55 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
  2. Nov 2023
    1. Where can I get a guide for Whitelabel NFT Marketplace Development?

      Many people are looking for a comprehensive guide to all technologies.We provide our clients with a comprehensive blog for whitelabel NFT Marketplace Development.This blog might be helpful to your business.

  3. May 2023
  4. Nov 2022
    1. How to create a website like OpenSea? Step by step guide

      You may be one among them searching for quick ways to create an NFT marketplace like Opensea? But don’t know where to start, this blog will give you clear heads on how to get started.

  5. Jul 2022
    1. “The idea makes sense, but perhaps the timing was bad,” says the art market economist and author Magnus Resch, who in June published the book How To Create And Sell NFTs. “Prohibitively high prices and a complicated entry into collecting are the biggest problems with NFTs. But by holding events and educating people you’re building trust.”

      A lot of the crypto/web3 ideas focus on "exiting" the physical world status quo. However, being more inclusive seems to be a better way to help better adoption of web3.

      Opening up physical galleries feels very expensive, though.

  6. Jun 2022
  7. May 2022
    1. WVRPS是9999个视听 NFT的合集,由 WarpSound AI 的 3 位虚拟艺术家Nayomi、DJ Dragoon 和 Gnar Heart 创建。每个 WVRP 的视觉艺术都是由脚本生成的,该脚本使用由艾美奖获奖艺术家 Andy Poon 绘制的手绘特征进行随机组合。然后将这些特征及其数据输入WarpSound的 AI 音乐平台,从而创建 出9999 个角色、特征和稀有度各异的音乐NFT。


      该项目团队是一家名为Authentic Artists的公司的一部分成员,多年来该公司一直在构建 WarpSound 和用于创建 AI 生成音乐的基础技术。其成员信息在官方主页上进行了公布,项目创始人CHRIS MCGARRY WarpSound 之前曾在在 Oculus VR 领导音乐,为 10 首排名第一的电子和嘻哈专辑提供营销活动,是 Google 企业合作伙伴顾问委员会的成员。首席艺术家ANDY POON是一位获得艾美奖的艺术总监 + 插画师,曾在动画和玩具行业工作,参与创作的作品有《龙王子》、《瑞克和莫蒂》、《故事鹰》、《怪物高中》、《怪物机器》、《绿箭侠》、《闪电侠》等等。


      1. NFT的稀有度熟悉与音乐特征相关联。特征和稀有性元数据被输入到由人工智能驱动的生成音频平台,以创建其独特的风格和声音。
      2. WVRPS的音乐稀有性决定了其音乐的复杂性、未来可以产生多少音乐、如何与其他 WVRPS 合作等。
      3. 音乐的稀有度属性可通过收集 POAPS 及完成社区活动而提升,让购买地板价WVRPS 的持有者也能加入到生成音乐的乐趣之中。
      4. WVRP NFT 的持有者被授予免费许可,可以将其WVRP 相关的艺术品和音乐用于个人或商业用途。项目方对持有者将 WVRP 商业化的行为没有任何限制。
      5. WarpSound 团队希望WVRPS持有者创造了更多令人惊叹的作品,这将为整个 WVRPS 社区带来关注和价值。




    1. Omgkirby是第一个具有完全知识产权的LOFI音乐艺术NFT,Spotify 上每月有 950,000 名听众。该项目是一个面向 LOFI粉丝、艺术家和建设者的社区,旨在帮助Omgkirby 成为一个优秀的艺术家品牌。


      omgkirby每首歌曲及其伴随的视觉效果都是通过制作组与算法间的合作创造的;单个 NFT 是算法辅助音乐和手绘艺术的新颖组合。

      在过去的 2 年中,项目方创作了一些在该领域最流行的LOFI音乐,并在此过程中创建了一个每月有 100 万听众的社区。现在他们有一个新的愿景:通过发布3000首独特的LOFI 音乐NFT和 omgkirby DAO 的形成来让更多的人接收这种艺术形式。

      该项目在2022 年 1 月 28 日完成铸造,铸造数量为3000,铸造价格为0.1eth。此NFT的持有者拥有NFT艺术和音乐的完整权利,并可提前进入omgkirby DAO,其中每个NFT 都还拥有DAO 国库的投票权。

