Team during the Sprint, and past performance of the Development Team. The number of items selected from the Product Backlog for the Sprint is solely up to the Development Team. Only the Development Team can assess what it can accomplish over the upcoming Sprint.

      balance of what the PO wants to build vs what we can build

    8. Inspection Scrum users must frequently inspect Scrum artifacts and progress toward a Sprint Goal to detect undesirable variances.

      When doing the investigation - I think it's looking at trends over time. If velocity dips/spikes for one sprint - might be worth looking into, but the overall trend is more important.

      If the variances can explained, and have a reasonable explanation - at times no course correction is needed. Other times, that inspection may surface problems that need to be addressed.

    9. Transparency Significant aspects of the process must be visible to those responsible for the outcome. Transparency requires those aspects be defined by a common standard so observers share a common understanding of what is being seen. For example: A common language referring to the process must be shared by all participants; and, Those performing the work and those inspecting the resulting increment must share a common definition of "Done".

      I think this is a bit of a current challenge

      • lack of a shared language
      • different definitions of done
    10. Scrum is not a process, technique, or definitive method. Rather, it is a framework within which you can employ various processes and techniques.

      This is a trap I've seen teams fall into, and myself included at times - is trying to treat scrum as a prescriptive process, and when done in that way - can end up in a bit of an "[[agile getting in the way of being agile]]"" type of situation

    1. Reflecting on these strange couple of weeks of coronavirus house arrest, I realized I have had more funny videos sent to me from neighbors in 10 days than in the past four years that I’ve lived in this neighborhood. Perhaps this is also why when we receive jokes from friends, we often immediately forward them to others.

      In many ways - I have found social media to feel a little more social over the last few months, which has been kind of nice - although it is mixed in with walls of terrible news, and the occasional doom-scroll.

      But people have been talking more, sharing more as well.

    2. Tim Minchin, the British Australian comedian, actor, and composer, agreed. “We don’t laugh at scary things because we don’t understand their seriousness,” he told me. “We laugh because they’re serious. Making jokes gives us a sense of power over the threat.”

      I remember when I found out I was HIV+ - there was so much fear and uncertainty at the time, and I was also a sucker for a good HIV-related pun or joke.

      "I'm not just positive, I'm HIV+" - this was not meant to undermine the seriousness of what was going on, but to give me a sense of control over the threat, and also allow me to take the edge of - so I could then spend time dealing with the more difficult aspects.

    3. “People want jokes,” Baddiel told me. “Partly because jokes are a relief, and they take the edge off danger; partly because they are a way of processing the experience; and yes, partly because … this is a massive shared experience.” People are looking for the release of comedy—and the knowledge that they are not alone.

      Especially in a society where showing 'negative emotions' in public tends to be looked down on - we tend to cry in private, grief in private, etc - or with close friends and family.

      When we process emotions alone - it can be very isolating, the laughter - can also be a sign of grief, or stress - but expressed in a way that enables us to connect with others, and not be isolated.

    4. “Most people think of laughter as a simple response to comedy, or a cathartic mood-lifter,” he wrote. “Instead … I concluded that laughter is primarily a social vocalization that binds people together.” We laugh with others to give us “the pleasure of acceptance,” Provine argued—to show that we are the same.

      also why you see people who can't seem to help but laugh during funerals, or shortly after getting some bad news - it can be a release, but a connection.

    5. We might be scared, but we seem determined to carry on laughing.

      The ability to laugh can be a useful tool to be able to handle traumatic situations in a healthier way. It's not that we are trying to minimize the harm that is being done, or the struggles that others are having.

    1. and allow guardrails for self-organization

      teams can have a great deal of agency - I can help with some priorities, but it's more about pointing in the right direction.

      I think I need to be more clear in that kind of messaging.

    2. Good estimation requires a trust-based environment where information is given freely, and assumptions are discussed in the pursuit of learning and improvement.

      When there hasn't been enough time to discuss a story and the team to review it, it's hard to estimate.

      We might make assumptions - but not have the time to question them.

    3. Focus on the outcomes not the work During sprint planning it is easy to get ‘bogged down’ in the work focusing on which task should come first, who should do it, and how long will it take.

      This can be a hard habit to break for most people, and something I can fall back into myself at times.

    4. The product owner must be prepared, combining the lessons from the previous sprint review, stakeholder feedback, and their vision for the product, so they set the scene for the sprint.

      maintaining a healthy backlog takes a lot of time and effort.

