1. Apr 2024
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      整体翻译: - (So, Pops, wollen wir dein Video gucken?)<br /> (那么,爸爸,我们来看你的视频好吗?)

      单词分解与翻译: - So: (那么),这是一个副词,用于引导话题或提出建议,相当于英语中的 "So"。 - Pops: (爸爸),这是一个非正式的称呼,用于表示亲昵或友好,相当于英语中的 "dad"。 - wollen: (想要),这是情态动词 "wollen" 的原形,用于表达意愿或打算。 - wir: (我们),这里的 "wir" 是德语的第一人称复数主格代词,相当于英语中的 "we"。 - dein: (你的),定冠词,用于阳性、阴性和中性名词单数,表示所属关系,相当于英语中的 "your"。 - Video: (视频),这是一个名词,源自英语,现在在德语中也常用,表示视觉记录或动态图像序列。 - gucken: (看),这是动词 "gucken" 的原形,是一个非正式用语,相当于 "schauen",意为“看”或“观看”。

      所以整个句子意思是:(那么,爸爸,我们来看你的视频好吗?) 这句话可能是在向某人提出一起观看视频的建议,表达了一种轻松和友好的氛围。这通常用于家人或朋友之间的互动,表明说话者对共享视频内容感兴趣,并希望与对方一起享受观看的乐趣。

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      整体翻译: - (Warum bist du dann so verschwitzt?)<br /> (那你为什么这么多汗?)

      单词分解与翻译: - Warum: (为什么),这是一个疑问副词,用于询问原因或理由。 - bist: (是),这是动词 "sein" (是) 的第二人称单数现在时态,用于表达状态或存在。 - du: (你),这里的 "du" 是德语的第二人称单数主格代词,相当于英语中的 "you"。 - dann: (那么,那时),这是一个副词,用于指示特定的时间或条件,相当于英语中的 "then" 或 "so"。 - so: (这么),这是一个副词,用于强调程度或范围,相当于英语中的 "so"。 - verschwitzt: (多汗的),这是一个形容词,由 "ver-" (表示状态变化) 和 "schweißt" (出汗) 组成,表示出汗很多的状态。

      所以整个句子意思是:(那你为什么这么多汗?) 这句话可能是在询问某人为何出现大量出汗的情况,这可能是由于进行了体力活动、感到紧张或处于热环境中等原因。这句话表达了对某人当前状态的关注和好奇。

    3. unterhalten

      unterhalten: (动词,此处为过去分词形式,构成完成时态)交谈、聊天

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      整体翻译: - (Och, wir haben uns nur unterhalten.)<br /> (哦,我们只是互相开了个玩笑。)

      单词分解与翻译: - Och: (哦),这是一个感叹词,用于表达惊讶、轻蔑或其他情感。 - wir: (我们),这里的 "wir" 是德语的第一人称复数主格代词,相当于英语中的 "we"。 - haben: (有),这是助动词 "haben" 的原形,用于构成完成时态。 - uns: (我们自己),这里的 "uns" 是反身代词的第一人称复数宾格形式,相当于英语中的 "ourselves"。 - nur: (只是),这是一个副词,用于强调限制或程度,相当于英语中的 "only" 或 "just"。 - unterhalten: (开玩笑),这是一个动词,由 "unter" (下) 和 "halten" (拿、抱) 组成,是一个非正式用语,意为互相开玩笑、调侃。

      所以整个句子意思是:(哦,我们只是互相开了个玩笑。) 这句话可能是在解释或辩解某个行为或事件,表明所发生的事情并没有恶意,只是一种友好的、轻松的互动。这通常用于缓和紧张的气氛或解释误会。

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      整体翻译: - (Harry, was habt ihr hier getrieben?)<br /> (哈利,你们在这里搞了些什么?)

      单词分解与翻译: - Harry: (哈利),这是一个男性名字,用于称呼特定的人。 - was: (什么),这是一个疑问代词,用于提问。 - habt: (有),这是助动词 "haben" 的第二人称复数现在时态,用于构成完成时态。 - ihr: (你们),这里的 "ihr" 是德语的第二人称复数主格代词,相当于英语中的 "you" (plural)。 - hier: (这里),这是一个副词,表示地点,相当于英语中的 "here"。 - getrieben: (搞了),这是动词 "treiben" 的过去分词形式,用于构成完成时态,这里 "getrieben" 可以指进行了某种活动、操作或行为。

      所以整个句子意思是:(哈利,你们在这里搞了些什么?) 这句话可能是在询问哈利及其团队在某个地方或情境中所做的事情,表达了说话者对于他们行为的好奇或关注。这通常用于表达对某个结果或情况的惊讶、困惑或不满。

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      整体翻译: - (Wenn er nicht komplett ist, fragt sie, warum ich ihn auseinandergebaut hab.)<br /> (如果他不完整,她会问为什么我把它拆开了。)

      单词分解与翻译: - Wenn: (如果),这是一个从属连词,用于引导条件状语从句。 - er: (他/它),这里的 "er" 是德语的第三人称单数主格代词,相当于英语中的 "he" 或 "it"。 - nicht: (不),这是一个否定副词,用于否定句子或动词。 - komplett: (完整),这是一个形容词,表示完全的或完整的状态。 - ist: (是),这是动词 "sein" (是) 的第三人称单数现在时态。 - fragt: (问),这是动词 "fragen" (问) 的第三人称单数现在时态。 - sie: (她),这里的 "sie" 是德语的第三人称单数主格代词,相当于英语中的 "she"。 - warum: (为什么),这是一个疑问副词,用于提问原因或理由。 - ich: (我),这里的 "ich" 是德语的第一人称单数主格代词,相当于英语中的 "I"。 - ihn: (它),这里的 "ihn" 是德语第三人称单数宾格代词,相当于英语中的 "him" 或 "it"。 - auseinandergebaut: (拆开了),这是动词 "auseinanderbauen" (拆开) 的过去分词形式,用于构成完成时态。 - hab: (有),这是助动词 "haben" 的第一人称单数现在时态,用于构成完成时态。

      所以整个句子意思是:(如果他不完整,她会问为什么我把它拆开了。) 这句话可能是在描述一个情况,其中某人对于说话者拆解某个物品或系统的行为表示质疑,尤其是在该物品或系统因此变得不完整或无法正常工作时。这通常涉及到对某个决定或行动的后果的担忧和好奇。

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      整体翻译: - (Jetzt muss ich die ganzen Einzelteile wieder zusammenbauen.)<br /> (现在,我必须把所有部件重新组装起来。)

      单词分解与翻译: - Jetzt: (现在),这是一个副词,表示当前的时间点。 - muss: (必须),这是情态动词 "müssen" 的第三人称单数现在时态,用于表达义务或必要性。 - ich: (我),这里的 "ich" 是德语的第一人称单数主格代词,相当于英语中的 "I"。 - die: (所有),定冠词,用于中性名词复数,表示特定的事物。 - ganzen: (整个),这是一个形容词,用于加强 "Einzelteile" (部件) 的语气,表示全部或完整的。 - Einzelteile: (部件),中性名词复数,指构成一个整体的各个部分或组件。 - wieder: (重新),这是一个副词,表示重复或再次进行某个动作。 - zusammenbauen: (组装起来),这是一个动词,由 "zusammen" (一起) 和 "bauen" (建造) 组成,表示将分散的部件或部分组合成一个整体的过程。

      所以整个句子意思是:(现在,我必须把所有部件重新组装起来。) 这句话可能是在描述一个修复、重建或恢复的过程,强调了说话者需要将之前拆开或分散的各个部件重新组合成一个完整的单元或系统。这通常涉及到一定的技术或手工技能,并且可能需要一定的时间和耐心来完成。

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      整体翻译: - (Du meinst, ich hab stundenlang umsonst geschraubt?)<br /> (你的意思是,我白白地拧了几个小时?)