    1. Sound.xyz 的成立是为了解决音乐行业的两个主要问题:(1) 绝大多数歌曲完全没有粉丝群体,90%的流媒体流向了前 1% 的艺术家,(2) 艺术家仅能从歌曲中赚取微不足道的收入 ,导致即使是有才华的艺术家也难以维持生计。 他们相信音乐比当前的范式更有价值。

      Sound.xyz 正在为下一代艺术家及其社区提供帮助。艺术家可以通过限量版 NFT 发起新歌发布聆听派对,让他们与粉丝产生更多的联系,也能让他们从艺术中获取更多收入。歌迷则可以支持他们最喜欢的艺术家,对歌曲发表评论,与艺术家和其他歌迷互动。


      1. 聆听派对;艺术家通过将作品以NFT的形式发布,每个NFT都具有独特的编号,这种编号不仅体现了听众对此作品的聆听权,也可展示出其对于艺术家的支持早晚。(如同头像类NFT中的稀有度一样,不同编号所代表的对艺术家的支持时间节点也是值得纪念和投资的属性)
      2. 公开评论;拥有Sound NFT的听众可对歌曲发表看法,卖掉NFT后评论就会消失,被新持有者的评论取代。这种粉丝与艺术家直接的互动本身也是对艺术品的二次创作(如同很多人喜欢用网易云音乐是因为其独特的评论区文化一样,甚至还衍生出了”网抑云“的亚文化)
      3. 私密社区;除了拥有这首歌的聆听权并在其历史上刻下你的评论之外,Sound NFT 也是听众进入 Discord 上 Sound 社区的通行证。艺术家和听众可以举行聚会、协作项目、相互交流等,甚至还可以选择为他的支持者们提供额外的福利,比如独家收听未发行的歌曲或者音乐会门票等。




    1. SoundMint的NFT是一系列独特的音乐作品。这些音乐作品有着不同的声学特性,再通过算法组合成音乐循环,然后映射到独特的视觉艺术作品,每一个作品都是都来自不同组件组成的视觉资产。这无疑是一种新的艺术生成形式,SoundMint也重新构想音乐的创作方式。

      未来,NFT 持有者将拥有创作自由。在购买他们最喜爱的音乐艺术作品后,可以解构每件作品中的组件,将它们重新组合成新的艺术作品,这种行为夜会改变NFT的稀有度属性。在这个过程中,音乐家、视觉艺术家和NFT投资者之间的达成了合作,将音乐艺术的体验重新定义为具有无限可能性的沉浸式虚拟世界体验。


      • 一种用于制作艺术音乐的新媒介;
      • 首创了视觉艺术与音乐艺术相结合的形式;
      • 发现和鼓励更多的音乐艺术家;
      • 重新定义生产和分配所有权;
      • 简化创作和销售过程。




    1. 今年1月,一名印度尼西亚大学生Ghozali发布的自拍系列引爆了NFT圈。他发布在OpenSea平台上的照片系列“Ghozali Everyday”(Ghozali 的日常),包含900多张照片,是他在18岁到22岁(2017—2021年)这几年间每天在电脑摄像头前的自拍。每张自拍的初始售价仅为0.00001以太币(约3美元),却在不到一个月内总共卖出上百万美元,就连Ghozali本人也不知道人们为何对他的自拍如此狂热。从照片本身来看,统一而有辨识度的画面是一个传播优势,而一张不能再普通的面孔,或许刚好戳中了web3.0时代人们对去中心化的渴望。

    1. 普利策获奖者、美国《旧金山记事报》摄影记者斯科特·斯特拉赞特(Scott Strazzante)在一篇文章中讲述了自己与NFT相遇的过程。


      但入局NFT,本身也要承担一定的成本。创作者将普通数字文件转化成区块链上的数字资产,这一“铸造”过程需要费用,俗称“汽油费”(Gas fee),作为区块链上计算能量消耗的补偿。这笔钱相当于交给平台的手续费,一般在几十到几百美元之间。如果作品卖不出去,就意味着手续费也打了水漂。在OpenSea平台上,卖家可以以低于100美元的费用铸造一个NFT作品,这笔费用最终由买家承担。


      不久,斯特拉赞特也从卖家变成了买家。他拿出自己NFT作品收入的一半来支持其他摄影师,同时购买NFT圈中很火的猿猴头像系列。一张猿猴头像要比普通的摄影作品贵得多,斯特拉赞特购买的“绝望猿猴主妇”(Desperate Ape Wives)头像价值0.6以太币(约合人民币11496元),他自己的照片售价大多不过0.2以太币。而位于NFT头像圈金字塔顶的“无聊猿猴游艇俱乐部”(Bored Ape Yacht Club)系列头像,如今每张最低售价也要近200万元人民币。