      When stories are being written 'just in time' - it can be hard to ensure that everything is lined up in the same direction.

    1. Also, don’t take on a large amount of unknown or high-risk work. Break down stories that are large or have high uncertainty, and don't be afraid to leave some of that work for the next sprint.

      I think that this is something that is easy to forget. It can also be nice to have a mix of smaller and larger stories.

      It shouldn't just be hit "velocity X" - but a mix of different sized stories to get there.

    2. Don’t pull in too many stories, overestimate velocity, or pull in tasks that can’t be completed in the sprint. You don’t want to set yourself or your team up for failure.

      This is where it is important to see where you can help out - see what is in review, what can be done to help get it to done, etc.

    1. Focus the scrum master on the team's adoption and implementation of agile, and the development manager on hiring the right individuals, mentoring existing team members, and ensuring good development culture in every team. Both roles, working together, will foster high-functioning agile teams.

      Also when considering the cross-team aspect of a scrum master, being an effective scrum master + manager at the same time is a pretty big ask.

      It feels like when I am doing a good job on being a manager side - I am failing on the scrum side, and when I am doing good on the scrum side - I am failing on the manager side.

    2. The scrum master and the development manager also protect teams from outside distractions like feature creep, waterfall anti-patterns, cross-functional thrash, and side projects that distract from the team's true goals.

      scrum masters are such a great asset to the team, and also provide a great level of insight to the manager as well.

      I've always viewed it as a team, not as a single individual. If it was only a single team - I can see maybe not being able to justify a scrum master, but once you have multiple teams - I think it really is needed.

    3. Most waterfall teams are manager-centric. They look to managers to set priorities, track progress, and evaluate performance.

      Kind of had a vibe of "being an agile manager. in a waterfall setting" - hopefully that can start changing soon --- it has felt like there has been a bit of a mental model gap between what I was used to before.

    4. The scrum master also acts as an agile coach for the larger organization, helping the team adopt and own agile practices throughout the product life cycle

      100% agree - they know the process so well, that being able to coach everyone else is important, and helps get them in alignment.

      They can also. be a point of consistency when people are changing teams, rollover, etc - they provide a-lot of contextual glue.

    5. As a result, the scrum master coordinates most of the inputs and outputs required for an agile program. He or she drives the agile ceremonies of sprint kickoff, daily stand-ups, sprint review, sprint retrospective, and works with the team and development managers to estimate larger items like epics and individual user stories in the backlog.

      Doing these tasks well takes time and effort, especially ensuring the appropriate follow-ups, reports, action items, etc.

    6. Scrum masters are project leaders in an agile team who focus on optimizing performance, working between the product owner and the team to ensure consistent, successful sprints. Scrum masters also own cross-team coordination so that the core team can focus on product development.

      Been trying to make the case for a scrum master, but was doing it a bit from a "my team" perspective - but the cross-team aspect is massive.

      Even with the various eng lead sync meetings / etc - I can be to busy for cross-team collaboration or being in sync, scrum masters can really help with the cross-team aspect, and help reduce the overhead of collaboration.

    1. and cross-train each other so no one person becomes a bottleneck in the delivery of work. Strong scrum teams are self-organising and approach their projects with a clear ‘we’ attitude. All members of the team help one another to ensure a successful sprint completion.

      a common pattern I've seen on Scrum teams, is the development team attaching a sense of their own performance, to the velocity that they deliver personally, and undervalue the benefit of helping others on the team.

      I've always looked at velocity at the aggregate level - never at the individual person level.

      If pairing, cross-training, shadowing, working on other tasks help the overall team velocity - then that's good.

      If someone only "personally" delivered 1 point, but paired with other people - and got more done as a team overall, that is what I'd like to see.

      It also helps prevent silos of knowledge and the "bus factor", and helps ensure that the team can adapt to people going on vacation, getting sick, etc.

    2. An effective scrum master deeply understands the work being done by the team and can help the team optimize their transparency and delivery flow.

      I've worked with some amazing scrum masters - and the productivity and efficiency boost to the team is amazing.

      They have made careers out of being scum masters - and to do it well, is a full time job.

      It is a difficult role to do in addition to something else.

    3. Also, it's important that the product owner be an individual. No development team wants mixed guidance from multiple product owners.

      I remember working with a client, where the "product owner" wasn't really an owner, and had very little agency.