      单词分解与翻译: - Du: (你),这里的 "Du" 是德语的第二人称单数主格代词,相当于英语中的 "you"。 - meinst: (意思),这是动词 "meinen" 的第二人称单数现在时态,意为“认为”、“意思”或“暗示”。 - ich: (我),这里的 "ich" 是德语的第一人称单数主格代词,相当于英语中的 "I"。 - hab: (有),这是助动词 "haben" 的第一人称单数现在时态,用于构成完成时态。 - stundenlang: (持续数小时),这是一个复合词,由 "stunden" (小时) 和 "lang" (长的) 组成,表示持续了数小时的时间。 - umsonst: (白白地),这是一个副词,表示没有得到相应的结果或回报。 - geschraubt: (拧了),这是动词 "schrauben" 的过去分词形式,用于构成完成时态,表示“拧紧”、“拧上”或“拧动”等动作。

      所以整个句子意思是:(你的意思是,我白白地拧了几个小时?) 这句话可能是在质疑自己所付出的努力是否得到了应有的结果,表达了说话者对于自己可能白费力气的不满和惊讶。这通常用于表达对某个任务或活动的失望和怀疑。

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      整体翻译: - (Das Zeug hat drin gesteckt.)<br /> (那些东西被塞在里面了。)

      单词分解与翻译: - Das: (那些),定冠词,用于中性名词单数,表示特定的事物。 - Zeug: (东西),中性名词,通常用来指代一些不特定的物品或事物。 - hat: (有),这是助动词 "haben" 的第三人称单数现在时态,用于构成完成时态。 - drin: (在里面),这是一个副词,表示位置,相当于英语中的 "in it" 或 "inside it"。 - gesteckt: (塞),这是动词 "stecken" 的过去分词形式,用于构成完成时态,表示“插入”、“塞入”或“放置”等动作。

      所以整个句子意思是:(那些东西被塞在里面了。) 这句话可能是在描述某人将一些物品或事物放入了某个容器或空间内,强调了这些物品的位置和状态。这通常用于表达对某个情况的解释或说明。

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      整体翻译: - (Ich muss rauskriegen, warum's nicht funktioniert.)<br /> (我必须弄清楚为什么它不工作。)

      单词分解与翻译: - Ich: (我),这里的 "Ich" 是德语的第一人称单数主格代词,相当于英语中的 "I"。 - muss: (必须),这是情态动词 "müssen" 的第一人称单数现在时态,用于表达义务或必要性。 - rauskriegen: (弄清楚),这是一个动词短语,由 "raus" (出来) 和 "kriegen" (得到) 组成,整体意为“弄清楚”、“查明”或“得到结果”。 - warum: (为什么),这是一个疑问副词,用于提问原因或理由。 - 's: (它),这是定冠词 "der" 的非正式缩写形式,用于中性名词单数,这里指代前面提到的某个事物或情况。 - nicht: (不),这是一个否定副词,用于否定句子或动词。 - funktioniert: (工作),这是动词 "funktionieren" 的第三人称单数现在时态,意为“工作”、“运行”或“起作用”。

      所以整个句子意思是:(我必须弄清楚为什么它不工作。) 这句话表达了说话者对于某个设备、计划或情况未能正常运作的困惑,并强调了他/她想要找出问题原因的决心。这通常意味着说话者将采取一定的措施或方法来调查和解决问题。

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      整体翻译: - (Die ganze Mühe hättest du dir gut sparen können.)<br /> (你完全可以避免这么大的麻烦。)

      单词分解与翻译: - Die ganze: (整个),这里的 "Die" 是定冠词,用于阴性名词单数,"ganze" 是形容词,意为“整个”或“全部的”,与 "Mühe" 结合使用,表示整个过程或全部努力。 - Mühe: (麻烦),阴性名词,意为“努力”、“麻烦”或“劳累”。 - hättest: (本可以),这是情态动词 "haben" 的第二人称单数虚拟语气过去时态,用于表达假设或未发生的事情。 - du: (你),这里的 "du" 是德语的第二人称单数主格代词,相当于英语中的 "you"。 - dir: (你自己),这里的 "dir" 是代词 "du" 的第三格形式,表示间接宾语,相当于英语中的 "yourself"。 - gut: (很好地),这是一个副词,用来加强语气,表示程度。 - sparen: (节省),这是一个动词,意为“节省”、“节约”或“避免”。 - können: (能够),这是情态动词 "können" 的原形,用于表达能力或可能性。

      所以整个句子意思是:(你完全可以避免这么大的麻烦。) 这句话可能是对某人在某个过程中不必要付出的努力或遭遇的困难所做的评论,暗示如果采取了不同的行动或方法,这些努力或困难是可以避免的。

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      整体翻译: - (Wenigstens hab ich das Mistding auseinander gekriegt.)<br /> (至少我把这个破玩意儿拆开了。)

      单词分解与翻译: - Wenigstens: (至少),这是一个副词,用来表达某种情况或结果的最低限度或底线。 - hab: (有),这是助动词 "haben" 的第一人称单数现在时态,用于构成完成时态。 - ich: (我),这里的 "ich" 是德语的第一人称单数主格代词,相当于英语中的 "I"。 - das: (这个),定冠词,用于中性名词单数,表示特定的事物。 - Mistding: (破玩意儿),这是一个非正式且带有贬义的词汇,用来形容某个无用或质量差的东西。 - auseinander: (分开),这是一个副词,表示将事物分离或拆开的动作。 - gekriegt: (得到),这是动词 "kriegen" 的过去分词形式,用于构成完成时态,这里表示成功地完成了某个动作。

      所以整个句子意思是:(至少我把这个破玩意儿拆开了。) 这句话表达了说话者在处理某个被认为是无用或有问题的事物时所取得的成果,尽管可能这个成果并不完美或者说话者对结果并不满意,但至少完成了一部分工作。

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      整体翻译: - (Guck mal, was alles drin gesteckt hat.)<br /> (看看里面都塞了些什么。)

      单词分解与翻译: - Guck: (看),这是动词 "gucken" 的命令式,意为“看”或“瞧”。 - mal: (看看),这是一个副词,用于加强语气,相当于英语中的 "just" 或 "take a look"。 - was: (什么),这是一个关系代词,用于引导宾语从句,相当于英语中的 "what"。 - alles: (所有),这是一个不定代词,表示全部或所有事物,相当于英语中的 "everything"。 - drin: (在里面),这是一个副词,表示位置,相当于英语中的 "in it"。 - gesteckt: (塞),这是动词 "stecken" 的过去分词形式,用于表示“插入”、“塞入”或“藏”等动作。 - hat: (有),这是助动词 "haben" 的第三人称单数现在时态,用于构成完成时态。

      所以整个句子意思是:(看看里面都塞了些什么。) 这句话可能是在鼓励某人去查看一个容器、包裹或其他封闭空间内的所有内容物。这通常出于好奇或检查的目的。

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      整体翻译: - (Aber ich glaube, jetzt funktioniert's, Pops.)<br /> (但是我相信,现在它工作了,爸爸。)

      单词分解与翻译: - Aber: (但是),这是一个连词,用于连接两个句子或短语,表示转折关系。 - ich: (我),这里的 "ich" 是德语的第一人称单数主格代词,相当于英语中的 "I"。 - glaube: (相信),动词,这里是第一人称单数现在时态,是 "glauben" 的变位形式,意为“相信”或“认为”。 - jetzt: (现在),这是一个副词,表示当前的时间点。 - funktioniert's: (它工作了),动词 "funktionieren" (工作、运行) 的第三人称单数现在时态,"'s" 是 "es" 的缩写形式,意为“它”,整个短语意为“它正在工作”或“它运行”。 - Pops: (爸爸),这是一个非正式的称呼,相当于英语中的 "dad" 或 "father",用于表示对父亲的亲昵或随意的称呼。

      所以整个句子意思是:(但是我相信,现在它工作了,爸爸。) 这句话表达了说话者对于某件事情或设备现在能够正常运作的信心,并且以亲昵的方式称呼对方为“爸爸”。这可能是在解决问题或修复设备之后所说的一句话。

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      整体翻译: - (Wozu mag wohl dieses Teil da sein?)<br /> (这部分可能有什么用处呢?)