    1. 今年1月,美联社宣布与科技公司Xooa合作,推出一个基于区块链技术的摄影NFT平台,名曰“市集”(The marketplace),出售美联社的获奖新闻照片和历史老照片等影像资源。第一批释出的照片涵盖了太空、气候、战争以及热点事件等主题。


  8. Apr 2022
    1. The artwork I bought was a Channel S0 Founder NFT. Channel is a decentralised media organisation aiming to build new tools for creators in the web3 era

      Another organization fundraising with "Founder NFTs"

  9. Mar 2022
    1. An illustrative analogy is the rivalry in the 2000s between Wikipedia and its centralized competitors like Encarta. If you compared the two products in the early 2000s, Encarta was a far better product, with better topic coverage and higher accuracy. But Wikipedia improved at a much faster rate, because it had an active community of volunteer contributors who were attracted to its decentralized, community-governed ethos. By 2005, Wikipedia was the most popular reference site on the internet. Encarta was shut down in 2009.

      Goed voorbeeld

    1. Filecoin is an open-source cloud storage marketplace, protocol, and incentive layer.

      Opslaan van digitaal erfgoed

    1. DAOstack is an open source project advancing the technology and adoption of decentralized governance.

      Tip om een dao te bouwen




  10. Feb 2022
    1. 国内数字藏品发售基于联盟链为主,易于监管,去中心化程度较低。我们 梳理了当前较为主流的 8 大数字藏品发售平台及其使用的区块链技术,仅 有唯一艺术一家基于区块链公链,主要为以太坊和 Polygon,其余 7 家均 基于联盟链,去中心化水平较低,易于监管,包括了京东旗下智臻链(灵 犀)、阿里巴巴旗下蚂蚁链(鲸探)、腾讯旗下至信链(幻核)、网易旗下网 易区块链(网易星球)、百度旗下超级链(希壤)、海文交旗下文昌链(一 起 NFT)以及微芯研究院旗下长安链(元视觉,视觉中国旗下平台)。
  11. Jan 2022
    1. An aside on NFTs Because they’re “unique” objects, NFTs are a perfect vehicle for wash trading. You can easily ensure you only wash trade to yourself. The common scheme is to wash trade with yourself until some credible dunce buys the NFT from you at your manufactured “fair” value, leaving you to walk away with real money.
  12. Dec 2021
    1. Web3 is best under­stood as a game, or a game of games. I don’t intend that as a dig: it’s a really good game! Vast and open-ended, deeply social, with lots of scores to tally … AND you can win real money?? I mean, that’s terrific.
    1. The highest revenue NFT project to date, NBA Top Shot, has generated $200M in gross sales in just the past month while spending very little on marketing. It’s been able to grow so efficiently because users feel like owners — they have skin in the game. It’s true peer-to-peer marketing, fueled by community, excitement, and ownership. 
    2. Modern video games like Fortnite contain sophisticated economies that mix fungible tokens like V-Bucks with NFTs/virtual goods like skins. Someday every internet community might have its own micro-economy, including NFTs and fungible tokens that users can use, own, and collect.
  13. Nov 2021
    1. Discord’s bot ecosystem extends into crypto. In a recent piece on DAOs, The Generalist outlined a few integrations that have caught on with the web3 world. In particular, products like Collab.Land — which allows holders of unique tokens or NFTs to access private channels — have become essential. Other players in this subspace include Tip (accept crypto tips!) and Piggy (an RPG with crypto rewards).

      Discord integrates with web3. One example of this are channels that are only accessible for people holding a specific NFT.

  14. Oct 2021
    1. RealLife的邮件通讯里写道,“把任何流量高的推文变成一个 Nft 这件事,好像成了一个潮流”,他们认为这次热潮来源于极高的价格炒作,区块链基础技术的营销,而不是来自于艺术品本身的价值。 而数字艺术作者的所谓 Creator 身份,在现在消费和生产成为一体的平台里,也只是被构建在内容生产体系的层级结构里,依旧对平台有或多或少的依赖。

  15. Sep 2021
    1. Solana NFT Marketplace Development

      The huge trend of non-fungible tokens has necessitated the creation of a digital environment to facilitate their exchange. NFT marketplace platforms dedicated to launching and trading NFTs offer a beneficial experience for both makers and takers.