      When trying to ask "why" behind some features, often the answer was "the business".

      "Who in the business?" "The business"

      Trying to get a specific name was near impossible - and often a question would go up, and you'd get 5 different answers back at different times.

      We decided that maybe The Business, is someone really named "Thè B, Ness", and they are on vacation - and that's why we can't get any answers.

    4. However, we’ve seen the meeting quickly turn into people reading from their calendars from yesterday and for the next day. The theory behind the stand up is that it keep distracting chatter to a daily meeting, so the team can focus on the work for the rest of the day.  So if it turns into a daily calendar read-out, don’t be afraid to change it up and get creative

      One thing I've been trying - is posting text-based updates in slack for the standup, and then using the face time for the more open discussion.

      Occasionally it can still land into the "re-read what was posted", but generally I've been finding this to be helpful so far.

    5. A sprint backlog may be flexible and can evolve during a sprint. However, the fundamental sprint goal – what the team wants to achieve from the current sprint – cannot be compromised.

      I think this touches on something that I have been trying to articulate, but not done a very good job at.

      There can and should be room for some flexibility in a sprint - people able to do some side work, or maybe fix that small bug that they just noticed.

      Especially if doing that thing - can help move the sprint towards the goal a bit faster.

      Maybe the setup of data for testing is getting to take a long time - writing a script to populate that data for us to make that faster, which can then speed up other stories may be worth doing.

    6. While Scrum is structured, it is not entirely rigid.

      Being able to adapt, add meetings / remove meetings, or even change process as needed (ie: tiger team for critical fixes) is important.

      Once close to release - we added a "bug triage meeting" just to see if things were actually bugs or not, it served a purpose for a few weeks - then we killed it once it was no longer needed.

      I try to consider "what is the value I am getting out of X" - and how we get there may change over time.

      At Rangle, there was a "Rangle Flow" ---- I don't think any project every fully hit it, but it was a bit of an ideal that we strove for.

      The fact that every project wasn't run exactly the same really bothered some people, but it was something that I enjoyed.

      Different teams have different dynamics - and if something is working really well for one team, doesn't mean the same thing will work for another.

    7. It acknowledges that the team doesn’t know everything at the start of a project and will evolve through experience.

      This is something that a lot of people have a hard time with, and can result in over-designed systems, or over engineered.

      "too much architecture" for the unknown, and possibly YAGNI

      Instead of having flexible, sacrificial architecture

    8. But you can use a framework like Scrum to help you start thinking that way and to practice building agile principles into your everyday communication and work.

      I've generally thought of scrum as a framework to work within, and a mistake I've seen people make in the past - is letting "agile get in the way of agile" -

  3. Sep 2020
    1. Nguyen also recommends that, when working alone, you should keep a more structured daily schedule than usual. “Usually our time and the structure of our day are influenced by other people,” she says. “You’re going to experience your day as lacking the normal structures that you usually have. People might have a hard time dealing with it. So one of the things that we found in our trying to understand solitude, is that time spent alone is better if it’s structured.”

      I think this can vary depending on your needs, and what you can/can't control.

      There are some aspects to my day that need to be structured to have a good foundation, but if it's too rigid - and anxiety, or ADHD, brain fog get in the way - I need to allow myself that space.

      Part of having a routine is also figuring out ways to make my days easier - so that while I am working, I don't need to "think" about food, or a mess, etc

    2. Find a Buddy You might find it easier to be productive without your most chatty coworkers constantly buzzing in your ear. But social interactions — even with coworkers — can alleviate feelings of isolation and loneliness.

      I've seen a few 'online study buddy' things for people with ADHD - how could this translate to a work setting?

    3. Location, Location, Location Try to find yourself a dedicated and comfortable spot to work that you can associate with your job and leave when you’re off the clock — that means get off the couch, and definitely out of bed.

      Not everyone has the luxury or space to have dedicated enviornments

    1. Social narrative is a learning tool designed for a person with disability (e.g. Autism and Asperger syndrome) that teaches them how to do something new. It is referred to as a story or a written explanation that tells the learner not only what to do but also what the situation is, with the goal of addressing the challenge of learners finding social situations confusing.[2]

      [[social narrative]]

    1. Nietzsche, in Thus Spoke Zarathustra, suggested that solitude can heal us from an overstimulating culture (“Flee, my friend, into your solitude! I see you dazed by the noise of men”) and reconnect us to ourselves (“go into isolation ... seek the way to yourself”).

