- May 2017
www.forbes.com www.forbes.com
Alexis de Tocqueville Institution
This may be a front group. Investigate, find additional sources, and leave research notes in the comments.
- Mar 2017
nicolassauret.net nicolassauret.net
Ce que le texte liquide vient ainsi disrupter, c’est la référence et tout le système bibliographique qui s’est mis en place pour l’institutionnaliser. Or cette référence et son institutionnalisation sont les conditions du partage d’un socle commun de connaissances au sein d’une communauté de savoir. La possibilité de s’y référer procure au texte stabilisé une autorité et une authenticité nécessaires à une réflexion commune.
- Jan 2017
scalar.usc.edu scalar.usc.edu
El adjetivo, cuando no da vida, mata.
¿Es este un buen consejo para escribir? ¿Por qué mata el adjetivo exactamente?
I’ve collected the following list of needs based on what I’ve noticed across projects. I’ve tried to roughly organize it from critical (bottom of Maslow’s pyramid) to legacy (higher on the pyramid).
aeon.co aeon.co
Like many other AI practitioners, I’m a philosophical functionalist: I believe that a cognitive state, such as one derived from reading, should not be defined by what it is made of in terms of hardware or biology, but instead by how it functions, in relation to inputs, outputs and other cognitive states. (Opponents of functionalism include behaviourists – who insist that mental states are nothing other than dispositions to behave in certain ways – and mind-brain identity theorists – who argue that mental states are identical with particular neural states, and are tied to specific biological ‘hardware’.)
La idea de dependencia en un "hardware" biológico es la más cercana a mi perspectiva. La funcionalista se acerca al test de Turing y proponentes similares.
¿Conoces la frase popular "el fin justifica los medios"? Significa que cualquier procedimiento es válido para alcanzar un objetivo importante. ¿Estás de acuerdo con esta afirmación?
En este cuento Emma trata de vengar a su padre, pero ¿justifica eso que mate a Lowenthal? ¿Crees que se puede justificar la venganza en un caso así?
- Dec 2016
es.wikipedia.org es.wikipedia.org
Ese estado interior positivo es deseado tanto para uno mismo como para los demás, hasta el punto de convertirse en un propósito o meta de vida.
- Nov 2016
actualidad.rt.com actualidad.rt.com
De acuerdo con Michael Moore, algunos votantes podrían dar su voto por Trump como una señal de advertencia para el deteriorado sistema político en EE.UU. que se niega a cambiar. "Por el enfado que muchos sienten hacia el sistema político, millones de personas votarán por Trump. No porque estén de acuerdo con él, no porque les guste, sino solo porque pueden hacerlo, solo por enfadar al sistema".
"Creo que Trump enfocará la mayor parte de su atención en los cuatro estados del cinturón industrial de los Grandes Lagos, que votan predominantemente por el Partido Demócrata: Michigan, Ohio, Pensilvania y Wisconsin", sostiene Michael Moore. Según el documentalista, todo lo que necesita Trump para ganar "son estos cuatro estados. No necesita Florida. No necesita Colorado o Virginia. Solo Michigan, Ohio, Pensilvania y Wisconsin"
marinersoftware.deskpro.com marinersoftware.deskpro.com
2. The Quality of the Scan Scanners make a digital representation of visual input. The quality and type of output it is able to produce, will have an effect on the quality of the input provided to the OCR engine to process. Software programs (like the Image Capture dialog in Paperless) make it possible for the user to alter the visual properties (such as brightness and contrast) of the scanner's output. One of the biggest factors is DPI or Dots per Inch. Setting the DPI lower than 200 will yield uninteligible results wheras setting it higher than 600dpi will just increase the size of the stored file without yielding much better results. We tend to recommend a 300dpi for in item. Color vs. Black and White, vs. grayscale depends on your source material. Often times documents and receipts will not need to be stored in Color (as it makes the storage file larger) but the difference between B&W and grayscale can be profound depending on the source. In general, a grayscale image will provide a better result than a black and white image. Internally, the software performs adaptive binarization where it changes a grayscale image to a black and white image if this process is already done, presumably by your scanner software) it's possible some fidelity will be lost and the OCR results may suffer.
www.greenpeace.org www.greenpeace.orgImpactos1
En Europa este aumento es de 0,95ºC y en España se ha incrementado en 1,5ºC en las tres últimas décadas. En algunas zonas, como Murcia, subió 2ºC. Se prevé que aumente entre 1,1ºC y 6,4ºC para el año 2095.
