- Nov 2020
link.springer.com link.springer.com
Challenges and barriers in virtual teams: a literature review
Eight Ways to Build Collaborative Teams
- Oct 2020
www.emerald.com www.emerald.com
The digitally preserved old-aged art, culture and artists: An exploration of Google Arts and Culture
pdfs.semanticscholar.org pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Internet LearningVolume 4Issue 1Spring 2015Article 2May 2015Strategies for Virtual Learning Environments:Focusing on Teaching Presence and TeachingImmediacy
Article presents strategies for adoption in virtual learning environments to improve aspects of instructor presence and immediacy. Central to the discussion are perceptions of engagement and relatability, which play an integral role in shaping learners' cognitive and affective filters. Rating 7/10
educationaltechnologyjournal.springeropen.com educationaltechnologyjournal.springeropen.com
Investigating self-directed learning and technology readiness in blending learning environment
Article primarily deals with blended learning environments and the effectiveness of SDL as leveraged through technology-enabled forms of communication. Other topics addressed include technology readiness and student motivation levels. Findings indicate technology has a positive effect on learning outcomes. Rating 7/10.
scholarsphere.psu.edu scholarsphere.psu.edu
Andragogy and Technology: Integrating Adult Learning Theory As We Teach With Technology
Article discusses the ways that adult learning theory can be applied to the design of technology-rich learning environments. Discussion of andragogy is relevant and helpful. Rating 6/10
Knowles, Holton and Swanson (1998) discuss six assumptions of andragogy. Followingare expanded definitions of those assumptions with their implications for technology-based instruction:
6 Assumptions of Andragogy according to Knowles, Holton, and Swanson (1) learners need to know the why, (2) learners must shift toward self direction, (3) foundational experience is crucial, (4) learning must be relevant, (5) stick to problem-based learning, and (6) motivation to learn can be leveraged. Rating 8/10
www.nhi.fhwa.dot.gov www.nhi.fhwa.dot.gov
Principles of Adult Learning & Instructional Systems Design
Article discusses adult learning theory as it relates to cognitive, affective, and behavioral domains, as well as learning styles, e.g., visual, auditory, kinesthetic learning styles. The authors explores implications for instructional design practice. Rating 6/10
journals.uair.arizona.edu journals.uair.arizona.edu
Technology and Adult Students In Higher Education: A Review of the Literature
Article explores technology usage among adult learners in higher education and how to optimize learning outcomes via tech tools in these settings. The author addresses educational/instructional design and the need for instructors to modify traditional approaches. Rating 6/10
evolllution.com evolllution.com
The Wired Classroom: Leveraging Technology to Engage Adult Learners
Interesting article discussing how innovative uses of technology can be used to engage adult learners. Author discusses social media platforms (Twitter), simulations, and how to leverage an LMS. Rating 3/10
elearningindustry.com elearningindustry.com
The Adult Learning Theory - Andragogy - of Malcolm Knowles
Article provides a basic explanation of Knowles' Adult Learning Theory and 4 major principles of andragogy. Author discusses Knowles' assumptions of adult learners. Helpful exploration of application of andragogy frameworks to personal computer training. Rating 5/10
cjsae.library.dal.ca cjsae.library.dal.ca
Big hat and no cattle? The implications of MOOCs for the adult learning landscape
Article critiques the "big sell" of MOOCs claiming that MOOCs are an oversell in terms of access and change in educational practice. Author explores these assertions though the lens of andragogy, ultimately finding that while there is potential in MOOCs, these environments are not being utilized to their greatest potential. Rating 8/10
web.a.ebscohost.com web.a.ebscohost.com
Characteristics of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs): A Research Review, 2009-2012.
Full article available on EDSCO.