      When dealing with an [[overstimulating culture]] - doing intentional screen-detox can help,

    2. Billy Barr, who’s been living alone in an abandoned mining shack high up in the Rocky Mountains for almost 50 years, has very similar advice. He says we should all keep track of something. In his case, it’s the environment. How high is the snow today? What animals appeared this month? For decades, he’s been keeping track of the answers to these questions, and his records have actually had a serious influence on climate change science.

      I've found there to be some benefit with Journaling - even if just mundane details like the time I woke up, what I had for breakfast, etc - helps give a sense of 'time' - and things don't feel quite so blurry

    3. Many factors have conspired to make us bad at solitude. They’re mostly not our fault. As Jenny Odell lays out in her book How to Do Nothing, we live in a culture where sociability and constant connectivity are rewarded, and where choosing to be by yourself marks you out as a loser, crazy, possibly immoral.

      Constant pressure to have every side-hustle and hobby also be something productive, and not valuing doing something just for the sake of the enjoyment of it.

    1. If ADHD is not a disorder, but a mismatch with a human environment, then suddenly it’s not a medical issue. It’s an issue for educational reform.

      How can this impact #[[Adult ADHD]] and #[[ADHD at work]]

    1. You can also find a therapist through “fast therapy” apps like TalkSpace, which connects you to a licensed therapist through not just video chat, but texting, too. Out-of-pocket TalkSpace subscriptions start at $260 per month — which sounds like a lot up front, but it gets you unlimited text, video, and audio access to a therapist five days a week. For comparison, IRL therapy might cost $200 per month in insurance copays for one 45-minute session once a week.

      [[TalkSpace]] has had some questionable pratices around ethics recently - source

    2. First, let’s figure out how you’re going to pay for it. If you don’t have insurance (or even if you do), there are resources available to you at no cost. Consider looking into Federally Qualified Health Centers, community-based centers that offer care including mental health and substance use services

      Services like [[InkBlot]], your works [[Health Care Spending Account]] - in the past I had good luck with the Aspiria - they got me setup with a good therapist from Shift Collab Therapy

      Even trying to figure out what my starting point was too much - but being able to use a service like that to help connect me was really important.

    3. To those who are very understandably feeling an increased mental or emotional strain brought on by the changes and the uncertainty of this pandemic, it’s valid to want to talk to someone about it. Very few of us want to process this alone. And whether you’re looking to move your therapy sessions online or just trying to figure out how to start therapy at all, you may find a lower barrier to entry than you’d likely face in non-pandemic times.

      The pandemic has left many of us with a lot to process

      • COVID19
      • Racism
      • Anti-Racism
      • Protests
      • Job Loss
      • Loss within the family
      • Life Changes

      and even just the difficult things that usually happen, but are now happening during a pandemic.

    4. And crucially, you can now meet with providers like this regardless of the distance between your physical locations, which used to just be an option for patients in rural areas that were basically therapy deserts.

      [[today I learned]] that in some places - telehealth had distance restrictions imposed. By not having those, in theory - it can improve access to specialists that patients may not have been able to access otherwise.,

    5. The coronavirus pandemic has created a paradox in mental health care: Widespread social distancing means that more people are in need of support for anxiety and depression, and that more of those resources are harder to access in person. The past several weeks, though, have wrought a change in the national mental health care landscape — a big shift of services and social safety nets from face-to-face meetings to virtual ones.

      there are also some concerns around the safety and privacy of some of the online health providers.

      If they require a video call - high speed internet access can be a limiting factor.

      Some people may not be able to get the privacy that they need to take a call without a spouse or family member around.

    6. How to find a therapist during the Covid-19 pandemic

      Often when in a moment of crisis, even knowing how to ask for help or the type of help that you need can be a [[barrier of access]] to the resources you need for mental health.

    1. There are four rules to Analytical Reading Classify the book according to kind and subject matter. State what the whole book is about with the utmost brevity. Enumerate its major parts in their order and relation, and outline these parts as you have outlined the whole. Define the problem or problems the author is trying to solve.

      the [[four rules to [[analytical reading]]]]

    2. At this point, you start to engage your mind and dig into the work required to understand what’s being said. I highly recommend you use marginalia to converse with the author.

      From the linked article

      Full ownership of a book only comes when you have made it a part of yourself, and the best way to make yourself a part of it— which comes to the same thing— is by writing in it.