www.greenpeace.org www.greenpeace.org
El Ártico se derrite más del doble de rápido que el resto de regiones del mundo: en los últimos 30 años hemos perdido tres cuartas partes de su hielo.
www.who.int www.who.int
Es necesario hacer tomar conciencia de los efectos del cambio climático en la salud, para impulsar la adopción de medidas de salud pública
2016 2015 Incremento en % Enero 58 968 55 411 6,4 Febrero 79 128 72 079 9,8 Marzo 90 034 94 295 -4,5 Abril 78 561 67 696 16,0 Mayo 90 227 76 683 17,7 Junio 98 913 92 494 7,0 Julio 84 277 82 712 1,9 Agosto 47 670 44 555 7 Septiembre 59 122 55 838 5,9 Octubre 62 246 63 246 -1,9 Acumulado (Enero-Octubre) 749 091 705 593 6,2
www.greenpeace.org www.greenpeace.org
El aumento de la temperatura global de 0,85 ºC, el mayor de la historia de la humanidad.
www.lavanguardia.com www.lavanguardia.com
Hillary Clinton es la personificación de la palabra establishment. Desde que en 1979 se convirtiera en la primera dama de Arkansas, su nombre ha sido sinónimo de política. Nunca fue una primera dama al uso, ella quería tener una voz propia, se negaba a ser la sombra de su marido, algo que siempre ha molestado entre los círculos conservadores. Se la ha acusado de impertinente, de antipática y de poco carismática. Pero lo que más molesta de Clinton es el secretismo con el que ha gestionado su carrera.
Trump se ha erigido como el candidato antiélites. No importa que él mismo forme parte de ella. Durante la campaña, el magnate ha prometido enfrentarse a unos poderes fácticos de los que cada vez más ciudadanos se sienten alejados. Lo ha pagado caro, con la pérdida de importantes donantes y el alejamiento de gran parte de los pesos pesados de su partido, pero ha sabido conectar con una clase trabajadora golpeada por la globalización y que vive la política con desafección.
www.elmundo.es www.elmundo.es
En el plano internacional, la incertidumbre sería absoluta, lo único que se podría esperar sería que los asesores presidenciales le disuadiesen de tomar decisiones impulsivas, como iniciar una guerra comercial con China o cambiar alianzas estratégicas que desembocasen en un acercamiento a la Rusia de Putin y un alejamiento de sus aliados tradicionales y las políticas de la OTAN.
En el caso de EEUU, una posible victoria de Trump recrudecería el enfrentamiento social en el país. Su indisimulado desprecio hacia las minorías raciales y hacia los inmigrantes, a los que culpa de acaparar los empleos en detrimento de los trabajadores estadounidenses, podrían desembocar en una ola de racismo y exclusión con nefastas consecuencias para la convivencia
sino que afectaría a la productividad empresarial y provocaría el cierre de muchas compañías
- Asesores presidenciales le disuadiesen de tomar decisiones impulsivas, como iniciar una guerra comercial con China o cambiar alianzas estratégicas
- Su indisimulado desprecio hacia las minorías raciales y hacia los inmigrantes, a los que culpa de acaparar los empleos en detrimento de los trabajadores estadounidenses
- Afectaría a la productividad empresarial y provocaría el cierre de muchas compañías
www.fomento.gob.es www.fomento.gob.es
www.moverribera.consorcioeder.es www.moverribera.consorcioeder.es
Todos nosotros somos responsables de emisiones de CO2
www.presidencia.gob.mx www.presidencia.gob.mx
Ver punto 4.5.1. Abierto a comentarios. Si deseas comentar anónimamente o sin registrarte, haz el Log in como:
Usuario: Anonimo<br> Contraseña: anonimo
Local file Local file
Corporate practices can be directly hostile to individuals with exceptional skills and initiative in technical matters. I consider such management of technical people cruel and wasteful. Kierkegaard was a strong proponent for the individual against “the crowd” and has some serious discussion of the importance of aesthetics and ethical behavior. I couldn’t point to a specific language feature and say, “See, there’s the influence of the nineteenth-century philosopher,” but he is one of the roots of my reluctance to eliminate “expert level” features, to abolish “misuses,” and to limit features to support only uses that I know to be useful. I’m not particularly fond of Kierkegaard’s religious philosophy, though.
Interesante ver cómo el lenguaje de programación es diseñado como una prevención contra la cultura corporativa.
