13 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2024
    1. Project 2025

      Dans, Paul, and Steven Groves, eds. Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise - Project 2025: Presidential Transition Project. The Heritage Foundation, 2023. https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf.

      ᔥ[[Clive Thompson]] in @clive@saturation.social) (accessed:: 2024-07-04 10:20 AM)

      I'm reading the entirety of the #project2025 book: https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf

      The intro lays things out very clearly -- full-blown attacks on trans and queer folks of any stripe; utter dismissal of climate change; disdain for any form of expertise and education (wonderfully incoherent, given the sparkling pedigrees of the document's many authors); economic thinking that's equally incoherent, if not at times magically-realistic; christian nationalism; and incessant, self-pitying grievance politics

      Jul 07, 2024, 10:03 · Edited Jul 07, 12:42

  2. Oct 2023
    1. Potential Biden contenders: - Gavin Newsom, California governor - J. B. Pritzker, Illinois governor - Phil Murphy, New Jersey Governor - Gretchen Whitmer, Michigan Governor

      Currently running on the left: - Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. - Marianne Williamson - Cornel West (Green Party)

    2. He used the chance to declare “cultural war” for the “soul of America,” against an enemy of radicals “cross-dressing” as moderate Democrats, who were preaching “abortion on demand” and “radical feminism” while working-class Americans watched their jobs disappear and a “mob”—the Rodney King riots—looted and burned Los Angeles. The liberal columnist Molly Ivins memorably wrote that the speech “probably sounded better in the original German,” but its themes would form the founding document of today’s Republican Party. Indeed, when I mentioned the speech to a former Trump Administration official, he immediately recited several lines by heart.

      Pat Buchanan ran for the Republican nomination in 1992 and in a prime-time speech at the Republican convention that summer he declared a "cultural war" for the "soul of America".

    3. West is by far the most unequivocal in his denunciation of the Democratic and Republican parties as dominated by big money and corporate wealth. He is no less emphatic in his condemnation of Israeli occupation and domination of Palestinians, and in his condemnation of the militarization of American foreign policy. Democratic leaders seem to fear that he might siphon off just enough black and leftist votes from Biden to give Trump a winning margin.
  3. Dec 2021
    1. Trisha Greenhalgh. (2021, December 27). This is nothing short of scandalous. Unless and until those leading the public health response acknowledge the AIRBORNE nature of the virus and give transmission mitigation advice commensurate with how airborne viruses spread, we will be yo-yoing from wave to wave ad infinitum. [Tweet]. @trishgreenhalgh. https://twitter.com/trishgreenhalgh/status/1475502337594646528

  4. Feb 2021
  5. Jan 2017
    1. I am hoping to give answers to people from both sides of the aisle from the perspective of a person who has worked both inside the system and on the outside

      Here, the author is using prolepsis to advise the reader that the rebuttal is anticipated and will be in the discussion. While doing this it leads to the appeal of logic, logos. It does this because once the opposition is reasoned it resonates within them and may give them a sense of understanding they may have not had before reading this article. Later on in the reading when Wagner illustrates the phone conversation with his mother it shows how they, personally, appealed to logic. Once they both gave their arguments on why they voted for their candidate they realized the reason they opposed each other's were for identical reason. Although this illustration was from an appeal of logos, it also, appeals to pathos; because it was a conversation with his mother it creates an emotional connection that will guide a reader to same realization as illustrated.

    2. Without giving my entire biography, I graduated film school and was hired almost completely at random as a camera man for one of the presidential campaigns before the primaries. Through a series of events and promotions I eventually found myself responsible for the media and advertising section of the campaign. Also around the same time I was put in charge, our campaign happened to run out of money.I sat down with the campaign manager, strategist, and communications team and we basically figured out how we could do campaign advertising with absolutely no money. What we ended up doing was bizarre but effective and has now become common practice. When something would happen during the day on the campaign trail, we would quickly come up with an idea for a creative — and kind of bizarre — video about it.

      The author uses narration, or anecdotes, to further explain his argument of how social media has become the news source for politics and it's entity. He refers back to a time where he was hands-on in a political campaign that began the implementation of social media in politics which ties back to his argument. By doing this, he appeals to ethos; his credibility is built by narrating this story in his article. The audience now knows that he has knowledge of what goes on in the background of politics and can comfortably read this piece without second guessing his plausibility.

  6. Aug 2016
    1. Federal Election Commission ("FEC") regulations require a debate sponsor to make its candidate selection decisions on the basis of "pre-established, objective" criteria. After a thorough and wide-ranging review of alternative approaches to determining who is invited to participate in the general election debates it will sponsor, the CPD adopted on October 28, 2015 its 2016 Non-Partisan Candidate Selection Criteria. Under the 2016 Criteria, in addition to being Constitutionally eligible, candidates must appear on a sufficient number of state ballots to have a mathematical chance of winning a majority vote in the Electoral College, and have a level of support of at least 15 percent of the national electorate as determined by five selected national public opinion polling organizations, using the average of those organizations’ most recently publicly-reported results at the time of the determination. The polls to be relied upon will be selected based on the quality of the methodology employed, the reputation of the polling organizations and the frequency of the polling conducted. CPD will identify the selected polling organizations well in advance of the time the criteria are applied.

      an official statement of the 15% threshold for being included in the US presidential debate