      单词分解与翻译: - Wozu: (有什么用),这是由疑问副词 "wo" (哪里) 和介词 "zu" (为了) 组合而成的疑问短语,用来询问某物或某事的用途或目的。 - mag: (可能),这里是情态动词 "mögen" (喜欢) 的第三人称单数现在时态,用于表示推测或可能性。 - wohl: (可能,大概),这是一个副词,用来表示不确定性或推测。 - dieses: (这个),定冠词,用于中性名词单数,指示特定的事物。 - Teil: (部分),中性名词,意指整体中的一部分或某个特定的片段。 - da: (那里),这是一个副词,用来指示地点或位置。 - sein: (是),动词 "sein" (是) 的不定式形式,这里用来表示存在或性质。

      所以整个句子意思是:(这部分可能有什么用处呢?) 这句话表达了说话者对某个特定部分或元素的功能或目的的好奇和疑问。

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      整体翻译: - (Lass mal den Experten ran, Junge.)<br /> (让专家来处理吧,小伙子。)

      单词分解与翻译: - Lass: (让),这里是德语中的动词 "lassen" 的第二人称单数命令式,意为“让”或“允许”。 - mal: (一次,一会儿),这里作为副词使用,表示尝试或暂时的意思,相当于英语中的 "once" 或 "for a while"。 - den Experten: (专家) 名词,定冠词 "der" 用于阳性名词单数,"Experte" 是阳性名词,意为“专家”或“行家”。 - ran: (处理),这里的 "ran" 是动词 "rennen" 的过去分词形式,用作形容词,表示“运行”或“处理”的状态。 - Junge: (小伙子) 名词,是对年轻男性的称呼,相当于英语中的 "boy" 或 "young man"。

      所以整个句子意思是:(让专家来处理吧,小伙子。) 这句话可能是对一个年轻人的建议或指示,告诉他在某个问题上应该让更有经验和知识的人来处理。

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      整体翻译: 但是我知道原因是什么。


      • Aber(但是):连词,用于转折语气,引出与之前内容相对立或补充的信息。
      • ich(我):第一人称单数主格代词,指说话者自己。
      • weiß(知道):动词“wissen”的第一人称单数现在时形式,表示认知或了解的状态。
      • wo(哪里):疑问副词,这里与“an”一起组成固定短语,询问地点或原因。
      • ran’s(它在于):这里的“ran’s”是口语化的缩略形式,“an’s”实际上是“an was”的缩略,意思是“在什么上”或“在于什么”。
      • lag(在于,位于):动词“liegen”的过去时形式,这里指原因所在或问题的症结。

      重点部分: - ich weiß:这一部分表达的是说话者具有某种认知或掌握了相关信息。 - woran’s lag:这部分构成了句子的主要内容,说明说话者知道事情发生的原因所在。在书面语或较正式场合,通常会写作“woran es lag”。

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      整体翻译: 你马上就会在我的屁股上找到我的拖鞋印。


      • Du:你,主语,指对话中的对方。
      • findest:找到,发现(finden的第二人称现在时变位),这里是“将要找到”的意思。
      • gleich:马上,立刻,副词,表示动作即将发生。
      • meinen:我的,所有格形容词,这里作定语修饰后面的名词。
      • Pantoffelabdruck:拖鞋印,由“Pantoffel”(拖鞋)和“Abdruck”(印记、痕迹)组成。
      • auf:在...上,介词,表达位置关系。
      • deinem:你的,所有格形容词,这里也是作定语修饰后面的名词。
      • Hintern:臀部,屁股,口语化的说法。

      重点部分: - findest:这句话的重点动词,表达的动作是“找到”。 - meinen Pantoffelabdruck:这句话的重点宾语,强调的是“我的拖鞋印”。 - auf deinem Hintern:这部分描述的是拖鞋印所在的位置,形成了一种生动而幽默的表达方式,暗示说话人对于对方可能面临的轻微惩罚或者警告。

    19. -->

      整体翻译: 我必须把插头拔掉。


      • Ich(我):第一人称单数主格代词,指说话者自己。
      • muss(必须):情态动词,表示必要性或强制性行为,相当于英语中的 "have to" 或 "must"。
      • den(the,定冠词,阳性单数形式):用来限定接下来的名词,表示特指。
      • Zapadeus(插头):这个词在标准德语中不常见,可能是一种非正式或区域性的表达,指电器设备上的电源插头。
      • entstöpseln(拔掉插头,unplug):动词,由 “ent-”(除去、离开)+ “Stöpsel”(插头)构成,表示移除插头从插座中拔出的动作。

      重点部分: - Ich muss:这部分表达的是说话者的主观责任或被迫采取的行动。 - entstöpseln:此动词是句子的核心动作,描述了必须要执行的具体操作,即拔掉插头。

    20. -->

      整体翻译: 你的 任务 对于/给 一位 技术人员


      • Das (这):代词,用于指代某个具体的任务或情况。
      • ist (是):动词“sein”的现在时第三人称单数形式,用以连接主语与表语,表达“是”的含义。
      • deine (你的):形容词性物主代词,意指归属于第二人称“你”的东西,在此特指任务的所有权。
      • Aufgabe (任务):名词,指分配给个人或团队需要完成的工作或项目。
      • für (对于/给):介词,表明任务的对象或目标受众。
      • einen (一位):不定冠词,用于阳性名词单数前,此处限定“Techniker”的数量为单数。
      • Techniker (技术人员):名词,指具有特定技术技能或专业知识的职业人士。

      重点部分: - deine Aufgabe:这是核心内容,指明所讨论的任务归属。 - für einen Techniker:这部分明确了任务的目的或预期执行者,即这项任务是为了或指定给一位技术人员去完成。

    21. -->

      整体翻译(加粗关键词): 应该 确实 你的 手指 远离 这个 东西

      德语文本:Du solltest doch deine Finger von dem Ding lassen.

      单词翻译(加粗关键词): - Du:你 - solltest应该 - doch确实(此处用来加强语气,意为“应当”) - deine你的 - Finger手指 - von远离(此处引申为“从...离开”之意) - dem这个(定冠词,阳性单数,第四格,修饰后面的名词) - Ding东西事物

      所以,整个句子逐词加粗翻译为“你 应该 确实 你的 手指 远离 这个 东西”。

    22. -->


      整体翻译: 有人必须给这孩子买个存钱罐

      单词分解与翻译: - Jemand : 有人,不定代词,指不确定的某个人。 - muss : 必须,情态动词,表达必要性或义务。 - dem : 给...,是介词 "an" 或 "zu" 与第三格代词 "dem" 结合的缩写形式,此处表示动作的对象方向,意为“给”。 - Kind : 孩子,名词,指未成年的小孩。 - mal : 一次、有时,副词,在此句中表达的是动作发生的频率或时机,意为“(有)一次”或“应该”。 - ein : 一个,不定冠词,用于阳性或中性名词单数前,表示数量“一”。 - Sparschwein : 存钱罐,名词,一种用于储存零钱的传统德国玩具,常以小猪形象出现,寓意鼓励储蓄。 - kaufen : 购买,动词,表示购买行为。


    23. -->

      整体翻译: 嘿,我的好朋友胸针。

      单词分解与翻译: - Hey : (嘿),打招呼时使用的口语表达,相当于英语中的 "Hey",用于引起注意或问候。 - meine : (我的),形容词性物主代词,用于指代说话者所属的人或事物。 - Muchacho : (好朋友、小伙子),西班牙语词汇,在非正式场合中可以用来亲切地称呼男性朋友。 - Brust : (胸),名词,指身体的胸部部位。 - Warze : (疣、痣),名词,在此构成复合名词的一部分,但不直接按字面意思翻译。 - -nen : 名词复数或形容词词尾变化,这里构成 “Warzen”的复数形式,即“多个疣或痣”。 - Klammer : (夹子、别针、扣子),名词,这里特指用于固定衣物或其他物品的小物件。


    24. -->

      整体翻译: 哇哦,我中了头奖。

      单词分解与翻译: - Boah : (哇哦),德语口语感叹词,用来表达惊讶、兴奋等强烈情绪。 - ich : (我),德语中第一人称主格代词,代表说话者自身。 - hab : (有),是动词 "haben" 的现在时第一人称单数形式,此处意为“获得了”或“赢得了”。 - den : (定冠词,阳性单数形式),用于修饰后面的阳性名词单数。 - Jackpot : (头奖),指的是赌博游戏、彩票或其他竞赛中的最高奖项或最大奖赏。 - geknackt : (破解,赢得),是动词 "knacken" 的过去分词形式,在这句话中构成完成时态,表示已经成功地得到了头奖。