TR: In retrospect, in designing C++, wasn’t your decision to trade off programmer efficiency, security, and software reliability for run time performance a fundamental mistake?BS: Well, I don’t think I made such a trade-off. I want elegant and efficient code. Sometimes I get it. These dichotomies (between efficiency versus correctness, efficiency versus programmer time, efficiency versus high-level, et cetera.) are bogus.What I did do was to design C++ as first of all a systems programming language: I wanted to be able to write device drivers, embedded systems, and other code that needed to use hardware directly. Next, I wanted C++ to be a good language for designing tools. That required flexibility and performance, but also the ability to express elegant interfaces.
And without real changes in user behavior, software suppliers are unlikely to change.
People reward developers who deliver software that is cheap, buggy, and first. That’s because people want fancy new gadgets now.
Software developers have become adept at the difficult art of building reasonably reliable systems out of unreliable parts. The snag is that often we do not know exactly how we did it: a system just “sort of evolved” into something minimally acceptable. Personally, I prefer to know when a system will work, and why it will.
scalar.usc.edu scalar.usc.edu
¿Qué tipo de narrador aparece en El almohadón de plumas?
trama puede ser lineal o no lineal.
¿Qué tipo de trama tiene El almohadón de plumas?
tipos de personajes
¿Crees que los personajes que encontramos en El almohadón de plumas tienen un carácter sencillo/plano? ¿O más bien complejo/redondo?
Después de leer el relato, ¿cuántos personajes dirías que hay? ¿Quién es el personaje protagonista? ¿Crees que hay algún personaje antagonista?
artstor.wordpress.com artstor.wordpress.com
Mexico is known as Día de los Muertos, “Day of the Dead,” and celebrations take place on the first two days of November, when family and friends gather to remember loved ones who have died.
The Day of the Dead is a holiday in which you honor loved ones that have died.
- Oct 2016
journal.code4lib.org journal.code4lib.org
Oklahoma Correctional Industries; workers scan the original photos and prepare metadata
We can make the argument here that the University of North Texas, the Oklahoma Historical Society, and the Ethics in Journalism Foundation support de facto slave labor. Let's be honest here: "workers" = "prisoners"
- Sep 2016
www.sr.ithaka.org www.sr.ithaka.org
the risk of re-identification increases by virtue of having more data points on students from multiple contexts
Very important to keep in mind. Not only do we realise that re-identification is a risk, but this risk is exacerbated by the increase in “triangulation”. Hence some discussions about Differential Privacy.
- Aug 2016
Antes del siglo XX hubo algunos escritores españoles que plasmaron en sus obras la preocupación que sentían por el futuro de España ante una sociedad cada vez más mecanizada; pero algunos también confiaron en el progreso, que veían en otros países europeos, como solución a los problemas de su propia sociedad, llegando incluso a adelantarse a algunos inventos que fueron realidad más tarde. Si te interesa este tema, puedes leer más aquí.
pt.wikipedia.org pt.wikipedia.org
PostgreSQL Firebird HSQLDB DB2IBM Informix mSQL MySQL MariaDB Oracle SQL-Server TinySQL ZODB JADE Sybase Microsoft Access (Alguns o consideram SGBD mas é um SGBDR) Microsoft Visual Foxpro
Exemplos de SGBDs
pt.wikipedia.org pt.wikipedia.org
Um banco de dados relacional é um banco de dados que modela os dados de uma forma que eles sejam percebidos pelo usuário como tabelas, ou mais formalmente relações.
tabelas = relações
- Jul 2016
journals-openedition-org.accesdistant.sorbonne-universite.fr journals-openedition-org.accesdistant.sorbonne-universite.fr
un régime spectaculaire, fonctionnant sur une coupure scénique et une convergence des regards vers un espace-temps attentionnel unique
société du spectacle
brito.ca brito.ca
De ce point de vue, il n'est pas nécessaire d'argumenter longuement sur ces dispositions car le convergence des structures de productivité peut produire des miracles et agrémenter le soutien du jeu des stratégies des forces en présence.
- Jun 2016
exposingtheinvisible.org exposingtheinvisible.org
I thought was anonymised, but, two or three months later, I was able to de-anonymise it. This happened with crowdflow.net, a project about the consolidated.db, the database that records all of your movements on iPhones, that was backed-up unencrypted on PCs and Macs.
