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  1. Last 7 days
  2. Aug 2024
  3. May 2024
  4. Sep 2023
  5. www.ingeniousink.co.uk www.ingeniousink.co.uk
    1. https://www.ingeniousink.co.uk/frog

      “Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.” - Mark Twain

      Frogs are tasks that you’ve been putting off for a long time which somehow never get around to.

      Is the Twain attribution true?

  6. Jun 2023
  7. Oct 2022
  8. Sep 2022
    1. “Substantially all ideas are second-hand, consciously and unconsciously drawn from a million outside sources, and daily use by the garnerer with a pride and satisfaction born of the superstition that he originated them.”Mark Twain
  9. Jan 2022
    1. Only recently has "memory training" become a butt of ridicule and a refuge of charlatans.

      Daniel Boorstin indicated in 1984 that "'memory training' had become the butt of ridicule and a refuge of charlatans", a concept which had begun by the 1880s with people selling memory tricks and training to the point that the journal Science published an article by George S. Fellows exposing an expensive program by Antoine Loisette, which had been advertised in the New York Times with quotes by Mark Twain. #

      The trend probably hit its peak when huckster and convicted fraudster Kevin Trudeau marketed audiocassette tapes of his "Mega Memory" course on late night infomercials until he was shut down by the Federal Trade Commission in the late 1990's.

      That history had begun to shift with the rise of memory sports and competitions into the early 2000s and popularized by Tyler Foer's book Moonwalking with Einstein.

  10. Nov 2021
    1. None of us can have as many virtues as the fountain-pen, or half its cussedness; but we can try. - Following the Equator, Pudd'nhead Wilson's New Calendar
  11. Oct 2020
    1. In 1887, Twain crossed paths with Professor Loisette a ‘memory doctor’ who made a living peddling a system of memory techniques bearing his name. Inductees into the “Loisette system” were sworn to secrecy, and charged the modern equivalent of five hundred dollars to learn the “natural laws of memory” which the doctor claimed to have discovered. Twain enrolled in a several-week-long course and at first was deeply impressed, even going so far as to publish a testimonial in favour of the Loisette system.
    2. In 1885, he patented “Mark Twain’s Memory Builder: A Game for Acquiring and Retaining All Sorts of Facts and Dates.”
    1. Christian Nestell Bovee often receives credit for the quote. “Kindness: a language which the dumb can speak and the deaf can understand,” he wrote in his 1857 book “Thoughts, Feelings, and Fancies.”
  12. Jan 2018
    1. Looking at this text from Chapter 9 of Huckleberry Finn, think about voice and diction choices. Mark and comment on places where you see Twain building Huck's character through his observations and specific word choices. You might note a word that is unusual or particularly apt or a sentence that you think works or does not.

  13. Dec 2015
    1. “Oh, my dearest dear sir, I want to take back what I said. You have got a situation open that I want.” “Name it.” “Son-in-law.”

      The tables have turned!

    2. raised my salary to twelve hundred the first year on the spot.

      How can he raise his own salary?? He knows nothing about it!

    3. So I loved her all the more, seeing she could be so cheerful when there wasn’t anything to be cheerful about

      Yeah, but does she see the story as tragic or just silly?

    4. The English never play any game for amusement

      Twain has lots to say about the English!

    5. whom I fell in love with in two minutes

      Wow he moves fast!

    6. My month ended, my employer back from his journey, I should be all right once more, for I should at once divide the two years’ salary among my creditors by assignment, and get right down to my work.

      At least he's got a plan, but it's not based off of any concrete knowledge

    7. so as to have the old pleasure of buying trifles, and being insulted, and then shooting the scoffer dead with the million-pound bill.

      He's really enjoying himself!

    8. and so, pauper as I was, I had money to spend, and was living like the rich and the great.

      I wish this could happen in real life. Get all kinds of things without actually having to spend any money...oh wait, that's called stealing.

    9. My opinion of those people changed, I can tell you!

      Of course it did! Money changes everything!

    10. a clean reputation

      Seems to be a recurring theme here...

    1. What could his conduct mean?  It might mean—it might—mean—oh, a dozen dreadful things.

      They're getting so paranoid

    2. the sermon seemed to bristle with accusations; it seemed aimed straight and specially at people who were concealing deadly sins.

      The worst part about sin is that it eats away at you

    3. “I—I wish I were dead, Mary, I wish I were out of it all!”

      Ugh I feel so bad for them!

    4. It seems written with fire—it burns so.  Mary—I am miserable again.

      They are really struggling with this...they seem to actually be good people

    5. “Dr.”

      Why the quotes? Is he not a real doctor?

    6. “Friends, they are only gilded disks of lead!”


    7. Incorruptible

      Now they're sarcastically labeled as "incorruptibles"

    8. Any other man would have been content to kill one or two of you and call it square, but to me that would have been a trivial revenge, and inadequate; for the dead do not suffer.

      Wow, what did they do to this guy??

    9. your community’s noble reputation for incorruptible honesty

      Not anymore!

    10. “Oh, saw my leg off!”

      lol what?

