- Dec 2023
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Wegen anhaltendem Wassermangel können im Augenblick nur hab so viele Schiffe den Panama durchqueren wie normalerweise Punkt für die Schleusen des Kanals werden große Mengen Süßwasser benötigt. Die niederschlagsmuster verändern sich deutlich. Es ist aber noch nicht abzusehen, wie die zukünftige Entwicklung aussehen wird. Ein Beispiel für das unkartierte Gelände, in das die globale Erhitzung geführt hat. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/dec/22/changing-climate-casts-a-shadow-over-the-future-of-the-panama-canal-and-global-trade
- Dec 2022
projects.iq.harvard.edu projects.iq.harvard.eduHandouts1
I came here to get the handout for Markov chains mentions in Lecture 31: Markov chains | Statistics 110. Lectures give a great intuition behind the equations, their motivation, and their limitations.
- Sep 2022
Many know from their own experience how uncontrollable and irretrievable the oftenvaluable notes and chains of thought are in note books and in the cabinets they are stored in
Heyde indicates how "valuable notes and chains of thought are" but also points out "how uncontrollable and irretrievable" they are.
This statement is strong evidence along with others in this chapter which may have inspired Niklas Luhmann to invent his iteration of the zettelkasten method of excerpting and making notes.
(link to: Clemens /Heyde and Luhmann timeline: https://hypothes.is/a/4wxHdDqeEe2OKGMHXDKezA)
Presumably he may have either heard or seen others talking about or using these general methods either during his undergraduate or law school experiences. Even with some scant experience, this line may have struck him significantly as an organization barrier of earlier methods.
Why have notes strewn about in a box or notebook as Heyde says? Why spend the time indexing everything and then needing to search for it later? Why not take the time to actively place new ideas into one's box as close as possibly to ideas they directly relate to?
But how do we manage this in a findable way? Since we can't index ideas based on tabs in a notebook or even notebook page numbers, we need to have some sort of handle on where ideas are in slips within our box. The development of European card catalog systems had started in the late 1700s, and further refinements of Melvil Dewey as well as standardization had come about by the early to mid 1900s. One could have used the Dewey Decimal System to index their notes using smaller decimals to infinitely intersperse cards on a growing basis.
But Niklas Luhmann had gone to law school and spent time in civil administration. He would have been aware of aktenzeichen file numbers used in German law/court settings and public administration. He seems to have used a simplified version of this sort of filing system as the base of his numbering system. And why not? He would have likely been intimately familiar with its use and application, so why not adopt it or a simplified version of it for his use? Because it's extensible in a a branching tree fashion, one can add an infinite number of cards or files into the midst of a preexisting collection. And isn't this just the function aktenzeichen file numbers served within the German court system? Incidentally these file numbers began use around 1932, but were likely heavily influenced by the Austrian conscription numbers and house numbers of the late 1770s which also influenced library card cataloging numbers, so the whole system comes right back around. (Ref Krajewski here).
(Cross reference/ see: https://hypothes.is/a/CqGhGvchEey6heekrEJ9WA
Other pieces he may have been attempting to get around include the excessive work of additional copying involved in this piece as well as a lot of the additional work of indexing.
One will note that Luhmann's index was much more sparse than without his methods. Often in books, a reader will find a reference or two in an index and then go right to the spot they need and read around it. Luhmann did exactly this in his sequence of cards. An index entry or two would send him to the general local and sifting through a handful of cards would place him in the correct vicinity. This results in a slight increase in time for some searches, but it pays off in massive savings of time of not needing to cross index everything onto cards as one goes, and it also dramatically increases the probability that one will serendipitously review over related cards and potentially generate new insights and links for new ideas going into one's slip box.
- Aug 2022
Many know from their own experience how uncontrollable and irretrievable the oftenvaluable notes and chains of thought are in note books and in the cabinets they are stored in
Look at this lovely explicit phrase "chain of thought" here!