- May 2016
www.jstor.org.ezproxy.alu.talonline.ca www.jstor.org.ezproxy.alu.talonline.ca
nalogies between teaching and various aspects of show business or guidance counseling are more often than not excuses for having abdicated the task
On why showy teaching is bad teaching p.3
De Man, Paul. “The Resistance to Theory.” Yale French Studies, no. 63 (1982): 3–20. doi:10.2307/2929828.
trello.com trello.com
In the process of supporting our Services, we may need to investigate the data within your account, including data you have entered into private boards, cases, wikis, etc. If this occurs, we will always request your explicit permission before looking at the data in your account.
Solicitação de autorização para análise de quadros privados.
. Information like that, which is voluntarily posted in publicly visible parts of our Services, is considered to be public, even if it would otherwise be considered to be personally identifying or sensitive.
Informa que os arquivos postados como públicos assim serão tratados mesmo que confidenciais ou identificáveis.
trello.com trello.com
(k) "stalk" or otherwise harass another;
Compromisso de não stalkear outros usuários.
You understand that the technical processing and transmission of the Service, including Your User Content, may involve (a) transmissions over various networks; and (b) changes to conform and adapt to technical requirements of connecting networks or devices.
Reforçar que a transmissão envolve outros serviços e agentes que não unicamente o trello.
ou agree that You must evaluate, and bear all risks associated with, the use of any Content, including any reliance on the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of such Content
Transfere para o usuário a responsabilidade de ponderar os riscos sobre o fato de dispor seus próprios conteúdos pelo aplicativo.
You acknowledge that Trello does not pre-screen User Content, but that Trello and its designees shall have the right (but not the obligation) in their sole discretion to refuse, modify or move any Content that is available via the Service.
O Trello garante não verifica previamente o conteúdo postados pelo usuário, porém tem o direito, não obrigação, de movê-los ou excluí-los caso necessário.
However, by uploading any User Content to the Service, You agree that Trello may store and display (only to You, to the extent that You make such User Content private) Your User Content solely as necessary in connection with the Service. To the extent You choose to share any of Your User Content with other users of the Service, You agree to allow these users (i.e., only the users you specify) to view Your User Content and, to the extent applicable, collaborate with You and Your User Content.
Autorização para apresentar o conteúdo de acordo com as opções de privacidade setadas pelo usuário (privadas, públicas ou com indivíduos em específico).
Trello is not directed to children, and we expect that any use by children will only be done with the guidance, supervision and consent of their parents, guardians and/or authorized school officials
Idade mínima de uso.
- Mar 2016
montedacunca.wordpress.com montedacunca.wordpress.com
www.wwoof.pt www.wwoof.pt
We visited this project in the scope of our Travel for Transition project.
Please feel free to reach out to us if you want to know more about the project: hi@travelfortranstion.com
- Feb 2016
www.readability.com www.readability.com
I think that such third-party review companies should exist for the sole purpose of providing competent, thorough, trust-worthy review of scientific papers and that a focus on profit might divert their attention from this goal. For example, unreasonably high profit margins are one of the reasons that large publishers such as Elsevier are currently being criticised.
www.reptic.qc.ca www.reptic.qc.ca
Le matériel du CCDMD est au coeur du programme de TEE au cégep de Granby et dans tout le réseau collégial du Québec.
- Jan 2016
www.facebook.com www.facebook.comFacebook1
En el caso de contenido protegido por derechos de propiedad intelectual, como fotos y videos ("contenido de PI"), nos concedes específicamente el siguiente permiso, de acuerdo con la configuración de la privacidad y de las aplicaciones: nos concedes una licencia no exclusiva, transferible, con derechos de sublicencia, libre de regalías y aplicable en todo el mundo para utilizar cualquier contenido de PI que publiques en Facebook o en conexión con Facebook ("licencia de PI").
www.stm-assoc.org www.stm-assoc.org
Average publishing costs per article vary substantially depending on a range of factors including rejection rate (which drives peer review costs), range and type of content, levels of editorial services, and others. The average 2010 cost of publishing an article in a subscription-based journal with print and electronic editions was estimated by CEPA to be around £3095 (excluding non-cash peer review costs). The potential for open access to effect cost savings has been much discussed, but the emergence of pure-play open access journal publishers allows examples of average article costs to be inferred from their financial statements. These range from $290 (Hindawi), through $1088 (PLOS), up to a significantly higher figure for eLife (page 66).
There is continued interest in expanding access by identifying and addressing these specific barriers to access or access gaps. While open access has received most attention, other ideas explored have included increased funding for national licences to extend and rationalise cover; walk-in access via public libraries (a national scheme was piloted in the UK in 2014); the development of licences for sectors such as central and local government, the voluntary sector, and businesses (page 84)
The most commonly cited barriers to access are cost barriers and pricing, but other barriers cited in surveys include: lack of awareness of available resources; a burdensome purchasing procedure; VAT on digital publications; format and IT problems; lack of library membership; and conflict between the author’s or publisher’s rights and the desired use of the content (page 84).