    25. -->

      整体翻译: 那么,Mopsis戒指,Pops袖扣。

      单词分解与翻译: - So : (那么),德语中用于引导话题转换或引入新话题的词,相当于英语中的 "so" 或 "well"。 - Mopsis : 此处似乎是虚构名称或品牌名,无法直接翻译成一个具体的通用词汇,可能指代某一款特定的戒指设计或品牌。 - Ring : (戒指),一种戴在手指上的装饰品或珠宝。 - Pops : 此处同样可能是虚构名称或昵称,也可能是一种流行风格或品牌的简称,无法确定具体通用含义,但结合上下文可以理解为某种类型的袖扣。 - Manchettenknop : (袖扣),男士衬衫袖口处用于固定的饰品,取代普通纽扣以增加装饰性和正式感。


    26. -->

      这句话 "Damit müsste ich's hinkriegen" 是德语,可以逐词翻译并结合成整体意义如下:

      • Damit:这个词在德语中是一个关系代副词,通常用来引导一个目的状语从句,表示“通过这个、由此、因此”,在这里指的是通过某种方式或手段来达成某个目的。

      • müsste:是情态动词 “müssen”的过去时形式,意为“必须、应该”,在此表达的是说话者的推测或假定需要做的事情。

      • ich's:这是“Ich es”的缩写形式,其中“ich”是主语“我”,而'es'代表一个事物或动作,由于德语中代词“es”经常用来代替前文中提到的动作或事物,在这里具体指代的内容需根据上下文确定。

      • hinkriegen:是一个不规则动词“kriegen”的分词形式与介词“hin”组合而成的动词短语,意为“成功做到、设法完成”。

      所以,整个句子的翻译是:“这样/通过这个方法,我应该能够成功做到(这件事)。” 或者更口语化一些:“有了这个条件,我应该能搞定它。” 具体所指的事情需要参照上下文才能明确。

    1. Constraints not only boost creativity, but they also help you know when you’re finished.

      I agree with this comment because when there are more limits within a project you get a more visual idea of when or how your project should end

    2. You can’t write what a character is thinking in a description because the audience watching on screen can’t look at their face and know they’re reminiscing about the girl or boy that got away. You have to use action and dialogue to imply what the character is thinking - an exercise that boosts creativity within the form.

      I agree with this statement because you can't create something without an action or plan that will help others understand what it is that you are building. You have to find ways to imply what the design will be built for, what it will be used for, and the impact it will have on the community.

    1. In a context whereby three outlets controlled television as a medium, considerable contemporaneous attention was paid to questions regarding the effect of such concentrated access to a national audience and to the type of programming provided by such limited channels.

      This suggests a broader societal interest in understanding the implications of concentrated media ownership on national communication and cultural consumption.

    2. network TV had technologically spread across the US continental expanse and while not all Americans could afford, or were able to receive, TV signals, the technology, which followed transportation and communication infrastructures from the nineteenth century, was ostensibly “national.”

      The sentence highlights the widespread adoption of network TV technology across the continental United States while acknowledging that not everyone had access due to affordability/reception limitations.

    3. To the above analyses of representation and broader social power, in context, another strain of historical scholarship

      an important area of scholarship on the classic network era that examines the networks' internal policies, self-regulation, and interactions with audience advocacy groups, in addition to representational and cultural analyses.

    4. Culturally, the “American system” was defined by programming and scheduling conventions, each of which struggled to balance structuring paradoxes or

      outlines the key "essential tensions" that defined the cultural identity and programming of the network television system, as it sought to balance commercial and public service imperatives.

    5. Through the 1960s broad public debate raged over questions of the med

      highlights the tensions around the purpose and role of network television during the classic era, with it being seen both as a public forum for debate and a commercial medium controlled by the networks.

    6. As Hilmes and Boddy in particular have argued, the quiz show scandals of 1958–59 had th

      network's response to the quiz show scandals actually led to a further consolidation of their power, despite claims of serving the public interest.

    7. During these years the US television industry was characterized by the oligopolistic control of three vertically‐integrated, for‐profit n

      This sentence highlights the consolidated control and standardization that characterized the classic network era, with the "Big Three" networks dominating the industry through their vertical integration and tight control over affiliates, advertisers, and programming.

    8. But, ideally, the Big Three during the classic era provided a more “shared” arena because of the need to appeal to a broad and mass audience, and given that each network was “profoundly influenced by the racial and cultural politics of the period,” they could function as more of “a visible and polemical site of cultural debate” than any other media form (Gray 1995: 77).

      How do you compare and contrast this time frame to ours with how media is similarly charged by racial and cultural politics.

    9. “balanced diet” of programming on a day‐to‐day and week‐to‐week basis

      the idea of a balanced media diet is hilarious considering what we have today.

    10. ABC’s rebranding and subsequent economic gains in this period were due largely to its savvy expansion of sports programming from the late 1960s onward, which funded expansion of the net- work’s news division and underwrote the revamping of its prime‐time offerings (Johnson 2013). The cornerstone of ABC’s sporting success was the cultural phenomenon that was Monday Night Football (1970–2005 on

      This boost in funding led to the development of more episodic shows one example is the 60s batman show on abc.

    1. kangaroo


    2. kangaroo care

      See previous comment

    3. kangaroo care

      capitalize as it's the name of a technique

    4. CU.

      Can you think of a specific instance to illustrate integration with patient values?

    5. CE

      spell out

    6. neonatal intensive care unit (NICU)

      This should come the first instance you use the abbreviation, which is in the first clause in the first sentence.

    1. “Please, Tessa.” There was a pleading urgency in Will’s blueeyes. “It would be better if you said nothing about it.”Somehow Tessa found she could not say no. “I—all right.”“Thank you.” Will released her shoulder, and raised his hand totouch her cheek—so lightly she thought she might almost haveimagined it.


    2. Something about the way he smelled wasstrange, but she couldn’t place exactly what it was.

      not alchohal

    3. “I’ll get it, then.” It was as gently as Tessa had ever heard Willsay anything. “Stay here.”


    4. Will unhitchedhimself from the doorway and sauntered into the room.

      that is NOT a straight man


    1. exigence refers to the perceived need for the text, an urgent imperfection a writer identifies and then responds to through writing

      Being able to go back and see context clues and being able to see imperfections can help with understanding and be able to go back and respond back to it.

    1. To write your own class, you typically start a class declaration with public then class then the name of the class. The body of the class is defined inside a { and a }. For example, the class House below. Then, you can create objects of that new House type by using Classname objectname = new Classname();

      writing a class

    1. Jasper Jackson. Donald Trump 'writes angrier and more negative Twitter posts himself'. The Guardian, August 2016. URL: https://www.theguardian.com/media/2016/aug/10/donald-trump-twitter-republican-candidate-android-iphone (visited on 2023-11-24).

      This shows that Trump typically writes the "Angrier" tweets on his twitter account while his staff typically write the "normal" tweets. i found this interesting due to the fact that a lot of celebrities seem to follow similar patterns. An example of this is Kanye West, who occasionally posted very out-of-pocket things on his twitter while sometimes there would be normal posts. However, the wording when Kanye posted would be very distinguishable from his social media teams' posts.

    2. Text analysis of Trump's tweets confirms he writes only theAndroid half was published on. Text analysis of Trump's tweets confirms he writes only the (angrier) Android half. August 2016. URL: http://varianceexplained.org/r/trump-tweets/ (visited on 2023-11-24).

      David discovered that Trump himself would use an Android phone when tweeting and his team would use an iPhone when helping him promote. The first basis is that speech on an Android phone will be angrier than on an iPhone. Some benign announcements and pictures will be posted on the iPhone. Secondly, according to time statistics, we can find that Trump uses Android devices to tweet more in the morning, while the campaign team uses iPhones to post more in the afternoon and evening. It can be seen from his personal posting habits that Trump himself does not like to use pictures when tweeting, but his team will use pictures. And through vocabulary analysis, it will be found that negative words appear on Android phones, such as "badly, crazy, joke". The iPhone has more "correct, tomorrow, trumptrain."

    1. se enfoca en el estudio de la conducta observable y medible, sin hacer referencia a procesos mentales internos.A través de experimentos controlados, el conductismo busca explicar cómo los estímulos externos influyen en las respuestas de los individuos, lo que ha tenido un impacto significativo en áreas como la educación y la terapia conductual.