Article presents characteristics of MOOCs such as varied definitions of "openness," barriers to completion, and structure. Concept of MOOCs is connectivist by design, yet researchers found that pedagogical application typically takes one of two approaches: either directed instruction stemming from cognitive-behaviorist or social constructivism. Rating 7/10
eric.ed.gov eric.ed.gov
Adult MOOC Learners as Self-Directed: Perceptions of Motivation, Success, and Completion
Article explores learners' perspectives about their motivation and success in a four-week MOOC. Author states that while much attention has been given to the study of MOOCs very little of that research has leveraged participants interpretations of their personal experiences. This article delivers information about MOOC learners' motivations and goals for participation in a MOOC. Article interprets these factors from the perspective of SDL and self-determination frameworks. Rating 7/10
www.learntechlib.org www.learntechlib.org
Author explores characteristics of adult learners respective to online learning environments. Andragogy is discussed as a theory, along with SDL and transformational and experiential learning. Author applies theory to design of physical environments to produce optimal circumstances for adult learning. Rating 8/10
telrp.springeropen.com telrp.springeropen.com
Empowering older adults’ informal, self-directed learning: harnessing the potential of online personal learning networks
Article discusses informal, personal learning networks as they relate to older, adult learners and self-directed study. Author questions how and why adults turn to internet and social media tools for knowledge acquisition. Concedes a lack of research in regard to adults' use of internet-based tools. Defines older adults as 60+. Rating 7/10
link.springer.com link.springer.com
Impact of technostress on academic productivity of university students
Articles explores implications of technostress on the productivity of university students (18-28). According to the authors, increased use of technology (MOOCs, digital exams, etc.) have negative repercussions, such as technostress - developing from the need to develop ICT skills. Rating 7/10
telrp.springeropen.com telrp.springeropen.com
Digital learner presence and online teaching tools: higher cognitive requirements of online learners for effective learning
Article explores how digital learners interface with content in a virtual setting. Some of the learning tools included blogs, discussion boards, wikis, virtual worlds, etc. Study shows that the digital environment can be just as effective as F2F for promoting higher level thinking and learning. Article also discusses learners perceptions of the tools and self reflection about their learning in these environments. Rating 8/10
www.bpastudies.org www.bpastudies.org
Self-Directed Learning: A Key Component of Adult Learning Theory Geri Manning
Article offers a discussion of SDL as component of adult learning theory. Useful discussion of conceptual framework and literature review. Characteristics of SD learners are explored. Concludes with some implications for the study of adult learning. Rating 7/10
www.instructionaldesign.org www.instructionaldesign.org
Andragogy (Malcolm Knowles)
Article discusses andragogy according to Knowles. Note: states that andragogy is an attempt to develop a theory. Limited information here. Rating 2/10
www.tandfonline.com www.tandfonline.com
Adult learning theories: Implications for learning and teaching
Article provides an in depth discussion of learning theories as applied to adult learners. Diagrams are particularly helpful. Clear discussion of Knowles, i.e., how adult and child learning differs. Rating 8/10
Insights 3 Adult Learning Theories Every E-Learning Designer Must Know
Adult learning theories for Instructional Designers - Article names adult learning "theories" (andragogy, neuroscience, experiential learning, SDL, and transformational learning). Discusses why these "theories" are relevant to ID. Rating 3/10
www.alp100.com www.alp100.com
10 Ways Great Business Leaders Use Technology
Article discusses the need to be forward thinking in business with regard to technology adoption. Lists characteristics of business leaders that understand the potential of technology to catapult efficiency. These are: (1) not afraid of change (2) capitalize on Cloud technology as time- and cost-saving resources, use mobile strategies, harness social media, integrate tablets, use telecommuting, understand online marketplaces, prioritize security, and automate marketing. Rating 2/10.
edtechmagazine.com edtechmagazine.com
Adult Learners Come to Campus with Unique Technology Needs
Technology presents change. As such, workers are returning to campuses to learn new skills. Higher ed settings can support these students by involving them in convos about technology adoption at an enterprise level, educating instructors on improved tech accessibility, and using technology as a problem-based solution. Rating 7/10.