Text and data mining are starting to emerge from niche use in the life sciences industry, with the potential to transform the way scientists use the literature. It is expected to grow in importance, driven by greater availability of digital corpuses, increasing computer capabilities and easier-to-use software, and wider access to content
Reading patterns are changing, however, with researchers reading more, averaging 270 articles per year, depending on discipline (more in medicine and science, fewer in humanities and social sciences), but spending less time per article, with reported reading times down from 45-50 minutes in the mid-1990s to just over 30 minutes. Access and navigation to articles is increasingly driven by search rather than browsing; at present there is little evidence that social referrals are a major source of access (unlike consumer news sites, for example), though new scientific social networks may change this. Researchers spend very little time on average on publisher web sites, “bouncing” in and out and collecting what they need for later reference (page 52).
www.readability.com www.readability.com
At the moment, Neylon explains, the scholarly publishing process involves ferrying a document from place to place. Researchers prepare manuscripts, share them with colleagues, fold in comments and submit them to journals. Journal editors send copies to peer reviewers, returning their comments to the author, who goes back and forth with the editor to finalize the text. After publication, readers weigh in with commentary of their own.
To jump-start interest in the annotation program, arXiv has been converting mentions of its articles in external blog posts (called trackbacks) into annotations that are visible on an article's abstract page when using Hypothes.is.
The scientific publisher eLife in Cambridge, UK, has been testing the feasibility of using Hypothes.is to replace its peer-review commenting system, says Ian Mulvany, who heads technology at the firm. The publisher plans to incorporate the annotation platform in a site redesign instead of its current commenting system, Disqus. At a minimum, says Mulvany, Hypothes.is provides a mechanism for more-targeted commentary — the equivalent of moving comments up from the bottom of a web page into the main body of the article itself.
The digital library JSTOR, for example, is developing a custom Hypothes.is tool for its educational project with the Poetry Foundation, a literary organization and publisher in Chicago, Illinois.
That should enable the tool to be used for journal clubs, classroom exercises and even peer review.
- Nov 2015
contrakrugman.com contrakrugman.com
Aparentemente, segundo o que Bob Murphy fala logo depois do meio da gravação, nos Estados Unidos, até o Obamacare, existiam planos de saúde que não cobriam todas as frescuras médicas que os planos de saúde brasileiros cobrem (psicólogos, consultas de meninos gripados, dentista, dermatologista), mas apenas grandes fatalidades e acidentes.
Um plano desse é realmente um seguro de saúde, e não uma babá médica, e provavelmente é bem mais barato e bem menos elástico em relação à idade do segurado.
Também, se havia esse tipo de plano, é porque era possível pagar por consultas e procedimentos médicos individualmente, sem que estes custassem uma fortuna (este mesmo áudio conta um caso de um procedimento totalmente sem risco, que seria realizado pela assistente do médico em menos de 30 minutos, o sujeito quis pagar em dinheiro e cobraram dele 700 dólares -- isto pós-Obamacare).
- Sep 2015
openamlit.pressbooks.com openamlit.pressbooks.com
I made four fires, in the form of a cross
Do you think CDV is building the symbolism of his narrative intentionally?
Thank God I found a burning tree,
Ok, English majors, HAVE AT IT.
After he made over them the sign of the cross, and commended them to God, they instantly said that all the pain had left,
What do you folks think about this moment?
openamlit.pressbooks.com openamlit.pressbooks.com
near the shore, they began to move on hands and feet, crawling to land into some ravines
He answered that it was no longer a time in which one should com- mand another] but that each should do what he thought best to save his own life ; that he so intended to act; and saying this, he departed with his boat...
Every man for himself....seems like a fateful decision, but props to de Vaca for always trying to keep the group together...
openamlit.pressbooks.com openamlit.pressbooks.com
caused their interpreter to tell the Indians that we were of them, and for a long time we had been lost; that they were the lords of the land who must be obeyed and served, while we were persons of mean condition and small force. The Indians cared little or nothing for what was told them; and conversing among themselves said the Christians lied : that we had come whence the sun rises, and they whence it goes down : we healed the sick, they killed the sound ; that we had come naked and barefooted, while they had arrived in clothing and on horses with lances; that we were not covetous of anything, but all that was given to us, we directly turned to give, remaining with nothing; that the others had the only purpose to rob whomsoever they found, bestow- ing nothing on any one... Even to the last, I could not convince the Indians that we were of the Christians...