    1. Where do you see parasocial relationships on social media?

      I think the main place I see this parasocial relationship is when artists have a name for their fanbase. Swifties, Beehive, etc. The artists makes the listener feel like they have a connection with them through this.

    1. memories


    2. exportAsFile.


    3. memories := sessions collect: [:session | doc := HedgeDoc new url: commonAddress, session asString; retrieveContents. ]


    4. :=


    5. [:session | doc := HedgeDoc new url: commonAddress, session asString; retrieveContents. ]


    6. memories doWithIndex: [:item :index | item metadata at: 'title' put: 'Unidades semanticas, sesión ', index asString ].


    7. [:item :index | item metadata at: 'title' put: 'Unidades semanticas, sesión ', index asString ].

      mensaje keyword por los dos puntos (:)

    8. [:doc | | fileName | fileName := (doc url asString splitOn: $:) last , '.md'. doc file: folder / fileName. doc exportAsFile. ]

      conforma un bloque

    9. fileName := (doc url asString splitOn: $:) last

      mensaje binario

    10. fileName


    11. :=


    12. (doc url asString splitOn: $:) last


    13. doc file: folder / fileName.


    14. /

      separa los elementos

    15. FileLocator temp / 'Semanticas'


    16. :=


    17. commonAddress


    18. :=


    19. 27 *23

      Mensaje binario anObjecto aMessage anotherObject

    20. folder


    21. [:doc | | fileName | fileName := (doc url asString splitOn: $:) last , '.md'. doc file: folder / fileName. doc exportAsFile. ]


    22. do


    23. memories


    24. folder := FileLocator temp / 'Semanticas'.

      Mensaje keyword

    25. collect


    26. sessions


    27. 'https://docutopia.sustrato.red/semanticas:24A'


    28. *


    29. 23


    30. 27


    1. “Impressive displays of rhetoric and linguistic force are a good way to seem important and invite a particular kind of admiration, but they tend to silence dissent and discourage deeper modes of engagement.”

      WHY shhe is using simpler language and HOW she is modernizing the text. With GOAL of discourse.

    1. To read a translation is like looking at a photo of a sculpture: It shows the thing, but not from every angle. Like every translator, Wilson brings out some features more clearly than others.

      reminds me of 3-dimensionality mentioned in larb. find connections like this one to bring together sources

    2. But Wilson aims for a direct equation: one line of English for one of Greek.

      I see the limitations now: 10 syllables, with same amount of lines.

    1. The man who brought together and popularised most vividly these strandsin romantic conservative thinking about the countryside was WilliamCobbett. Unlike Paine and Spence he was no theorist. His articles on thecountryside which appeared in his Political Register in the 1820s, partlyreprinted as Rural Rides in 1830, were based on experience. Rural Rides wasconfined largely to the south of England, which Cobbett knew best, and hisconcern was to deplore and, by implication, reverse the process of decay inthe countryside. His assumptions were those of the farmer. He did not chal-lenge the rights of good landlords, and felt for the plight of the agriculturallabourer with the passionate paternalism of a benevolent superior. Hisenemy was the town and the intrusion of artificial urban philosophies andinterests into the natural countryside.

      William Cobbett

    2. Of the many writers who developed and relayed these ideas of agrarianradicalism to men and women responsive to communitarian thought in thenineteenth century, two were particularly important: Thomas Spence(1750-1814) and Thomas Paine (1737-1809). For long the more neglectedand yet the more influential of the two, Spence popularised a view of societynot unlike that envisaged by Harrington. His natural community was theparish, within which all land should be held in common.

      Paine and Spence

    3. UnfortunatelyOwen was to find that in Britain too, even devoted Owenites had their owndemocratic and egalitarian ideas and perceptions of what his theory oughtto mean for them.

      People just wouldn't do as they were told!

    4. Not only were the members not ready; neither was Owen. All his effortshitherto had been aimed at the higher classes, to persuade them to adopt hisnew view in order to benefit the people. The latter were seen as the objectsnot the subjects of his attention; they were the 'human machines' of NewLanark, not people with their own ideas and perceptions of what his messagemight mean for them and with whom he would have to work. In his firstaddress at New Harmony, he had warned his hearers that 'as no other indi-vidual has had the same experience as myself in the practise of the systemabout to be introduced, I must for some time partially take the lead in itsdirection' 97 Yet seven months later he seemed to think them ready even whenhe appeared unclear in his own mind what the 'equality' was that he wasoffering them.


    5. Owen was convinced not only that he had a uniqueunderstanding of how to create a better society, based on commercial andmanufacturing wealth but resulting in greater happiness for all, but also thatsinister forces were at work to conceal the obvious truth revealed in his mes-sage.


    6. Owen seems never to have realised the point of Southey's criticism, whichwas not that he had failed at New Lanark, but that he had succeeded for rea-sons which could not be replicated in the wider world.

      Special case, not generalizable

    7. At adinner party in January 1813 given by Daniel Stuart, owner of the Couriernewspaper, he met William Godwin, who took him along to meet FrancisPlace, who in turn introduced him to Jeremy Bentham and James Mill. Thisreinforces the inference that Godwin's ideas were important in shaping thephilosophy of the Essays.What Owen did not admit in his autobiography was that the four Essays -printed together as A New View of Society; or, Essays on the Principle of theFormation of the Human Character, and the Application of the Principle toPractice 'by One of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the County ofLanark' in 1813 - were actually prepared for publication by Francis Placeand James Mill. They not only improved Owen's prolix prose but also omit-ted passages of an anti-democratic nature, which Owen restored to the sec-ond edition of 1816.

      Godwin, Place, Bentham, Mill

    8. Maclure was eventuallypersuaded to lease 900 acres in the centre of Harmony for $50,000 (just over£10,000) on which to develop his own educational experiments. Little wasdone to make the community produce more than it consumed, though, andby 1828 the financial problems of New Harmony had become insurmount-able


    9. So, was Owen a competent financier; and was he an honest man? JohnQuincy Adams thought him 'crafty crazy'. 48 At both New Lanark and NewHarmony he was good at keeping a minute, even miserly, check on individ-ual details of expenditure but when dealing with large sums he adopted thereckless confidence of the speculator

      Crafty Crazy

    10. Humphreys had to take Owen to court to secure thereturn of his money. Owen's autobiography tells a rather different story, nodoubt one which Owen believed by the time he came to write it down. 40 AsJohn Butt mildly concludes, 'this episode certainly indicates his capacity forruthlessness and self delusion'.

      Owen was a bit of a prick

    11. The profit from the store went to pay for the infant school. This too wasbenevolent self-interest. With labour in short supply, especially after the deci-sion to eliminate pauper child labour, Owen needed the labour of womenand so the provision of child care from the age of two was a necessary pieceof enlightened management, especially as parents had to contribute three-pence to the school out of their monthly wages. Education was subsidisedand compulsory but not free.

      The school

    12. Owen's discipline was resented by the work people. As he himself appreci-ated, he was a hard taskmaster and an outsider, who did not really begin towin them over until, like Dale in 1788, he kept the workers on when therewas no work for them during the crisis caused by the American embargo oncotton exports during 1807. 28His philanthropy was well measured, as is illustrated by his two majorsocial innovations, the store and the school. By establishing his own store inthe village, purchasing goods wholesale and undercutting other local retail-ers, he was able to cut the cost of living by some 25 per cent and generate aprofit of around £700 a year. This had the effect of increasing real wageswhilst not inflating the actual wages bill.

      Owen's effectiveness

    13. Owen had thus joined in Manchester in the 1790s a group of Lancashiredoctors, scientists and literary men (the categories were not mutually exclu-sive) who were concerned about the conditions of factory child labour.Through James Currie of Liverpool and the inquiry of 1796 they had linkswith David Dale, the Scottish philanthropist, banker, merchant, religiousleader and proprietor of the New Lanark manufactory with its attached vil-lage of approaching 2,000 inhabitants, a quarter of whom were pauper chil-dren directly under his care. Owen's move to New Lanark can therefore beseen as an extension both of his Manchester experience with Perceival and ofDale's welfare schemes as discussed with Currie and reported to theManchester men in 1796. Indeed, this association between Owen, factoryreform and Dale may explain why the latter was prepared to sell his mills toOwen's partnership in 1800 on preferential terms, and indeed to acceptOwen as a suitable husband for his daughter Caroline.