      Maticz is a top-rated NFT Marketplace Development Company that offers premium Solana NFT marketplace development to help you to launch your own NFT marketplace platform that gives a seamless user experience and helps you to stand out from the competitors. Our Solana NFT marketplace platforms come with a robust trading engine, storefront, advanced searching filters, and so forth.

      Know more: Solana NFT Development >>>

    1. How to Create NFT MarketPlace?

      Owing to the worldwide requirement of the current Digital world, the NFT aspirants are actively looking for an efficient NFT Marketplace to showcase their collectibles. Statistics have defined that OpenSea and Rarible are bound to offer enhanced performance than most other NFT marketplaces. If you are an active entrepreneur or investor looking to launch your own NFT Marketplace Platform? You are in the right place!

      The NFT marketplace can be built in two significant ways.

      White Label NFT marketplace

      Build NFT marketplace from Scratch.

      White Label NFT Marketplace

      White Label NFT MarketPlace solutions are pre-built ones. It can be customized based on the client's requirements. It is more beneficial for the people who want to start an NFT with less capital investment. Development costs and the time to Create NFT Marketplace by opting for White Label NFT MarketPlace Software solutions are minimal.

      Building an NFT Marketplace from Scratch

      Building NFT MarketPlace from Scratch involves some basic steps like Blockchain selection, Finalizing features & functionalities, Developing Smart Contracts, UI Creations, Smart Contract Auditing & Bug fixing, Testnet deployment, release beta version or mainnet release. These NFT platforms are built based on the client's requirements. It is fully customized and we can integrate any unique features on it.

      Create NFT MarketPlace on your desired Blockchain network

      There are so many NFT Marketplace solution providers present in the crypto market. So tie up with the trustworthy NFT MarketPlace Development Company and check out the live demo of their white label nft marketplace and then create your own NFT marketplace on the desired blockchain network such as Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and TRON as per your wish.

    2. NFT MarketPlace Development

      Desire to Enter the Industry that generates Million Dollar Revenue, Our NFT Marketplace Development Services are perfect for you. Whether for Art, Music, Games, Real Estate or any Unique Digital Collectible, We Maticz leading NFT Marketplace Development Company develop domain-specific NFT Software Solutions to help meet your unique business demands.

    1. A smart contract is a code that executes a set of conditions required for a trade to occur; if one condition fails, then so does the trade. Thus, by adopting blockchain smart contracts to trade ownership of their work, an artist can ensure resale royalties as a condition for the transfer of title, meaning they automatically get a cut of any future sales of their work.

      This is an interesting idea with smart contracts.

    1. “The internet is now a place where everyone has an inventory.”

      Also the decentralized nature of it all makes it so interesting to explore. Keep your inventory in your own wallet on your own domain under your own terms.

    2. This entire world is built on the assumption the internet will never die, which reflects a pretty big cultural shift in how we think about technology.

      I get dizzy from reading what is happening with new ideas like NFT, Web3 and blockchain. It's all a big blurry tangled ball of wool I need to unravel. What most surprises me is how gamified the movement is.

    1. Only1 是一个专注于 NFT 形式内容的社交媒体平台。不同于 Nafter 上的内容创作者可以同时将一个 NFT 形式内容出售给多人,Only1 通过拍卖方式使得只有一个人可以获得这个 NFT 形式的所有权。而通过拍卖获得这个 NFT 形式内容所有权的用户可以通过收取原生代币 $LIKE 发放该内容的查看权。




    1. Nafter 是一个将短内容 NFT 化的社交平台。类似于 Instagram,创作者可以将创作的 post 转化为 NFT,并从售卖该 post 查看权中获利。同时用户也可以通过向喜欢的内容创作的个人账户质押该平台原生代币 NAFT 或者该内容创作者的收益分成。




  16. Aug 2021
    1. NFT Marketplace Development Company

      WeAlwin Techologies - The most prominent NFT Marketplace development company that provides popular nft marketplace clone scripts like rarible, opensea for startups, individuals, and entrepreneurs to launch their own nft marketplace platform in the crypto space. They have a team of experts who help in the coding process to build a better, fast, secure nft marketplace.