      Really love that quote - the idea of [[marginalia]] is to write in the margins, take notes as you read - to ask questions and answer them, and context around the highlights.

      In turn, [[make the book your own]]

    3. Analytical reading is a thorough reading. If inspectional reading is the best you can do quickly, this is the best reading you can do given time.

      [[analytical reading]] is one of the [[four levels of reading]] - the goal is to get to know a particular text very well.

    4. Superficial reading

      [[superficial reading]] - subtype of [[inspectional reading]] - doing the quick read, not taking notes - in the related article [[Article/ Speed Reading That Works: How to Intelligently Skim a Book]] - https://fs.blog/2013/06/the-art-of-reading-inspectional-reading/ --- it's the quick take, to know if you want to come back after.

    5. Systematic skimming

      sub-type of [[inspectional reading]] - reading the table of contents, skimming pages, looking for the hooks - how does this relate to [[proximity principle]] and [[scanning patterns]] - but getting a sense enough to know "is this book worth adding to the collection" for deeper reading

    6. Inspectional Reading We’ve been taught that skimming and superficial reading are bad for understanding. That is not necessarily the case. Using these tools effectively can increase understanding. Inspectional reading allows us to look at the author’s blueprint and evaluate the merits of a deeper reading experience.

      I think this is where I've been able to use #ADHD to it's advantages at times is with [[inspectional reading]] - being able to skim a large amount of content and get a sense of what I want to dig into later on or not.

    7. Reading is all about asking the right questions in the right order and seeking answers. There are four main questions you need to ask of every book: What is this book about? What is being said in detail, and how? Is this book true in whole or in part? What of it?

      [[questions to ask]] [[questions you should ask]] when reading a book, become a [[demanding reader]]

    8. Defining the Issues — If you’ve asked a clear question to which there are multiple answers then an issue has been defined. Opposing answers, now translated into your terms, must be ordered in relation to one another. Understanding multiple perspectives within an issue helps you form an intelligent opinion.

      [[Writing Tips for Software Engineers]] - helping them identify these issues, which ones are in scope or not. how to track the decision making process around this

    9. Getting the Questions Clear — Rather than focus on the problems the author is trying to solve, you need to focus on the questions that you want answered.

      Knowing what you are looking for is important, usually when I dig into reading something - I do have questions in mind.

      I've also been littering my notes recently with #question tags - how can I make better use of these?

      I think this can help avoid the 'reading just for the sake of keeping busy' - if I know what I am looking for, but also at the same time - know if a book is worth reading, or one I should quit reading.

    10. Bringing the Author to Terms — In analytical reading, you must identify the keywords and how they are used by the author. This is fairly straightforward. The process becomes more complicated now as each author has probably used different terms and concepts to frame their argument. Now the onus is on you to establish the terms. Rather than using the author’s language, you must use your own. In short, this is an exercise in translation and synthesis

      [[translation and synthesis]] - understanding the authors in your own words, and being able to summarize their points without just copy-pasting. To be able to do this well, you really need to understand the authors ideas.

    11. This task is undertaken by identifying relevant passages, translating the terminology, framing and ordering the questions that need answering, defining the issues, and having a conversation with the responses. The goal is not to achieve an overall understanding of any particular book, but rather to understand the subject and develop a deep fluency.

      this is a deep dive into many books and resources around the same topic. [[deep fluency]]

    12. This is also known as comparative reading, and it represents the most demanding and difficult reading of all. Syntopical Reading involves reading many books on the same subject and comparing and contrasting ideas, vocabulary, and arguments.

      one of the [[four levels of reading]]

  4. Aug 2020
    1. The evaluation should help distinguish typical disfluencies from stuttering and determine whether difficulties lie in speech production or other areas, such as organization of language. It is important to determine if the problem is motor and/or language-based

      at times when i stutter - it does feel like a word is trapped in my throat - is that more motor skill based? other times - it feels like it's because my thoughts are moving too fast or too disorganized, and need to keep shifting things around

    2. Because children with ASDs have many ongoing issues with social interaction and communication, stuttering is not always noticed and diagnosed until a child reaches school age. Interactions between ASDs and stuttering present a complex combination of disorders for which research is ongoing

      Been curious about the relationship between stuttering and autism

    1. But I’ve been learning from many of our underrepresented employees that starting over in a new community can feel jarring, isolating, and even unsafe.
      • we don't know where the safe spaces are
      • we are used to being invited into spaces, and then being harmed after

      Even for me - moving from the village area over to the west end has been a bit jarring, and a year later - I still don't feel all that well adapted to.