      Dale already a reformer and philanthropist.

    14. Fallsof Clyde were a tourist attraction, well-known among late eighteenth-cen-tury romantics, and when Dale took Richard Arkwright to see the falls in1784 the English entrepreneur was immediately struck by the suitability ofthe site for a cotton factory, soon to be the largest of its kind in Scotland. Thefirst mill was built in 1785, the year that Arkwright lost his monopolypatents over spinning machinery and Dale could afford to dispense with hispartnership, and production began the following year.

      Dale and Arkwright

    15. David Dale tothe Falls of Clyde at Lanark, twenty-four miles from Glasgow and thirtymiles from Edinburgh.

      Location of New Lanark

    16. The menwho dominated the Literary and Philosophical Society, as well as ManchesterCollege, were Unitarians of the school of Joseph Priestley and it is likelytherefore that among the ideas discussed would have been Priestley's materi-alism, necessitarianism and utilitarianism,

      Connection between Owen and Priestley's ideas

    17. in his early teens, he became interested in comparative religion and, ifhis later recollections contain anything of the truth, he started to see religionas a cultural construct, lacking any permanent validity.

      Disillusioned with religion

    18. Owen's ideas were developed during his early years, perhaps even beforehe came to New Lanark at the beginning of 1800, but it was his experience atNew Lanark that convinced him he had a message for the world. When hefirst published these views in A New View· of Society (1813 ), he was alreadyover forty and an apparently successful businessman in charge of one of theleading cotton-spinning establishments in the country.

      Origin of Owen's ideas

    19. Owen himself was, paradoxically, more conservative than theviews he developed, and though his radical views have become of fashion-able interest among historians, I think it a mistake to read them apart fromthe man.

      Interesting paradox

    20. Owen never outgrew his New Lanarkexperience.


    21. Association of All Classes of All Nations,founded by Owen in 1835

      This is what Owen did after wrapping up the New Harmony experiment in Indiana and returning to Britain.

    22. Robert Owen, wise and good,Better known than understood;Too often putting wisdom's toolsIn the very hands of fools.

      [[Robert Owen]]


    1. Wilson sets herself the challenging task of translating the poem into the same number of iambic pentameter lines as there are hexameters in the original. Since there are often 15 syllables or more in a Homeric line this commits her to reducing its syllable count by around a third. In order to achieve that level of compression she has to rely heavily on monosyllables, and to make sharp and sometimes simplifying decisions about which of Homer’s implications to make explicit

      limitations of style!!

    1. What is user friction? Why you're losing users and how to stop. August 2023. URL: https://www.fullstory.com/user-friction/ (visited on 2023-11-24).

      This is a very useful source for social media developers. When we are designing a social media, we want it to be intuitive, easy to use and easy to understand. If we are losing users everyday, that means something is going wrong, whether that be and this article explains it really well.

    1. This board emphasizes “free speech” and “no rules” (with exceptions for child sexual abuse material [CSAM] and some other illegal content)

      This is one of the biggest downsides of the internet, there are always place where people cannot monitor for good. And this is where many cyberbullying comes from. 4chan is a great example, people have absolute "free speech", where they can say anything they want, it could be racist, child abuse stuff and no one would care or be in charge. This looks like the beginning of the dark web.

    1. Quran * Ramadan - Period of time where Muslims will fast (no food, water) usually for a whole month. * The Quran was revealed to Muhammad during the final days of Ramadan * 114 Surahs (chapters) * The Quran is written in Arabic * Opening chapter: Al Fatiha * Shahada - a statement that acts a testament that acknowledges your declaration to the religion. * There is no god except Allah * Muhammed is the messenger of Allah * Five Pillars - The five foundational acts of the Islamic religion.

    2. Prophets - God's messengers * Moses * Apostles * Yusuf/Joseph * Isaac/Ishaq * Jacob/Ya'aqub * Ishmael/Ismail

    3. Christianity vs. Islam * Both have sacred texts (i.e Bible and Quran) * Both have very prominent figures that represent the religion (i.e Jesus and Muhammed)

      • Mono-theism - Belief in ONE GOD.
      • Abrahamic - Ibrahim (prominent figure is Islam, a prophet, but there's also an iteration of him that exists in the Christian Bible, and Judist religion); He's the one who brought Mono-theism to the religious forefront of the world.
      • Universalist - A figure which is common in all religions, and the notion that everyone CAN join a religion (in this case, maybe Islam)
      • Particularlist - Religions that don't quite allow any conversion from anybody. Sort of a gatekeep or the idea that there needs to be an inherit pre-requisite to be a part of a certain religion.
    4. What is Islam? * Prophet Muhammad; the last prophet in a series of prophets * One god - tawheed * Shahada * Submission to Allah * Quran (sacred text in the Islamic religion) * Five Pillars

    5. Prescriptivism - "The Should, Standard", Judgmental towards the things that do not fall under this category

      Pescriptivism - Observational, a little more subjective while also being objective. Removing all biases to make a better judgment, and to think of a topic with the utmost neutrality.


    1. If you’re like me, you’re curious about a lot of different things. And it’s easy to get distracted by the latest trend or emerging field. You may find yourself constantly jumping from one project to the next - chasing one shiny object after another but never finishing anything.

      This suggests that the speaker is interested in exploring various topics or fields.

    1. Write down two to three questions about the text that you can bring up during class discussion

      How can I fully comprehend the text? How can I manage my time well and get the assignment done? What techniques can I use to help my writing?

    2. Summarize the main points of the text in two to three sentences.

      Improving your comprehension; To summarize this topic first block out time for reading assignments and set a purpose. In making sure you fully understand the topic identify main points, and relate to other ideas/details for those main points.

    3. After you have completed the reading, take some time to review the material more thoroughly.

      I usually have to read the text two or three times to fully get a good grasp on the subject.

    4. Knowing what you want to get out of a reading assignment helps you determine how to approach it and how much time to spend on it. It also helps you stay focused during those occasional moments when it is late, you are tired, and relaxing in front of the television sounds far more appealing than curling up with a stack of journal articles.Sometimes your purpose is simple

      This is so important!!

    5. And it is difficult, if not impossible, to write effectively about a text that you have not understood. Even when you do understand the reading, it can be hard to write about it if you do not feel personally engaged with the ideas discussed.

      This is such a real thing. It’s really important to re-read and grasp the subject that your writing about before even trying to write something.

    6. What changes do you think you might have to make in your life to ensure your success in college?

      I need to not be a procrastinator and get my work done. This has been a goal of mine for a long time I just need to get into the habit of doing the assignment the day it’s assigned.

    7. What aspects of college do you expect to find most challenging?

      I find that the work load is not much more than high school its just more is excepted from you. So I’d say that the work is most challenging because there’s more and higher expectations.

    8. In what ways do you think college will be more rewarding for you as a learner?

      College pushes me to try harder with every assignment. Everything in college that you learn has really left an impact on me. Although the classes may be tougher i’m able to get a better understanding of the subject.

    9. However, regardless of your field of study, honing your writing skills—and your reading and critical-thinking skills—gives you a more solid academic foundation.

      English is such an important subject and i think a lot of us forget that.

    1. Hayek’s Knowledge Problem

      I looked this up. The author uses ethos here by referring to an established theory to explain something that seems intuitive.

    2. We believe free markets are the most effective way to organize a technological economy. Willing buyer meets willing seller, a price is struck, both sides benefit from the exchange or it doesn’t happen. Profits are the incentive for producing supply that fulfills demand. Prices encode information about supply and demand. Markets cause entrepreneurs to seek out high prices as a signal of opportunity to create new wealth by driving those prices down.

      Another use of logos to outline a logical argument.

    3. We had a problem of starvation, so we invented the Green Revolution.We had a problem of darkness, so we invented electric lighting.We had a problem of cold, so we invented indoor heating.We had a problem of heat, so we invented air conditioning.We had a problem of isolation, so we invented the Internet.We had a problem of pandemics, so we invented vaccines.We have a problem of poverty, so we invent technology to create abundance.Give us a real world problem, and we can invent technology that will solve it

      The author again uses repetition to grab the reader's attention and drive his point across.

