34 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2024
  2. May 2024
  3. Jan 2022
    1. It works if you always want b to be the value deriving from a. However in the example above, we want the value of b to be temporarily out of sync of a.
    2. My mental model has always been that a reactive declaration like $: b = a * 2 defines b in it's entirety ("Here's my recipe for b and all the ingredients, please Svelte make b always up to date"). And outside of this declaration b is immutable.
    3. First of all, here is what I meant by updating reactive declared variable
    4. The intention of the issue #2444 was to propagate the changes of the reactive declared variables back to its dependencies. in the context of this example, would meant, updating b should update a as well.
  4. Jul 2021
    1. Flow Debugger First up is a Flow Debugger. This acts like regular code debuggers, but at the flow level. You can set breakpoints on node ports, either inputs or outputs. Then, whenever a message arrives at a breakpoint, it pauses either at that node, or the entire runtime.

      woohoo, love the developer experience upgrades.

  5. Nov 2020
    1. Svelte's advantage here is that it indicates the need for an update at the place where the associated data is updated, instead of at each place the data is used. Then each template expression of reactive statement is able to check very quickly if it needs to rerender or not.
  6. Oct 2020
    1. So how do we declare the variable y to be the value of x plus 5? That's where reactive programming comes in. Reactive programming is a way of programming that makes it possible solve this problem
  7. Aug 2020
  8. Jul 2020
  9. Jun 2020
  10. Apr 2020
    1. follows the reactive development architecture, but with a twist. The main thing to know about reactive programming is that it updates UI contents automatically when you update the variables in the code
  11. Sep 2019
  12. Feb 2019
  13. Aug 2018
  14. Jul 2018
  15. Apr 2018
  16. Apr 2017
  17. Jul 2015
    1. Netflix JavaScript Talks - Async JavaScript with Reactive Extensions

      "Design Patterns, Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software"

      Iterator Pattern

      Pulling data, one by one.

      Observer Pattern

      See Pub-Sub, Event-Emitter. Give a callback to a data producer.