    2. To require people to choose between being part of the tech economy — which is arguably the future of American wealth and opportunity — and the stability of homeownership is unfair and separates us into Two Americas.

      I know that being close to work has factored into where I choose to live.

      • is it walking distance / commutable
      • etc

      the cost of owning downtown can get very high, with remote-first companies it does open up the areas that I would be willing to consider moving to.

      Commute time is not as much of a factor anymore.

    3. Remote work distributes wealth into the whole system

      I think there is potential to do that, but then you hear cases like how some companies have reduced the pay for remote workers based on the cost of living of the cities that they live in.

    4. Our company is remote-first and will always be open to employees to work anywhere in the U.S. (or the occasional trip abroad). We made this decision with a great deal of intention because we believe creating and nurturing a remote culture is a key to inclusion.

      As we've been adjusting to the pandemic and going remote, I have been thinking about the differences between

      • [[remote only]]
      • [[remote first]]
      • [[remote friendly]]
    1. The CHT, by contrast, spends its defining effort on a much smaller goal: it seeks to define a temporary and nearby nextstep. It doesn't deny the existence of distant targets, but "orients" towards them as it defines the nextstep.

      This is a challenge I have when trying to get some teams online with being agile, and taking a more iterative approach.

      They fear that by not 100% knowing the end-state - that we will build the wrong thing.

      We need to know the general direction - and as we build towards it, we may discover different or more important things that need to get built.

    2. The RAT seeks to get to the final state because it receives no value until it gets there. The CHT seeks to gain partial value almost immediately, and to continue harvesting that value throughout the lifecycle of the program.

      Being able to see value in the process, not just the end result

    3. The CHT uses a short initial period to get a crude, even paltry, version of the program shipped. From that point on, the working process is much more "on-line". It is in the field, people are using it, and the focus is on morphing the shipping version to its next iteration.

      a challenge we can have here though, is when we are working with enhancing existing systems.

      At times doing a big-bang rewrite isn't an option, but we are in a weird place where 'we can't ship the minimum and drop 80% of the existing features'.

      Figuring out how to switch from one system to the other, provide a smooth transition, opt in users and set expectations, and also allowing for the ability to jump back to the old systems when needed need to be considered.

    4. "Off-line" vs "On-line". The RAT's focus is to get to a final state, and then ship it, all at once. During the working process, the thing we're working on is "off-line". It's not in the field and no one is using it

      This is a common problem when trying to do agile with enterprise clients.

      Can end up in a bubble where we are working on requirements that have been passed down - from how long ago? and then take even longer until users are actually using it.

    5. The RAT model sees software development as an off-line program-construction activity composed of these parts: defining, decomposing, estimating, implementing, assembling, and finishing

      This is what can lead to the 'there is only version 1.0' problem - and improvements / iterations fall to the sidelines.

      This can have a number of consequences

      • over designed / engineered
      • doing unnecessary work
      • lack of user feedback and ability to accommodate it
      • rigid / fragile architecture
    1. alternative processes to positive thinking called Mental Contrasting
    2. Psychologist Gabriele Oettingen (2014) said that positive thinking is deceiving, and it may tune our minds to overlook problems that are solvable in reality

      we need to be more realistic at times, and understand what challenges might come up.

    1. 3) Tell your students to study different subjects in different rooms in their house and use the cues in their surroundings (furniture, windows, colors, shapes, etc) to help them access that memory later. They could use the same rooms they imagined in their memory palace: study the modals in the living room and vocabulary in the kitchen;

      The environment we are in can help set the cues for helping us remember things better.

      This is one of the reasons why it can be useful to move between classrooms in school - goto the science room, different settings, tools, etc.

      Goto the history room - different things on the walls.

      These can all act as cues to prime you for that topic, and can help build a memory palace and a place association with the things we are trying to learn.

      This can also be useful in work - different meetings in different rooms/settings, walking meetings, etc.

    1. In mid-2019, researchers at Facebook began studying a new set of rules proposed for the automated system that Instagram uses to remove accounts for bullying and other infractions.