    4. We believe this is why our descendents will live in the stars.

      I believe here the author uses pathos. The reference to our descendents "living in the stars" stirs a feeling of anticipation and wonder in the reader, and makes one more inclined towards the authors side of the argument.

    5. Economists measure technological progress as productivity growth: How much more we can produce each year with fewer inputs, fewer raw materials. Productivity growth, powered by technology, is the main driver of economic growth, wage growth, and the creation of new industries and new jobs, as people and capital are continuously freed to do more important, valuable things than in the past. Productivity growth causes prices to fall, supply to rise, and demand to expand, improving the material well being of the entire population.

      Here the author uses concepts of Economics to buttress his arguments in favour of technology. I believe this is an effective use of logos in his article.

    6. We believe technology is a lever on the world – the way to make more with less.

      Another intelligent use of metaphor.

    7. We agree with Paul Collier when he says, “Economic growth is not a cure-all, but lack of growth is a kill-all.”

      Here the author anticipates the argument that technological/economic growth does not solve all problems, and effectively refutes it through Paul Collier's quote.

    8. Techno-Optimists believe that societies, like sharks, grow or die.

      Here I believe the author utilises the literary tool of 'metaphor'. The reference to sharks clarifies the point the author is trying to make in a way simply describing what he is trying to say would not have. It also serves to add a sense of ruthlessness associated with survival.

    9. Truth

      The author comes full circle. After having outlined the "lies", he now traces out the "truth".

    10. We are told to be miserable about the future.

      Another powerful line. The author does a great job of rallying his readers into feeling one with the rest of humanity, and makes us feel indignation on each others behalf for being made to feel resignation towards a 'miserable' future.

    11. myth of Prometheus – in various updated forms like Frankenstein, Oppenheimer, and Terminator

      I looked it up- the myth of Prometheus says that Prometheus stole fire from the Olympian gods and gave to human beings in the form of technology and knowledge. I find the way in which the author chooses to allude to some most well known pieces of literature/film at this point to highlight the common perception of 'the curse' of technology.

    12. Sentinelese of the Andaman Islands

      Seeing a mention of the Sentinelese in an article written in the west was interesting, as the Sentinelese are a protected group within Indian territory. Indeed, their way of life has been a source of great intrigue to me personally as I wrote a project on them in high school.

    13. LiesWe are being lied to.

      This was a great, attention-grabbing start to the author's discourse. It leaves the reader intrigued as to what is to follow, especially since the author seems to be challenging the quotations of two very respected figures.

    1. contribuir a la difusión y acceso a recursos informáticos para la investigación, la docencia y la crítica en ciencias sociales y humanidades, Organización de encuentros sobre temas de investigación en Humanidades Digitales


      It'd be nice if this matched the mathematical notation above & was not choppy & blurry

    1. How do you think about the authenticity of the Tweets that come from Trump himself? Do you think it matters which human typed the Tweet? Does the emotional expression (e.g., anger) of the Tweet change your view of authenticity?

      I don’t think there’s any way to tell the truth from what people say on social media. Because social media is free, we can say whatever we want. But judging from the release of Trump’s Android phone and Apple phone, it seems that the tweets on the Android phone may have been written by himself. Because I pay more attention to my emotional expression, I sometimes post tweets that have nothing to do with the election. But it is not ruled out that this is the persona he and his team created for him on the Internet. He is a person who has a true temperament and is very active on the Internet. On the other hand, the Apple mobile phone sends some emotionally stable information about the election, which is most likely operated by his team.

    1. Even the language we use to describe ourselves online needs prodding: those who tend websites as worlds, gardens, and rivers, might be invited to evaluate what they are looking to carry from these real-world spaces. If language is world-shaping, why limit ourselves to the borders and failures of the offline, where existing words and languages might exacerbate inequities? Why limit the mythology of the internet rather than write new ones?

      yeah, why don't people prefer the theremin

    1. le dernier indice 00:20:06 qu'on mesure ici c'est le locus de contrôle donc j'ai expliqué interne c'est quand on pense que ce qui agit sur notre réussite vient plutôt de nous externe vient plutôt de l'extérieur et là on voit que les élèves 00:20:18 français ont un locus de contrôle beaucoup plus externe que la moyenne beaucoup moins interne que la moyenne euh et ce qui veut dire qu'ils ont la perception que ce qui leur ce qui ce qui favorise leur réussite et est 00:20:31 essentiellement enfin plus souvent qu'ailleurs lié à des facteurs extérieurs qu'il ne contrôleent pas
    2. on voit que les élèves français ont moins plaisir qu'ailleurs à découvrir des problèmes et à essayer de les résoudre
    3. le troisième indice queon représente ici c'est la persévérance alors la persévérance je l'ai pas mentionné dans les compétences comportementales mais 00:18:50 c'est très important et c'est très rattaché justement à l'état d'esprit de développement à la confiance en soi c'està-dire qu'on per sévère quand on pense qu'on va y arriver et que il faut il faut répéter répéter pour y arriver 00:19:03 or les élèves français ils lâchent davantage l'affaire quand ils y arrivent pas il persévèent pas et c'est en lien avec cet état d'esprit de développement qui est moins élevé ce sentiment de compéten qui est moins élevé ce qui fait 00:19:17 que quand on échoue en fait on n pas l'impression qu'on va pouvoir s'améliorer et et et progresser donc on abandonne plus rapidement et là on voit très nettement un déficit de personne 00:19:28 persévérance
    4. on voit c'est que 00:16:44 l'indice d'anxiété alors l'anxiété c'est un une une façon négative de de représenter la confiance en soi c'est on est anxieux quand on a peur de de pas y arriver quand on a peur d'échouer donc 00:16:57 c'est un c'est pas exactement la confiance en soi c'est pas exactement l'inverse de la confiance en soi mais ça s'en rapproche assez fortement et donc on voit que l'anxiété en France est au-dessus de la moyenne des pays de 00:17:08 l'OCDE et surtout enfin au-dessus de la moyenne de l'Allemagne de des pays du nord des États-Unis il y a quelque chose d'un petit peu anormal dans l'anxiété des des élèves français
    5. c'est anormal que les élèves français se sentent moins compétents en moyenne que la moyenne alors qu'ils ne le sont pas moins
    1. In an unprecedented move, according to two of the sources, the army also decided during the first weeks of the war that, for every junior Hamas operative that Lavender marked, it was permissible to kill up to 15 or 20 civilians; in the past, the military did not authorize any “collateral damage” during assassinations of low-ranking militants. The sources added that, in the event that the target was a senior Hamas official with the rank of battalion or brigade commander, the army on several occasions authorized the killing of more than 100 civilians in the assassination of a single commander.

      If this policy was ever written down anywhere (admittedly not something I can imagine anyone doing), surely this should short-circuit the interminable "but is it a war crime" discourse

    1. There’s the gaggle of Harvard millennials cold-shouldering people who went to state schools like some kind of Temu Avengers (you are literally pushing forty). All those eyes roving around in the middle of conversations, waiting for someone better to talk to. “Everything doubles as a networking event,” someone joked to me once at a book launch event. Wrong. Everything should double as an opportunity to take our nipples out. Anything else is a waste of time and, frankly, racially-charged hate bordering on a macro-aggression.

      If you're not trying to be this aggressive in the tonal posture of your email newsletter, I don't want it

    1. Hitler was mildly consoled to find a painting by Caravaggio-Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio-whom Hitler thought was the same person as Michelangelo Buonarroti.

      wowww! Hitler really was not knowledgable

    2. We understand it, and we don't. It's irreducible; it can't be summarized or described; we feel something we can't describe.

      One of my favorite aspects of art. Sometimes you cant explain it. It erupts emotions I cant even comprehend sometimes.

    3. And in fact, I wasn't shocked enough to remember which artist contestant won.

      hahaha but also, it may have had an impact on somebody else

    4. It's a question to which there is no real answer, except to mention truth, another difficult and complicated thing, and to add that we do feel we know beauty when we see it. We could quote Emily Dickinson's famous definition of poetry as applying also to beauty:

      anything that sparks emotion has beauty in it. Having feelings and expressing them is beautiful. Regardless of how dark or cheesy it may be.