    11. There is nothing in the world like a persuasive speech to fuddle the mental apparatus and upset the convictions and debauch the emotions of an audience not practised in the tricks and delusions of oratory. 

      Yeah, this Wilson guy is good at talking his way out of things

    12. That kind don’t count their chickens until they are hatched.


    13. During that one night the nineteen wives spent an average of seven thousand dollars each out of the forty thousand in the sack—a hundred and thirty-three thousand altogether.

      Those crazy broads! Don't spend money unless you have it!

    14. They were exact copies of the letter received by Richards—handwriting and all—and were all signed by Stephenson, but in place of Richards’s name each receiver’s own name appeared.

      Oh this is going to be fun

    15. that she carried a spoonful of negro blood in her veins.


    16. but in some way or other the match had been broken off; the girl died, Goodson remained a bachelor, and by-and-by became a soured one and a frank despiser of the human species. 

      Wow, poor guy!

    17. In fact it went on looking better and better, straight along—until by-and-by it grew into positive proof. 

      Of course it did...there's forty thousand dollars to be awarded for this "proof"!

    18. oh dear, he had put Richards on his honour! 

      No not in his honor! The horror!

    19. Mary was planning what she would do with the money. 

      She's getting a little ahead of herself

    20. In all your life you have never uttered a lie.

      Never too late to start!

    21. Everybody believes there was only one good generous soul in this village

      And yet they pretended that the entire town was good...

    22. Halliday’s comments grew daily more and more sparklingly disagreeable and disparaging.

      This guys sounds annoying

    23. “Ah, what could have been the remark that Goodson made?”

      Why are they all so sure it was Goodson? Was he really the only person good enough to give a stranger money?

    24. Hadleyburg, synonym for incorruptible

      I feel like that's just not true...it can't be put in the dictionary...sorry guys!

    25. so it’s artificial honesty,

      Exactly, nothing in this town seems to be genuine so far

    26. guessed that the late Goodson was the only man in the town who could have helped a suffering stranger with so noble a sum as twenty dollars.

      This Goodson guy sounds like the only truly "good" person in the town if people keep thinking he'd be the only one to give stranger money

    27. he may be too late—too late

      Too late to pull the announcement from the paper?

    28. Lead us not into t . . . but—but—we are so poor, so poor! . . . Lead us not into . . . Ah, who would be hurt by it?—and no one would ever know . . . Lead us . . .

      Struggling with keeping her faith and honesty here

    29. Very well, then, tell them to go to hell—I reckon that’s general enough.  And I’ll give you some advice, Sawlsberry; when you come back for the particulars, fetch a basket to carry what is left of yourself home in.’

      I like this guy

    30. And of course he didn’t care. 

      Maybe because Goodson is a genuinely good person that doesn't care that other people think?

    31. If the town had found it out—

      He was trying to do something nice and actually be a good person, but his wife is only concerned with what the town would've thought of them

    32. What troubles me now is, what he thinks of us, Edward

      So far, this town seems very focused on what others think of them. They don't care about actually being incorruptible people...they just want to seem that way

    33. “I—I don’t think it would have done for you to—to—One mustn’t—er—public opinion—one has to be so careful—so—”

      At a loss for words, Mary?

    34. I could have saved him, and—and—well, you know how the town was wrought up—I hadn’t the pluck to do it. 

      That doesn't sound like he's such a good guy then

    35. The whole of his unpopularity had its foundation in that one thing—the thing that made so much noise.

      Oooh what thing?! Sounds like a good story!

    36. And it will make all the other towns jealous

      Trying to inspire jealousy doesn't sound like something an "upstanding" town would do

    37. and it is fast getting along toward burglar-time.

      Exactly what time is burglar time? I'd like to know

    38. all we’ve got to do is to bury the money and burn the papers.  If the gambler ever comes to inquire, we’ll merely look coldly upon him and say: ‘What is this nonsense you are talking?  We have never heard of you and your sack of gold before;’

      Wow....greedy man!

    39. Why, it’s a romance; it’s like the impossible things one reads about in books, and never sees in life.

      This sounds like the most excitement these people have had in awhile (or ever)

    40. we have our livelihood; we have our good name

      Which is almost as good as money...right?

    41. the wages of sin

      Money is money, lady!

    42. who set his bread afloat upon the waters

      Completely unrelated, but this sentence reminds me of feeding ducks in a pond

    43. This sack contains gold coin weighing a hundred and sixty pounds four ounces—”

      That's a big coin!

    44. but what he wanted was a plan which would comprehend the entire town, and not let so much as one person escape unhurt. 


    45. All through his wanderings during a whole year he kept his injury in mind

      This town really must've bothered him!

    46. and cared not a rap for strangers or their opinions.

      Well then!

    47. Hadleyburg had the ill luck to offend a passing stranger

      Being such an upstanding community could offend people by coming off as snooty

    48. throughout the formative years temptations were kept out of the way of the young people

      Overly sheltering kids doesn't usually turn out well...

    49. It had kept that reputation unsmirched during three generations, and was prouder of it than of any other of its possessions.

      Sounds kind of boring