      It offers popular nft marketplace clone scripts such as rarible clone script and opensea clone script with advanced features at affordable prices. Not only ready-made rarible clone script, you can develop the nft marketplace from scratch based on your business requirements. They will assist you in building a unique nft marketplace. If you wanna launch your nft marketplace instantly, then go with a rarible clone script.

      Book a live free demo of rarible clone script!!

      Reach their experts, via Mail-id: sales@alwin.io Whatsapp/ Telegram : +91 99940 44929 Skype: live:info_945986

    1. Opensea Clone Script - Start your P2P NFT Marketplace Like Opensea Within 7 days

      Opensea clone script is the pre-build nft marketplace clone script which has the similar features and functionalities of opensea. It is the commercial nft marketplace where users can expose their rare art works, collectibles, in-game times, podcasts, virtual land and more. The buyer can buy the collectibles by bidding or direct sale.

      It is a 100% customizable script that you can modify as per your business requirements and launch your P2P nft marketplace in the crypto space. Not only this option, you can build your unique nft marketplace by developing it from scratch. For that, you need to be a professional developer or hire a highly specialized team to build it. And one more thing, it requires a lot of time and money, manpower resources to get a better nft marketplace. But the outcome will help to stand out in the crypto space.

      If you wanna launch your NFT Marketplace business instantly, the opensea clone scriptis the best option.

    1. provoking discussion on where audience puts faith/belief/investment in the future (digital / NTF or physical.

  17. Jul 2021
    1. Buyers and sellers can trade valuable Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) on a radiant Rarible clone script made by AppDupe.

      Our modern NFT marketplace shares real-time updates about hot bids, the list of top buyers and sellers (daily, weekly, and monthly), live auctions, and trending collections. Entrepreneurs ensure the safe storage of investor's crypto holdings on wallets like Coinbase, Fortmatic, MetaMask, MyEtherWallet (MEW), Portis, Torus, Trust Wallet, and WalletConnect. Hence, monetize artwork, memes, music, photos, and videos effectively by obtaining our Rarible clone script.

  18. Apr 2021
    1. NFT Marketplace Development: What is it and How Much Does It Cost?

      Non-fungible tokens became a hot topic among digital art fans. Given that, building an NFT marketplace that caters to the needs of this specific audience seems a lucrative idea.

      Check our fresh article to learn how to create a NFT marketplace that your users will love:


    1. NFT is a unique digital item to have demonstrable ownership. Usually, it is used for digital art. Ethereum-powered projects like SuperRare are harnessing the power of blockchain to create digital art that has digital scarcity and true ownership, thus creating a whole new market for artists and collectors in the digital space. Built on NEAR, Paras: Digital Art Card is an NFT marketplace that is already available for use. It offers much cheaper NFT mining fees than are possible on Ethereum, allowing artists to create without being limited by high on-chain fees. In this article, we are going to discuss NFTs, the ways of creating, selling, and buying. And will give you a step-by-step guide on how to develop an NFT marketplace from scratch with a detailed estimate.
  19. Mar 2021
    1. The NFT grift works like this: Tell artists there’s a gusher of free money! They need to buy into crypto to get the gusher of free money. They become crypto advocates, and make excuses for proof-of-work and so on. A few artists really are making life-changing money from this! You probably won’t be one of them.

      This is the structure of so many confidence games.

    1. The GIF Ms. Jin sold, created by her childhood friend, an artist named Annie Zhao, is an example of something called a nonfungible token. NFTs are essentially digital collectible items (GIFs, images, memes, games, code, videos, artwork, music, games, even text) that people can buy, sell and trade. Almost any piece of digital content can be made into an NFT and have its public documentation of ownership recorded on the blockchain. Some of the ideas behind NFTs — documentation of ownership and chain of custody, scarcity, trading, valuations and speculation — are as old as markets. The innovation is the decentralization, which in turn means you can take NFTs anywhere. No one platform or middleman controls them.
    1. Katz points out this is an “extreme example to prove a point.” YellowHeart wants to show people how much control can be put into the ticket with smart contracts. Going forward, he says this same tech can be used for general tickets, which could be a huge advancement in the secondary market. Every time an NFT is resold, a percentage of money earned could go to the artist — or whoever is included in the contract, perhaps even a charity. (In such instances, YellowHeart can also set a maximum price that the NFT can be resold at, eradicating scalpers.)

      Dit is volgens mij een killer feature van NFT's in muziek. De rest is leuk maar dit is superinteressant

  20. Feb 2021