This is not a well attested viewpoint from my research, but obviously happens, and Heyde calls out personal experience to underline his point.
Where is he going to place the work of creating this chain of thought? Will it be at the "traditional" writing (arranging) part of the process, or will the chain be created as one goes a la Luhmann's ultimate practice?!
- Jul 2022
refactoring.guru refactoring.guru
A message chain occurs when a client requests another object, that object requests yet another one, and so on.
A message chain
- Jun 2022
Chipmakers brace for more trouble as Russia limits exports of rare gases
The more team human doesn't play as a team, the more problematic global supply chains will be.
- May 2022
www.usmcu.edu www.usmcu.edu
The hyperthreat can be outmaneuvered by humans reconfiguring their activities in two ways: security by design and security by dispersal. National security in the Anthropocene is increasingly achieved by designing systems and settlements so that enhanced security is incorporated from the start. For example, it can be imagined that each time a person refuels a car with petrol, this action empowers the hyperthreat. This leads to global warming, which creates ocean acidification and in turn reduced fish stocks, while also creating pressures for resource wars, thereby influencing whether a soldier or civilian dies and how much taxpayer resources are required for material security missions. In contrast, zero-emission transportation technologies can “design out” the slow violence and threats associated with a fossil-fuel-intensive lifestyle. This is similar for plastic use, in which case the “threat” is embodied in the high polluting design of consumable products and lifestyle activities. Likewise, other health threats and longer-term costs are embodied in hidden toxins or sugars in food products. Accordingly, peace, health, and a different form of national prosperity can be created through design, which requires a longer-term and mesh-intervention viewpoint. OP VAK has a role to play in achieving security and safety by design by linking apparently benign activities with their devastating impacts.
Linking these many fragmented and long causal chains and tracing them back to the hyperthreat can be a polwerful visualization that brings the hyperthreat to life.
- Oct 2021
pasafarming.org pasafarming.org
- Apr 2020
papers.ssrn.com papers.ssrn.com
Ramelli, S., & Wagner, A. F. (2020). Feverish Stock Price Reactions to COVID-19 (SSRN Scholarly Paper ID 3550274). Social Science Research Network. https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3550274
lnakamur.files.wordpress.com lnakamur.files.wordpress.com
8 1 Social Text 141• December 2019Precarity Lab · Digital Precarity Manifestofemale and nonwhite labor, all linked to one another across time and space by bonds of capital, material object production, and social reproduction. Theories of network cultures celebrate the new connectivity afforded by digital technology and attempt to erase the chains it puts in place. These chains pull some people up, yet weigh down so many others.
continued from above - invisible labor - chains.
The making of supply chains homogenizes heterogeneity from within.
I hate this kind of academic language - it is so inaccessible. Is their work disconnected from the communities that they're talking about? After googling to be sure I was understanding correctly - they're saying that making supply chains kills diversity from within the supply chain.
Precarity has always already been mundane reality — and life itself — for those whose race, gender, and sexuality chained them to acts of violence and exploitation. Precarious life feeds off the vulnerable, breaks their bod-ies, and renders them surplus. To notice precarity differently means to be in radical complicity. Precarity is “life in chains.” Life in chains rejects ideals of an outside, of utopia to be rescued from the machines of capital-ist alienation. Chained up is more than complicity; it means noticing the wounds inflicted by false promises of idealized counterculture, techno-logical progress, and digital intervention
Precarity - in chains
by saying the labor is invisible are we erasing the precarity of the work?
- Mar 2020
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
www.politico.com www.politico.com
expect to see more support from Democrats, Republicans, academics and diplomats for the notion that government has a much bigger role to play in creating adequate redundancy in supply chains
- Feb 2020
www.imse.iastate.edu www.imse.iastate.edu
- Feb 2017
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
So Campbell seems to have a lot of "causal chains," so where are the "bundles of evidence" exactly? I mean, this definitely seems to be moral reasoning, but this looks like more of a chain than a bundle.