One of the most famous passages in CDV. What do you think of it?
e had many high words with, them ; for they wished to make slaves of the Indians we brought...
Key moment, maybe?
openamlit.pressbooks.com openamlit.pressbooks.com
astonished at the sight of me
One of my favorite lines...
openamlit.pressbooks.com openamlit.pressbooks.com
e told the natives that we were going in search of that people, to order them not to kill nor make slaves of them, nor take them from their lands, nor do other injustice. Of this the Indians were very glad.
Hmmm...is that really why they are looking for the other Spaniards?
certain men who wore beards like us, had come from heaven and arrived at that river; bringing horses, lances, and swords, and that they had lanced two Indians
Interesting characterization of the "heavenly."
openamlit.pressbooks.com openamlit.pressbooks.com
we knew not how to construct, nor were there tools, nor iron, nor forge, nor tow, nor resin, nor rigging; finally, no one thing of so many that are necessary, nor any man who had a knowledge of their manufacture;
Basically, there is no infrastructure to build what they need, and these gentlemen have no survival skills...or skills at all...
openamlit.pressbooks.com openamlit.pressbooks.com
for whom the good armor they wore did not avail. There were those this day who swore that they had seen two red oaks, each the thickness of the lower part of the leg, pierced through from side to side by arrows
Interesting characterization of the Indians' weaponry as advanced/effective.
openamlit.pressbooks.com openamlit.pressbooks.com
I have written this with much exactness ; and although in it may be read things very novel and for some persons difficult to believe, nevertheless they may without hesitation credit me as strictly faithful. Better than to exaggerate, I have lessened in all things,
Appeal to truth, but also an acknowledgment of the drama of the story....
that if at any time God our Lord should will to bring me where I now am, it might testify to my exertion in the royal behalf.
Recasts his journey's value as inhering in the information he can supply back to the crown.
www.readability.com www.readability.com
Currently, Facebook, by providing free access to select websites, via its platform to a number of emerging economies, has become the internet to this substantive user base. Net neutrality here has evidently taken a backseat in the name of doing good and given Facebook a unique vantage point into database behaviour among this bop populace.
Facebook intentando tener una posición privilegiada de mercado usando a los pobres y la "inclusión" como instrumento.
The question that remains is how to treat this rising populace as culturally diverse and yet refrain from exoticizing them; how to allow big data to be an empowering tool among emerging economies while simultaneously strengthening their institutions; and how to create alternative modes of inclusivity to the default neoliberal approach of the marketization of the poor.
- Aug 2015
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
De Ketele studied general, technical and professional education from 1964 to 1967 and earned degrees in psychology in 1972 and in education in 1973, both from the Université catholique de Louvain. In 1977 he received a doctoral degree with a speciality in observation and evaluation. In 1991 he became an ordinary professor at the Université catholique de Louvain, where he is now professor emeritus. In 1994, he was appointed to the UNESCO chair in education sciences at Cheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar, which he assisted in establishing;[1] he spent 16 years in Senegal.[2] He has also been a visiting professor at Paris West University Nanterre La Défense, at the Faculty of Medicine at Paris 13 University, at Pierre Mendès-France University in Grenoble and at the University of Fribourg.
- Jun 2015
www.eldiario.es www.eldiario.es
a principios de abril el Parlamento heleno lanzó este comité presidido por el politólogo belga Eric Toussaint, quien ya ha auditado otras deudas como la de Ecuador, que derivó en una reestructuración previa negociación con los acreedores. Profesor de la Universidad de Lieja y presidente del Comité para la Anulación de la Deuda en el Tercer Mundo, Toussaint, probablemente urgido por el Ejecutivo de Tsipras ante la agonía que le espera este 18 y 19 de junio en el Eurogrupo de Luxemburgo, presentó en Atenas un documento de 50 páginas del que el plato fuerte se conocerá el mismo día que se reúne el Eurogrupo. Lo que viene a continuación es un resumen de algunos de los puntos principales del texto, que atribuye a la troika (BCE, FMI, Comisión Europea) gravísimas imputaciones.
- Feb 2015
scalar.usc.edu scalar.usc.edu
¿Cómo se presentan las dinámicas sobre la ilegalidad de la ocupación del espacio público de parte de los vendedores ambulantes, frente a los organismos policiales en el centro de Bogotá, Colombia, en el primer semestre del año 2015?