      Some of the moderation on TikTok was also meant to reduce exposure too bullying, but instead lead too the censorship of LGBTQ+ and Black Creators

    1. “They need that money in order to make the Post Office work so it can take all of these millions and millions of ballots,” Trump said on Fox Business Thursday morning of the states that are implementing universal mail-in voting ahead of the November election. “But if they don’t get those two items, that means you can’t have universal mail-in voting, because they’re not equipped to have it.”

      Trump has been intentionally trying to interfere with the postal service since he got elected.

    1. Simply chunking your text isn’t enough — you also need to support scanning by making it easy to quickly identify the main points of the chunks. You can do this by including: Headings and subheadings that clearly contrast with the rest of the text (bolder, larger, etc.) Highlighted keywords (bold, italic, etc.) Bulleted or numbered lists A short summary paragraph for longer sections of text, such as articles

      Help users with skimming articles in a number of ways

    1. Yoi focuses particularly on the six-month journey of the onboarding process, offering managers a chance to identify challenging areas for their hires and then intervene before little problems become big ones.

      Was talking about this with another manager - for the first three months is usually an ok-ish onboarding time for engineers, for managers - it can be even longer.

      While I really like the 30-60-90 day checkin, I do think that it also didn't really reflect onboarding during a pandemic, and something I've also been meaning to give feedback on.

      Also something I could/should be doing better - is following up on these with my current reports, and thinking of how to keep this plan ongoing, but also set them up for other reports.

    1. Components of the lessons can be exported for re-use and alternative uses

      thinking in terms of components and atomic sized lessons - being able to have a component be useful on it's own, but easily linked/discoverable and re-used in other contexts would be nice.

    1. The desire for uniformity across institutions was the primary motivator for the spread of these systems

      When aiming for uniformity across systems - we ar failing to recognize the different environments, and access to resources that people have.

      It starts to bake bias into the system.

    1. We’re publicly reaching out on social media to recommend books, movies, podcasts, soothing playlists, and museums we can visit virtually while we’re separate but oh-so-together in our fear. In this world that has had trouble practicing civility lately, we are experiencing a much-needed resurgence of kindness.

      Something I have noticed recently, is that in some ways - social media has felt more social than it has in a long time.

      It's no longer one-way chirps and hot-takes, but actually engaging in discussion in ways that I haven't in awhile.

    2. She could think about her cancer all day, about the uncertainty of what might happen, or she could feel her fear at times but also be present in her life right now

      In general when dealing with difficult times - it's important to be able to recognize that we can be scared, and happy, fearful and greatful all at the same time.

      Too often I would fall into a trap of thinking that if I was worried about something - that I wasn't allowed to be happy about something else.

      Humans are complex emotional creatures, we can have multiple feelings at the same time, and about the same thing.

      Everything isn't always awesome, and I think we can get caught up in needing to have this toxic-positivity mindset and not give ourselves the space we need to accept that something just sucks at times.

      But when we do, we also allow ourselves the space to find the good.

    3. This kind of anxiety causes us to futurize and catastrophize, both of which take up a lot of emotional real estate. It’s a vicious cycle: The more we worry, the more we try to control our worry with something tangible, such as information. But clinging to our screens for the latest update has the opposite effect because it serves as fodder for more futurizing and catastrophizing. A daily update makes sense. But bingeing on up-to-the-minute news is like stress eating—it’s bloating our minds with unhealthy food that will make us feel sick.

      This is something I have noticed as well - it can be very easy to get caught up with up-to-the-second news, and social media makes it very easy to do so.

      However, there is so much that we can't do anything about - especially when its a news story about something that is in another city our country.

      Finding the right balance of being informed, but not doom-scrolling can be tricky to balance.

    4. and underneath the quip was the hope that others might feel less alone in this very strange and anxiety-provoking time

      one of the reasons I have been more vocal about things like anxiety and ADHD - part is,

      • I need to for myself,
      • also been feeling alone
      • hope others feel less alone
      • others have reached out saying they feel less alone
    1. when you want to emphasize something, you need to slow the reader’s pace with shorter sentences and bolder punctuation.

      Often when people write, they just go for an information-wall, and don't consider the pace of how people read.

      Think of listening to a moving speech - not every word or sentence is the same. Being able to build a rhythm of a post can give it impact, and make it more memorable.

    2. couples concepts with concrete examples

      I've noticed that in a lot of the writing that I enjoy - even if it's more of a story based, being able to tie in the concept from the narrative with a concrete example of how it's used helps move it from 'just a story', to something that has a takeaway or lesson

    1. but it really pushes the boundaries of your technology stack, surfacing issues that you might not have noticed until you reach a certain scale

      Both technology, but I also think in how people communicate and collaborate.