    5. Why do I love the marvelous scene in Francis Ford Coppola's The Godfather in which Sonny speaks out of turn and the Tattaglia family knows that the Corleones are vulnerable and can be attacked?

      perhaps the passion behind Sonny speaking out. Seeing the passion in their eyes just to get their point across

    1. "¿Cómo aplicamos los principios de justicia de diseño para crear sitios de diseño inclusivos?"

      "¿Cómo aplicamos los principios de justicia de diseño para crear sitios de diseño inclusivos?"

      Quiero compartir el diagrama de subconjuntos del diseño inclusivo y la accesibilidad creado por Livinda Christy:

      A continuación siete principios del diseño inclusivo que fueron publicados por Henny Swan, Heydon Pickering, Léonie Watson e Ian Pouncey en inclusivedesignprinciples.org y que son aplicables al proyecto de tesis que adelanto:

      1. Proporcionar una experiencia comparable. Es importante que ofrezcamos una experiencia similar para todos los usuarios y que puedan llevar a cabo una tarea de la forma que mejor se adapte a sus necesidades, sin reducir la calidad del contenido. Por ejemplo, cuando incorporamos contenido audiovisual en un producto digital debemos proporcionar a los usuarios diferentes formas de consumir dicho contenido sin que este pierda su esencia. Como puede ser subtítulos, transcripciones o audio descriptivo.

      2. Considerar la situación. Cada usuario utiliza un producto digital en diferentes situaciones: en el trabajo, en el transporte público, en el coche, en casa, etc. Debemos garantizar una experiencia valiosa a las personas independientemente de sus circunstancias.

      3. Diseñar teniendo en cuenta un buen contraste de colores hace que el usuario pueda utilizar la aplicación en diferentes condiciones de luminosidad sin que su experiencia se vea afectada.

      4. Ser coherente. Es importante que, siempre que sea posible, incorporemos patrones universales y que los apliquemos de manera consistente. Esto debe aplicarse a la funcionalidad, la redacción y el comportamiento.

      5. Otorgar control al usuario. El usuario debe tener poder de decisión sobre el comportamiento del producto digital. Debemos ofrecerles la posibilidad de cambiar los ajustes estándares del navegador o del dispositivo que estén utilizando, como el contraste o el tamaño de letra.

      6. Ofrecer alternativas a la hora de realizar una tarea. En muchas ocasiones una tarea puede ser realizada de diferentes formas. Como diseñadores no podemos dar por sentado cuál es la forma más sencilla o preferida por los usuarios de realizarlas. Incluir en el diseño alternativas conseguirá que se adapten a las diferentes personas y a sus circunstancias.

      7. Priorizar el contenido. Es importante priorizar el contenido y el diseño del producto digital para facilitar que el usuario pueda realizar con éxito lo que desea. Generalmente en un producto digital se pueden llevar a cabo diferentes tareas, por eso es necesario priorizarlas.

      8. Añadir valor. Al usuario se le debe proporcionar formas eficientes y variadas de interactuar con el contenido que le aporten un valor añadido a su experiencia. Podemos añadir valor a nuestro producto digital si permitimos loguearse de distintas maneras al usuario como por ejemplo mediante el correo o la huella dactilar.

    2. Andrés Lombana Bermúdez

      Hago alusión al perfil del profesor Andrés Lombana-Bermúdez, investigador, diseñador y educador que trabaja en la intersección entre tecnología, ciudadanía, y educación.

      Su enfoque transdisciplinario y colaborativo, combinando métodos cualitativos, cuantitativos y computacionales lo pudimos apreciar en la clase de Métodos II, en dondese abordó de manera integral y colaborativa la complejidad de los ecosistemas mediáticos y las dinámicas digitales.

      En este momento observo que al combinar métodos cualitativos, cuantitativos y computacionales, se puede obtener una comprensión más profunda y holística de fenómenos como las desigualdades digitales, los procesos de datificación y los nuevos alfabetismos.

      Los Métodos cualitativos: Permiten explorar en profundidad las experiencias, percepciones y significados de los individuos en relación con los medios de comunicación y la tecnología digital. Estos métodos pueden incluir entrevistas, grupos focales, análisis de contenido y estudios de caso, entre otros.

      Los métodos cuantitativos: Ofrecen la posibilidad de analizar grandes cantidades de datos y identificar patrones y tendencias en el uso de medios y tecnología digital. Esto puede incluir encuestas, análisis estadísticos y modelado de datos.

      Los métodos computacionales: Permiten el análisis de datos a gran escala y la aplicación de técnicas avanzadas de minería de datos y aprendizaje automático para extraer información significativa de conjuntos de datos complejos. Esto puede incluir análisis de redes sociales, análisis de sentimientos y modelado predictivo.

      Autores como Donna Haraway y Fernando Flores, junto con Andrés Lombana, mencionan que al integrar estos métodos, se puede obtener una comprensión más completa de los ecosistemas mediáticos y las dinámicas digitales, lo que a su vez puede informar políticas, prácticas y estrategias para abordar las desigualdades digitales y promover nuevos alfabetismos digitales en la sociedad.

    3. La organización transfeminista de hackers Coding Rights

      Esta página es un ejemplo al texto y una aplicación práctica a mi proyecto de investigación:

      Página de ejemplo sobre laboratorios de innovación

    1. Thus, we have an involuntary client almostcompletely in the dark about why he is there, be-ing tested by someone whose primary responsibil-ity is not to him. Any resistance to this procedureby the child (or his parents) is not viewed, how-ever, as being evoked by this situation but is morelikely to be seen as either (or a combination of)lack of motivation, passive-aggressivity, internallystimulated anxiety, evasion, or paranoid suspi-ciousness

      felaktig diagnosticering pga. felaktigt hanterande. Tydligt att hur man tester, miljö, situation och vilken information man ger kan påverka testets trovärdighet starkt.

    2. A second group of respon-dents favored sharing some information with theclient but had diverse views on how much should beshared. Most felt that as much as could be used bythe patient should be shared, but considerable dis-agreement existed about the fragility of patients.Some advocated sharing only positive results; othersopted for consciously experienced phenomena; andothers insisted that if it was too troublesome for thepatient, they probably would not hear

      Intressant då det frångår den svenska normen med fokus på totalt patientinflytande och rätt till all information i sin vård.

    1. Indeed, poetry is something that is subject to loss. But, at each stage of loss, it’s possible to create something new.


    2. There is no original — and if there is, it more closely resembles Plato’s theory of the idea as born somewhere in the mind of the author, or as arriving from far away — and never fully realized — since, after all, isn’t the poem simply a translation of the author’s mental state into human speech?

      everything is translation

    3. A multiplicity of angles allows for a stereoscopic image.

      I like this is an argument for diverse translation studies

    4. Which is exactly why reading (even in silence) is giving voice. The voice interprets the text. Without interpretation — as anyone who has ever tried to translate anything more than a list of ingredients on a package of vegetable salad knows — there is no translation.

      "without intepretation, there is no translation"

    5. because in order to gain the necessary interpretation for their decisions, they must perform work similar to the work of the poet. Follow in the poet’s footsteps, even if they lead into the air, into ephemeral and spiritual spaces. The translator is on the move, searching for poetry in the footsteps that were left — or not left — for them by the poet.

      must consider so much more than the average reader

    6. In other words — what an absurd calculation — to subtract the translation from the original, and there you have it, what’s left, poetry.

      this might be intersting point to pull out

    1. https://youtu.be/b_VhTfVsnxw

      please embed your youtube link. here's the instructions: https://webcourses.ucf.edu/courses/1447525/assignments/8357701

      The Youtube link says it is private. please make it accessible to those with a link.

    2. Hello, my name is Nadine Alur

      your script looks good. I wonder how long it is. the video can be up to 60 seconds long.

    1. page filled with porn when I looked for “black girls.”

      This is simply disgusting. Simply searching “white man comes up with very different results. Articles about their privilege, and how they are feeling left out diversity and inclusion- here’s one of the first articles to pop up https://www.forbes.com/sites/teresahopke/2022/03/30/white-men-are-feeling-left-out-of-dei-diversity-equity--inclusion-why-should-we-care-and-what-should-we-do/?sh=411b2f3ffaa6. Women of colour are often seen as “exotic” and fun, and this article gives some great insight into the topic for anyone interested https://clubsexu.com/en/racial-fetishization-colour-as-fantasy/.