3 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2024
    1. Every narrative in Putin's regime is a product of propaganda. From the from the school books which show a very different, distorted view on World War II, to every daily news  episode on Russian State TV, the purpose of every piece of information is to forge a distorted  view on reality in which Putin is the only solution. This is why the truth covered by Western  media media and shared every day through social media is a threat to Vladimir Putin. And that  is why he has launched an international war on truth.

      The "Mind Bomb" defined

      The firehose-of-bullshit problem...it can't all be combatted. Later:

      But remember Olga Skabeyeva's words: There is no truth only interpretation. Her job and the job of every one of her colleagues is to replace truth with whatever narrative Putin desires.

  2. Sep 2023
    1. that's that is the Dirty Little Secret 00:12:08 of where we're at right now with Americans at each other's throats politically it's being created caused on purpose by the Chinese and the Russians who are manipulating people 00:12:22 through um use of phony websites and other disinformation campaigns being run which is a type of warfare that's being run 00:12:34 against the American people and they're falling for it
      • for: example, example - internet flaws, polarization, disinformation,, example - polarization, political interference - Russia, political interference - China
      • example: polarization, internet flaws
  3. Aug 2021