      Many of the 'in person' tools and systems that people relied on, stop being as effective or as available.

      'no such thing as a 5 min zoom call'

    2. having a completely distributed team can make it very difficult for team members to get to know each other on a personal level

      There is lots that gets missed from the chance encounters of in-person interactions.

      I've found this to be a challenge when onboarding at a new company.

      Many of the ways we happen to meet people in a normal office environment can go away, the chance encounters need to become intentional ones.

      It can feel awkward reaching out to someone over slack to ask for something if you have never had any kind of casual conversation or interaction with them before.

    1. On Quora, in fact, the question can (and often is) edited by the community for clarity, and on Stack Exchange posters who pose badly formulated questions are pushed by moderators to reformulate their question in ways more beneficial to the site.

      This is pretty interesting - as something I've found myself saying recently a few times is "helping people learn how to ask the right question is important"

      as once you can get to the right question, it also can become easier to teach yourself

    1. Course as community of practice

      could thinking of guilds at work in this way be useful?

      • are they currently being done this way?
      • or could this be an option of how to run a guild, or a topic within a guild but not a replacement for the guild itself?
    2. Course as community onboarding

      I like this idea - as when joining a community figuring out the 'rules of engagement' can be hard, and also

      • who to go for what
      • what do I need to know to start
      • how does this community work

      For team on-boarding, project on-boarding, etc - it can also guide people towards other courses / resources that may be more ongoing or of other types

    3. Course as generative learning event

      when Rangle first started to rally around redux - it did feel like a generative learning event

    4. Course as introduction or teaser

      Lunch & Learns / etc and shorter talks can be useful for this.

      At times having a full workshop on a topic may not be of interest to everyone, but this can be used to drive interest.

      At the same time - if the deeper content isn't ready - can be used to gauge interest, 'is this worth doing something more on?

    5. Facilitators don't have to be experts in the topic — they can be learners too!

      yup, and I think having this distinction and also being clear/honest about it - and being transparent in our own learning process.

      I think a challenge we've had with some online educators, is they have positioned themselves as an expert, and shared content from a place of 'authority' that was a bit rocky.

      The advice then gets taken as 'set in stone', next thing you know a rough idea goes viral and becomes 'best practice' when it was really 'some person trying to figure something out'

      By being more transparent in where you are at, it can then encourage more feedback and discussion, and also a deepening of the facilitators understanding.

    6. and because we largely lack the infrastructure to support their creation and maintenance

      maintiance of course content is hard.

      Some of the tooling available to do this is getting better, I remember the hassles we had trying to keep the Angular training materials up to date, it was a maintenance nightmare.

      I think some of what is being done with MDX, Gatsby, HeadlessCMS, and sort of 'content as modules' can help with this infrastructure.

      I'm also curious to see where ideas like Roam, Zettelkasten, Smart Notes, etc could also help with this.

      Also 'minimal training modules', etc, and even things like https://notes.andymatuschak.org/About_these_notes could be used to have better networked thought and learnig

    7. Building course structures is a creative venture. Courses should be experimental, iterative, and forever changing to better serve learning.

      I was thinking about this on my walk yesterday and thinking about

      • how would I create an organization that has a teaching culture instead of a learning culture
      • how could I teach an organization how to be a teaching culture
      • I would need to teach myself, but then document that teaching, and then also adapt it as I learn more
    8. Online courses tend to be based around linear playlists of videos, along with associated readings and other activities. These often look like university courses filmed and translated more or less directly to online form. More internet native courses tend to be shorter and more focused, but still just as linear and video-centric.

      agree with this.

      I've often thought that at times learning feels more like the Path fo Exile skill spider-web than a linear path.

      Many 'road maps', 'how to' feels like a ladder - and then it's not always clear how much you need to learn about a certain step before moving onto the next step, while also failing to realize that you may have learned the outcomes from the step in another way.

    9. What is a "course"? And more importantly: what more can a course be?

      I like this framing, as something that I've been thinking for awhile is that when it comes to teaching/education - people are too caught up in an old style of education and are trying to copy-paste the classroom setting into the online world.

      While some K-12 education seems to be adapting a bit faster, higher education still feels a little stuck.

      Bootcamps are a little different, but gaps still exist --- got thinking about this also when talking with Sam recently